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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds

Well at least when the other female Be comes into the game I won't be moaning about how tacky / crap her design is. Liandrin is armoured to fuck... ;-)

(Still think she would make a great retri paladin).

Redesign her shoulders pls.

Did we ever see Liandrin fighting? I only remember her standing still or just walking. I hope she ends as a prot pally
Already did earlier today JayPL is impossible to get at 120 but NA was easy.

I think in NA I got iakona, fan, udall, srey and believe it or not because it fit nicely in points Glaurung last.

EU was suoer tough compared could only get 1 player I wanted in Snitch the rest I had to fill with Blumbi, Hasuobs, Bakery and Schwimpi.

RIP JayPL darkmok mene dreamteam.
Uhhh what is this? I'm not entering my email address in there.
Guy who did made the site said he doesn't care if you use fake emails he doesn't even send our confirmation links.


I'm generally on the side of avoiding male-gaziness whenever possible, but with Valeera, you kinda just have to lean into it given that it's been pretty consistently her design forever.
I loathe Artanis and his dash/swap. I realise it's a risk/reward play, I've played with and against many Artanis' that couldn't land it consistently, but he's so difficult to kill and now with that recent buff has Stitches ability to put a hero horribly out of position. And he's omnipresent. It's not unusual for the warriors on both teams to be Artanis or Artanis and another warrior.


I'm generally on the side of avoiding male-gaziness whenever possible, but with Valeera, you kinda just have to lean into it given that it's been pretty consistently her design forever.
The loincloth thing is so 90s Marvel, though. HotS could do with less of those.
Finally got that Medivh master skin tonight, feels so good.

Played 4 Medivh games tonight, only 1 death total. Really getting the hang of him I think.


Finally got that Medivh master skin tonight, feels so good.

Played 4 Medivh games tonight, only 1 death total. Really getting the hang of him I think.

Master medivh players are the most terrifying in the game. People will fear you.

As much as I hate stealth heroes in this game (except Samuro <3) I really love the Valeera master skin, that black tint is basically tier2 bloodfang from WoW, which is amazing. Wow they did a great job on her design



You should probably repost it on the next page and actually label it for what it is and explain it instead of just NA/EU.

Finally got that Medivh master skin tonight, feels so good.

Played 4 Medivh games tonight, only 1 death total. Really getting the hang of him I think.

How'd you git gud with him? Just solo queuing Quick Match?
How'd you git gud with him? Just solo queuing Quick Match?

It was a combination of solo queuing and queuing QM with friends to test different comps to see what works and what doesn't. My friends also tend to be bloodthirsty, so it was good practice with shielding allies.

The Master's Touch talent is the absolute key, along with shielding. If you cannot reliably land the Arcane Rift skillshot, Medivh is near useless. In clustered teamfights, the fact that the Rift goes through all enemies allows you to just chunk entire teams.

In QM, take the talents that boost your Raven Form and Circle of Protection at lvl 16. This is the least team-reliant build, and lets you play as an "off-mage", if that makes sense. He's probably one of the most rewarding heroes to play IMO, but you can also feel like a huge burden on a team that isn't in sync.


Just played through a round of Brawl and what a fun, chaotic mess. And I mean that in a good way, actually.

The only downside was that it took what seemed like a solid minute or two for the game to actually load everyone in. Is it always that slow or is something up?


If you notice, it's that slow for a reason. You don't have to load back in for every round. in that way it's actually faster overall than the typical manner.
finally finished my placement matches. got put in platinum 1 and very close to being promoted. Do I go to plat 2 or diamond 5 if i get promoted?


Because that's where 90%+ of the best known Blizzard heroes are found. Also where the biggest portion of their fan base comes from.


They finished every hero that was leaked from 4chan with the release of Zul'Jin. Now it's all new heroes that weren't known to the public for now.


Haven't we seen and/or heard about Kel'Thuzad being in dev before, though? I feel like there's still a few more that were datamined long ago or perhaps shown in images that haven't shown up.


Garrosh and Anduin are clearly coming sooner rather than later to finish out the HS crew if f'n Valeera both beat them to HOTS AND took the classic WoW Rogue kit despite not really being from WoW proper.


Haven't we seen and/or heard about Kel'Thuzad being in dev before, though? I feel like there's still a few more that were datamined long ago or perhaps shown in images that haven't shown up.

They shared some initial model designs way back during Blizzcon 2014. Who know what has happened since then.



Garrosh and Anduin are clearly coming sooner rather than later to finish out the HS crew if f'n Valeera both beat them to HOTS AND took the classic WoW Rogue kit despite not really being from WoW proper.

Come on, kirblar. Wouldn't you get a chuckle if they put Valeera under a "Hearthstone" tab and then moved Uther, Gul'dan, etc to it?



They could create new heroes from original hearthstone cards however but that's a stretch when there's so much easy pickings left on the table.


I usually can't hear the voice lines so I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't be shocked. I'd honestly get a kick out of it.


I would expect to see hearthstone and overwatch characters prioritised above others going forward now - both are hugely successful games with massive e-sports followings, and blizzard wants to cross-pollinate as much as possible.

Would also not be surprised if we had something equivalent to the Nexus Challenge when we get the new progression system, but maybe with hearthstone instead?

(I think more people are familiar with Valeria from Hs than Warcraft for example).


Is there really a lot of crossover from casual Hearthstone players to casual HOTS players, though? At least Blizzard's other games are somewhat similar in certain ways. HS is completely different than everything else. Not saying it won't happen, just not sure if it'd be as successful as something like the OW event considering how similar the two games are.

I really hope they prioritize Overwatch heroes over the next year. There's some good ones there. I also have never played Starcraft, so I care not about those heroes, and there's only a couple I'd like to see from Diablo still. That leaves OW and Warcraft, and I'm all about the OW heroes.


Is there really a lot of crossover from casual Hearthstone players to casual HOTS players, though? At least Blizzard's other games are somewhat similar in certain ways. HS is completely different than everything else. Not saying it won't happen, just not sure if it'd be as successful as something like the OW event considering how similar the two games are.

I really hope they prioritize Overwatch heroes over the next year. There's some good ones there. I also have never played Starcraft, so I care not about those heroes, and there's only a couple I'd like to see from Diablo still. That leaves OW and Warcraft, and I'm all about the OW heroes.

I don't know at all, just guessing those are the two properties they would want to focus on. Then towards the end of the year I think we get a big name Diablo hero or two as they ramp up the launch of the necrotic and the announcement of Diablo 4 at blizzcon.

Personally, it's Diablo i want more than others - specifically, Diablo enemies. I like baddies more than heroes, and wild love to play Mephisto, Baal and Be'lial in game. Oh, and Zoltan Kulle just because his voice acting and lines would be as amazing as Alaraks (a hero I cannot play at all, but love having around because of the VA).


I'm boycotting Diablo until we get Deckard Cain.

Really, though, would love to see Cain get an announcer voice pack a-la Dota 2 if they don't wanna make him a hero. Could listen to him tell me about collecting seeds all day.
I usually can't hear the voice lines so I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't be shocked. I'd honestly get a kick out of it.

Oh no I meant when they introduced him, not a voice line.
I really hope they prioritize Overwatch heroes over the next year. There's some good ones there. I also have never played Starcraft, so I care not about those heroes, and there's only a couple I'd like to see from Diablo still. That leaves OW and Warcraft, and I'm all about the OW heroes.

Are there any characters in OW that are prominent but not OW agents? Would be fun if Hots got one of those. Or they could ask the team for the kit of one OW guy or gal in the pipeline and then get the speculators speculate the other way around.


As somebody who isn't super familiar with Bliz stuff outside of Warcraft 2 and Starcraft, what are some likely supports that could be coming? Did the leaks from a while ago list any that would obviously be support? I've been dying for a good new support.


I'm boycotting Diablo until we get Deckard Cain.

Really, though, would love to see Cain get an announcer voice pack a-la Dota 2 if they don't wanna make him a hero. Could listen to him tell me about collecting seeds all day.

Malthael hello
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