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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


Oh no I meant when they introduced him, not a voice line.

Ah, no clue. If they did I missed it.

I'd actually be curious to see how much backlash they'd take if they moved Gul'dan, Valeera, Rexxar, Malfurion, Jaina, Medivh, Uther, Tyrande, and Thrall to a Hearthstone tab. I'd argue that if you just went off of WoW you could probably move several of those as they are just bit players or from past games, but I know Warcraft fans would be in an uproar.

If you look at it, Hearthstone heroes are probably a good indication of what we are getting. Almost every one of them is in game. I'd imagine they will complete the set.

We're missing Alleria (could be a skin), Khadgar, Liadrin, Anduin, Morgl (could be a skin), Garrosh, and Magni (is a skin already).

Are there any characters in OW that are prominent but not OW agents? Would be fun if Hots got one of those. Or they could ask the team for the kit of one OW guy or gal in the pipeline and then get the speculators speculate the other way around.

I don't know, but that would be hilarious as well. Always kind of wondered if they might ever simultaneously launch a hero on both games.

Malthael hello

He's never coming. Give it up.


As somebody who isn't super familiar with Bliz stuff outside of Warcraft 2 and Starcraft, what are some likely supports that could be coming? Did the leaks from a while ago list any that would obviously be support? I've been dying for a good new support.

If you mean the leak that included Gul'Dan, Auriel, Varian, the SC maps, etc, I believe the only hero that leaker mentioned that hasn't been released yet is Aiden (the Warrior from the original Diablo who became the Dark Wanderer), and he almost certainly wouldn't be a support.

I'd say the most likely coming support would be Anduin Wrynn, the character representing the Priest Class from Hearthstone (and is also in WoW of course).

We could also get a support from Overwatch. Ana or Lucio maybe.

Blizz knows we want more supports, and at Blizzcon said more were coming, but not for a while. So I feel like we've still got another hero or two after Valeera before we get another support.


Aren't you the guy who complains about 9 out of 10 hero releases and then comes around a month or two later? I'm pretty sure that's you sir.


After they changed his Q talents I haven't been able to play with him. He used to be a good hero for me, but I just can't get damage in with him now. Feels infinitely squishy and I just can't get close enough to AA without getting blown up in the same way I can with Valla or ZJ.


After they changed his Q talents I haven't been able to play with him. He used to be a good hero for me, but I just can't get damage in with him now. Feels infinitely squishy and I just can't get close enough to AA without getting blown up in the same way I can with Valla or ZJ.

Quest + Boomerang is the way


If I got Zenyatta in HotS I would be content forever.

Love me some Zenyatta too whenever I play overwatch.

After they changed his Q talents I haven't been able to play with him. He used to be a good hero for me, but I just can't get damage in with him now. Feels infinitely squishy and I just can't get close enough to AA without getting blown up in the same way I can with Valla or ZJ.

I don't know how to build Falstad anymore either. I don't know which build is better for what situation (mage, rod or aa). However, I really do like his pirate skin. Wonder if they'll other skins themed like that.


Patch notes are up for PTR.


Rooster mount is a quest reward for the lunar festival, which is a lot bigger this year and gives a lot more gold. That's far, far more generous than I was expecting...
New Hero: Valeera
For a time, the gladiator Valeera Sanguinar served dutifully as one of Varian Wrynn’s personal bodyguards. Now, her shadowy skills find her a natural fit within the secretive rogue order, the Uncrowned, in their fight against the Legion.


Vanish (D)
Valeera vanishes from sight, becoming Stealthed and increasing her Movement Speed by 10%. For the first second, she is Unrevealable and can pass through other units.
Using Vanish grants Valeera an alternate set of Abilities that she can use while Stealthed.

Basic Abilities

Sinister Strike (Q)
Dash forward, dealing damage to all enemies in a line. If Sinister Strike hits an enemy Hero, she stops dashing immediately and the cooldown is reduced to 1 second.
Awards 1 Combo Point.
Blade Flurry (W)
Deal damage in an area around Valeera.
Awards 1 Combo Point per enemy Hero hit.
Eviscerate (E)
Consume all stored Combo Points to Eviscerate an enemy, dealing increased damage per Combo Point spent. Valeera can store a maximum of 3 Combo Points.

Vanish Abilities

Ambush (Q)
Ambush a target, instantly dealing damage to them.
Awards 1 Combo Point.
Cheap Shot (W)
Deal a small amount of damage to an enemy and stun them for 1.5 seconds.
Awards 1 Combo Point.
Garrote (E)
Garrote an enemy, instantly dealing a small amount of damage to the target, as well as a larger amount of bonus damage over 7 seconds, and Silencing them for 2 seconds.
Awards 1 Combo Point.

Heroic Abilities

Smoke Bomb (R)
Create a cloud of smoke. While in the smoke, Valeera is Unrevealable, can pass through other units, and gains 25 Armor, reducing damage taken by 25%. Valeera can continue to attack and use Abilities without being revealed. Lasts 5 seconds.
Using this Ability does not break Vanish.
Cloak of Shadows (R)
Valeera is enveloped in a Cloak of Shadows, which immediately removes all damage over time effects from her. For 1 second, she becomes Unstoppable and gains 75 Spell Armor, reducing Ability damage taken by 75%.
Using this Ability does not break Vanish.


Free rooster for all. The quest sounds a little complicated and like you won't be able to miss many days, though. EDIT: or maybe you can just do it multiple times per day?

EDITx2: Golden Rooster – Available for gold purchase only
Have you ever managed to collect 40 globes in a game?

New Talent: Khala's Light(Q)

Upon the expiration or breaking of Plasma Shield, grant the target 25 Armor for 3 seconds
Elune's Grace much
New Talent: Psionic Projection (Q, W)

Increases the range of your Plasma Shield and Psionic Storm abilities by 40%
That's pretty nice
Twilight Archon (R)

New functionality:
Basic Attacks while in Archon refresh the duration of Archon


Rooster mount as a quest reward I like this a lot. Gold Rooster is a gold sink. Guess I did good holding onto mine.
Looks like Milly has his wish. You can run Cursed Hollow without objectives. This is the purest map we could have for a MOBA in HOTS.

I like where they are going with Valeera. A nice sequence you can build like a fighting game combo. I think this will be the first hero I'll buy in a while even thought I said the same thing with Rag and ended up waiting on it.

Lots of talents that are baked in for Tassadar now. He'll be even more deadly with melee assassins now.

I don't know what to think of Rexxar changes :/.
Hmm, I wonder if there any restrictions on Vanish or whether it can be activated at any time? Will the CD on it start after you break stealth or after you first vanish? Does the 1 second of being unrevealed mean that you get 1 second of stealth no matter what or will dots break you out immediately?

The ideal initiation may be to first store two combo points and then stealth and wait for the CD to expire. Then when you engage on someone using a stealth ability you'll have 3 combo points so you can use 3-point Evis and then immediately vanish and cheap shot, then Sinister Strike and Blade Furry and finish with another 3-Point Evis.

Or if they're not as mobile you can switch the order around so stealth ability, three point evis, sinister strike + blade flurry, vanish, stealth ability, three point evis, sinister+blade flurry, 2 point evis.


Only glanced at tass stuff but the initial takeaway is that they reduced shield amount (looks to be the same early on but scales worse) and upped the cd and that was a big part of why he was op


RIP, no poison

She has literally every poison from WoW as talents - they are all there, as separate activatables. and some of them are freaking crazy (she gets the mortal strike poison at level 4. 50% reduced healing for 4 seconds, on a 15 second cooldown - eat your heart out xul!)
She has literally every poison from WoW as talents - they are all there, as separate activatables. and some of them are freaking crazy (she gets the mortal strike poison at level 4. 50% reduced healing for 4 seconds, on a 15 second cooldown - eat your heart out xul!)

Cool, I may even buy her, but I am not good with assassins

Necromancer poison was crap anyway.


She seems useless versus tanks, and holy crap obliterates backline heroes. Because right now mages are way too strong in this game... ;-)


She seems useless versus tanks, and holy crap obliterates backline heroes. Because right now mages are way too strong in this game... ;-)
Per the Warcraft Assassins post, that's exactly what she's meant to do. "Enemy Carry Disabler"

She's a Chromie murderer.


Sucks she's on ptr and not live. Like why did she have to get tested? Really want to play her but don't want to wait in that extremely long queue.


So I'm not sure the new tassadar is actually very good. The fact he basically doesn't have an auto attack is a lot more crippling than you would think/. He now loses 1 on 1 versus every hero in the game, and his wave clear is anaemic.

Need to play around more, but doesn't feel as good as his talents looked.
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