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Far Cry 4 |OT| Welcome to Kyrat

Picked this game up when it was on sale a couple of weeks ago on the Xbone, usually I avoid Ubisoft games but for some reason I'm enjoying this, I really like the sandbox and the setting. Upgrading equipment is tedious but other than that I'm having fun


Really struggling early on in this game (first far cry).
Play stealth and I fail.
All out attack and I fail.



Replaying the game on the PS4. Everyone is a dick.

I do like how both sides are so fucked up, you end up rooting for Min.
Really struggling early on in this game (first far cry).
Play stealth and I fail.
All out attack and I fail.

Once you understand the mechanics of the stealth system, the game gets easier. You have to do a good recognizance around each outpost and fortress first. Highlight all the guards, dogs, and most importantly the alarms. All alarms need to be neutralized first - find the alarm pole (has speakers and a yellow light), at the base of the pole is a yellow box - shoot this with an arrow or a silent weapon. Outposts difficulty levels are measured by the number of alarms:eek:ne; two; three; or four in a fortress. If you screw up and set off the alarm, let the guards kill you and start over.

I never found taking an outpost or fortress easy but I certainly enjoyed it.

Really struggling early on in this game (first far cry).
Play stealth and I fail.
All out attack and I fail.


Using your bow and arrow a lot (I recommend using your first bits of money on the upgraded bow with the enhanced site) and injecting yourself with the hunting syringe come in handy. If you don't have any hunting syringes make sure to do a lot of tagging with your camera. Throwing bait into the middle of a camp can be pretty effective and shooting cage doors off of any captured animals crates works well too.
Got massive burnout on this game, I do it all the time, massive open world and I get lost in side missions , collectables and eventually just get turned off from playing, this one seems even worse then farcry 3 for collectables, no idea why I fall for it every time .i had the same problem with ac unity where I have to force myself to finish it.

I just need to focus on the main missions and power my way through it, for example I have only just unlocked my family home yet I have already unlocked every tower and every base and tons of collectables along the way,


Once you understand the mechanics of the stealth system, the game gets easier. You have to do a good recognizance around each outpost and fortress first. Highlight all the guards, dogs, and most importantly the alarms. All alarms need to be neutralized first - find the alarm pole (has speakers and a yellow light), at the base of the pole is a yellow box - shoot this with an arrow or a silent weapon. Outposts difficulty levels are measured by the number of alarms:eek:ne; two; three; or four in a fortress. If you screw up and set off the alarm, let the guards kill you and start over.

I never found taking an outpost or fortress easy but I certainly enjoyed it.


Didn't even know neutralizing alarms was possible. Thanks!


Got massive burnout on this game, I do it all the time, massive open world and I get lost in side missions , collectables and eventually just get turned off from playing, this one seems even worse then farcry 3 for collectables, no idea why I fall for it every time .i had the same problem with ac unity where I have to force myself to finish it.

I just need to focus on the main missions and power my way through it, for example I have only just unlocked my family home yet I have already unlocked every tower and every base and tons of collectables along the way,

I'm having the same problem. Far Cry 3 had a ton of shit to do as well but it didn't seem overwhelming.

I'm a completionist, so I can't just play the main story and stop. I have to get everything. And holy fuck is this game massive. I think I'm making real good time, though. At 52% complete with 16 hours on the clock so far.

Not rushing to finish it or anything, but I tend to play these games as efficiently as possible. Although the first
mission had my jaw on the floor. Gorgeous scenery.
I'm having the same problem. Far Cry 3 had a ton of shit to do as well but it didn't seem overwhelming.

I'm a completionist, so I can't just play the main story and stop. I have to get everything. And holy fuck is this game massive. I think I'm making real good time, though. At 52% complete with 16 hours on the clock so far.

Not rushing to finish it or anything, but I tend to play these games as efficiently as possible. Although the first
mission had my jaw on the floor. Gorgeous scenery.

Some of the visuals certainly are amazing, I start if being a completionist but then get burnout and try to rush through it lol .

No idea if the world is bigger but definitely feels more filled with towns, loot e.t.c , whenever I see a question mark I just have to go explore.

Whilst I love the animals I feel like I'm getting attacked every 5 seconds, hate it when u spend 5 mins stealthing an outpost only for a lack of dogs attacking you and it all going to shit lol


1.5 GB update this morning on the PS4...Yeti related...? cant find how to read patch notes on the PS4...

Anyway,finished the campaign,awesome ending I had I thought,I was lucky to have a Rocket Launcher is all I will say hehe...now hopping on once in a while to find all the masks,3 hard Fortress left and one of those Shangri-la places to complete the tapestry...I hate that place though lol(looks awesome but it's hard) :p
1.5 GB update this morning on the PS4...Yeti related...? cant find how to read patch notes on the PS4...

Anyway,finished the campaign,awesome ending I had I thought,I was lucky to have a Rocket Launcher is all I will say hehe...now hopping on once in a while to find all the masks,3 hard Fortress left and one of those Shangri-la places to complete the tapestry...I hate that place though lol(looks awesome but it's hard) :p
I also hated Shangri-la and only went the minimum number of times required.

I am curious about that update but it is too soon for me to revisit FC4 - already have over 80 hours in it.

Only did Shangrila twice to unlock that one skill. I loved everything about Far Cry 4 except for that. It was weird and too difficult and you dont have nearly as powerful weapons as you do in the real world. I hated having to rely on the tiger too.
I just built my new PC and I've been playing this game. I am really loving this so far. Being Indian, I liked how they added lot of Hindu and Buddhist images in the game. Biggest Surprise:
was seeing the Sadhu in the village.
I am still playing it, but I am loving what I am playing of it so far.
I'm excited about the Yeti DLC and its impending release.

Questions, though:

1) How long do you think it'll be?

2) Think it'll be the GREAT game's last DLC? (of substance)


So the Yeti DLC is out today right?

I know almost nothing about it.

Is it more SP or Coop focused?

I played the main game by myself but had a TON of fun playing the first DLC in coop with my friend.


More challenge-oriented. It's basically a base defense game.

Is this referring to Yeti or Durgesh? I loved the main game, but all I want is a short new campaign like it in a new location with snow and story. Last thing I want is another mini-game challenge version of FC like Durgesh.
Is this referring to Yeti or Durgesh? I loved the main game, but all I want is a short new campaign like it in a new location with snow and story. Last thing I want is another mini-game challenge version of FC like Durgesh.

It's in reference to Valley of the Yetis. There's a new area and snow, but it's very light on story.

There's more story than Dugesh, including some new Ajay dialogue. But Ajay's progression is reset, and it's not really a campaign.


I got the Yeti DLC on ps4 but I cant even play it. It's on Waiting to Install....

When I go to the Library, it doesn't show as an Addon under my Far Cry 4. It shows on another Far Cry 4.


It's in reference to Valley of the Yetis. There's a new area and snow, but it's very light on story.

There's more story than Dugesh, including some new Ajay dialogue. But Ajay's progression is reset, and it's not really a campaign.

Sounds like a bummer. I really liked the Hurk missions, wanted more quality stuff like that. Will give Yeti a try (since I bought the season pass), but didn't even bother with Dugesh.


I started up the Yeti DLC. You get a new map to explore. You takeover one outpost and then have to defend it. Exploring the map will get you more weapons and upgrades to help defend it. I haven't defended it again since the initial time. Just been exploring, doing side missions and fighting yetis. I'm enjoying it so far.

nel e nel

Got massive burnout on this game, I do it all the time, massive open world and I get lost in side missions , collectables and eventually just get turned off from playing, this one seems even worse then farcry 3 for collectables, no idea why I fall for it every time .i had the same problem with ac unity where I have to force myself to finish it.

I just need to focus on the main missions and power my way through it, for example I have only just unlocked my family home yet I have already unlocked every tower and every base and tons of collectables along the way,

Yep, same here, and then you're way overpowered before you're even halfway through, so there's little to no challenge.

I've often found that the critical path kind of leads you along to the places you need to go to get all your upgrades anyways. Like, why waste hours clearing out areas to get the elusive honey badger skin when the game will take you right through their nesting grounds in the first handful of story missions?

I'm trying to do missions as they pop up, and doing any outpost or bell towers that are along the route to those missions. It's nice from how I played 3 because I'm getting a better variety of main quest and side missions mixed in with the collectible/challenge quests.


Yep, same here, and then you're way overpowered before you're even halfway through, so there's little to no challenge.
This is probably my main complaint.

BUT, I think I've found a pretty good solution for that. It involves some self-limitations, but ones that I really think brings some challenge and involvement.

The biggest one is you do NOT unlock the last weapon holster. Limit yourself to 3 weapons, Far Cry 2-style. You still typically can cover your bases but you have to make more of a choice of what sort of loadout you want to bring. Whereas with 4 weapons, you can usually just stick to one set loadout and have something for any situation, limiting yourself by just the one weapon will usually make for far more interesting choices when you're sat at the vendor screen wondering what to bring. Its fun to mix and match different sorts of weapons and see how it affects how you approach missions or objectives. This change single handedly makes the game a lot better, in my opinion.

The next one is no fast travel. Granted, I've only unlocked about half the map so far, so I don't typically have to go from one edge of the map to the other, but if I do have to travel a long distance, I sometimes look at what I can do on the way. Or if there's nothing, then I try and find the nearest minichopper or hang glider. I try and stay and foot quite a bit, and while animal attacks can be pretty ferocious at times, it does keep you on edge. The world is just so beautiful that I think it adds a lot spending time on foot and taking in the sights and sounds.

Another one is tackle the fortresses solo. Even when they're still Very Hard. The first one I did, I felt I was probably making a mistake even trying, but it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable experiences of the whole game. I only got one of the alarms before hell broke loose and ended up dealing with 3 helicopters all total with no rocket launcher or 50 cal or anything and a seriously dwindling supply of ammo(I relied on having to loot corpses to take down the last one). Was pretty nuts.

Also, don't rush the unlocks in general. Especially the crafting ones. I never really went totally out of my way to hunt down animals to get as many of the craftable upgrades right away. I just kind of went about by business and unlocked stuff at a pretty leisurely rate. I made an exception for the inventory upgrade as it was frustrating to run out of space every 5 minutes.

My last big change was turning off markings and the minimap. Marking enemies isn't necessary to succeed and turning off minimap means you have to rely on sense of direction and your environment more.

After all this, the game becomes far more immersive and rewarding. It feels like a worthy successor to Far Cry 2 while still having many of the improvements made with Far Cry 3.


Just finished this last night. Got about 85% completion in ~35 hours.

Honestly, I was burned out by the 20 hour mark but kept going. Far Cry 3 uses the exact same formula and hooked me from beginning to end, but 4 is so similar that I felt somewhat bored by the 5 hour mark and completely exhausted by the 20 hour mark.

The map in 4 is completely uninteresting and bland, IMO. There are too many locations that serve no purpose other than to offer up a couple of chests with useless loot (why give me items that only exist to be sold?) and a couple of propaganda posters. It's a shame, because many of the locations are visually interesting and well-designed.

I've played every main Far Cry game so far, but if they don't change up the formula or at least take some cues from Bethesda when it comes to open world game/quest design (which isn't perfect but still better than what they currently offer), I doubt I will revisit the series.

Oh...and the Buzzsaw weapon is completely game breaking. Holy hell. That might be the most absurdly powerful gun I've used in a game in a long, long time.
Doing a mission now where you jump in the back of a truck and go to a fortress to rescure some dude. The "stealth" in this section is impressively frustrating. Stealth kill one guy far away from everyone else and the entire place is suddenly on alert.
I finished Yetis in both single-player and co-op and enjoyed it for the most part.

+ The Yetis are cool. The way you kill them is satisfying.
+ There's a lot of swing grappling, and some routes were tough to figure out.
+ The streamlined leveling, crafting and gun collecting turned out to be fun.
+ Running the snowmobiles in wide-open areas is a blast.

- An ending I didn't see coming that's like WTF and then immediately erased after the credits roll.
- Objectives are retreads for the most part.
- No fast travel made some parts annoying.
- Surprise. Game gets too easy too fast. Even easier in co-op.
- As Kotaku mentioned, should've had a hard mode with daylight on a timer.
- Non-story that felt reminiscent of Tomb Raider (2013) and Uncharted 2 at times.
- Lack of music most of the time. No radio.


Doing a mission now where you jump in the back of a truck and go to a fortress to rescure some dude. The "stealth" in this section is impressively frustrating. Stealth kill one guy far away from everyone else and the entire place is suddenly on alert.

Yeah, I had trouble with that quest the first few times. My solution was to kill one guy from the side you first approach, alert the entire camp (without them seeing me), and then run the entire length of the way around the perimeter of the camp and hop in the back of the truck.

They'll all take off running into the wooded area where you shot from, giving you an easy opening to get into the truck.

nel e nel

Doing a mission now where you jump in the back of a truck and go to a fortress to rescure some dude. The "stealth" in this section is impressively frustrating. Stealth kill one guy far away from everyone else and the entire place is suddenly on alert.

Yeeeahh, I agree. I'm a couple of missions ahead of you and I am having similar issues here and there. I'm using a silenced sniper frequently, and even when I'm careful to take someone out when they are isolated and behind a building or structure, someone else will be all "SOMEONE IS ATTACKING US!!" Seriously? I'm 200+ meters away, with a silencer and you still heard something?

And I agree with Aesius as well: lots of visually interesting locations with little to no point. The sense of discovery is there, but it's not like WHOA!

I've only played 3, Blood Dragon and now 4, but I think I've had my fill of the formula. Ubisoft was a contender for one of my favorite developers several years ago, but I just feel like they've reduced themselves to 2 or 3 franchises with overlapping mechanics that they pump out every year.


Yeeeahh, I agree. I'm a couple of missions ahead of you and I am having similar issues here and there. I'm using a silenced sniper frequently, and even when I'm careful to take someone out when they are isolated and behind a building or structure, someone else will be all "SOMEONE IS ATTACKING US!!" Seriously? I'm 200+ meters away, with a silencer and you still heard something?

And I agree with Aesius as well: lots of visually interesting locations with little to no point. The sense of discovery is there, but it's not like WHOA!

I've only played 3, Blood Dragon and now 4, but I think I've had my fill of the formula. Ubisoft was a contender for one of my favorite developers several years ago, but I just feel like they've reduced themselves to 2 or 3 franchises with overlapping mechanics that they pump out every year.

Yep. It's crazy how similar the AC and Far Cry series are now. Apparently Watch Dogs is almost exactly the same, although I haven't played it yet. It's a shame that these often-beautiful open worlds are wasted by being so formulaic and tedious. There is just too much shit going on and it feels like you're just crossing off a checklist instead of having fun.


I am loving this game, so addictive. I have just managed to unlock all 17 bell towers, wish i could afford the gun you get for doing it "the shredder"

Also unlocked the SA-50 Sniper rifle, it feels like i have activated a cheat mode.

Massively recommend doing Co-op mode, me and a friend have had a few decent runs and been taking out the forts and doing some escort missions etc. it's really great.

Can't believe this is my first Far Cry.

nel e nel

Yep. It's crazy how similar the AC and Far Cry series are now. Apparently Watch Dogs is almost exactly the same, although I haven't played it yet. It's a shame that these often-beautiful open worlds are wasted by being so formulaic and tedious. There is just too much shit going on and it feels like you're just crossing off a checklist instead of having fun.

Haha, yeah, it definitely feeds the OCD complex. It was weird playing Blood Dragon and FC3 after having played the Ezio trilogy and thinking "huh, so they took the Borgia Towers/viewpoints and put them in Far Cry as radio transmitter towers" and then playing AC3 and going "huh, they took the hunting/gathering and crafting mechanics of FC3 and put them in here."

One thing I noticed about some of the locations today, many of them are tied to the side quests you do. I've had about 3 or 4 locations that I discovered on my own, only to go back to them for an assassination or hostage mission.

nel e nel

I am loving this game, so addictive. I have just managed to unlock all 17 bell towers, wish i could afford the gun you get for doing it "the shredder"

There are a couple of mobile apps you can get, one is a poker/tetris game where you can transfer your winnings into the game. I finished it in ~1 week and started off with about 700,00 kyrats.

The other is a management game in the arena, and I believe you can transfer resources and level up your arena rank with that one.


There are a couple of mobile apps you can get, one is a poker/tetris game where you can transfer your winnings into the game. I finished it in ~1 week and started off with about 700,00 kyrats.

The other is a management game in the arena, and I believe you can transfer resources and level up your arena rank with that one.

ive not really bothered with the arena, you get money for it?


Yep. It's crazy how similar the AC and Far Cry series are now. Apparently Watch Dogs is almost exactly the same, although I haven't played it yet. It's a shame that these often-beautiful open worlds are wasted by being so formulaic and tedious. There is just too much shit going on and it feels like you're just crossing off a checklist instead of having fun.
I bought a couple of maps and got hit with the Ubisoft fatigue syndrome early in my playthrough but turning off most of my map icons helped a lot. Even though clearing towers and the like has been done to death, I really had fun even with these in FC4 unlike Unity or Shadow of Mordor. Getting around the world was just a lot of fun for me. Sometimes I found the radio guy funny, other times not so much. That guy is a bit obsessed with how people clean their backsides.

So is the Yetis dlc worth getting? Its got some decent reviews.


Been playing this game for the past week and I like it quite a bit. The one real turn off for me is how often I seem to get attacked by animals while scouting out camps. Oh, and the eagles in this game can Fuck off!


Been playing this game for the past week and I like it quite a bit. The one real turn off for me is how often I seem to get attacked by animals while scouting out camps. Oh, and the eagles in this game can Fuck off!

Yeah I keep coming back to this annoyance as well. The spawn rate is way too high, as is the RNG for animals attacking you.

Pretty sure I'm not supposed to be attacked by leopards every 20 feet.

nel e nel

Been playing this game for the past week and I like it quite a bit. The one real turn off for me is how often I seem to get attacked by animals while scouting out camps. Oh, and the eagles in this game can Fuck off!

Yeah I keep coming back to this annoyance as well. The spawn rate is way too high, as is the RNG for animals attacking you.

Pretty sure I'm not supposed to be attacked by leopards every 20 feet.

Yeah, this was definitely an annoyance. I kept thinking about how Idle Thumbs loves loves loves the "anything can happen" vibe of this series, but after dying 5 times in a row when trying to clear an outpost because a goddam tiger keeps sneaking up on me in my sniper perch, I was kinda over it.


Neo Member
Hey people, i wanted to get the two coop trophies remaining to platinum.
So if you want to help(i'll help if you need these trophies too) send me a friend request along with a message saying you're from OT

PSN: FictionBR
Ok I finally went back to the game after beating the game a while back and the weirdest thing just happened:

I spawned in some random village and Amita (who I let lead) was dragging civilians out of their housed and was forcing them to join the army. Her AI then walked away from the village so I just threw a knife in her back and killed her for it. The weird thing was I almost let her get away with it.
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