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Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity


I don't regret my impulse pre-order one bit. Listening to the last disc now, it's still great. They added on to some songs, even! A few extra bits in Pleajune's theme takes the song to greater levels... And that's already my favorite song!
The official release really is a step up from the gamerips that exist on youtube, not just in terms of audio quality but often there are added variations, not to mention proper endings to tracks that aren't a simple fade. Depending on what Mick Gordon does for Prey this is my soundtrack of the year. Any word on Nier outfit and DLC drop? Also this games needs an artbook, is their an artbook?


The official release really is a step up from the gamerips that exist on youtube, not just in terms of audio quality but often there are added variations, not to mention proper endings to tracks that aren't a simple fade. Depending on what Mick Gordon does for Prey this is my soundtrack of the year. Any word on Nier outfit and DLC drop? Also this games needs an artbook, is their an artbook?

Not exclusively an artbook, but here:


Pre-ordered mine from Amazon, should arrive tomorrow (bit late due to carnival holidays here, Amazon is usually pretty fast).


I believe there is an artbook coming out at the end of the month, besides the guide.

Yeah, just saw a note on the guide (which just arrived <3). But are you sure it's for this month? Preorders should be up already if so, aye?
edit: just saw kitaon's tweet, hmm

edit2: artbook preorder https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4048925237/

Edit3: been reading the guide (and understanding nothing ofc) and there's a costume design I never saw
black Kali w/o mask
. Is it in the game in some form already? Pre-order bonus or w/e?
Yeah I noticed that too, don't see anything about it anywhere. ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯
I believe on the side it says that the "distribution conditions/campaign" has yet to be announced, or something along those lines. Also, we need a [Episode 18 Spoilers]
"The Other" costume like yesterday

It seems like the Guide for the first game is pretty much impossible to get now. I should have bought it a while back ç_ç


Alright so, does anyone have any idea how the hell I'm supposed beat the Giant Nevi? I'm about 4 hours into the game and I've got no clue how you beat an enemy that can kill you in 3 hits and take off half your health in a single attack. Am I just supposed to ignore them until I've found enough gems to max out my stats and then take them off? Just seems really dumb to introduce an enemy like that at an early point in the game.


Alright so, does anyone have any idea how the hell I'm supposed beat the Giant Nevi? I'm about 4 hours into the game and I've got no clue how you beat an enemy that can kill you in 3 hits and take off half your health in a single attack. Am I just supposed to ignore them until I've found enough gems to max out my stats and then take them off? Just seems really dumb to introduce an enemy like that at an early point in the game.

The easiest way is to just throw rocks at him. They go down pretty quickly and you can keep your distance. And if you run out of shit to throw at the thing, watch out for when it throws it's boomerang. When it hits the ground more chunks fly off that you can throw.
Alright so, does anyone have any idea how the hell I'm supposed beat the Giant Nevi? I'm about 4 hours into the game and I've got no clue how you beat an enemy that can kill you in 3 hits and take off half your health in a single attack. Am I just supposed to ignore them until I've found enough gems to max out my stats and then take them off? Just seems really dumb to introduce an enemy like that at an early point in the game.
It's certainly possible to beat it when introduced but if you're having problems with it, there's no shame in coming back for it later. They aren't going anywhere.

Strategy has been brought up several times in thread but the easiest way to deal with it is to stay on the ground, dodge a thrown scythe, immediately stasis field when it breaks apart to collect the pieces as ammo, and throw it back at any non-white core.


Mission 12,
, the part where you have to find the core of the Neu Hiraleon. Jesus Christ, I can't even remember the last time I witnessed a camera this fucking terrible. And the level just drags on and on! What were they even thinking?
Mission 12,
, the part where you have to find the core of the Neu Hiraleon. Jesus Christ, I can't even remember the last time I witnessed a camera this fucking terrible. And the level just drags on and on! What were they even thinking?

try the game in first person in this area. it helps a lot
I don't think I've gotten this side-tracked in a game since the GTA series.

"Ooo I can fly there. Ooo or there! Selfie! Gemmmmmssssss!! Treasure hunt! Gemmmmssssss!"

3 hours later...

Wife: "Jesus, do SOMETHING ELSE!"

Oh and I unlocked some of the outfits from the first game, but the school uniform is missing. Is it just not in GR2?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I just beat the
Heksville chapter
and holy shit things got freaky and weird.
Dude wants to freeze time to join his daughter and then Kali goes all fucking body horror!


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Just beat the game including all the side missions and it was a pretty good game. Gets a bit repetitive later on and felt like they didn't go quite as crazy with the Nevi enemy designs as they did in the first game though there were more styles of enemies. The story also bounced all over the place but I didn't mind as it was more like several shorter length stories than one huge epic tale though it was in parts I guess. The ending did seem a bit rushed and out of nowhere though.
Just beat the game including all the side missions and it was a pretty good game. Gets a bit repetitive later on and felt like they didn't go quite as crazy with the Nevi enemy designs as they did in the first game though there were more styles of enemies. The story also bounced all over the place but I didn't mind as it was more like several shorter length stories than one huge epic tale though it was in parts I guess. The ending did seem a bit rushed and out of nowhere though.
About that, I was pretty disappointed to see that the Giant Nevi in the various areas were in fact the same one over and over.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
About that, I was pretty disappointed to see that the Giant Nevi in the various areas were in fact the same one over and over.

Yeah the first game seemed to throw constant new forms or Nevi at you and while there were the machine and human enemies they were all fairly similar themselves. Not the biggest deal but combined with the repetitive missions and such it was hard to ignore near the end. Luckily a lot of other elements were so well done that I didn't mind that much. This was even weirder as they started doing the
mutation thing on the climb up the tree
but then never went anywhere with that though the game was nearly over at that point.
The sidequests in this are way too too long. They just drag on and on.

That is one of my criticisms with them as well. There are at times too many "stages" to them. I would have rather there been more ongoing quests, where you pick up a quest so that when you happen to be in Plaejune for instance you can collect or do the thing requested and then go back to the quest giver when convenient.


&#12302;Inaba Resident&#12303;;231561619 said:
Finally started to do more of the story and I'm now at
hekseville. Anyway to ever go back to Jirga Para Lhao?

Yeah eventually you'll be able to.


That is one of my criticisms with them as well. There are at times too many "stages" to them. I would have rather there been more ongoing quests, where you pick up a quest so that when you happen to be in Plaejune for instance you can collect or do the thing requested and then go back to the quest giver when convenient.

Yes, that's exactly what bothers me so much.


Super Marcato Bros. did an episode on the Soundtrack.


Also does anyone have an English translation of the track titles. Received the soundtrack last week and loving it.
Not bad but I'm disappointed they passed off Night Gale as just some Bond-like song instead of exploring its themes deeper and digging into what it evokes from the first game and her character in the moment. &#128530;

That's the worst thing about the marcato bros - they hardly ever play any of the games and just comment on the music. They're missing so much out of what they're listening to by skipping out on context and it frustrates me to no end tbh.
Woot, my Gravity Daze 2 OST arrived today!

Now to find an English track listing, so I can make sense of which is which on my playlist.

So much great music in this game, easily one of my favorite OSTs for a game ever.


Sneak peek at the artbook: http://www.jp.playstation.com/op/gravitydaze/project/2017/03/artbook.html

I never knew I needed a
Sombrero Raven

Well...as a consolation prize, you can have a wallpaper sized version of that artwork.
Well...as a consolation prize, you can have a wallpaper sized version of that artwork.

Is that art from the GUIDE or the ART BOOK?

I have the guide ordered now but not shipped.

For those with the guide, how much extra art work is there in addition to the guide or should I switch the guide for the art book?


Is that art from the GUIDE or the ART BOOK?

I have the guide ordered now but not shipped.

For those with the guide, how much extra art work is there in addition to the guide or should I switch the guide for the art book?

Sombrero Raven is for the upcoming artbook. Don't think we know if the guide has exclusive art since the artbook isn't out until the 21st.


Is that art from the GUIDE or the ART BOOK?

I have the guide ordered now but not shipped.

For those with the guide, how much extra art work is there in addition to the guide or should I switch the guide for the art book?

Sombrero Raven is for the upcoming artbook. Don't think we know if the guide has exclusive art since the artbook isn't out until the 21st.

That particular artwork is from the first game's remaster. They put an entire gallery of concept art in there.
There was also one of a certain character,
that we didn't get to see until the end of 2nd game.


Quick question, in Chapter 2 Episode 6
How do you deliver the fuel? I've taken it to the poor district and I've made it right to the marker, but nothing is happening. I can't fire it anywhere and if I drop it it tells me to pick it back up even though I'm standing right on the marker. I don't know what to do other than ignore it and deliver it to the rich district.
Quick question, in Chapter 2 Episode 6
How do you deliver the fuel? I've taken it to the poor district and I've made it right to the marker, but nothing is happening. I can't fire it anywhere and if I drop it it tells me to pick it back up even though I'm standing right on the marker. I don't know what to do other than ignore it and deliver it to the rich district.

Weird, I don't remember having an issue there. Walking to the marker while having it in stasis should trigger the event.
Quick question, in Chapter 2 Episode 6
How do you deliver the fuel? I've taken it to the poor district and I've made it right to the marker, but nothing is happening. I can't fire it anywhere and if I drop it it tells me to pick it back up even though I'm standing right on the marker. I don't know what to do other than ignore it and deliver it to the rich district.

Do you have to take it to the hide out? If so, remember it's underground on the island.


Turned on the game to get the PSO costume and saw that photos are back to like 8 Dusty tokens
which isn't as bad as the like 3 they were before, but still sad to see shifter 2.0 is only for early adopters
just started playing, played like an hour
really enjoy the characters already mostly kat but i already liked her as it is

did the duck side mission, i hope that isn't indicative of side missions in general cause that would be a pain to look for things in specific locations

even though that one in itself wasn't hard, funny cute story to it too

really like the story elements this time around and i only just started, im just more worried about mission structure

the music still has that slight jarring effect that randomly comes in, it's really fantastic music and i listen to the ost on youtube a lot but it's really weird when it just comes in abruptly and isn't always tonally flowing with what's happening in the game

also love the comic story telling, it's better implemented this time around too


Finished this the other day. Had a blast. Gave same memories as my Platinum run for first on Vita.

Really makes me smile they got a chance to make another game. Love the world they built. Game is a hidden gem.
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