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Dyack: "NeoGAF...I would say is probably the worst forum." Response.

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Union Carbine said:
At this point, the disruption is all the threads about him by GAFers that's the disruption. As for the second part, he isn't being banned for that, he's being banned for this, so whether the former was bannable is irrelevant. He's being banned for daring to say bad things about the GAF. Meanwhile, at the GAF, sit multiple threads all mostly about bad things about him and his game.

So by your way of thinking, if i called you an idiot, i'm supposed to have inmunity because i'm entitled to have my own opinion of you, and you can't do anything about it.

See the problem there? Dyack has trolled publicy the entire of NeoGAF, so i think EviLore feels he should make public his posture in this whole debacle, and his decision.

You know, the forums is his own (i think) and he's a admin , he's entitled to do whatever he wants. If you don't like it, feel free to leave. That's the way a forum works.


EviLore said:
As sad as several of your coworkers sitting in silence on 1up Yours for an hour of one-sided Dyack tripe, too dumbfounded to provide any sort of critical examination of his points? Hopefully not as sad as that, because then I'd be pretty embarrassed.

GOD DAMN :lol :lol


GhaleonEB said:

I think Evilore/GAF won this round. And all subsequent rounds, actually.
Winning against Dyack is kind of like winning the Special Olympics though.

Dr. Zoidberg said:
THIS. I'm tired of this whole thing. Taking his bait and posting about it is simply stroking his ego. I wish we'd all just grow up, ignore him, and move on...but "this is NeoGAF, Dude!" etc. etc. <sigh>


One guy has already made a bunch of games. The other guy's biggest accomplishment is being the police commissioner of a nerd forum. Who's the bigger loser?



Perdew said:
It was more than just negative criticism. He's a huge disruption to the board and wasn't really adding anything, all the while publicly attacking the board. If he wasn't a dev you wouldn't think twice about him being banned for something like the 'for or against' thread.

Yes, but a lot of people shitting on Too Human pre-demo would have been banned were it almost any other game. It became almost expected of a gaffer to bash Too Human here at one point. I'm hardly saying that means GAF is some terrible forum (far from it), but simply that this situation goes both ways.

Dyack was also directly contributing to the Too Human thread quite recently and answering questions. How many other devs here do that (I'm not saying no others do, but it can't be very many)?


We can't keep everyone happy, but perhaps we'd have fewer arguments if this thread had been

"Dyack has been banned for his past comments." in a pre-locked thread.

Don't get me wrong. I think this thread is hilarious. But then again, I like drama.


Batteries the CRISIS!
EviLore said:
As sad as several of your coworkers sitting in silence on 1up Yours for an hour of one-sided Dyack tripe, too dumbfounded to provide any sort of critical examination of his points? Hopefully not as sad as that, because then I'd be pretty embarrassed.

holy shit dude, don't lay down the gauntlet on the entire industry or anything.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
What's funny is that all this drama makes me want to try Too Human, which I would have avoided. But all that happened makes me want to at least see for myself. So Dyack, GAF gave your game one rental at least. :lol
This thread

Pedobear said:
The man is a twat. He needs to admit that his game is bullshit. It doesn't matter how long you worked on it. A shit game is a shit game. It's too bad he's banned because I would have loved to see him spearhead a crappy movement to defend the game on here or some shit like this. He would have done so, I am sure.

How many multi-million dollar games have you made?

BrokenSymmetry said:
I don't see how saying that "NeoGaf is probably the worst forum" is any reason to ban someone. We expect Denis Dyack to deal correctly with all the criticism he gets, so shouldn't NeoGAF and its moderators do the same when they receive criticism?



Z3F said:
One guy has already made a bunch of games. The other guy's biggest accomplishment is being the police commissioner of a nerd forum. Who's the bigger loser?



you might get banned though


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I kinda like DD, but thise time he really fucked up... why couldn`t he just stfu and put more work in too human instead on pushing his "neogaf is evil" agenda... ?


Baconmonk said:
Pity because when you see him talk about the game, he honestly cares, its like people insulting his game is like someone insulting their kid's ability to play tee ball.

I agree with Dyack that GAF was way too hard on the game when it was originally shown. The amount of ridicule for that early demonstration was mind boggling, I've never seen such a level of bandwagoning in my life. Especially coming from GAF, home of the "oh well, [game] is in early alpha stages, its bound to get better" fanboy-excuse.

With thread after thread, for a game none of you knew absolutely nothing about, yet still continued to ruthlessly attack it. I appreciated those who kept it civil in his challenge thread and opted to reserve judgement for the demo.

But what happens when the shots started to fire from the other side? You can't commend him on the personal attacks, of course - but what about you guys, you're somehow better? I don't know exactly what he means by titling GAF as the worst of the worst, but with some of the comments I've seen some of you post, I'd agree its a worst-kinda-something atleast.

And what really came of it? Some of you liked the gameplay, some of you hated it. OKAY, end of the motherfucking drama already and go play a game you do like?


Union Carbine said:

You decided to ignore the option for real terms for your pointless tag bet, so with the majority of reviews condemning your magnum opus to mediocrity I'll claim a suitable prize by telling you to get the hell off NeoGAF.

Not reading the OP is bannable, btw.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Duke Togo said:
LOL @ all the "this is so childish" posts. This man talked a big game, shat on the forum, and failed to deliver a game worthy of purchase. I support this banning 100%.

Well said.
Dr. Zoidberg said:
THIS. I'm tired of this whole thing. Taking his bait and posting about it is simply stroking his ego. I wish we'd all just grow up, ignore him, and move on...but "this is NeoGAF, Dude!" etc. etc. <sigh>

It's like when white rappers only go after other white rappers. GAF>NeoGAF :(


I'm only sad for one side of this debate.

I don't think 'the NeoGAF' has anything in particular they need to apologize for.

If someone is butt hurt that their game is being picked apart, they can't demand that any and all dissenting opinions are banned. The mods made sure that the threads were free of personal insults against the person, but there is no reason why people can't voice their opinion on what we've seen of the product.

It's not like this is a "hate dyack" forum. We talk about a lot of stuff here. But Dyack is focusing a lot of energy on this forum and in the end it appears obsessive and childish.

It's unfortunate, because I've heard Dyack speak at GDC and I think he has a lot of good ideas, but unfortunately they haven't ever come together for him.
Vorador said:
So by your way of thinking, if i called you an idiot, i'm supposed to have inmunity because i'm entitled to have my own opinion of you, and you can't do anything about it.

See the problem there? Dyack has trolled publicy the entire of NeoGAF, so i think EviLore feels he should make public his posture in this whole debacle, and his decision.

You know, the forums is his own (i think) and he's a admin , he's entitled to do whatever he wants. If you don't like it, feel free to leave. That's the way a forum works.
Can't do anything? Who said that? He can do anything he wants. That doesn't make it right. Of course, it's his. He can and did do whatever he wants. That makes it okay?

Funny thing about that word... you know, "forum". Funny.

Anyhoo, I've said my piece. On to other threads!
EviLore said:
As sad as several of your coworkers sitting in silence on 1up Yours for an hour of one-sided Dyack tripe, too dumbfounded to provide any sort of critical examination of his points? Hopefully not as sad as that, because then I'd be pretty embarrassed.
Oh wow. :lol
Denis - it's ok. Don't get too upset.
I mean, sure - you were banned by the worst gaming forum on the net, but that doesn't mean that your game is getting panned by critics- right? ...Oh, I just did a quick check on metacritic - i guess your game is getting panned... you know - I bet Gamefaqs would take you in... remember - they really like candy there!


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
LCfiner said:
It's for his own good. And, dare I say, the good of his company.

This couldn't be truer. I think the man needs to stop going after NeoGaf and focus on the failures of Too Human so he doesn't make the same mistakes again. For all his book smarts, he seems lack humility and the ability to objectively take criticism. I think he's fallen victim to his own intellect to be honest. I think he believes he's very smart, people have told him he's very smart, and so he isn't listening to other people when his ideas aren't the best. For instance the level up system in too human. What's the point of leveling up if all of the enemies level up with you? I'm sure many people within SK tried to change this very bad design decision, and Denis had some reason why his idea was best, and wouldn't listen to reason. That just my speculation on many of the bad design choices in Too Human.

Denis, look at this ban as a good thing. You need to stay off of forums and focus on gaming, or go into another line of work, like writing books or philosophizing. But whatever you do, stop taking the bait man.


Junior Member
EviLore said:
As sad as several of your coworkers sitting in silence on 1up Yours for an hour of one-sided Dyack tripe, too dumbfounded to provide any sort of critical examination of his points? Hopefully not as sad as that, because then I'd be pretty embarrassed.
Wow, this thread just actually became interesting!


force push the doodoo rock
Solideliquid said:
How many multi-million dollar games have you made?


I think it's one thing to come here and say "I hate Neogaf" (then why are you posting here?) and it's another to go all over the media talking all sorts of shit.


The Innocent X said:
Hey Evilore, maybe you should ban skip as well. HE DEFIED TEH GAF
Dyack has been an embarrassment to the entire human race with his "holier than thou, I AM RIGHT" attitude. And... you just got banned, awesome :lol


Vorador said:
So by your way of thinking, if i called you an idiot, i'm supposed to have inmunity because i'm entitled to have my own opinion of you, and you can't do anything about it.

See the problem there? Dyack has trolled publicy the entire of NeoGAF, so i think EviLore feels he should make public his posture in this whole debacle, and his decision.

You know, the forums is his own (i think) and he's a admin , he's entitled to do whatever he wants. If you don't like it, feel free to leave. That's the way a forum works.

I think that personal insults are not the same as saying bad or good. DD had to take personal insults from people here that just wanted to troll him for free. Criticism is well received, insults are not.

Hey 1up, you are next. Prepare yourselves.



I say let him stay. Lord knows we've got posters that are way more annoying saying things that are way dumber than anything Dyack has said or done and they don't get banned.

And to Mr. Dyack, who is most certainly reading this thread?

You're doing it wrong.

I mean, yeah, a lot of posters on NeoGAF say some dumb stuff, and there's a tendency to hate on games beforehand, but you bring a lot of this on yourself by taking the bait the trolls lay out and taking what posters say too seriously. I GUARANTEE you that if you had just let things go and not done stupid "social experiments" like the infamous "FOR OR AGAINST" post, you would've been way better off.

All you ever had to say was, "Don't hate the game before you play it. If you play it and don't like it, that's fine; but I hope you do like it because I put a lot of work into it and I think it is fun to play." And you could have LEFT IT THERE, taken the high road and ignored the trolls, and avoided getting anywhere near Derek Smart levels of ridiculousness and internet rage. (You're still not at Smart's level of stupidity, though, as much as some would like to make the comparison.)

Instead you poured gasoline on the fire and made doctoral theses on how shocking it was that it burned more.

I don't have anything to say about your game. I don't know whether it's good or not because I've never played it, since the only current gen console I own is the Wii. I know you've put a lot of time into it, apparently, so it means a lot to you when somebody trashes it, but you need to be confident enough in your own work that it doesn't matter what people say about it, instead of flying into an intellectual rage and trying to get dissenting voices shut down.

In other words, relax a little, man. And for further reading I would suggest that you take a look at John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.

To NeoGAF: You're not helping, either.


This is why I love gaf :lol

Sure it may be slightly childish but not nearly as childish as the antics of Denis Dyack :lol
Cheers to Dyack for the epic amount of laughs he and his amazingly mediocre game have provided me with.


I would have actually preferred if he'd just been banned quietly, but then he'd have fucked that up by going on some online show and whining about it or having an interview with a site somewhere. Might as well be public about it up-front.

Besides, this whole 1up fight might actually be entertaining.

*goes to get popcorn*
EviLore said:
As sad as several of your coworkers sitting in silence on 1up Yours for an hour of one-sided Dyack tripe, too dumbfounded to provide any sort of critical examination of his points? Hopefully not as sad as that, because then I'd be pretty embarrassed.

I know you're annoyed, man, but I don't think we need to burn any bridges.
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