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Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity

Just beat the game and I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was interesting how there wasn't really a single overarching story, but rather a series of plots
(Banga arc, Jirga Para Lhao arc, Hekseville arc, and End of the World arc)
. The stories weren't mind boggling, but decent.

Gameplay was overall fun. I frequently rotated between the three styles. I had issues with the camera in tight spaces. I found the camera to be the weakest point in combat.

Side missions were hit-and-miss. There were some that I enjoyed a lot, particularly the ones that had a bit of humor. However, I wasn't a fan of the stealth missions and "Go to this point" missions.

I hope to see a third game. I really think it can become a great game if all the kinks are worked out.
Turned on the game to get the PSO costume and saw that photos are back to like 8 Dusty tokens
which isn't as bad as the like 3 they were before, but still sad to see shifter 2.0 is only for early adopters
It was always going to be a limited boost - it was only for a week post-weekend patch. The raised values post-boost were a nice surprise.

Honestly, I still get like 500-1000 tokens a week even after having stopped playing daily, so I don't see why you're writing off the higher level rewards already. They will get harder to earn as more people stop playing, but we're not at that point yet.
Finally, after however many hours, I finally got the platinum trophy, nearly insane from repeating that Chapter 19 section again and again and again and again...

I hope they patch in a furniture store someday, having to look in random chests for furniture is miserable. Still missing kitchen equipment and lights.
Finally, after however many hours, I finally got the platinum trophy, nearly insane from repeating that Chapter 19 section again and again and again and again...

I hope they patch in a furniture store someday, having to look in random chests for furniture is miserable. Still missing kitchen equipment and lights.
I take it you haven't been doing every treasure hunt? I got all the furniture well before I got the platinum. Treasure boxes only give me gems now, no fanfare :(


It was always going to be a limited boost - it was only for a week post-weekend patch. The raised values post-boost were a nice surprise.

Honestly, I still get like 500-1000 tokens a week even after having stopped playing daily, so I don't see why you're writing off the higher level rewards already. They will get harder to earn as more people stop playing, but we're not at that point yet.

I'm writing them off because I finished the platinum at 50 hours and got the last dusty token reward at 70 hours played?

20 hours is an insane amount of time for 1 stupid worse costume and a gem that breaks any of the fun of managing your gravity meter
I'm writing them off because I finished the platinum at 50 hours and got the last dusty token reward at 70 hours played?

20 hours is an insane amount of time for 1 stupid worse costume and a gem that breaks any of the fun of managing your gravity meter

Take more pictures and upload them then. Do that between treasure quests.


Managed to spend some quality time with this over the last few days and I'm loving it just as much as the first one.

Even the stealth mission that I was dreading after reading you guys all having problems with it I really enjoyed, now I've just got the lunar style and rocket jumping everywhere is sooooo satisfying I just love traversing in this game!

I'm doing my best to try and get as many Dusty tokens as I can but I'm getting no where fast so came here for some help/advice.

I have been taking plenty of pictures and uploading them about 30 or so at this point, but I have yet to receive a single review. I noticed you can repeatedly upload an image should I be re-uploading each day doing it multiple times or just once then leaving it?

Similar question with challenges is it best to upload every score I get or should i just wait until I get a time/score I am happy with and send that? And should I be sending out multiple challenges if so how would I do that?

I've also never had a notification about someone finding a chest with my photo?

I also wondered if to my great disappointment the fact I have no one on my friends list playing this was somewhat hampering my dusty token collecting. In which case anyone that would like some friendly competition on the challenges and sharing pictures please drop me a add on PSN my user-name is in the list within the OP

Sorry for so many question, finally just a quick thank you for anyone offering advice or to anyone that can lend a hand.

Thought I would finish of with a few of the pictures I have taken



TLDR: Really enjoying the game need help with dusty tokens please add me user-name is in the list in the OP. Thank you.
It might be a bit late but there is a spreadsheet of PSN names hidden in the first post (quote to reveal it). Actually, might be a good idea for those who aren't playing regularly to take themselves off it? Or at least, whoever won't be coming back for the Raven DLC...

I still try to get on to clear out my treasure hunts and dive into Delvool when it's open (currently stuck at layer 29) but it has been a crazy few days.


It might be a bit late but there is a spreadsheet of PSN names hidden in the first post (quote to reveal it). Actually, might be a good idea for those who aren't playing regularly to take themselves off it? Or at least, whoever won't be coming back for the Raven DLC...

I still try to get on to clear out my treasure hunts and dive into Delvool when it's open (currently stuck at layer 29) but it has been a crazy few days.

Thanks very much I've gone down the list and added myself to the bottom, cheers to anyone that replied.

(I wish their was a quicker way to search and add friends)
Hi guys, so I'm quite late to the party here and just about to start my first playthrough.

Is it essential to play the first game, or at least know the story? I've played the Vita version back in the day, but I left it around 1/3 of the game. And I don't like the idea of restarting the game even with the remaster. I watched the recap video mentioned in the OP but I barely understand it. It's too damn fast, like the zero punctuation videos. Can anyone recommend another recap video? I found this one. While there's unfortunately no subtitle, at least I understand the first five minute that I've watched. I'll watch it all later this evening if it's a good recap.
Hi guys, so I'm quite late to the party here and just about to start my first playthrough.

Is it essential to play the first game, or at least know the story? I've played the Vita version back in the day, but I left it around 1/3 of the game. And I don't like the idea of restarting the game even with the remaster. I watched the recap video mentioned in the OP but I barely understand it. It's too damn fast, like the zero punctuation videos. Can anyone recommend another recap video? I found this one. While there's unfortunately no subtitle, at least I understand the first five minute that I've watched. I'll watch it all later this evening if it's a good recap.
You could probably enjoy the game either way, but you'd be missing a lot of context, especially towards the second part of the game.


So I'm now just over 50 photos deep and still haven't had a single review I've uploaded them all at least once, most I have uploaded a few times over the course of playing. Did I just miss the boat on enough people playing to review photos or am I missing something?
So I'm now just over 50 photos deep and still haven't had a single review I've uploaded them all at least once, most I have uploaded a few times over the course of playing. Did I just miss the boat on enough people playing to review photos or am I missing something?

Photos are the least reliable means of acquiring tokens because it's super random to even encounter them.

Most of my photo reviews notifications are of photos I uploaded weeks ago, for whatever reason. I'm inclined to believe you aren't notified of every single review you receive, either.


Can't wait for the Raven DLC. Really hoping they announce more DLC, anything. More challenges, side missions, ect.
Love the world they've built
I need some help on a side quest I'm stuck on, I'm doing the Syd fetch quest where he wants a screw, wire, and pipe.

What am I supposed to do to catch the thief? I've been looking all over the sides of an island the wp directed me to and nothing.

It's really frustrating me.

edit:nvm found it
And unexpectedly I've finished Delvool layers 29 and 30 just in time for the DLC to expand the whole thing. Both of them totally cheesed with
panther mode
though, but a clear is a clear!
Well plus it's a free DLC expansion.

Looking forward to seeing how Raven plays.

edit: Okay I'm a bit further it in the game and loving it.

Just some of those delivery missions, like the one for the rich lady were brutal ;_;
Were there ever any figures released on how well the game sold? I have my fingers crossed that we see the DLC tomorrow, but there's been so little buzz about it that I worry that this game was seen as a failure on the part of Sony, which would be a real shame.
I find it admirable you are still playing the game lol.

Not as much as I'd like, and Delvool was the last thing I wanted to finish before the DLC hit. It just... sort of ran up to the wire.

I meant to get on at least daily to push out some treasure hunts, but my work schedule and other things only let me get on once this past week.

Were there ever any figures released on how well the game sold? I have my fingers crossed that we see the DLC tomorrow, but there's been so little buzz about it that I worry that this game was seen as a failure on the part of Sony, which would be a real shame.

Is the DLC release in doubt? There has already been an in-game notification about it.

EDIT: I went ahead and exported a clip of gameplay from Saturday night's stream (since it was in the middle of a party and we were streaming everything). I clipped it pretty wide so you can see a few things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_C0bLWSja4

Delvool 29 starts at 6:24
Mining boss fight starts at 16:57
『Inaba Resident』;232431009 said:
Apparently, the DLC is currently up on AUS PSN. However, its not playable until the patch drops.

Also, there's a new costume for Kat.
Black hair Kali outfit.

Waaaaait that means costumes go to a third page or we get more costumes per page because there is no longer enough room to fit everything in the current space provided.
『Inaba Resident』;232431009 said:
Apparently, the DLC is currently up on AUS PSN. However, its not playable until the patch drops.

Also, there's a new costume for Kat.
Black hair Kali outfit.

There goes my hope of the 2B outfit being out tomorrow :(

Unless it's a separate download like the PSO2 outfit?
Dark Angel Costume (sorry mobile users)
End game spoilers
I'd love a The Other (the Kat/Raven lookalike, so to speak) costume.

On another note, is there anyone in this thread who lives in (or is visiting) Japan and could check local shops if the guide for the first game is available anywhere? Online the prices are crazy.
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