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GAF... I need your help again :( (She wants anal sex [what what (in the butt)])


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*LOVES* Bob Marley
First post brought the lawlfest, let me grab some popcorn so I can read the rest. Will edit afterwards.

edit; Ok so I'm seriously curious as to whether or not this girl goes ass to mouth, find this out ASAP.


YakiSOBA said:
Is it a big "do this and she will probably hate you" no, or a "she'll be upset/cry but at least you'll know..." no?

Does it matter? Your posts make it obvious you're not going to get over this. You might as well just ask her and get it over with.
Draft said:
She's done it before, on the first date no less, and then suggested that you should do it to her? Sounds like your girl is addicted to having her hershey highway plowed but is too chaste or embarrassed to admit it. Time for you to man up and punish that chocolate starfish like the bad orifice it is. She's acting all coy now, but I bet when her poop chute is stretched to the max she goes nuts. Congrats fella, sounds like you landed a keeper. Don't screw it up.

Best post in thread.
YakiSOBA said:
If she doesn't have any, and I don't... would it be safe? I mean, I know there's no way for certain to check unless I ask her to have a checkup... (bad idea?)

Even if she doesn't have any STDs there is a chance that you could get a Urinary Tract Infection from going up the poop shoot since there are a lot of bacteria up there that like to colonize tubes. I would suggest a condom either way.
YakiSOBA said:
Anyways... onwards with the situation I'm in.
She's my first girlfriend, and I'm in my senior year of University. Although I haven't had much experience with women, I'm not stupid and gullible. When we talked about past relationships, she wanted to be completely honest with me. So she told me... everything.

She told me about a "fling" she had with this guy early last year (I didn't know her yet). She was honest, and said she slept with him "once" (BS??) and in that same night... the guy asked if she wanted to do anal... and she let him because she "wanted him to like her". She said it doesn't even feel that good, and that it was "his" idea.

ok, so this guy was up front about what he wanted, she had the option to say no, and she said yes. he did not force her to do anything is what you're saying. however, she ended up not really liking the experience. ok.

I'm almost tearing up as I write this... I don't know how to feel about this. I really like her, and I know she's just trying to be honest with me but.. it's like a deathly feeling right in the gut of my stomach...

I think firstly, I am just really disappointed in her for using her body like that... but I'm not even sure if it's "right" for me to feel disappointed, after all.. it is HER body and not mine.

using her body like what? all women HAVE bodies to attract men. do i really need to point out the whole 'keep the race going, basic instinct' thing? sometimes when you jump into bed with someone on the first date, it ends up being only a fling. sometimes you end up together for a long time. she took that risk, as many college-age females do, and possibly she endured a bit of pain because of it. live and learn, big deal, most of us have been there. she shouldn't feel too bad for herself and you shouldn't feel too bad either. after all, you guys are together now and that's what matters.

Secondly, I feel like I want to murder this guy for using her like that -- but a thought keeps coming back to my mind... is that really the case? She wanted to fool around with him thinking it would make him like her, and he perhaps played along because he knew he could get some? ARG... it really hurts to think about him and her together... (Yes, I know this guy because I've seen him on campus and he's friends with some people I sorta know...)

he didn't use her if she put herself out there like that, which it sounds like she did. if he didn't force her to do anything then she made the decision to have sex with him of her own accord. she probably did a damn good job of pretending to be into it, too, which means he is even less to blame because how on earth would he know if she was uncomfortable if she was putting on a front that she was lovin' it? this guy doesn't deserve to be murdered; he's a college kid who wanted to get laid. sounds pretty normal to me.

So this conversation happened last night and now I don't know how to feel. About a week ago, when we were fooling around... she told me we could "try" anal sex and so we went and bought some KY... it was going to happen last night from what I figure, until I jokingly said "well there's a first time for everything"... which prompted her to cry a little and then... tell me all that stuff.

was it your suggestion in the first place and she had a repeat of going along with something just for the guy's sake? if that's the case, then never bring it up again. wait until SHE suggests it because SHE wants it. wait until one of her friends tells her how good it feels to get fingered in the ass and she gets curious enough to slide your finger in there one night. til then, to be on the safe side, ignore that region altogether. focus on your oral skills. (try softly flicking her clit with your tongue.)

GAF, what am I supposed to feel? How am I supposed to feel? On one hand, she's being "honest" with me, and I appreciate that (even though it may be a bit too much information), on the other hand... I don't know for certain if it's the 100% truth (and I never will).

Does this boil down to the uncomfortable feeling of hearing a partners "past relationships", or is it more because, according to her, she fooled around with that guy knowing full well she was trying to "win" him over.

yes, hearing about past partners the first time will make you sick to your stomach. but like others have said, you'll get used to it and in the meantime you really need to toughen up. be a man. a sensitive, dorky, video game loving man, but a man nonetheless.


infinityjinx said:
was it your suggestion in the first place and she had a repeat of going along with something just for the guy's sake? if that's the case, then never bring it up again. wait until SHE suggests it because SHE wants it.

She brought it up. She told me she's never experienced an orgasm and that she's tried plenty of times (masterbation) so she said she was open to different things, such as anal sex. When I first heard that (this was a couple of weeks ago) I was excited, but now that I found out I wouldn't be her first dook-shoot, it just kind of took away from it all =/

btw, thank you for your reply... you put it all very nicely and clear!


BigGreenMat said:
Even if she doesn't have any STDs there is a chance that you could get a Urinary Tract Infection from going up the poop shoot since there are a lot of bacteria up there that like to colonize tubes. I would suggest a condom either way.

Eek... okay thanks, I'll definitely use one :S


keep your strippers out of my American football
Yaki, I am going to say this to help you out. Don't be afraid of life man. Go out and live it. It seems that with alot of things that you should just experience, you worry and as GAF for advice. Some things you just have to figure out for yourself. It is much better that way. Going into the unknown and possibly totally screwing up is part of life.

In this deal, if you want to screw her butt, go right ahead. She wants it or she wouldn't have brought it up. Don't be hung up on the fact someone else was in there. So what? You are in it now. These days the only virgins you are going to find attend middle school.


I've never had a good anal sex experience with a girl. They ask for it, i say, "you sure?" they say yes. I put up there, about 5 seconds transpire and she's like "okay no.."

that's about as fun as that has gotten.

Also, my current girlfriend, who i've dated for 3 months and am crazy about, won't have sex with me. no she's not a virgin (from the way she's talked probably far from it, which makes me even more frusterated) Her reasoning is that she gained weight and isn't comfortable with her body right now. How awesome for me. I should be the one making a thread. I'm dating a psycho.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Drey1082 said:
I've never had a good anal sex experience with a girl. They ask for it, i say, "you sure?" they say yes. I put up there, about 5 seconds transpire and she's like "okay no.."

that's about as fun as that has gotten.

Also, my current girlfriend, who i've dated for 3 months and am crazy about, won't have sex with me. no she's not a virgin (from the way she's talked probably far from it, which makes me even more frusterated) Her reasoning is that she gained weight and isn't comfortable with her body right now. How awesome for me. I should be the one making a thread. I'm dating a psycho.

Bad sign. Women are comfortable with their bodies about 1.5768573% of the time. Even the really attractive ones, we all know this. Don't let her cut you off for that reason, just explain (and I mean really nail it into her head) that you love the way she looks. No, this won't instantly make her comfortable with her weight, but it might loosen her up a bit.
Yeah--I totally hate it when girls want me to stick it in their ass.

Oh, wait--I don't. You're just lame.

Get over the past and move on to making the future.

"Well, sure. The question is, which way do I try to get it in her?"


"Maybe I’ll put it in her brownie"


YakiSOBA said:
I will try to keep this as short as possible. I know there are members here at GAF who will give me their honest opinions and advice, and I really think that's what I need most right now.

Some of you may recall I had a dilemma about asking out a female friend last year:

Well, to summarize.. I asked her out and we've been going out ever since.

This Saturday, we're even going to a fancy ball held at our University:

Anyways... onwards with the situation I'm in.
She's my first girlfriend, and I'm in my senior year of University. Although I haven't had much experience with women, I'm not stupid and gullible. When we talked about past relationships, she wanted to be completely honest with me. So she told me... everything.

She told me about a "fling" she had with this guy early last year (I didn't know her yet). She was honest, and said she slept with him "once" (BS??) and in that same night... the guy asked if she wanted to do anal... and she let him because she "wanted him to like her". She said it doesn't even feel that good, and that it was "his" idea.

I'm almost tearing up as I write this... I don't know how to feel about this. I really like her, and I know she's just trying to be honest with me but.. it's like a deathly feeling right in the gut of my stomach...

I think firstly, I am just really disappointed in her for using her body like that... but I'm not even sure if it's "right" for me to feel disappointed, after all.. it is HER body and not mine.

Secondly, I feel like I want to murder this guy for using her like that -- but a thought keeps coming back to my mind... is that really the case? She wanted to fool around with him thinking it would make him like her, and he perhaps played along because he knew he could get some? ARG... it really hurts to think about him and her together... (Yes, I know this guy because I've seen him on campus and he's friends with some people I sorta know...)

So this conversation happened last night and now I don't know how to feel. About a week ago, when we were fooling around... she told me we could "try" anal sex and so we went and bought some KY... it was going to happen last night from what I figure, until I jokingly said "well there's a first time for everything"... which prompted her to cry a little and then... tell me all that stuff.

GAF, what am I supposed to feel? How am I supposed to feel? On one hand, she's being "honest" with me, and I appreciate that (even though it may be a bit too much information), on the other hand... I don't know for certain if it's the 100% truth (and I never will).

Does this boil down to the uncomfortable feeling of hearing a partners "past relationships", or is it more because, according to her, she fooled around with that guy knowing full well she was trying to "win" him over.

EDIT: I forgot to say, after the conversation last night... I sorta told her it might be a good idea that we not go that route because I didn't want to feel like she was doing it to make sure "i like her"...

Does she like to lick your butthole?

Just curious.


GAF comes through again with yet another classic thread. :lol To the OP, you can't let something from the past affect your present and future when it comes to relationships (unless STDs are involved). If she never told you, would you still care? No. She was honest. I know plenty of women that have done some seriously dirty stuff, but they don't want to bring it up for just this reason.

As long as she isn't takin one up the pooper right now, don't worry about it.


Junior Member
It's hard to respond without laughing. And I didn't read anything else posted except the first.

Dude, get over what she told you. Next, tell her that you appreciate what she told you. Say it just like that and make sure she knows that is a completely seperate thought from anything else. If she cried a lil, then she's not whole heartedly into the anal thing. But there is good news; you can still get her to do it and actually want it.

After you tell her you appreciate what she told you, let her know that some things, you don't want to know. Tell her you want to hear all about other things, just not other guys ****ing her. Tell her you accept the fact that she has had sex and that probably means with other guys but that you would rather live in the state of denial and imagine it was just with other women. Suggest hot chicks that you would love to fantasize about ****ing her in the ass. Then, when she gets jealous, just briefly mention that is the same reason why you don't want to hear about her past sex life in detail.

It's not that you or I don't want to hear about it (actually, tell your girl to call me at 856-867-5309 if she needs to vent more about her past sexual experiences), it's just the details that'll kill you. Lil details, like the guy's name, people you actually know, etc. DO NOT MAKE ANY SUBJECT OFF LIMITS but you can put limitations on any subject. That sounds fair. You can't make any subject off limits because, if you do, she'll find some other guy to talk to and he'll eventually figure out a way to have anal sex with your GF while you don't talk to her.

So, you like her and all. Great, you can still have anal sex with her. Just play your cards right. She ****ed that guy because she was looking for someone to trust. Now she has you. Once she falls head over heels, you'll be ass ****ing her in no time. Just don't push it. She's already done it once. Just ask her if she really wants to do it. Force her to be honest. If she hesitates, she's not ready and she'll appreciate it if you don't force the issue. She probably feels guilty already about doing it once, so your job is to not force it and enjoy those guilty feelings later when you **** her in the ass. Pro-tip: when she yells out, 'I'm a Nazi!', that's your cue to spank her. I read that somewhere.


'It's true, fat girls, love it in the pooper.'


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
Drey1082 said:
I've never had a good anal sex experience with a girl. They ask for it, i say, "you sure?" they say yes. I put up there, about 5 seconds transpire and she's like "okay no.."

that's about as fun as that has gotten.

Also, my current girlfriend, who i've dated for 3 months and am crazy about, won't have sex with me. no she's not a virgin (from the way she's talked probably far from it, which makes me even more frusterated) Her reasoning is that she gained weight and isn't comfortable with her body right now. How awesome for me. I should be the one making a thread. I'm dating a psycho.

You have had the girl naked at least right? because if not, maybe she caught something and is waiting a while till it goes away or the signs disappear! :lol


Junior Member
Tenacious-V said:
You have had the girl naked at least right? because if not, maybe she caught something and is waiting a while till it goes away or the signs disappear! :lol

Does she have a bottle of Herpecin laying around? Is she Pamela Anderson? If yes, bail out.


Yakisoba, I think you did the right thing by stopping. I know what it's like to feel pressured into to doing things, and that kind of pressure can follow you into other relationships.

I don't know why you feel bad about someone else fooling around with her. You didn't know her then, etc. And from what you said she doesn't sound hung up on anyone in her past, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Just make sure she really wants to do it, and isn't just bringing along the pressure she felt before with someone else into you. Sexual behavior is difficult to change, and she's probably used to what happened before, so she's just bringing it to you. You seem to be a nice enough guy to let a behavior that she just puts up with rather than enjoys stop, or at least give her the space to decide if she likes it or not.
BigGreenMat said:
Even if she doesn't have any STDs there is a chance that you could get a Urinary Tract Infection from going up the poop shoot since there are a lot of bacteria up there that like to colonize tubes. I would suggest a condom either way.

Just adding:
And don´t forget to change the condom when you change from anal to vaginal sex. If not there is a chance that she could get a infection (in fact it´s easier for women to get one if not careful).


I know.. that's why I suggested we not try anal if that were the case. I didn't want her to feel like we needed to do it.. to make me like her more, but when I said that she said that wasn't the case.

So then.. she doesn't particularly enjoy it, but still wants to try it? I don't really get it.

I haven't spoken to her since (but Thursdays are normally like that, we're in class at different hours until late evening).

I'll see her at badminton tonight (in about 20minutes)... I'll try my best to assess the situation and make her feel comfortable, but I'm really not sure what state she'll be in. I got a text message around noon today saying "see you at badminton" but that's about it =x


Just make sure she knows she doesn't have to do it if she doesn't want to! I have a feeling she's just used to doing it even though she doesn't really like it/want to.

Badminton, are you vietnamese? :lol


Steroid Distributor
YakiSOBA said:
I do like her, and this makes perfect sense... but why do I still feel so shitty? I've never felt this way before..

Sounds to me like you have some confidence issues.


*drowns in jizz*
YakiSOBA said:
She told me about a "fling" she had with this guy early last year (I didn't know her yet). She was honest, and said she slept with him "once" (BS??) and in that same night... the guy asked if she wanted to do anal... and she let him because she "wanted him to like her". She said it doesn't even feel that good, and that it was "his" idea.

I'm almost tearing up as I write this... I don't know how to feel about this. I really like her, and I know she's just trying to be honest with me but.. it's like a deathly feeling right in the gut of my stomach...

Sorry, but... my sides hurt.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


I only read the first post. But damn dude, are you the one that's going to get ****ed up the ass?

I'm so confused. I can't believe she's crying. That makes me want to believe that she's being honest with you.

Sounds like she had some major insecurities about herself. We all do, but man, to that level? How old is she? She hardly knows herself IMO.

But then again, that was all a very long time ago, and she's probably changed.

Still, crying?

It's so funny, I just keep picturing you bringing some deep topic up by accident, like the death of her parents in their burning house, and all she could do was watch at gunpoint. Yeah, that would warrant crying.

But getting ****ed up the ass. "I WANTED HIM TO LIKE ME WAAAAWAAAWAAAH!!!".


I have no idea why this thread has incited so much emotion out of me, sorry.


YakiSOBA said:
I'll see her at badminton tonight (in about 20minutes)... I'll try my best to assess the situation and make her feel comfortable, but I'm really not sure what state she'll be in. I got a text message around noon today saying "see you at badminton" but that's about it =x
Lol well theres your problem.

you girlyman


I'm probably going to get strung up for this, but what's the big deal with anal? I could never figure out why it's so sought after.

No, I haven't done it. And really, I'm not in any hurry to.

aoi tsuki

Jasoco said:
I'm probably going to get strung up for this, but what's the big deal with anal? I could never figure out why it's so sought after.

No, I haven't done it. And really, I'm not in any hurry to.
You really have to do it to know whether you like it or not, and that means doing it properly. Too many guys just wanna stick it in or lube it up and pound her and that pretty much guarantees you'll never get a second chance.

A lot of people like it because it's a taboo and still considered kinky. i like it because it feels good (and different), but it don't prefer it to vag sex.
You know....

"tearing up", "badminton"......

This thread is increasingly begining to sound like "I WANT TO HAVE ANAL SEX" with a dude and I don't know what to do.


Badminton isn't a girly sport :( I'm pretty sure its the fastest racket sport in the world too!

OK -- so things seem kinda okay. I felt pretty bad the whole day after you guys made me realize I shouldn't care as much as I did because it was all in the past, but I think the only reason why I felt that way was because I was jealous and wouldn't be her "first".

After I got that thought out of my head, things made more sense. I started to feel REALLY bad for making her feel that way... I'm a total asshole.

The only problem now is, how do I go about getting to try dook-shooting when I've already told her I don't think it's a good idea :(


miyuru said:
I only read the first post. But damn dude, are you the one that's going to get ****ed up the ass?

I'm so confused. I can't believe she's crying. That makes me want to believe that she's being honest with you.

Sounds like she had some major insecurities about herself. We all do, but man, to that level? How old is she? She hardly knows herself IMO.

But then again, that was all a very long time ago, and she's probably changed.

Still, crying?

It's so funny, I just keep picturing you bringing some deep topic up by accident, like the death of her parents in their burning house, and all she could do was watch at gunpoint. Yeah, that would warrant crying.

But getting ****ed up the ass. "I WANTED HIM TO LIKE ME WAAAAWAAAWAAAH!!!".


I have no idea why this thread has incited so much emotion out of me, sorry.



sounds like she has a mental problem and thinks she needs to abuse her body. rather than dumping her cause she slept with someone else (it's normal, people have past relationships. since you're a senior in college, it will be hard to find someone that hasn't had sex. if people screw in 7th grade.. then.. yanno.) dig deeper... and see if she has low self esteem or something.


YakiSOBA said:
Is the general consensus here that i'm a big emo pansy?

You guys make a lot of good points though.. I'm starting to feel bad for making her cry =/

Wow dude... that's all I'm gonna say... How long were you with her? And, how strong are your feelings for her? Also, she was your first gf, was she your "first" otherwise as well?

I'm going to be completely honest with you... "Once", the first-time being with a guy, going the anal route does not compute, not in the slightest... Usually, girls, IMHO, you really need to do that "their number x's 3" thing, broadly... and a girl to give up anal the first time to get a guy to like her? Wow is all I'm going to say, I don't think it was a one-time deal... Out of curiousity, how many "partners" did she say she has had? This ties into the STD thing... If it's a lot of people, well, yeah, getting checked is a factor, but it should've been before the regular route of sex too...

Now another spectrum, you can't live in someone's past though at the same time... You can't have a future with someone you're presently with by living in their past... If you seriously want to make this work with her, you're going to have to drop everything about her past relationships... It's not a bad thing to "know" about the past, because of the "STD" thing for example, but that's about it...

Finally, if you do that route, make sure to slap some skin on... honestly, you can get tract infections like someone mentioned if she's clean or not... secondly, it's really less of a mess... Also, umm... would she go ATM-->HBI? Ass to mouth after hot-beef-injection? IF so, if you care about her, you can rip that off and let it go clean in her mouth then, not worrying about getting her sick...

Anal isn't some magical experience btw... If it was an 360 achievement, it would be a 10 or 20 pointer TOPS... Unless the regular route isn't an alley, it's a super-highway if you get my drift...

If you're gonna go that route though, slap on a lil honey, and roll your junk through some sea-salt or rock-salt first, sprinkled with some pepper powder of your choice, then throw it in her, drives'em crazzzzzzy!

We need pics of this girl btw... ASAP... and what shirt/tie did you get?


Do you have balls?

Dear God, a girls aks you to FHUTA and you're freaking out that she's had other guys. :-(

Do it, if she likes it excellent, if she doesn't OK. But google it up and do it properly so that you get another chance.

and lastly previous relationships. DON"T ASK, DON'T TELL.

Sorry if i'm being harsh, but jesus man, grow up. Your chances of finding a virgin a ****ing slim.


seanoff said:
Do you have balls?

Dear God, a girls aks you to FHUTA and you're freaking out that she's had other guys. :-(

Do it, if she likes it excellent, if she doesn't OK. But google it up and do it properly so that you get another chance.

and lastly previous relationships. DON"T ASK, DON'T TELL.

Sorry if i'm being harsh, but jesus man, grow up. Your chances of finding a virgin a ****ing slim.

I know.. I was entirely wrong for being jealous // mad. I'm new to all of this, so at least now I know.... I'm not going to lie and say it's OKAY with me, because I still feel uncomfortable thinking about it (I try not too)... but you guys made me realize that it's not even that big of a deal.

I read up from google searching about preparing, and it seems the major thing is just slight stimulation before ANY type of penetration.... but I don't quite understand. Does the stimulation happen for a few nights first.. then we try it? Or is it stimulation and then we try it on the same night?

I'm going to use a condom for sure, and from what I read... I won't be lubing my penis but I'll be lubing the condom graciously. Do I also lube the inside of her butt though? (Sorry if this is starting to sound like a not-serious post, but I assure you I am absolutely sincere in my questions!)

GAF has shown me the light, yet again.


Tenacious-V said:
You have had the girl naked at least right? because if not, maybe she caught something and is waiting a while till it goes away or the signs disappear! :lol

Actually we had sex for the first time last night, and then again this morning. It was kinda disappointing actually.

Do I also lube the inside of her butt though?
Seriously, do you know how ridiculous this sounds?
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