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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |OT| We Asked For This


Junior Member
Still running around goofing off, but now I think I'm starting to "break" some of the quests before formally starting them. I randomly broke into an apartment and looted it, then later I found a note somewhere else leading me to a point of interest back at that apartment, and it just auto-completed the POI as soon as I entered. I'm pretty sure I've also done this for bigger quests I that haven't become available yet. One of the apartments I broke into contains computers belonging to a main story character. This might be the case with two apartments actually, I don't know yet. One of them at least appears connected to a significant side mission if not a main mission.

I'm starting to wonder why they didn't lock a shitload of the game off in the beginning hours. Still, this isn't as egregious as the exploration oversight I noticed in Assassin's Creed III where you can engage in some late-game features way before you're supposed to be able to.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's one of the most cyberpunk games in recent memory imo, more so than the first. No chinatown though.

The second half of the game is all at night.

Finished it today, i liked it quite a bit. It's not revolutionary but most systems from HR were quite a bit better here. The social aug was used better, the stealth was better and i felt you had a bit more options during the big missions. Your augs are more varied and they give you access to enough to have a lot of options without having everything.

The writing was OK, i think the side missions were excellent for the most part, the writing of the main story is merely adequate, there was definitely the potential for more. It's biggest minus is probably that it establishes a lot of extra context for a sequel that'll likely not come for years (if at all) and the whole aug oppression thing was a bit on the nose sometimes.

Really? I'm on Mission 12 and around 18 hours in, but I really am not feeling the cyberpunk vibe in this game. I've kind of been forcing myself through this one in 1 to 2 hour chunks every weekend or so, but I'm not really enjoying it that much. I'm finding the story setup to be really uninspired, and Prague to simply not be an intriguing or even believable location. The whole aug oppression thing isn't executed very well, either.

I more or less enjoy the minute-to-minute gameplay and the visuals are gorgeous, but the setting and story are really what make the Deus Ex games for me, and this one just isn't doing it for me, unfortunately.


Started my New Game + playthrough(initial playthrough was stealth/more non-lethal; now I'm playing louder/fully lethal) to play the sidemissions I missed(already finished now SM01 & SM02, still need to to SM06 and SM09) and it's really beyond me how this game only has a metascore of 83%.

To me this game is objectively great. The graphics are amazing(first time after Witcher 3 and EGTTR where I went "wow"), art direction is superb, characters and voice acting are good, story is good enough, the augmentations are fantastic, so many ways to solve every single mission/path, prague was recreated perfectly, the whole games' atmosphere is astounding, sidemissions and choices are very high-quality and INCREDIBLE amount and love of detail. If I was an Eidos Montreal employee I'd be incredibly frustrated by someone like GI with Andrew Reiner giving this a game a 7/10 when they basically shit out 9s for every other half-competent game.
The characters and story were a major disappointment for me. While I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game, a 7 or 8 can be perfectly justified.


The characters and story were a major disappointment for me. While I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game, a 7 or 8 can be perfectly justified.

An 8 yes, a 7 sorry but no (in this contex). Not in todays rating scale. This is simply bullshit, especcially considering this reviewers recent other reviews:

Batman Arkham VR - 7.5
Batman: Telltale Series EP2 9.0
Overcooked 8.25
Valley 7.5
Lego Star Wars 8.5
Might No. 9 9.0

This is simply an incompetent reviewer and/or to generate clicks, unless you want to tell me Deus Ex: MD is really worse than all those games. I can also understand a Jimquisition or EDGE 7/10 because those utilize the whole scale as well as not giving out hype ratings so often, but a GameInformer/Andrew Reiner 7/10 is a joke.
You're taking review scores too seriously. And 7 would never be a score to generate clicks unless it was the most hyped game ever up to launch but even then, I doubt it.


Really? I'm on Mission 12 and around 18 hours in, but I really am not feeling the cyberpunk vibe in this game. I've kind of been forcing myself through this one in 1 to 2 hour chunks every weekend or so, but I'm not really enjoying it that much. I'm finding the story setup to be really uninspired, and Prague to simply not be an intriguing or even believable location. The whole aug oppression thing isn't executed very well, either.

I more or less enjoy the minute-to-minute gameplay and the visuals are gorgeous, but the setting and story are really what make the Deus Ex games for me, and this one just isn't doing it for me, unfortunately.

I dunno, distopian society, people full of cybernetics, lot's of time spent in shitty parts of town or in sewers, conspiracies and all powerfull corporations.

The only thing that different from the norm here is that the main setting is an old european city like prague.

I agree that not all of it is executed super well but i felt common cyberpunk themes were more common and used more often in MD than HR. Especially in the sidequests.
Completed today, went no kill first time. Might do NG+ with killing.

Game felt unfinished, feel like there should have been more. I wish we had more augments to disturb people, etc.

Maybe I didn't discover enough paths but the Icarus system didn't prove that useful.


Completed today, went no kill first time. Might do NG+ with killing.

Game felt unfinished, feel like there should have been more. I wish we had more augments to disturb people, etc.

Maybe I didn't discover enough paths but the Icarus system didn't prove that useful.

The Icarus landing gear was useful to me because I could just jump down sewers and other high places without hurting myself. Icarus doesn't always kick in but that doesn't bother me.
Aaaaaaand done.

Loved it. Gameplay was sublime. Story was... OK, could have been better, more intricate and fleshed out, but the gameplay was amazing.

Full on stealth run (on Give me Deus Ex difficulty, 34 hrs total):


Goes along nicely with this ;)


I really hope we'll get another one in a couple of years. Maybe a full on bridge with Deus Ex. :)


Just finished my 2nd playthrough, man I love this game. Amazing how different some areas / arcs can turn out depending on your choices and playstayle.

How is the System Rift DLC? It seems incredibly overpriced. Has anyone played it? How long is it?


How is the System Rift DLC? It seems incredibly overpriced. Has anyone played it? How long is it?

On release, people said they played through it in like 4 hours, while taking their time.

I'm personally waiting for all DLC's to be released and think the DLC and Season Pass are overpriced anyways.


errr i hate choices -.-

allison or bank

Im pretty sure I already went to the bank earlier on and raided most of it.

But from what im reading,
bank is the better option, and i can save Miller with this option only


errr i hate choices -.-

allison or bank

Im pretty sure I already went to the bank earlier on and raided most of it.

But from what im reading,
bank is the better option, and i can save Miller with this option only

Without spoiling anything: go for the bank.


Finished. 57 hours, probably more like 50 if you take away loading times.

Enjoyed it but man the second half dragged on. Was a real slog to finish it, unlike HR which I breezed through.

Off to the spoiler thread I go.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Finished it at 27 hours. Did all of the side quests and was extremely thorough hacking and looting everything in every area.

Only weapons I ever used were the pistol (EMP) and tranquilizer rifle. Most of the time I was using the quick time knock out move.

I quickly picked up the ability to dismantle items for crafting parts. Looking back, I wish this wasn't in the game, because it encouraged me to pick up every single gun for dismantling. Unfortunately, due to limited inventory space, this meant I would pick up one gun, enter the inventory, dismantle, and then rinse and repeat for every bad guy I took out... and I took out all of them. On the bright side, this let me completely bypass the terrible hacking minigame, since I had a never ending supply of crafting materials to make multi tools (and biocells). Never really entered combat at all outside of the boss fight. Never really had a reason to spend money and had something like 35,000 credits by the end with tons of sellable materials.

For some reason the same play style in Human Revolution was a ton more enjoyable to me. Maybe it's just nostalgia and standards have changed, but this game was a pretty massive disappointment for me. I never felt interested in the setting of Prague at all. The whole aug racism thing just wasn't executed well and didn't feel meaningful, either. Finally, I didn't really ever fully buy into Jensen's motivation as a character working for Interpol in some eastern European shithole of a city.

To me, it felt as if the game ended abruptly right at what should have been the first of three acts, or at most the half-way point. It really wrapped up just as things were starting to get interesting with the overall story.

Oh well, I was so excited for this that I bought into the digital deluxe edition on GMG, so I have the season pass. Hopefully some of the DLC will deliver. I can only hope it doesn't take place in Prague. The mid-credits cutscene definitely has me intrigued for the story going forward.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's one of the DLC augmentations.

Wow, didn't realize it wasn't a default option. That's what I get for buying the Deluxe Edition.

If I felt the game had a compelling world and story, I would probably play through it again with a totally different play style, but I've got zero motivation to do that.


Yeah wtf, I was confused by that too. Never saw any ability to dismantle.

No problem though, I had virtually every skill by the end, spare Praxis, credits coming out of my ass and even more sellable Neuropyzine and other things. They were waaaaay too generous with all that stuff.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah wtf, I was confused by that too. Never saw any ability to dismantle.

No problem though, I had virtually every skill by the end, spare Praxis, credits coming out of my ass and even more sellable Neuropyzine and other things. They were waaaaay too generous with all that stuff.

Either they were way too generous with stuff or didn't provide enough incentive to spend money in the game.
Either they were way too generous with stuff or didn't provide enough incentive to spend money in the game.
Definitely the latter. I found myself collecting like, 20 credits at a time, maybe 100 or so at most, not selling Neuropozine because I thought someone might need it, but also not really collecting weapons to sell that often and was poor throughout the start, but at one point I suddenly found myself swimming in money. Even more so in NG+ when I realised that you only give away Neuropozine to like, four people. The other 20 bottles are all for you.


was able to snag a code for the game today for $25 (AMD promo)...overall I'm getting a sense from people that the game is decent but a bit disappointing as well...I wanted to play closer to $20 but I think $25 is a good deal


just beat the game.

Loved the hell out of it.


If i load my last save (which is right before the final battle). Will I lose my new game+ on the main menu?


just beat the game.

Loved the hell out of it.


If i load my last save (which is right before the final battle). Will I lose my new game+ on the main menu?

You shouldn't do, no - and if you beat the game again, you'll be prompted as to whether to overwrite your completion data for the purposes of any new NG+ playthrough that you might start.


I'm at the part where I need to choose between Allison and the bank... with light spoilers can anyone assist with which is the best to choose? I will only do this 1 Playthrough

I've raided the bank already and it seems logical to save Allison (human!) but I've seen online some mention of an antidote which I guess I might need later for my ghost run which I'm doing?

Thanks :)


I'm at the part where I need to choose between Allison and the bank... with light spoilers can anyone assist with which is the best to choose? I will only do this 1 Playthrough

I've raided the bank already and it seems logical to save Allison (human!) but I've seen online some mention of an antidote which I guess I might need later for my ghost run which I'm doing?

Thanks :)

The antidote is in the bank. You don't *need* it for anything, but someone will die without it.
Ok GAF I am about to start this. Pretty excited. For some reason I got this game when it came out and decided to play Dishonored (which I had played until chapter 3 a few years ago, but stopped for no good reason).

Two questions:
a) I need to ready myself for disappointment. Is the story horrible? Somewhat passable?
b) I always play these games full stealth. But I kind of feel like not doing it this time. Is it somewhat fulfilling to become a one-man killing machine, or is the game still geared towards stealth?
(unlike Dishonored, which I feel has a bit of an existential crisis given that the game is pushing into stealth's arms, but at the same time makes it paradoxically easier than going guns blazing, all the while making many powers combat related)

whatever happens I'll probably end up stealthing the whole thing I can't help myself

edit: also it that preorder DLC bullshit (assault pack, classic pack )- should I deactivate it? Is it going to make the game too easy?


I'm working on a new game+, just running around and seeing what I missed the first time out.

I think it's odd that the game lets you
find the plasticity calibrator or whatever it's called early, but if you go into the newspaper hideout, they're not there, and the info in the bank office isn't there either. Why one and not the others?

b) I always play these games full stealth. But I kind of feel like not doing it this time. Is it somewhat fulfilling to become a one-man killing machine, or is the game still geared towards stealth?
(unlike Dishonored, which I feel has a bit of an existential crisis given that the game is pushing into stealth's arms, but at the same time makes it paradoxically easier than going guns blazing, all the while making many powers combat related)

I don't know that you can play it guns blazing, at least not until you get some upgrades to health and armor? I played stealth so I can't say, but it does seem that Jensen is highly allergic to bullets.
I'm working on a new game+, just running around and seeing what I missed the first time out.

I think it's odd that the game lets you
find the plasticity calibrator or whatever it's called early, but if you go into the newspaper hideout, they're not there, and the info in the bank office isn't there either. Why one and not the others?

I don't know that you can play it guns blazing, at least not until you get some upgrades to health and armor? I played stealth so I can't say, but it does seem that Jensen is highly allergic to bullets.
Well maybe not gun blazing, but at least I won't be hippy Jensen that insists on eating food so I can punch ppl in the face . Those mofos are either getting stabbed or shot with silencers. And this time around I'll use the typhoon


Elden Member
how long are most people's first time playthroughs?...meaning most (or all) of the side missions and lots of exploration

I did EVERYTHING the first playthough, went through areas with a fine tooth comb, 100% no kill full stealth and re-entered areas to see the alternate routes I could have taken. Total was 57 hours.

In comparison the original HR took me 55 hours (with missing link) playing the exact same way.

Both games make me feel like I got my money's worth.
I loved HR it's one of my favorite games from last-gen but was disappointed this game seemed to kill all of the cyberpunk stuff from there (based on what I've seen). Everything is daylight/outdoors with no neon lights no chinatown-type city etc. Is any of that in this game and just not shown in gameplay demonstrations?
Really? I'm on Mission 12 and around 18 hours in, but I really am not feeling the cyberpunk vibe in this game. I've kind of been forcing myself through this one in 1 to 2 hour chunks every weekend or so, but I'm not really enjoying it that much. I'm finding the story setup to be really uninspired, and Prague to simply not be an intriguing or even believable location. The whole aug oppression thing isn't executed very well, either.
I felt the same way... especially first half of the game, it felt much less Blade Runner and more Children of Men.

Less night and neon, more sterilized white and blue hospital light... where HR was an inspiring and exciting renaissance, MD is an depressing oppressive dystopia.

That said, I still love the game and within that different setting, Prague is incredibly crafted, and for whatever debate (consensus) its story has, I think the plot foundation it sets is still awesome. And, both Prague and Utulek give Novigrad, Los Santos, and Stormwind a run for the money for the most impressively crafted cities around (each has a different strength, MD's being just the unrivaled content-per-explorable-square-foot or otherwise content density that is has).

So I definitely agree with its different setting and mood, though I don't see it as a negative in any way. Just different. I still much prefer HR's for subjective reasons but Prague is like Detroit and Utulek like Hengsha on steroids (or, on augs, if you will).


Yeah, just finished it over the last week and fell in love with the game. The sidequests were ace and the
murder one where the witness is the killer was great. Went pacifist and talked her out of it, but also went commando on her after a reload just for kicks.

I've got a huge backlog and I'm even thinking of starting again, and see if I can score Foxiest, good thing Pacifist did unlock the first time around though.
Maybe 5-6 hours in and this is a great game.
Two gripes:
- it won't even display (let alone let me grab) my praxis kit for finishing deus ex go! Super minor but for some reason it's really annoying me. The accounts are linked, but for some reason it's not groking it, probably because Square-Enix members is an incredibly poorly designed piece of shit.

- The augs=minorities theme is incredibly heavy-handed and seems very artificial. The fact that augmentations are so visible seems very contrived, and presumably in this world augs should be incredibly wealthy people (even though for some reason it seems like as random a decision as getting a tattoo), so incident or no incident, the rich would have taken their money and retired in ultra-protected aug gated communities and told the non-augs to fuck off. In general the game play is solid, but the themes the deus ex reboot is trying to go far seems badly developed and poorly hanging together.


Maybe 5-6 hours in and this is a great game.
Two gripes:
- it won't even display (let alone let me grab) my praxis kit for finishing deus ex go! Super minor but for some reason it's really annoying me. The accounts are linked, but for some reason it's not groking it, probably because Square-Enix members is an incredibly poorly designed piece of shit.

- The augs=minorities theme is incredibly heavy-handed and seems very artificial. The fact that augmentations are so visible seems very contrived, and presumably in this world augs should be incredibly wealthy people (even though for some reason it seems like as random a decision as getting a tattoo), so incident or no incident, the rich would have taken their money and retired in ultra-protected aug gated communities and told the non-augs to fuck off. In general the game play is solid, but the themes the deus ex reboot is trying to go far seems badly developed and poorly hanging together.

Yep, the aug/natural division theme felt half-assed, I feel like Mary deMarle and her team (6 other people I believe) made a big mistake with Mankind Divided on that front. Just because Gunther and Anna had visible augs, doesn't mean everyone should. The next game should hopefully deal with how the world gets more gritty and less stylish by the time of Deus Ex 1. I'd like to see more of a focus on the themes of poverty, surveillence and terrorism/counter-terrorism. And the NSF totally should feature.

The guy in charge of the side quests should write for the main story, I forgot his name though.
I'm playing the PC version and had a case where one of the NPC's were invisible/missing (but still talking to me). Should I be worried that my save is corrupt, or are these issues just part of the experience?


The bug where the game would crash when travelling between the two city parts was supposed to be fixed right?

I'm on the martial law mission now and every time I try to get back the the other side it crashes. I'm on PS4 btw.


I don't get why they are still creating new Breach content. The mode is barely being played by anyone.

They just need to take a look at the Achievement Rarity now that it's also a thing on Xbox One. All of the Breach achievements are sitting at "1% of gamers unlocked this".
I think for the next Deus Ex game, sidequests should unlock special augments as their reward rather than just providing experience. It'd lend a better structure to those multi-chapter quests.

It'd also be a good way to sell DLC quests (though those really should be integrated into the main campaign instead of played as wholly separate stories), so there's a business incentive there too.
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