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LEGO City Undercover |OT| This city has no ports

Just bought this game used from a Gaffer. Has anyone here purchased the Prima guide, and if so, do you recommend it? I know I wouldn't -need- it, but I am the type of person that really enjoys reading through game guides anyway, and if it's actually a good one, I'll probably pick it up some time. Was hoping someone here had seen it / read through it!


Not to say that your desire is invalid, but could kids handle one? A system that excluded them would change the whole way this game is played in my house.

I's actually quite nice for Lego games I think. Counters, grabs and so on.

Maybe something more than just "YYYYYY-A". Context-sensitive, I don't know. I've played tons of beat'em when I was younger, it wasn't a problem to have more than one button to punch-kick.
Just finished the game and thought it was very good. A refreshing Nintendo Take on Open World games. I'm still less than 40% complete so now I'll need to go back through and replay the free runs, side missions, grab collectables, etc.... My guess is I'll keep coming back to this every so often to slowly complete the game.


I'm starting to think I'm going mad. I played through the Wii U version of LCU a couple of weeks ago (loved it), and have been playing the 3DS version on and off since it released in the UK last week.

Although the 3DS version lacks most of the amazing voice acting, I think it's probably the best game I've played on the machine (and I've had one since launch)
  • The vehicle handling is tight. Mostly a lot better than the Wii U version.
  • The abilities are cool. Some, like the jet pack, seem better thought out than their Wii U counterparts - and additional ones like using the fire truck are good fun.
  • The graphics are impressive - sure, there's occasional sudden pop-in with vehicles, but it's not a deal breaker.
  • The in-engine cut scenes (while not voiced) are varied and well done with lots of chucklesome animations.
  • The story is neat - particularly the way it sets up the characters and events for the Wii U game.
  • The dialogue is well written.
Sure, it probably works best as a companion to the Wii U game. Once you've played that you know a bit about the characters and what they sound like, you know the scale of the city, you know the various music cues, and you're more aware of where the story is going. But I still think it's a very solid game in its own right.

The reason I feel like I'm going mad is that I just looked around at some reviews to see that - in comparison to its Wii U big brother, the 3DS game is getting trashed. I looked back a few pages in this thread, but didn't find much discussion - am I the only one who actually likes it? What am I missing?


I'm starting to think I'm going mad. I played through the Wii U version of LCU a couple of weeks ago (loved it), and have been playing the 3DS version on and off since it released in the UK last week.

Although the 3DS version lacks most of the amazing voice acting, I think it's probably the best game I've played on the machine (and I've had one since launch)
  • The vehicle handling is tight. Mostly a lot better than the Wii U version.
  • The abilities are cool. Some, like the jet pack, seem better thought out than their Wii U counterparts - and additional ones like using the fire truck are good fun.
  • The graphics are impressive - sure, there's occasional sudden pop-in with vehicles, but it's not a deal breaker.
  • The in-engine cut scenes (while not voiced) are varied and well done with lots of chucklesome animations.
  • The story is neat - particularly the way it sets up the characters and events for the Wii U game.
  • The dialogue is well written.
Sure, it probably works best as a companion to the Wii U game. Once you've played that you know a bit about the characters and what they sound like, you know the scale of the city, you know the various music cues, and you're more aware of where the story is going. But I still think it's a very solid game in its own right.

The reason I feel like I'm going mad is that I just looked around at some reviews to see that - in comparison to its Wii U big brother, the 3DS game is getting trashed. I looked back a few pages in this thread, but didn't find much discussion - am I the only one who actually likes it? What am I missing?

Well that last ponit ist mostly due to the fact that this is the OT for the WiiU game. I don't have time to do one for the 3DS one and apparantly no one else felt like it was necessary..


The reason I feel like I'm going mad is that I just looked around at some reviews to see that - in comparison to its Wii U big brother, the 3DS game is getting trashed. I looked back a few pages in this thread, but didn't find much discussion - am I the only one who actually likes it? What am I missing?
We are talking about it a little in this thread. I've enjoyed it, mostly post-game.

That said, I don't get the vibe that many people have picked it up. Reviews are probably partly to blame, as well as people bailing because they absolutely can not stand the slightest hint of a technical limitation, but there's also not exactly a dearth of arguably superior games on 3DS to choose from right now.


Well that last ponit is mostly due to the fact that this is the OT for the WiiU game.
Ooops, sorry about that.
We are talking about it a little in this thread. I've enjoyed it, mostly post-game.

That said, I don't get the vibe that many people have picked it up. Reviews are probably partly to blame, as well as people bailing because they absolutely can not stand the slightest hint of a technical limitation, but there's also not exactly a dearth of arguably superior games on 3DS to choose from right now.
Will check out that thread now! To me, the reviews seem really odd. I mean, maybe I'm missing some amazing 3DS games, but this has grabbed me far more than anything else I've played on the system since launch. I don't even mind the load times - at least you get tips rather than just a slow loading bar. Both this and the main LCU seem like they were made with a lot of love, and that's something I really like.
I have said previously how much I like this game and this is a GOTY for me.

Just wanted to share that my 8 year old daughter is almost done on the story, my 7 year old son is also enjoying the game and the wife started a very very long play session yesterday, she started in the morning and ended at 8pm. She also is loving it.

So not just GAF love, but seems to be a title that anyone can enjoy while also appealing to gamers. There is so much stuff to do after the story.


Just wanted to share that my 8 year old daughter is almost done on the story, my 7 year old son is also enjoying the game and the wife started a very very long play session yesterday, she started in the morning and ended at 8pm. She also is loving it.
Yup, my kids all dig it (6 and 10—and the 6-year-old, thanks to my encouragement, is learning Valuable Video Game Skills instead of just asking for someone to clear something for him :lol) and my wife too.

Oh, so, anyone know what's up with this? Was it something I did and forgot about? There's a clue icon on the scanner right in front of Chase in this shot. According to the Pad I have 100% of the Things in this area.


One more fun shot:



The yellow marker can be set by yourself by touching a specific spot on the map for a longer time IIRC. There may be situations where the game does this as well, but I can't remember currently.


Neo Member
My wife just finished the game last night and
holy fuck at the final scene where you fall down to earth! The music gave me goosebumps and really made the game for me.. could play this scene all day.


The yellow marker can be set by yourself by touching a specific spot on the map for a longer time IIRC. There may be situations where the game does this as well, but I can't remember currently.
I set it using the scanner. There's a clue marker there; the yellow marker was because I locked it in. But there's nothing there.


I set it using the scanner. There's a clue marker there; the yellow marker was because I locked it in. But there's nothing there.
Oh. No idea, then. Could it be that there are tasks that are not needed for 100%, e.g. small super bricks? Nothing being there is strange, though.


Oh. No idea, then. Could it be that there are tasks that are not needed for 100%, e.g. small super bricks? Nothing being there is strange, though.
Super bricks (small and large) show up on the scanner separately (I have all the scanner upgrades at this point... invaluable for more red bricks!) but this was a clue, which is usually something like something that needs to be painted. I have no idea what is supposed to be there, but it's there again when I revisit the area too. Driving me just a little crazy :lol

If anyone else wants to look, it's the little roof area on the left side building in Bright Lights that has the giant video screen taking up most of its surface with the toys scrolling across it. If my kids or wife play I'll have them look too. Maybe I'll post a map...


Neo Member
If anyone else wants to look, it's the little roof area on the left side building in Bright Lights that has the giant video screen taking up most of its surface with the toys scrolling across it. If my kids or wife play I'll have them look too. Maybe I'll post a map...

The same thing happened to me as well and actually drove me crazy, as I was at like 98% in that area at that time. Still, I didn't find anything there either. It's probably a bug or oversight.


If they ever do a sequel, I have no clue how they will top that final mission. My god that was too awesome. Wishes for a sequel:
- Even bigger main world. Let me explore underwater in submarines
- Multiple settings. Someone way back in the thread suggested maybe something like a time travel plot to allow many different lego sets to come into play
- A bit more depth to the combat. I actually think it is fine as is since it isn't even close to the focus of the game, but something a bit more rewarding couldn't hurt.
- More Chase and Frank. They really made the game for me


So anyone find the Robo-T-Rex yet?

Outside of the short time you drive it during the museum mission, I haven't been able to find it again, and replaying the mission doesn't allow you to drive it, it just skips that sequence.


So anyone find the Robo-T-Rex yet?

Outside of the short time you drive it during the museum mission, I haven't been able to find it again, and replaying the mission doesn't allow you to drive it, it just skips that sequence.
People who've unlocked all the vehicles don't have the Robo-T-Rex, so it seems you only get to drive it once.


Finished the game today: 9/10 and a big candidate for my GOTY. Nintendo should really make a bundle with this and an LEGO-Toy. I needed 21 hours and had 30%. Disclaimer: I never played a LEGO-Game before.

There was an embargo (at least here in Germany) about something in the endgame (or the ending itself). Does anybody know more about this embargo?
Because there is nothing really special in the ending, I think. And the fact that you are on the moon was shown in trailers.


]blacky[;56847992 said:
There was an embargo (at least here in Germany) about something in the endgame (or the ending itself).
Nintendo routinely embargoes game endings or "surprises" (like Mario 3D Land's back half) as a matter of course here in America. I am pretty sure they're just trying to keep the experience as pure as they can for consumers, even if sometimes that rule proves to be a bit awkward to deal with.


Nintendo routinely embargoes game endings or "surprises" (like Mario 3D Land's back half) as a matter of course here in America. I am pretty sure they're just trying to keep the experience as pure as they can for consumers, even if sometimes that rule proves to be a bit awkward to deal with.

I thought you can play with Mario or something after you beat the game. :)

BTW, it is a shame that the 3DS-Version seams to be a letdown. Because I am planning to by a 3DS this month.
Alright boys and girls. Bought my Wii U two weekends ago and today I finally have time to sit down and play LCU. Gonna get it going in about 30 minutes.

I'll report back tonight with my opinions. You've hyped me significantly, I hope I don't end up disappointed!


The Birthday Skeleton
There are so many things to do beside the main story! Even replaying the early missions with the unlocked abilities is rewarding. This is one great game.


]blacky[;56848880 said:
I thought you can play with Mario or something after you beat the game. :)

BTW, it is a shame that the 3DS-Version seams to be a letdown. Because I am planning to by a 3DS this month.

Well once you beat the game
you can unlock a red brick that puts a Mario hat on you.


This game is Nintendo's best kept secret.
You should own this game if you have a WiiU

There more I play it the more I love it, there is gratification happening every 5 minutes still after 30 hours in.

But there are so many annoying bugs...
Memory reset is just insane.
Your car can disappear if you turn around the camera.
and boats... why are they so hard to find? They reset and wipe completely... I must fly out to the sea and jump into a boat to get one.

This game is rough could have use many more months in debug.
But, I still enjoy this in the same way as GTA and Crackdown :p



Where are boats? :(

Alright boys and girls. Bought my Wii U two weekends ago and today I finally have time to sit down and play LCU. Gonna get it going in about 30 minutes.

I'll report back tonight with my opinions. You've hyped me significantly, I hope I don't end up disappointed!

So, a few hours in, and I love this game. My only real complaint, which isn't really the games fault, is that I'm playing on on a 4:3 20" 480i TV... which means, by the time it is put into letter box, the diagonal size of the viewable area is less than 18", which results in me having a hard time seeing some details from my couch and especially a hard time reading the text. Had to move a chair halfway between my TV and my couch to make it playable.

Cannot wait until this TV dies so I can justify the purchase of a 40"+ flat screen.


So, a few hours in, and I love this game. My only real complaint, which isn't really the games fault, is that I'm playing on on a 4:3 20" 480i TV... which means, by the time it is put into letter box, the diagonal size of the viewable area is less than 18", which results in me having a hard time seeing some details from my couch and especially a hard time reading the text. Had to move a chair halfway between my TV and my couch to make it playable.

Cannot wait until this TV dies so I can justify the purchase of a 40"+ flat screen.

I think I see a fly on your TV screen. Quick, throw a brick at it.
Welp. Pretty sure I've run into a bug that's going to prevent me from getting 100%. I was completing
Apollo Island
, and the game shows I've only completed 6/7 Super Builds. I can remember six of them that I did tonight, so I'm thinking the game didn't recognize when I built the
during the story.

Has anyone had a similar problem or know a workaround? I've already gone to Miiverse, but I figured I might as well ask here too.
Welp. Pretty sure I've run into a bug that's going to prevent me from getting 100%. I was completing
Apollo Island
, and the game shows I've only completed 6/7 Super Builds. I can remember six of them that I did tonight, so I'm thinking the game didn't recognize when I built the
during the story.

Has anyone had a similar problem or know a workaround? I've already gone to Miiverse, but I figured I might as well ask here too.
I don't think the Super Builds during the story count towards 100% in that way. Yeah, you have to complete them to go through the story but that 7th Super Build is not the story one, there must be another one on the island somewhere.
I don't think the Super Builds during the story count towards 100% in that way. Yeah, you have to complete them to go through the story but that 7th Super Build is not the story one, there must be another one on the island somewhere.


When the guy builds the
(at about the six minute mark) in this video, it looks like it counts toward the total Super Build count. Hopefully I'm wrong and I somehow missed one, but I'm pretty sure the game messed up.


How do I activate/use red bricks? It seems like, when I pause and go to the menu, it doesn't let me turn them on? Am I missing something?
Some red bricks aren't available in special assignments.

You also have to buy them in the police station if you haven't already. Those will say "available to buy" in the menu.

When the guy builds the
(at about the six minute mark) in this video, it looks like it counts toward the total Super Build count. Hopefully I'm wrong and I somehow missed one, but I'm pretty sure the game messed up.
I am trying to figure out the timeline of that Super Build and am confused. When he builds the
it registers as only his 5th Super Build and 22nd Gold Brick. But doesn't that build open up the final story mission? And can you get the
that early?

I guess I am more confused on how someone could possibly just straight-line the story and not get sidetracked. I thought such a thing impossible.

Apparently Super Builds that are not within a specific story mission but still part of the story/out in the open do count towards Super Builds, that was my mistake. I guess scour the island again or find some guide to follow to see if you did miss one. I hope the game didn't mess up for you.


I got the 3DS game as a gift from an awesome GAFer, played it a lot already. It's really fun so far. I do not plan to buy a WiiU in the near future so I'm happy we got a 3DS version of this game. I don't mind the minimal voice acting, it's a handheld game and it makes me feel better if I play on the go and not miss much dialogue anyways.

I remember reading it has awful loading times, but I've only really experienced this when you first start up the game and load your save. Other than that, it's been fine so far.

My minor gripe is that there's no run button (I think), and what I thought was the run button to hold down ended up being the hookgun button (Y). I have only played Lego Batman 2 before this, and I liked how if you held down the direction, your character would be running. I would have liked McCain to speed up a little.

My other gripe so far is that vehicles seem a little slow, I did a mission where I had to chase someone in a car but it was really hard to catch up because the vehicle moved so slow AND you were apparently supposed to ram his car. Again, wish it was a bit faster here.

I'm really enjoying the game so far regardless.


I got the 3DS game as a gift from an awesome GAFer, played it a lot already. It's really fun so far. I do not plan to buy a WiiU in the near future so I'm happy we got a 3DS version of this game.
There's another thread for the 3DS version. A few of us have played it rather extensively.

It is definitely a different game, too. It's similar in spirit but can be fairly different in execution.
I got the 3DS game as a gift from an awesome GAFer, played it a lot already. It's really fun so far. I do not plan to buy a WiiU in the near future so I'm happy we got a 3DS version of this game. I don't mind the minimal voice acting, it's a handheld game and it makes me feel better if I play on the go and not miss much dialogue anyways.

I remember reading it has awful loading times, but I've only really experienced this when you first start up the game and load your save. Other than that, it's been fine so far.

My minor gripe is that there's no run button (I think), and what I thought was the run button to hold down ended up being the hookgun button (Y). I have only played Lego Batman 2 before this, and I liked how if you held down the direction, your character would be running. I would have liked McCain to speed up a little.

My other gripe so far is that vehicles seem a little slow, I did a mission where I had to chase someone in a car but it was really hard to catch up because the vehicle moved so slow AND you were apparently supposed to ram his car. Again, wish it was a bit faster here.

I'm really enjoying the game so far regardless.

Can't say for the 3DS version, but the Wii U version has a button you can press to use a sort of turbo boost/nitro for a short period of time. Maybe there is an equivalent in the 3DS version?


Can't say for the 3DS version, but the Wii U version has a button you can press to use a sort of turbo boost/nitro for a short period of time. Maybe there is an equivalent in the 3DS version?
Nope, no boost in TCB.


There's another thread for the 3DS version. A few of us have played it rather extensively.

It is definitely a different game, too. It's similar in spirit but can be fairly different in execution.

Weird, I couldn't find that. Thanks.

Can't say for the 3DS version, but the Wii U version has a button you can press to use a sort of turbo boost/nitro for a short period of time. Maybe there is an equivalent in the 3DS version?

As far as I can tell, nothing like that. I don't think it's a major issue though.

Btw thanks again!


Most epic ending ever
Good TV and sound system required

I decided to download the 3DS game since I need more Lego City in my life.
It seem to be much more action oriented and has boss fights o_O
I guess they share engine... since loading is exactly the same...
I finished the last mission last night, with 49.9% completion rate. What an amazing mission that was! This game can look great when it wants to, shame that when driving or walking around the city it can look a bit dull.

I ended doing some side quests for a couple of hours afterwards and ended up in 55%, still loads of stuff to do...
Haha, what a gem this game turned out to be. Glad i didn't miss out on it. I'm playing it with my son and it's a lot of fun for both of us.
Some kind of achievements would have been nice for games like this.


I just finished the story last night. Far out. Completely Epic and the whole game was a blast to play.

I hope it has legs because it deserves it.
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