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Far Cry 4 |OT| Welcome to Kyrat


I am about 40% in,according to the save screen but I still have only 4 bars of health...what do I need to do to get 6...? I hope its not the Amita quest I tried earlier because it seems impossible(stupid thing on a timer,god I hate timers in game)...I have 9 out of 17 tower done and basically all of the South stuff,now starting on the middle part...I hope its not from Shangri-la either,I hate that place.(Tiger is cool but it's hard)
I remember getting 6 health bars quite late in the game. Look around for the plants that heal (2 for 1), and buy the healing shots every time you are in the market/safehouse store. Keep doing side quests to get skill points as this makes the game much easier.



Request for a bit of help if I may please Far Cry GAF :)

Any chance of anyone with the xbox one version assisting me on the two co-op achievements below?, I'll return the favour and help out also if need be.

Brother In Arms
Liberate 1 Outpost playing as Hurk (Campaign Co-op only).

Changing Lanes
Perform a Vehicle Takedown from the passenger seat of a vehicle (Campaign Co-op only).

Many thanks, my gamertag is Danowat32


I remember getting 6 health bars quite late in the game. Look around for the plants that heal (2 for 1), and buy the healing shots every time you are in the market/safehouse store. Keep doing side quests to get skill points as this makes the game much easier.


Ah ok thanks...well the only quest I have left now is the one with Amita,called Sleeping Saints(I mean the quests with either Sabal,Hurk,Longinus etc etc) and I keep failing that one...and you actually can not get all the skills unless you do missions or specific tasks in this one...? dont recall FC3 being like that... I have 5 points but I am blocked in learning them...I should of done a without getting detected Fortress when I had some easy one left(missing one for the skill).

And some of the without being detected sidequest are frustrating hard,like those defuse bombs one...I think its time to start Dying Light.


And some of the without being detected sidequest are frustrating hard,like those defuse bombs one...I think its time to start Dying Light.

Just get a silenced sniper rifle, camp in a bush and pick the enemies off from a distance, it's a piece of cake if you do this.


I am about 40% in,according to the save screen but I still have only 4 bars of health...what do I need to do to get 6...? I hope its not the Amita quest I tried earlier because it seems impossible(stupid thing on a timer,god I hate timers in game)...I have 9 out of 17 tower done and basically all of the South stuff,now starting on the middle part...I hope its not from Shangri-la either,I hate that place.(Tiger is cool but it's hard)

I think the skill to get 6 bars of health is locked until you have done the mission "Keys to the North"

Look in your skills menu and it will tell you (think it's on the Elephant side).


Unconfirmed Member
Just one more trophy to go. I need Changing lanes and i'll get the platinum.


Neo Member
Has anyone experienced a problem in coop (I'm on PC) where if you either start the coop session or fast travel to a very specific hideout in the north part of the map, the person playing hurk spawns with a black screen and screaming. The host just sees hurk lying face down on the floor.

So far it has happened to me every time we've spawned there and fixes itself when we go to another location. It was just weird cause hurk was yelling really damn loud and it was 3am. I think he spawns on top of a basket and it most likely messes with his normal vector so something strange happens.
Has anyone else had loading issues on the Xbone since the last patch? I'd say one out of every 10 times I load my game it'll stall at the end of bar on the loading screen until I press the Home button on my controller, and now I had it just hang entirely at the main menu while giving me the "Could not connect to server" error.


Can anyone tell me how much do I have left before beating the game?

I just finished the last Willis mission, and woke up in Pagan Min's prison in the mountain.
Haven't played this in a few weeks but..

When can I
buy my own house and put a gyrocopter outside?
is it after doing the Yogi missions?


Can anyone tell me how much do I have left before beating the game?

I just finished the last Willis mission, and woke up in Pagan Min's prison in the mountain.

You're close to unlocking the northern part of Kyrat.

...yes, there is a second map.

Haven't played this in a few weeks but..

When can I
buy my own house and put a gyrocopter outside?
is it after doing the Yogi missions?

After the first or second Yogi mission.
did they just recently add the ability to turn off auto-marking with the camera? it wasn't in the options when i first started tinkering with the game and i looked all over for a way to turn off auto-marking with the camera, i could have really used that feature about 50 hours ago


Anyone else on PC use this little tweak?

Change DisableLoadingMip0="0" to DisableLoadingMip0="1" and change GPUMaxBufferedFrames="0" to GPUMaxBufferedFrames="1".

The textures definitely take a hit, but the game runs so much smoother. It's like night and day.


Fuck this Payback,kalingar or whatever he is called fight...such bad design,take away everything I have fought for for 50 hours and leave me with a freakin bow,with those awful slow ass heals,because of the overly long animations,same with put out fire on yourself and throw in tigers and archers etc etc...and of course even though I had checkpoints,now that I had to close the game,I will have to start from the beginning to try this bullshit fight again...
Been playing FC4 on PS4 for about a week and 1/2 and am just under 50% completion. My feelings on it are (predictably) much like how I felt playing through FC3. The concept and vibe are killer, but the execution is seriously flawed.

PLUSES: Visually and sonically, the game is gorgeous. The sandbox and opportunities for experimentation and tailoring the gameplay to "your style" are outstanding. The weapon/item variety and general XP progression system are fun and satisfying.

MINUSES: There are a lot of semi-broken mechanics and nearly constant trial and error throughout the game. The player animations are slow and awkward, leaving you vulnerable and exposed to danger when you most need that twitch response ability. The wingsuit's functionality/usefulness is an absolute joke, unless you're at ultra-high elevations with sheer drop-offs. As a result, the hang glider is also functionally useless, unless you bail over a body of water. In FC3, water was (obviously) never an issue...FC4's water accessibility is much more limited. After dying twice attempting to use the hang glider/wing suit, I just carefully slide down most cliffs now, ignoring those "tools" altogether. Also, the "Death From Below" perk? After almost 25 hours playing, I've yet to successfully execute it, despite numerous instances going out of my way to hide underneath climbable ledges, right below enemies. The AI is ridiculous; I'd say on the verge of being prescient. Don't get me wrong- realistic AI awareness and behavior is great...but downing a guard silently with an arrow to the head from thick cover, only for another guard 20 yards away to spot his body and immediately sound the alarm for reinforcements, which arrive 10 seconds afterward?! Come on now...The checkpoint/spawn system is ridiculous- trying to get to a destination, dying, and then respawning WAY back at an inconvenient outpost (often multiple times) gets really tedious. Finally, the 'dynamic events'...EVERY time I leave an outpost/safe house to set out on a mission, I'm inevitably radioed within seconds that I need to come back and rescue them from hostile intruders...every. single. time. And those dhole packs...you can pretty much count on your 'stealthy outpost reconnaissance' being ruined by those pesky a**holes 9 out of 10 times. And not just three or four dogs! One time I literally had to take out a pack of SIX at once.

Just like with FC3, I'm going to see this game to its conclusion and mess around with the online multiplayer a bit- I'm definitely enjoying aspects of the experience. However, the game trips over its own feet left and right, which is a major bummer and immersion killer.

Right now, having completed about half the game, I give the single player a 6.75 out of 10.
The wingsuit's functionality/usefulness is an absolute joke, unless you're at ultra-high elevations with sheer drop-offs. As a result, the hang glider is also functionally useless, unless you bail over a body of water.
Never had a problem with this. You know you can hit x for the parachute well before it prompts you? And unlike FC3 the glider auto lands you safely.

Also, the "Death From Below" perk? After almost 25 hours playing, I've yet to successfully execute it, despite numerous instances going out of my way to hide underneath climbable ledges, right below enemies.
I'm not sure what you mean. Are you talking about the trophy/achievement "Death From Above"? You have to drop from the buzzer to a vehicle, not a human. I dont quite recall having to earn a perk by killing someone from below.

.EVERY time I leave an outpost/safe house to set out on a mission, I'm inevitably radioed within seconds that I need to come back and rescue them from hostile intruders...every. single. time.
This is optional.

And those dhole packs...you can pretty much count on your 'stealthy outpost reconnaissance' being ruined by those pesky a**holes 9 out of 10 times. And not just three or four dogs! One time I literally had to take out a pack of SIX at once.
I agree with you here. The encounter rate from predators is a little too high. If you go anywhere on foot expect to be attacked multiple times. Especially by eagles. Those bastards are fucking ridiculous.


Finally beat that Payback story mission,man that was annoying lol...now I can go on...and it took me about 1 hour,to do an undetected medium difficulty Fortress lol...I wanted to get it for the last 2 skills on the orange side...now all I need is the skill on the Elephant side that involves the Arena,which I never went back into after the first time you go in there for the story.
Never had a problem with this. You know you can hit x for the parachute well before it prompts you? And unlike FC3 the glider auto lands you safely.

Getting the parachute to deploy isn't the issue for me (I've successfully done so a handful of times); it's getting the darned wing suit to deploy with 'L3' in the first place...again, unless you're at a ridiculously high elevation with a sheer vertical drop off, you inevitably fall to an instant death, without even having the chance to deploy the wing suit, despite the frantic 'L3' prompts from the game. To be fair, I was not aware that the glider auto lands you in FC4- I assumed you had to bail from an 'appropriate' height. Good to know!

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you talking about the trophy/achievement "Death From Above"? You have to drop from the buzzer to a vehicle, not a human. I dont quite recall having to earn a perk by killing someone from below.

I'm not talking about trophies, I'm talking about the basic functionality of the "Death From Below" ability (shouldn't have used the word perk) you unlock on the left (Tiger) Skill Tree. Supposedly, by standing underneath one or two enemies from right below a climbable ledge, you can dispatch them with a click of 'R3', once prompted. However, it has never worked for me. I've been in numerous scenarios that seemed ideal; but either the 'R3' prompt flashed and was gone within a split second, or it never triggered to begin with, despite the criteria being met to execute the move, as mentioned above.

This is optional.

I understand that it's optional...but being thorough and a completionist by nature, I feel compelled to turn around and take care of business every time it happens (and to get the high kill ratio XP and the cash payout). My own fault for being overly compelled to complete them, I guess...


I have a season pass code for this, on ps4
PM me if you like the game and want to try the DLC packs
DO NOT PM me if you don't plan on playing the DLC and just want free stuff

edit : its gone!


Any one else having the same issue as me?

I launch the game and all the logos and stuff up to the point you get to the menu is fine, but then the menu is cut in half, its halfway through to right side of the screen

I had played some of the game and it was fine and got this problem out of nowhere, thought it was a problem that would be patched but its been a long time since I last played it and still the same thing..


Unconfirmed Member
Co-op matchmaking sucks. Sit looking at the matchmaking screen for about 5 mins and then it says could not connect.


Really nice sale for this game on PSN right now. $36 with Plus. Really looking forward to jumping in.

Quick question. The uPlay pistol seems really good. It is pretty much worth always using this weapon in your loadouts?
Really nice sale for this game on PSN right now. $36 with Plus. Really looking forward to jumping in.

Quick question. The uPlay pistol seems really good. It is pretty much worth always using this weapon in your loadouts?
I used this pistal for much of the game. I only dropped it when I was carrying a bunch of unlocked Signature weapons (I cannot remember what the game calls these weapons). Eventually I had signature assault rifle, signature sniper, a rocket launcher, and a one handed grenade launcher - this weapon with a buzzer is so much fun!

Just finished Far Cry 4. I dont understand why the ending I got
is the "bad" ending. I restored the country to how it was, the people are in charge again, I've elminated most drug manufacturing, and a ruthless, homicidal dictator is dead.
Is anyone available real quick to let me join co-op and take an oupost? Its the last thing I need to do to get a platinum.

EDIT: Disregard - got it! Wheee!


So how are rhinos killed, do i need a nuke or something ?, because i just pumped every round from 2 auto rifles, 2 nades and 3 molotov's, and nothing...didnt bother even taking out the handgun. man all this hunting, skinning and crafting is some tedious shit at the beginning. loot bag fills up quick, go to a store to offload loot, but my wallets full so i cant sell anything. lol, i should of bought evolve instead!!!!, thank god for the map editor atleast.


So how are rhinos killed, do i need a nuke or something ?, because i just pumped every round from 2 auto rifles, 2 nades and 3 molotov's, and nothing...didnt bother even taking out the handgun. man all this hunting, skinning and crafting is some tedious shit at the beginning. loot bag fills up quick, go to a store to offload loot, but my wallets full so i cant sell anything. lol, i should of bought evolve instead!!!!, thank god for the map editor atleast.

PKM, aim for head. Does wonders! Also run away, or they will kill you.


PKM, aim for head. Does wonders! Also run away, or they will kill you.

Ok, will try that,
I stood at the edge of a lake, in the water where he couldn't reach me at one point, and unloaded a full clip right into its face. (this was after already emptying my assault rifle completely into its body, along with nades and molotovs) i just gave up when the second automatic was empty, switched to handgun and gtfo. Their tough bastards!
As for all the extra cash, start buying stuff. You can buy lots of maps, weapons, signature weapons, various upgrades. Money becomes a real non issue until you get your house and some of those upgrades are expensive.

The rhino skins are needed for the wallet but once I was done with that I no longer gave rhinos a second look - just a wide birth.

The first time I hunted a rhino I was like "no prob, I'll stand behind this car and shoot over the hood". Yeah, that didn't work out too well. I ended up a Ghale pancake.
Drives me fucking insane how the camera will periodically just refuse to zoom (PC), I have to restart the game about once every 30 minutes because of that. Not to mention the Shift button frequently bringing up the Steam overlay as if I'm hitting Shift-Tab.
I got a question about the game, and the series in general. Tried searching, but did not find anything. Sorry if this has already been discussed
to death.

I have no experience on the series, but I have been eyeing FC 4 and waiting for it to hit a good enough sale on PS4. The game looks like it's a lot of fun. There is one thing though.

The killing of the animals. Is it in any way possible to play this game without killing animals?

I know it's silly I feel bad about killing wildlife while gunning down huge numbers of people without remorse, but that's what more than two decades of violent games and other media do to you. :)

Also, I'm not really looking for a debate, just want some info on this matter as someone who stopped playing Hotline Miami because killing dogs felt bad.


So there's pretty much no chance of getting the Battle for Kyrat trophy/achievement with all the host migration connection issues, right? I've tried seven matches today and got kicked out of them all.
I got a question about the game, and the series in general. Tried searching, but did not find anything. Sorry if this has already been discussed
to death.

I have no experience on the series, but I have been eyeing FC 4 and waiting for it to hit a good enough sale on PS4. The game looks like it's a lot of fun. There is one thing though.

The killing of the animals. Is it in any way possible to play this game without killing animals?

I know it's silly I feel bad about killing wildlife while gunning down huge numbers of people without remorse, but that's what more than two decades of violent games and other media do to you. :)

Also, I'm not really looking for a debate, just want some info on this matter as someone who stopped playing Hotline Miami because killing dogs felt bad.
You can get by without actively having to hunt but its an inevitability that you'll be attacked by predators and will need to protect yourself. Also, hunting is super beneficial and you'll more or less be gimped if you don't do it. Its possible though.


You can get by without actively having to hunt but its an inevitability that you'll be attacked by predators and will need to protect yourself. Also, hunting is super beneficial and you'll more or less be gimped if you don't do it. Its possible though.

One of the first missions is to take care of a den of wolves.

Playing the game without killing animals is literally impossible.
Thanks for the information. I suppose I'll wait until I find it somewhere really really cheap so that if I end up not wanting to play, it will not be a huge loss.


Playing on PS4. I just realized Longinus missions haven't popped up for me at all (just finished key to the north). I went back and bought all the maps to the south then got the alert saying Longinus missions are available, but nothing on the map. Checked filters and nothing isn't checked.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Thanks for the information. I suppose I'll wait until I find it somewhere really really cheap so that if I end up not wanting to play, it will not be a huge loss.

There are some missions that require you to kill animals, but aside from those, if you play on PC you could probably use a trainer to give yourself all the stuff you would unlock through hunting.


well not really...yet
Just started playing this again since it came out, takes longer to get into than Far Cry 3 imo, but im hooked right now. Way too much shit to do though. I think this might be the most side missions that Ubi has ever stuffed into a game.


Playing on PS4. I just realized Longinus missions haven't popped up for me at all (just finished key to the north). I went back and bought all the maps to the south then got the alert saying Longinus missions are available, but nothing on the map. Checked filters and nothing isn't checked.

I had this as well, you have to do some more story missions i guess that's what I did. Also if you are going for platinum do the royal cargo missions before taking all the bases, I have no more trucks after taking all bases, apparently you can reset the outposts from the main menu?
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