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LGBTQIA+ |OT8| PrEPare Yourself.

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dont give up!

Maria is cute but now i want a Cornetto

Lol decided to keep with the recommendation hole and got to this funny Chinese webseries. I think most of it is funny because I don't know much about pure Chinese culture and in the first episode this woman has the most rediculous giant bow headband..it has English subtitles and apparently on the channel reuses people and character names and changes their jobs and such for new stories


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
lol decided to keep with the recommendation hole and got to this funny Chinese webseries. I think most of it is funny because I don't know much about pure Chinese culture and in the first episode this woman has the most rediculous giant bow headband..it has English subtitles and apparently on the channel reuses people and character names and changes their jobs and such for new stories
Is that app real?


Any DFW gaffers going to the Block Party? Going for the first time.. putting the finishing touches on my costume this week!



Like, I'm super excited about the idea of a new red dead game. But that teaser pic of seven people makes me think it's multiplayer :(


Zero²;220348685 said:
Well since I already posted on fake GAF, I might too post it here since this is my second home/thread as well.
Hellooo how are you doing?


We got our first rain in six months yesterday so of course it started when I went out to get dinner.


I can't figure out how to get a direct link through the imgur app. I've reached that age where technology makes me angry.



We got our first rain in six months yesterday so of course it started when I went out to get dinner.


I can't figure out how to get a direct link through the imgur app. I've reached that age where technology makes me angry.
Ugh I know how you feel, I had to ride my bike home in the rain yesterday... I mean it was fun, made me feel pretty bold haha But still wet all my clothes :p


Zero²;220376997 said:
Ugh I know how you feel, I had to ride my bike home in the rain yesterday... I mean it was fun, made me feel pretty bold haha But still wet all my clothes :p

I mean, the worst part of it was wearing glasses. Being blind sucks.


Like, I'm super excited about the idea of a new red dead game. But that teaser pic of seven people makes me think it's multiplayer :(
Rockstar is king of solo campaign games (that also frankly wouldn't be hurt by drop-in co-op in most of GTA V)

The Housers who are in charge said story campaigns will always be the center of their major titles so don't worry about it
Hey all!

A few days ago, I decided to give up on online dating. I've been trying for months, hoping to find someone who enjoys similar interests, and isn't scared of distance, no matter how close or far they are.

Most of the messages I receive are either very short, which leaves no room for a response, or too sexual, which I'm not interested in at all. And when I do have a conversation with someone, they lead me to a dead end. Giving shorter responses as time goes on, and telling me how "cute" I am every few messages. I try to start a new conversation/topic, but it's all short responses...

I guess it's not for me, haha. It's not easy to find someone who wants to talk about games, Steven Universe, and more, without getting sexual, haha!

Since everyone's posting pics of themselves, here's me :p
Hey all!

A few days ago, I decided to give up on online dating. I've been trying for months, hoping to find someone who enjoys similar interests, and isn't scared of distance, no matter how close or far they are.

Most of the messages I receive are either very short, which leaves no room for a response, or too sexual, which I'm not interested in at all. And when I do have a conversation with someone, they lead me to a dead end. Giving shorter responses as time goes on, and telling me how "cute" I am every few messages. I try to start a new conversation/topic, but it's all short responses...

I guess it's not for me, haha. It's not easy to find someone who wants to talk about games, Steven Universe, and more, without getting sexual, haha!

Since everyone's posting pics of themselves, here's me :p

Ayy gurl hit me up.

And yeah I've run into the same problem. People not wanting to do anything else besides sext and send dirty pics. As much as I feel uncomfortable in crowded group settings, I think I'm starting to come around on the gay clubs/bars scene. You'll run into plenty of people just looking to do some dirty, but at least that is a lot more physically intimate and even if you end up just making out with the dude on the dance floor for a bit that's still miles above sexting or sending a pic. Plus dancing/drinking is fun in itself. And if you can go with a group of friends you have a bit of a safety net if you start feeling uncomfortable.


Man, Nintendo better be revealing the NX this week, I can't take more outlandish "leaks" anymore. I just want to know what it is ;_;
Hey all!

A few days ago, I decided to give up on online dating. I've been trying for months, hoping to find someone who enjoys similar interests, and isn't scared of distance, no matter how close or far they are.

Most of the messages I receive are either very short, which leaves no room for a response, or too sexual, which I'm not interested in at all. And when I do have a conversation with someone, they lead me to a dead end. Giving shorter responses as time goes on, and telling me how "cute" I am every few messages. I try to start a new conversation/topic, but it's all short responses...

I guess it's not for me, haha. It's not easy to find someone who wants to talk about games, Steven Universe, and more, without getting sexual, haha!

Since everyone's posting pics of themselves, here's me :p

I have the same issue. I will message people about things in their profile like video games, music or tv shows (ex. Steven Universe) and nothing! Also people saying you're cute all the time is annoying,
I have the same issue. I will message people about things in their profile like video games, music or tv shows (ex. Steven Universe) and nothing! Also people saying you're cute all the time is annoying,

You two have describe my issue as well, thankfully during work I met some cool people and met a hangout group on reddit. Dating is just a big hassle for me.

I have tried to get into that show and it's not clicking for me but Krem we can talk Utada and other artists if you want.


Rockstar is king of solo campaign games (that also frankly wouldn't be hurt by drop-in co-op in most of GTA V)

The Housers who are in charge said story campaigns will always be the center of their major titles so don't worry about it

I hope!
Ayy gurl hit me up.

And yeah I've run into the same problem. People not wanting to do anything else besides sext and send dirty pics. As much as I feel uncomfortable in crowded group settings, I think I'm starting to come around on the gay clubs/bars scene. You'll run into plenty of people just looking to do some dirty, but at least that is a lot more physically intimate and even if you end up just making out with the dude on the dance floor for a bit that's still miles above sexting or sending a pic. Plus dancing/drinking is fun in itself. And if you can go with a group of friends you have a bit of a safety net if you start feeling uncomfortable.

I'm perfectly fine with the friends I have. I'm not really the club/bar kind of guy, and if so, it's just chats and food with friends.

I have the same issue. I will message people about things in their profile like video games, music or tv shows (ex. Steven Universe) and nothing! Also people saying you're cute all the time is annoying,

Exactly! I message people saying how they're doing, liking their interests, and wanting to know more about them. And I just get the shortest response in the world, along with a "You're cute". Woo.
I'm perfectly fine with the friends I have. I'm not really the club/bar kind of guy, and if so, it's just chats and food with friends.

Exactly! I message people saying how they're doing, liking their interests, and wanting to know more about them. And I just get the shortest response in the world, along with a "You're cute". Woo.

I wasn't suggesting making new friends. I'm just saying going with a group of friends helps a bunch since you have people to fall back on and you aren't just dancing or drinking awkwardly alone.

And yes, I'm not a club/bar kind of guy either. I'll probably only go with friends. But it is admittedly a good way to meet other gay men. You get drunk, you let the music take over you, you dance, and maybe get your junk fondled or fondle some guy. It is fun stuff to be honest if you give it a chance.

You might still end up with people doing the "irl" equivalent of "you're a cutie", but that involves actual physical contact which is nice even if it is ephemeral.


Zero²;220434917 said:
Ohhh right yeah I can imagine it being a problem... It's weird to find guys with glasses hot btw? Maybe it's just me 👀

Is it? I find glasses to be attractive. Is that weird? I've never thought about it.
I wasn't suggesting making new friends. I'm just saying going with a group of friends helps a bunch since you have people to fall back on and you aren't just dancing or drinking awkwardly alone.

And yes, I'm not a club/bar kind of guy either. I'll probably only go with friends. But it is admittedly a good way to meet other gay men. You get drunk, you let the music take over you, you dance, and maybe get your junk fondled or fondle some guy. It is fun stuff to be honest if you give it a chance.

You might still end up with people doing the "irl" equivalent of "you're a cutie", but that involves actual physical contact which is nice even if it is ephemeral.

I didn't mean that you said that I should make new friends... it that made sense. It's just that I'm not up for meeting club/bar people for "fun"...
I have like, exactly one male gay friend because I can't stand how sexualized shit is sometimes.

I just want people to play Overwatch with on muh Playstation. ;-;
I filled out my early voting ballot yesterday and voted NO for prop 205 in Arizona which would legalize weed, I will NOT accept the gateway drug to become legal in my state!

voted yes... Also voted yes on raising the minimum wage


I filled out my early voting ballot yesterday and voted NO for prop 205 in Arizona which would legalize weed, I will NOT accept the gateway drug to become legal in my state!

voted yes... Also voted yes on raising the minimum wage

You didn't want to wait until the last presidential debate to make up your mind?
You didn't want to wait until the last presidential debate to make up your mind?
I know both sides are completely the same because South Park said so, but I just couldn't stand Trump after those horrendous comments... Gays, Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks are all fine to go after and discriminate against but WOW I feel like I have to draw the line at sexism.


Been a couple weeks since I posted in here, I'm not a very active gaf user but I try to keep up. I did one job interview for a full time job (which I need) but they never called back, so there's that I guess. I'm tired of having to look for decent work, all the jobs I apply for seem to require some level of experience which I don't have, so it seems the best I can do is apply to a different retail position that pays more and just hope I can get full time hours. I just want to go back to school so I can stop. My life is in a rut that consists of going to work, coming home, playing video games for the rest of the day and repeating it.
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