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Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity

Any advice on how to beat Fi
the second time? (end game - after fighting a hundred dudes.) He is kicking my ass and that yoyo thing is really unfair.
Thanks. I'm very frustrated right now, my finger is tired from mashing X.


Any advice on how to beat Fi
the second time? (end game - after fighting a hundred dudes.) He is kicking my ass and that yoyo thing is really unfair.
Thanks. I'm very frustrated right now, my finger is tired from mashing X.

I did a lot of jumping over him and then kicking him while I'm in the air. So basic jump kicks.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
So I'm done with the game, and since I'm not a PS+ user I figured I would copy my save to USB as I usually do, and noticed that the System Save is freaking 665mb large!? (while the autosave itself is 4mb). Anyone have any idea why it's so huge?

I'd assume it's storing all the pictures you took?


Yeah, I suppose it make sense it also include the pictures. But that itself is a bit weird too since the pictures are saved as normal screenshots you can access from the Capture Gallery. So it means that the pictures are saved twice?


Finally beat the game I really liked it. It looks amazing on a Pro and plays well. I'm sad that it's probably the last time we see Kat :(. She's such a fun and charming character. Anyway can't wait for Raven DLC I'll be playing that day one!


Any advice on how to beat Fi
the second time? (end game - after fighting a hundred dudes.) He is kicking my ass and that yoyo thing is really unfair.
Thanks. I'm very frustrated right now, my finger is tired from mashing X.

Dodge, spam kick, repeat. Maybe there's an easier way, but that worked for me.

This. Kick him, go away for a bit when he's blocking everything until he attacks, dodge his 3 attacks, kick, repeat.
Also, try to be far away from the pool, he will do what he can to make you fall in it.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
So I just got to
and I can see why people were not a fan of episode 12.
That was not the place to introduce Jupiter style or make it the focus at all
. Other than that still really enjoying the game though I have to ask will I be able to
return to the original area?

Same. That was such BS.
I failed the crushing hallway several times. Was so very frustrating.
I am really loving it but feel like the avalanche of games is about to splash right over this. I should try to finish it before starting Horizon.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Same. That was such BS.
I failed the crushing hallway several times. Was so very frustrating.
I am really loving it but feel like the avalanche of games is about to splash right over this. I should try to finish it before starting Horizon.

I actually had a lot of problem with the camera in this part. In the outdoors areas the camera is manageable enough even if it does freak out in tight corners you can usually reset it into a position that reorients you and lets you see what is around you. In the tight corridors with a time limit it can be stupidly hard to figure out where you are or if you're going the right direction especially with all the explosions and other stuff flying around.
Same. That was such BS.
I failed the crushing hallway several times. Was so very frustrating.
I am really loving it but feel like the avalanche of games is about to splash right over this. I should try to finish it before starting Horizon.

One time, it started me facing the wrong direction...

The camera MIGHT have been forgivable if Kat didn't stick to every surface like glue when shifting though.
Has anyone else gotten the Guide here? I was wondering if the code in the back would be usable with a non-jp copy of the game.

Just got mine in. Look like it's for a talisman pack, but I don't see an actual code to redeem? Maybe you're meant to cut it out and take it somewhere?

This thing is great though. Kinda want to flatten the reverse cover and stick it in a poster frame.

The inner cover is great, too!


Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Alright, finally finished up all I wanted to do in the game tonight. Finished up all the side quests and getting at least a bronze in all the challenge missions. Haven't bothered with the mines, treasure hunts etc. so I may revisit it down the road some after getting through this coming rush of games starting with Horizon tomorrow. I'll of course play the Raven DLC, probably not day one though with Horizon, Zelda, ME and the other DLC stuff out tomorrow/March.

Overall my opinion of the game slightly improved from the review/impressions I posted when beating it. I'd bump up my score to an 8.5 from the 7.5 I initially gave it. The side missions are much better if you just do them here and there.

The drawbacks for me (like most) were the stealth sections, boring follow people/find the right NPC to talk to or show a picture two missions, the shitty camera in some parts like story mission 12, and all the side missions that didn't let you use your powers (which are the best part of the game)--the idol and battle nurse missions were the most annoying of those for me. Still a very good game. I still probably slightly prefer the first game as it was just fresher being new and I liked the shorter and more focused nature of that game.
Just got mine in. Look like it's for a talisman pack, but I don't see an actual code to redeem? Maybe you're meant to cut it out and take it somewhere?

This thing is great though. Kinda want to flatten the reverse cover and stick it in a poster frame.

The inner cover is great, too!


Man, I swear Kat and Raven are the two cutest female design i've seen in a long, long time. Such a shame this franchise isn't bigger.
Just got mine in. Look like it's for a talisman pack, but I don't see an actual code to redeem? Maybe you're meant to cut it out and take it somewhere?

This thing is great though. Kinda want to flatten the reverse cover and stick it in a poster frame.

The inner cover is great, too!


Can you still get these? and how?

Ayyyy 100 pages! I didn't think we'd get to this point! But we did :D

Y'all have been great so far. Thank you.

GR2 Gaffers the best Gaffers


Ayyyy 100 pages! I didn't think we'd get to this point! But we did :D

Y'all have been great so far. Thank you.

Page 100 👌

Let's slowly shoot for 60 pages!
100 posts per page > everything

Man, I swear Kat and Raven are the two cutest female design i've seen in a long, long time. Such a shame this franchise isn't bigger.

We don't always get nice things.

GR2 Gaffers the best Gaffers

Finally finished Remastered about an hour ago. It's getting late, but I'm reallly looking forward to starting the sequel. Dat cliffhanger. Finishing the first game back during its release would have been rough; not knowing how everyone was going to end up, or if the story would ever receive a follow up. Damn, I think that the remaster of the first game may be one of my all-time favorites.
For amazon japan, do you have to remake your account, or will a US one work still?
You can log in with you US account; it works as if it's a different account though, as you won't see your US orders/wishlist.

They ship (extremely quickly) to the U.S., not sure about elsewhere in the world though.
I'm in Italy and the shipping has been pretty quick for me as well.

Just got mine in. Look like it's for a talisman pack, but I don't see an actual code to redeem? Maybe you're meant to cut it out and take it somewhere?
The inner cover is great. Yeah, you have to cut the side and the code will be on the inside. I did redeem it on my JP account, but I don't see anything in the download list, and either way I'd imagine it would only work with the JP copy of the game.


Ugh, the prices on the first game's guide are pretty high. I'm actually more interested in the series' artwork than anything. Do you guys think the upcoming artbook would be a better choice? Kind of concerned that I'll miss out on a lot of artwork since it's only 256 pages compared to 383 pages (combined page total of the 2 official guides).
I've only been playing this on and off as my main game so far this year has been Bloodborne - probably only done about 6 hours of GR2 so far. I've just got past the part in the story where she
meets Raven for the first time
. I am enjoying it, and I've mostly been doing side missions and getting the purple crystals so far (what are their proper names?). The story is a little heavy-handed in its messaging although I do like the side-missions and how irreverent and silly a lot of the stuff Kat does is.

How achievable is the Platinum? I have it in Gravity Rush Remastered and will probably go for it here too, assuming it's not too much of a grind. Although I have to say, I'm not all that fond of the delivery missions where you have to slide up the sides of buildings.


I bought Gravity Rush 2 the day it released, after getting the platinum in the first.. And played it for like two hours before I got distracted by Yakuza 0 and then Nioh. I feel bad. :(
Horizon Zero Dawn today, and Zelda on Friday.
Too many good games all coming out close to each other. >.<
Yeah, you're right. But you should find some time for GR2 too, especially if you have enjoyed the first one. And it's also way "smaller" than Horizon and Zelda, so there's that.


If anybody wants this beautiful guide direct from Japan, let me know and I will get you one at a reasonable price. I can ship by international media mail which is downright cheap (maybe $8 for a book of this size). It is beautiful and every GR fan should have one!


Horizon Zero Dawn today, and Zelda on Friday.
Too many good games all coming out close to each other. >.<

You had over a month, this is on you fam :(

Yeah, you're right. But you should find some time for GR2 too, especially if you have enjoyed the first one. And it's also way "smaller" than Horizon and Zelda, so there's that.

Honestly, with all the hours I put in, it's pretty lengthy itself tbh

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly, with all the hours I put in, it's pretty lengthy itself tbh

Yeah, my play counter is at around 66 hours after finishing up side quests and at least bronzing all the challenge missions. Probably closer to 60 I guess as I know I have a couple long idle periods where I got pulled away with the game up. Still way longer than I expected to spend with the game.
Ok so I'm back in Heskeville and this place is no where as fun. It's not as vibrant and the music I don't like as much. Am I stuck here the rest of the game? Kinda wish I would have done some more side missions before.

Seeing the color scheme for the districts in heskeville is a huge downgrade compared to the previous area.
Right 'chere - er, choe

They ship (extremely quickly) to the U.S., not sure about elsewhere in the world though.
Gah! Why did you have to show me the ISBN number so I could order it?

Alternate site to order from. SAL shipping is a lot cheaper and easier to setup an account.

Ok so I'm back in Heskeville and this place is no where as fun. It's not as vibrant and the music I don't like as much. Am I stuck here the rest of the game? Kinda wish I would have done some more side missions before.

Seeing the color scheme for the districts in heskeville is a huge downgrade compared to the previous area.

You will have access to both cities by the end.

Hekesville in GR2 is pretty faithful to the first game.



I don't regret my impulse pre-order one bit. Listening to the last disc now, it's still great. They added on to some songs, even! A few extra bits in Pleajune's theme takes the song to greater levels... And that's already my favorite song!


I enjoyed the first half or two-thirds of the game, but I lost interest after that. The repetitive boss fights felt annoying and unrewarding, the "dramatic" story removed the lighthearted element I enjoy, and the tablet challenges felt tedious and repetitive to me. It felt like the same mechanics, over and over. It eventually became more frustrating than fun. I gave the game a few chances (e.g., gave it a rest, came back) but still wasn't enjoying it, so I gave it up and stopped.

Too bad. Have to say I enjoyed the first game more. I did enjoy the funny dialog, gem collecting, and occasionally fun combat. But they really needed to tighten it up and not pad it out so much with the repetitive boss fights and tablet challenges. That just sucked all the fun out of it, for me.
Finally started. Played for a couple of hours and I'm really enjoying it so far.

I think I enjoy the movement in the first game a little better, but that might just be due to the 60fps crispness of the remaster. Movement in 2 feels a bit more floaty and disconnected. If I wasn't coming straight from the remaster, I probably wouldn't notice though. Maybe enabling motion controls would help, but waving the DS4 around is murder on my nearly 40 year old wrists.

The auto lock-on is so good here. Being able to combo into the launcher (?) with the X + square and then R1 + square to drop onto the same enemy is awesome. Combo tossing objects and dive kicking to follow up is equally satisfying.

The camera is both better and worse. I appreciate that it doesn't try to auto-center when I get turned upside down, but then there are other times where it tries to pull some cinematic angle.

This game looks amazing. The remaster of the first game is beautiful, but the sequel takes it to another level; it truly looks like a living, breathing anime. The art direction is fully realized between comic panels and in-game visuals.
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