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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


Dang those patch notes are pretty hype. Reworks to two of my favorite heroes AND a golden rooster? Aww yiss.


Tass may have been the last person with promote afaik unless Gaz still has it

Like I said, he lost it about a year ago with his last re-work. and yeah, Gazlowe lost it with his as well so I don't think it exists in the game anymore? Can't think of anyone else with it - Zagara and Azmodan have their specific versions, but the generic one has gone.
Ah, I never picked it anymore anyway so I guess I didn't notice. Plus they erroneously list it as removed this patch in the patch notes if so.

Can't wait for succubus Kerrigan on a golden cock

Really hoping Abathur gets some love soon, he feels like hot garbage aside from waveclear with the current meta


too much frontpage or r/all reddit is bad for your health.

This thread is pretty tame flaming wise compared to what's happening over there holy cow !

Per the Warcraft Assassins post, that's exactly what she's meant to do. "Enemy Carry Disabler"

She's a Chromie murderer.

*rub hands* This is sounding like a pretty fun hero to me.

Sucks she's on ptr and not live. Like why did she have to get tested? Really want to play her but don't want to wait in that extremely long queue.

I'm guessing Zul'Jin has been sitting in their think tank for a while now and considering the complexity of her talent tree they probably aren't too sure if her numbers are ok. They also test two reworks at the same time so I'm ok with them being careful before going live. It's not like the game is broken right now as it currently stands.

So I'm not sure the new tassadar is actually very good. The fact he basically doesn't have an auto attack is a lot more crippling than you would think/. He now loses 1 on 1 versus every hero in the game, and his wave clear is anaemic.

Need to play around more, but doesn't feel as good as his talents looked.

Didn't they transform his AA into the beam talent he used to have ? That's sad to hear if so. Being able to solo lane was one of his good points.


Free rooster for all. The quest sounds a little complicated and like you won't be able to miss many days, though. EDIT: or maybe you can just do it multiple times per day?
Multiple times a day is how the other pre-match quests worked. Easier to do earlier in the promotion because then it's more likely that someone on your team is on their first game of the day to trigger it.

I might get Samuro with gold to make the bundle a bit cheaper. With the extra 200 gold it gets you for finishing it daily I should pull in enough to also get Illidan to make that one a bit cheaper and still get the Golden Rooster...


Since they want to add more supports, Ariel Hanson would be a cool non-Warcraft multiclass support-assassin hero. Wings of Liberty spoilers:
if she goes assassin she gets infested.


Yes, but they halved his damage at the same time.

Yes + gutting his psi storm where you dont really get rewarded much for landing the entire duration which rarely happens in the first place

I dont mind either of those to a certain extent and i think trading auto dmg (low to begin with) for utility is a nice idea, but mainly i take issue (on paper mind you, havent tried it) with how they have heavily reduced his survivability, like the whole fun of tass was how aggressive he could go but now he just sits in the back (down to the talents extending range on his auto and psi storm...)


In general the Rexxar changes look good for team fights but...

and we've added some talents that should help better sell the fantasy of Rexxar and Misha working together to take down their prey.
They mean they decided to take a huge dump on his versatility. Now really just a normal warrior who will take too long to do anything else properly. I want to cry looking at that talent tree.


In general the Rexxar changes look good for team fights but...

They mean they decided to take a huge dump on his versatility. Now really just a normal warrior who will take too long to do anything else properly. I want to cry looking at that talent tree.

What do you think the reductions in his versatility are? Curious as I don't play him much and the new talents look really, really good to me (I hate that damn bear!)


Dunno if you checked it, Maledict, but on PTR the 3rd tint of Valeera's base skin actually has leggings instead of bare leg.


I actually don't mind the base skin now that I see it in game.


Yes, I actually really liked that one!

Still think the master is the best though. All the tints are great, and the costume looks fantastic. I think she's also the first character who actually shrinks in her master costume - her thighs look smaller!


Not sure what you guys are talking about, and I haven't tried him on ptr, but the tassadar stuff looks really strong to me.

Life steal baseline on his shield that now shields himself for much more plus a baseline slow on his auto attack and psi storm does more the longer someone stands in it. That seems really strong for a 1v1.

All of the changes to his base abilities look like buffs to me, the talents are harder to understand without playing but some look bonkers. (3sec resistance after every shield?)

The Rexar rework looks fucking stupid though. Like all the survability talents are on one tier and all the cc talents are all on their own tier as well. Clearly one of those talents will be best in slot and non of the others will be used. Like what the fuck is the point of the new animal husbandry talent if it's in the same tier as hunter gatherer? One will be better then the other, and the other one won't get picked. And then any synergy between talents is gone, I hate when they do that shit. Like you used to be able to get the increased slow combined with the misha attacks reduce stun cooldown for a nice synergistic cc build, that's gone now. Or you used to be able to get both the pve talents and you can't do that anymore either.


Yes, I actually really liked that one!

Still think the master is the best though. All the tints are great, and the costume looks fantastic. I think she's also the first character who actually shrinks in her master costume - her thighs look smaller!

Agreed. For once they nailed most of the colors.


Not sure what you guys are talking about, and I haven't tried him on ptr, but the tassadar stuff looks really strong to me.

Life steal baseline on his shield that now shields himself for much more plus a baseline slow on his auto attack and psi storm does more the longer someone stands in it. That seems really strong for a 1v1.

All of the changes to his base abilities look like buffs to me, the talents are harder to understand without playing but some look bonkers. (3sec resistance after every shield?)

The fact the shield has lifesteal does nothing for him. He literally heals for 8 health off a full second of attacks at level 1 with it. It's hard to overstate how unbelievably bad his damage is right now - easily the lowest damage hero in the game.

Now, that might be made up for by perma-archon at 20, and all the support he brings, but he definitely isn't the same Tassadar as before. I think he will be very bad in lane for example because he can't hurt the enemy hero at all.

Definitely needs people to play with him - slowing someone on your auto attacks doesn't do much if there isn't follow-up to punish them.


Valeera looks like a hero that I will be playing solo on one of my smurfs instead of on my main, otherwise I'll be tanking everyone's MMR.


I mean, I might be completely wrong (and often have been!), but I took an auto attack build on him in AI mode and was stunningly useless versus the AI bots. Potentially just not familiar with how he now plays, but without Archon mode even Uther was kicking my head in (and you can't really stutter step with him at that attack speed).


he couldnt hurt uther before either

this is how I'm looking at it

what made tass op before was shield amount, particularly late game (~1000 hp every 5 seconds, shit was broken), and cd, and that's changed. it's probably made up for by talents like the armor one, but it also means that he is throwing out way less shields (that scale worse?) in a fight/skirmish. q gains base lifesteal and some nice talents. it's good in the end that they changed this because it was bad for the game, particularly in competitive. his auto change is a buff, his w change is a nerf.

he lost a lot of survivability, 10 sec cd increase on e and losing his lvl 13/16 means he is ultimately a passive hero now who cannot afford to use e to bait enemy cds. that's a large nerf, it means that he will typically be a backliner now. he revolves heavily around his talents now (meaning his power spikes are very meaningful and his power scales hard off those particular levels, compared to before where his main spikes were 13/16) and has a baked in slow on his auto, meaning he can be useful regardless of those spikes.

in general the rework seems successful (on paper) and he'll probably still be good
I want to say he gets executioner synergy now, but again his survivability is nerfed


hmm yea maybe he's just not meant to solo lane anymore which is a bummer, but does does make sense as a support.

Seems like he'll be better in rotations though.

I think that the aggressive Tass style may still be viable but will require archon if it is.

Kinda makes sense if you look at it actually, the generic "shields are good" is nerfed, and generally he's got more disables with the talents that promote supportyness synergizing better with a buffed force wall.

And then they removed his option to just never die, adding some damage talents that seem like they'll synergize with a heavily buffed archon. So he can be aggressive by going all in instead of just being unkillable.

Seems like the goal of it would be to remove his generic OPness and forces you to be more support or damage focused.


yeah w/r/t to previous tass vs. ptr tass the latter seems healthier for the game for sure
i think winrates will also be a bit affected by ppl just assuming he still has those 13/16 talents


I'm now 44 minutes into queue for Valeera. Da fuqin fuq.

EDIT: Popped at 45 mins. Good thing I was working while waiting and not actually waiting.


yeah w/r/t to previous tass vs. ptr tass the latter seems healthier for the game for sure
i think winrates will also be a bit affected by ppl just assuming he still has those 13/16 talents

I feel like we're making way for zarya still


Apparently there's a datamined voice interaction for when Valeera kills 'Dreadlord'. Now, Sylvanas has always had some lines for interacting with Varimathras, and there's no sign of him, but Valeera by all accounts was a hero they started relatively recently, not someone like Varian who had been development hell for forever. So I think there's a good chance we're getting a Dreadlord in the next few heroes - either Mal'Ganis, Varimathras, or Tichondrius.


Went 4-17-2 in my first game with her. I'd have had more KB's but the Tracer literally sniped a bunch.

She's not as hard to play as I thought, and that was against Tassadar and Abathur. The Q being a dash really helps.

No clue what talents to take, though. Couldn't even begin to guess.


But really a dreadlord would be great. Legion Nighthold raid spoiler:
Tichondrius is a boss in it so maybe?


I feel like we're making way for zarya still

zarya is actually really good already, just niche

i tried tass a bunch on ptr, but it's hard to think about him cuz i compare him to present tass, like he is decidedly worse in teamfights for example but he's not bad or anything
i wish they hadnt changed the atspd on his auto, like i know it's for that random ass tychus passive talent he has but it feels really bad


But really a dreadlord would be great. Legion Nighthold raid spoiler:
Tichondrius is a boss in it so maybe?

I'd love to see Mal'Ganis. He's the one who started Arthas down the path eventually leading to becoming the Lich King.

Also, I haven't played WoW in a long time, but damn, Valeera actually does feel like a WoW rogue. Even the way her stealth'ed abilities pull up as a second hotbar.


also I forgot you can get double e off of archon, but you are also wasting archon duration for that (negative synergy w/ deep shift too)


What do you think the reductions in his versatility are? Curious as I don't play him much and the new talents look really, really good to me (I hate that damn bear!)
Ketch said it mostly...

The Rexar rework looks fucking stupid though. Like all the survability talents are on one tier and all the cc talents are all on their own tier as well. Clearly one of those talents will be best in slot and non of the others will be used. Like what the fuck is the point of the new animal husbandry talent if it's in the same tier as hunter gatherer? One will be better then the other, and the other one won't get picked. And then any synergy between talents is gone, I hate when they do that shit. Like you used to be able to get the increased slow combined with the misha attacks reduce stun cooldown for a nice synergistic cc build, that's gone now. Or you used to be able to get both the pve talents and you can't do that anymore either.
Before you could stack one way or the other for the conditions or have a nice mix. Now it's just an even-handed build every time because you're forced to choose between similar traits and the end result is it will always be weaker than the specialized builds you could have had before. Plus they nerfed the fuck out of Bird of Prey by taking off 50% and making it only do the bonus damage to minions. So now it'll be 25% less helpful for waveclear and absolutely no help in speeding up camp pickups. Rexxar was amazing for a versatile map-traveling warrior but now he'll be a shitty version of Muradin.


also I forgot you can get double e off of archon, but you are also wasting archon duration for that (negative synergy w/ deep shift too)

Also this version of giant killer at 16 is bad with archon, because archon slows your attack speed down to 1 per second (which the tooltip doesn't highlight).

Not that that talent is that great anyway - even at max duration it's only 20% of a tanks Health, and you are unlikely to get that. Plus unlike other giant killers his auto attacks don't do any damage either. Definitely think the armour reduction on psi-storm may be the way to go.

(I think the globe talent at 1 is a trap btw - collecting 40 globes is a ridiculous task. Getting 20 is more realistic, but even then it's not going to come online until at least level 10 so doesn't make up for the loss of the old talent).


also I forgot you can get double e off of archon, but you are also wasting archon duration for that (negative synergy w/ deep shift too)

Nah brah E in then archon the backline and fight to death (or e out at the last second).

I think the archon build will be psi storm vulnerability and archon.

I think the auto attack talents are for forcewall.

I feel like the rexar rework may be trying to drive people towards aspect of the hawk builds.

Is zarya really niche? When is she not good?


Nah brah E in then archon the backline and fight to death (or e out at the last second).

I think the archon build will be psi storm vulnerability and archon.

I think the auto attack talents are for forcewall.

I feel like the rexar rework may be trying to drive people towards aspect of the hawk builds.

Is zarya really niche? When is she not good?

yeah that's the main use of it i think

zarya is for when your team comp is already fleshed out, she doesnt add much just numbers.


Valeera gonna be toxic in QM. After one game not quite Nova/Chromie toxic, but at least Zeratul level toxic.
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