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Far Cry 4 |OT| Welcome to Kyrat


Bought the game last week and what a great game its. The wildlife in this game is crazy I saw a eagle pick up a pig and then drop the pig.


So I started playing this yesterday.
At first, in the prologue, I was glad I could finally hold machette in hand as in FC2 (it was not possible in FC3). I like it because I hate having huge gun in my face all the time.

Then prologue ended, I have bow, AK and revolver, and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to equip machette again (to be holding it in hand while exploring).
Is it even possible ? Or did they allow it only in prologue and thats it ?


So I started playing this yesterday.
At first, in the prologue, I was glad I could finally hold machette in hand as in FC2 (it was not possible in FC3). I like it because I hate having huge gun in my face all the time.

Then prologue ended, I have bow, AK and revolver, and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to equip machette again (to be holding it in hand while exploring).
Is it even possible ? Or did they allow it only in prologue and thats it ?

Nope, you can't equip a machette or holster your weapon at all after the prologue, which is pretty insane.


Nope, you can't equip a machette or holster your weapon at all after the prologue, which is pretty insane.

Another one of Ubi's moronic design decisions..
Thanks for confirmation, I was trying all button combinations like an idiot to try and equip that stupid machete.


I'm loving this game, but I just got killed for the third time by my own chopper blades at the very end of a mission. What in all the fucks.


Ok....I know I'm going to sound like a complete idiot, but I cannot figure out how to switch to mines...

I have put maybe 16 hours in to the game and I don't even know. Never done it, never used them. Honestly, I forgot that they existed in the game until you just mentioned them. I guess they could potentially come in handy.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Ok....I know I'm going to sound like a complete idiot, but I cannot figure out how to switch to mines...

I have put maybe 16 hours in to the game and I don't even know. Never done it, never used them. Honestly, I forgot that they existed in the game until you just mentioned them. I guess they could potentially come in handy.

Whatever d-pad button equips your explosive, just press the button again.

So like, left d-pad will equip TNT, pressing it again will equip mines.

Locking bushman rifle under level 10 arena fucking sucks. I am level 6 and it is boring.

It's shitty but it works: Download their arena app. Make sure you have the death from above and knife throw takedown. Make an arena challenge that's basically all melee enemies (plus 1 other type so it lets you make it)

User created levels grant 1.5x XP. Just stand on top of the cover you're supposed to crouch behind, then leap onto an enemy. You'll do a death from above take down, and along with it you can throw a knife at another enemy, granting another 50 points.

Do it to everyone and you get about ~1100 xp every 2 minutes or so


Whatever d-pad button equips your explosive, just press the button again.

So like, left d-pad will equip TNT, pressing it again will equip mines.

It's shitty but it works: Download their arena app. Make sure you have the death from above and knife throw takedown. Make an arena challenge that's basically all melee enemies (plus 1 other type so it lets you make it)

User created levels grant 1.5x XP. Just stand on top of the cover you're supposed to crouch behind, then leap onto an enemy. You'll do a death from above take down, and along with it you can throw a knife at another enemy, granting another 50 points.

Do it to everyone and you get about ~1100 xp every 2 minutes or so
Hah thanks, though I grinded it yesterday the old fashioned way :)
At least the rifle is really good.


Low Poly Gynecologist
All this time I have just been running up to the middle truck and lobbing C4 at it. Definitely going to be utilizing mines from now on!

Haha you could just as easily lay 3 C4 down on the road with some separation, wait for them to drive over, then set off all 3. That's typically how I do it, and it sounds a lot less risky!
Anyone else having still problems with Coop on PS4. I just can't connect to other people. Doesn't matter if friends or strangers. People can connect to my game however.
But that doesn't get me the last missing trophy -__-

As for the convoys: I liked to blast them with the granade launcher from the gyrocopter


This game is so stuuuuuupiiiiiid when it comes to game design. So much stupidities.
Latest example, I get the diamonds for Longinus (apt name, considering his missions are long and boring cut and paste slogs, much like everything else in this game) and on my way to him I see on my map (not minimap, had to disable all the UI elements since they think I have IQ 80 I guess) an enemy outpost, so my OCD kicks in and I figure I will clear it on the way. So I go there, hmmm, suspicious, I do not see anyone...hmmm there are the alarms..alarms shot with bow..I proceed to go to the camp and realize....it is empty! Yes, because I am on a "mission", now all outposts are apparently empty, and they will get populated once I end my "mission"....gah fuck this stupid game

I really hate Ubisoft's design....I mean, I am having some fun here, the world is beautiful once all the UI is gone, guns feel good, the basic core gameplay is good...but the high level design of everything is just fake bullshit...I wish Clint Hocking would go back to Ubisoft and laid down some god damn law there, they are in desperate need of good designers.


Hey guys,

Yesterday I updated my Geforce drivers in prep for GTAV. I decided to boot up FC4 just to see if the new driver fixes some of the stuttering problems I was having a couple months ago. It downloaded the latest patch (I haven't play it in a while), but not only the stuttering persist, but I have this flickering issue anywhere I go. Not artifacting though, since my temps are under 75 deg.

So, my questions are: Is this an issue with Geforce driver or FC4? Anyone else encountered similar issue with the latest patch? Or is there any fix/workaround? I have 2x 980 in SLI by the way.


So is there something wrong with this game correctly saving progress on Xbox One?

On a few different occasions I've tried getting into Far Cry 4 but every time I go back to continue from where I left off, I'm thrown immediately after the car crash after the intro / escape sequence....so I'm back to using the radio, the initial stealth intro/tutorial, diving into the water, etc.

It's not that I haven't played long enough. I've gone for at least 30+ minutes after that point to where I reach my buddy and he throws down a ladder for me and such. But next time I load up the game? Back to right after the car crash.

What the heck is going on? I see the auto-save indicators frequently showing up. I've tried manually saving my game every few minutes. I try to make sure to fully "exit" the game by going to the dashboard and selecting quit instead of just letting it go into suspend.

What else should I be doing before I go and waste more time with this?


How's the DLC?
The season pass is on sale for $15 on PSN and I'm curious as to how good the Yeti, Durgesh Prison and Hurk's Pack missions are.


Has anyone else experienced the game locking up at the 'login succeeded screen'? (the one before the actual main menu).

I did some googling and it seems to be a common issue, but I couldn't find mention of a fix.

Well, disconnecting from the internet does fix it, but I was looking to do some co-op to get the two trophies I need for the Platinum, so that's really not any help.


Well my screen freezing problem has disappeared, so I'm here to ask if anyone could help me get one of the co-op trophies? I just need the one where you do a vehicle takedown from the passenger seat, shouldn't take more than a few minutes.

I'm on PS4 btw, any help much appreciated.


So is there something wrong with this game correctly saving progress on Xbox One?

On a few different occasions I've tried getting into Far Cry 4 but every time I go back to continue from where I left off, I'm thrown immediately after the car crash after the intro / escape sequence....so I'm back to using the radio, the initial stealth intro/tutorial, diving into the water, etc.

It's not that I haven't played long enough. I've gone for at least 30+ minutes after that point to where I reach my buddy and he throws down a ladder for me and such. But next time I load up the game? Back to right after the car crash.

What the heck is going on? I see the auto-save indicators frequently showing up. I've tried manually saving my game every few minutes. I try to make sure to fully "exit" the game by going to the dashboard and selecting quit instead of just letting it go into suspend.

What else should I be doing before I go and waste more time with this?


Turns out I'm kind of an idiot.

All this time I thought I was playing for a while, but it turns out I kept resetting to the crash cause I didn't actually finish the prologue. Shame on me for exploring too much in the prologue, right?

Now I'm finally ~5 hours into the game and it's pretty great.

How did you all decide to choose what to tackle? Any recommendations of missions to do / avoid in order to see cool stuff?


Oh man, the last Shangri-La mission was annoying. And correct me if I'm wrong, but there weren't any real rewards for finishing it??


Oh my god, how long has it taken me to work that out, what an idiot!!!

Have been playing the PS4 version since launch and loving it but occasionally while I was playing the weapon wheel would pop on the screen and my selected weapon would change and I couldn't work out why it was happening and thought there was maybe an issue with my controller. FINALLY worked out that by default they activate an option to access your weapons by sliding your finger in different directions across the touch pad, i switched it off in the options and it works fine.

If anybody else has been having similar issues, I really hope that this helps you in some way.
Oh my god, how long has it taken me to work that out, what an idiot!!!

Have been playing the PS4 version since launch and loving it but occasionally while I was playing the weapon wheel would pop on the screen and my selected weapon would change and I couldn't work out why it was happening and thought there was maybe an issue with my controller. FINALLY worked out that by default they activate an option to access your weapons by sliding your finger in different directions across the touch pad, i switched it off in the options and it works fine.

If anybody else has been having similar issues, I really hope that this helps you in some way.

Yeah it took me way too long to realize that as well. But even then, the option kept reverting itself back to default automatically (I think everytime I started the game).


I've popped in and played it 3 or 4 times since doing it and it seems to be working OK for me. Maybe it was an issue they patched out at some point?


Me again, is there anybody with the PS4 version of the game that would be willing to spend a few minutes helping me get the two co-op trophies? They both seem really simple so shouldn't take long to get and I can help you get them both if you need them too.

I ask because with games like this with loads of collectables tend to be games that I like 6o spend my time completing 100% and if I was left with just those two simple ones it would drive me mad. They're online trophies which means that at some point they aren't going to be available so I want to spend a few minutes getting them out of the way.

These are the two I need help with, nothing complicated.
I'm doing something at the moment and there's no desperate hurry to do them so I'm quite flexible and I'm of work next week which makes things even easier for me. To give a time reference, I'm in the UK.

Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the help. :)

can anybody help me with the passenger takedown trophy on PS4? PSN ID: BernardoOne
Really should have asked before posting, do you still need this one?


Decided I wanted to use that Bushman gun but I didn't really feel like grinding the Arena so I used that Battle Arena app thing. Got to level 10 but it's not affecting my in-game level at all. Am I missing something?

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I'm trying the co op demo and I'm wondering how you mute people? I just had a foreigner having a conversation with someone in the room without muting his awful mic so I just had to leave the game as I couldn't find a mute button.

Edit: Found it, but it's impossible to try the game as people just constantly leave which kicks you out. Why they didn't just give us a 30 minute campaign demo I don't know, this doesn't make me want to buy it.


Finally got 100% in this, and while I mostly enjoyed it, I had some severe grievances (it is an Ubi game after all, and they somehow never fail to disappoint):

- the Shangri-la missions are just awful, and culminate in perhaps the worst boss fight I've ever encountered in 25 years of videogaming. I literally spent more time watching a canned 'Press Y to put out fire' animation than I did having control over my character.

- the wingsuit/parachute system is still something of a mess. Why do I have to deploy the wingsuit before using the parachute? Why does the parachute sometimes auto-retract when I'm above a dangerous slope, plunging me to my death? How about you let me choose when to engage either one or the other, and when to disengage it?

- the wildlife stuff has been introduced well here and in Far Cry 3, but now can we get some believability? I don't care where you go in the world, there's nowhere in which animal-on-animal or animal-on-human conflict is occuring every 15 yards. Tone it down. Make some of the animals run away. Vary their behaviour, and for fucking tit's sake don't rudely rob me of control when an eagle is swooping in from about 6 miles away - let me shoot my gun in this game about shooting guns. Thanks.

- what's the point of 50 weapons when you can only carry 4, and those will be, once unlocked: silenced sniper, fully auto something (or Buzzsaw), shotgun - as for some reason they're the only thing that can safely and quickly dispatch the more dangerous wildlife (apart from the Buzzsaw), and is hence what I carry at all times during foot traversal - and probably the grenade launcher for vehicles. Ubi spent all that time creating guns when 80% of them are useless. Why can't all weapons be at least moderately effective against wildlife? It kind of breaks my immersion when a dog or badger can merrily eat an entire assault rifle clip.

- yaks will stunlock you to death. After it happened twice to me I made a point of killing every single one I came across. That's fucking dumb, and it's because this game is so animation bound - getting knocked down, picking yourself up, putting out fire, warding off wolves and eagles - all animations that you simply watch with no agency or interactivity whatsoever. Get out of my fucking way, Ubisoft. Ditch the animations. Let me play the game that I paid for, not watch it.

And now for a few particularly good things about the game:

- the map is amazing. I don't mean the environment - I mean the map you pull up, the one with all the icons on it. You can enable or disable any icon type and your preference remains saved. Don't like races? Disable the icons and they're effectively no longer there. Brilliant, just brilliant.

- the buzzer is the best vehicle I've ever used in an open-world game.


Decided I wanted to use that Bushman gun but I didn't really feel like grinding the Arena so I used that Battle Arena app thing. Got to level 10 but it's not affecting my in-game level at all. Am I missing something?
Strange, it's been working fine for me. Is it definitely linked to the same Uplay account?


Finally unlocked Northerm Kyrat today after nearly 40 hours, this is purely due to the fact that I generally like to avoid the story missions in these games and make it up as i go along. It's amazing to have some new bell towers and outposts in the game now, I;d forgotten how much trickier it is to play in occupied territory but my character is really powerful due to the amount of hours I've spent on it so it probably won't be as tricky as it should be.


Finally got 100% in this, and while I mostly enjoyed it, I had some severe grievances (it is an Ubi game after all, and they somehow never fail to disappoint):

- the Shangri-la missions are just awful, and culminate in perhaps the worst boss fight I've ever encountered in 25 years of videogaming. I literally spent more time watching a canned 'Press Y to put out fire' animation than I did having control over my character.

- the wingsuit/parachute system is still something of a mess. Why do I have to deploy the wingsuit before using the parachute? Why does the parachute sometimes auto-retract when I'm above a dangerous slope, plunging me to my death? How about you let me choose when to engage either one or the other, and when to disengage it?

- the wildlife stuff has been introduced well here and in Far Cry 3, but now can we get some believability? I don't care where you go in the world, there's nowhere in which animal-on-animal or animal-on-human conflict is occuring every 15 yards. Tone it down. Make some of the animals run away. Vary their behaviour, and for fucking tit's sake don't rudely rob me of control when an eagle is swooping in from about 6 miles away - let me shoot my gun in this game about shooting guns. Thanks.

- what's the point of 50 weapons when you can only carry 4, and those will be, once unlocked: silenced sniper, fully auto something (or Buzzsaw), shotgun - as for some reason they're the only thing that can safely and quickly dispatch the more dangerous wildlife (apart from the Buzzsaw), and is hence what I carry at all times during foot traversal - and probably the grenade launcher for vehicles. Ubi spent all that time creating guns when 80% of them are useless. Why can't all weapons be at least moderately effective against wildlife? It kind of breaks my immersion when a dog or badger can merrily eat an entire assault rifle clip.

- yaks will stunlock you to death. After it happened twice to me I made a point of killing every single one I came across. That's fucking dumb, and it's because this game is so animation bound - getting knocked down, picking yourself up, putting out fire, warding off wolves and eagles - all animations that you simply watch with no agency or interactivity whatsoever. Get out of my fucking way, Ubisoft. Ditch the animations. Let me play the game that I paid for, not watch it.

And now for a few particularly good things about the game:

- the map is amazing. I don't mean the environment - I mean the map you pull up, the one with all the icons on it. You can enable or disable any icon type and your preference remains saved. Don't like races? Disable the icons and they're effectively no longer there. Brilliant, just brilliant.

- the buzzer is the best vehicle I've ever used in an open-world game.

I'm pretty much completely on the same page as you. I'm almost done with the story missions after ~20-25 hours and I'm enjoying it a lot despite having the same complaints as you. I'm absolutely enjoying it a lot more than Far Cry 2 and 3 which both became way too much of a chore.

My biggest problem with both 3 and 4 though is that the unlock curve seems inverted of what it should be.

It's way too easy to "finish" all the wildlife hunting you need to do way early in the game. Just grab a good bow and from very close to the starting area you can upgrade almost everything really really quickly. Getting upgrades early is also incentivized by the insane amount of stuff you pick up and money you get - so it's absurdly easy to pick up too much stuff....so you need a larger bag....so you craft a larger bag....wash rinse repeat for a couple hours and you're almost done. It makes hunting later on completely pointless.

Same for gun unlocks - you can get the best Signature weapons pretty easily without doing any grinding at all - just do some missions, loot enemies and chests, and you're basically done.

As a result, it completely de-incentivized exploration pretty early on IMO. But Far Cry 4 has enough interesting stuff beyond all that which Far Cry 3 doesn't have, so it's keeping me interested for longer.
I need help. Am I missing the campaign missions because of the ridiculously cluttered map, or is this game doing a piss poor job at explaining what you're supposed to do next ?

I'm mid-way through the game I think. I protected a monastery from an army attack, then I stumbled upon a couple of potheads who drugged me and sent me to an arena from which I escaped victorious. Then I went back to the potheads hoping to kill both of them, but that sent me to a rather boring hunt for a tapestry. Got the piece of tapestry and put it in the house.

What the hell am I supposed to do in order to continue the main quest ? I've got the option to go see Longinus or to hunt for more tapestry pieces but I'm pretty sure those are side-quests. I liberated a dozen camps and radio towers, and I still don't see Sabal or Amita's name anywhere on the map.

I'm sick of running around the map and getting attacked every 30 seconds by wildlife (seriously that makes exploring a huge chore), I would like to advance in the main quest now.


I'm sick of running around the map and getting attacked every 30 seconds by wildlife (seriously that makes exploring a huge chore), I would like to advance in the main quest now.

Dude, if you're sick of wildlife attacks now I would just quit the game, because they're going to happen constantly throughout.

What I did was always hold a strong shotgun while on foot, in case I get surprised by a predator. The double-barrelled sawn-off is a good choice - can kill any animal in one shot.

As for progressing, you need to look for the letters denoting a mission. It may indeed be the case that you need to do another Longinus mission to advance the main quest.
Thanks, guess I'll do the Longinus mission then and see what happens. The game should make it a lot more clear that it's what I need to do though.

I've liberated most of the map now so I'll just power through the main campaign so I can finish the game as fast as possible.

Shame because I would love to explore this world as much as possible but I don't like being interrupted constantly.


Shame because I would love to explore this world as much as possible but I don't like being interrupted constantly.

It is over the top. Why on earth couldn't they have included some skills within the skill tree that makes animals ignore you, or even friendly to you? But no, all we get are 50 skills about making syringes that no one cares about.


What I did was always hold a strong shotgun while on foot, in case I get surprised by a predator. The double-barrelled sawn-off is a good choice - can kill any animal in one shot.
I'd really recommend the Shredder rather than a shotgun, you can take down any animal in a fraction of the time it takes to fire a single shotgun round and it's completely silent which is always a bonus. It something I have with permanently and I combine it with a Warrior, Sandman and Z93 The Shredder is ideal for wildlife, the Warrior for troops and the Sandman and Z93 for close up and long range kills. All of them are silenced and when combined with the Hunting Syringe are the way I like to play it.


Thanks, guess I'll do the Longinus mission then and see what happens. The game should make it a lot more clear that it's what I need to do though.

I've liberated most of the map now so I'll just power through the main campaign so I can finish the game as fast as possible.

Shame because I would love to explore this world as much as possible but I don't like being interrupted constantly.
Yeah there are a few points in the story where there are no Golden Path / Amita / Sabal missions and instead one of the lettered side-missions results in moving the critical path forward.


I had a lot of fun with this game up until the first stealth mission that insta-fails you on detection. That's a big game design no-no for me. I probably would have continued if I hadn't just finished two FPS games that handled stealth better (Metro 2033 and Last Light).

I hate instant fail states. Even more so in open world games where choice and options are a big deal.
Have the god rays disappeared from the PS4 version again?!?!

I just bought the game today, installed the latest patch (1.07) and I've yet to see the effect a single time. It is clearly absent.
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