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Lords of the Fallen |OT| We don't praise the sun around here


Got dealt with on path to the planetarium. Had enough for today but still enjoying this. Trying to get the
20k experience on character while beating a boss
trophy atm.

Edit - trophy done. Beast was relatively easy. Just got my ass kicked by guardian though. Thoroughly enjoying this game. Had doubts id even like it seeing as I haven't played a souls game properly.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Tomasz Gop said on stream if he could go back and change things about game before release it would be stability and performance ^^ they are reading gamefaqs and steam fb and twitter and other places for bug reports :p


Announced DLC "Ancient Labyrinth"
•A powerful ancient Lord, a magical foe who changes his powers continuously throughout the battle, keeping players on their toes
•A new location, The Library, filled with puzzles, environmental riddles and history of Harkyn’s world
•A new puzzle-based gameplay mechanic
•An all-new quest centered around the story of immortal, powerful demons
•Side-quests and NPCs with an agenda that affects the war between human and demonic realms
•New armor and weapons


Unconfirmed Member
I just finished this and ended up with a good feeling about the game, even if it does have it's fair share of glitches and bugs. Some very dodgy and other just funny like this one I captured


The comparisons with the souls games, I don't think helped, but if you can play it for what it is, it is pretty fun and ok.


Announced DLC "Ancient Labyrinth"
•A powerful ancient Lord, a magical foe who changes his powers continuously throughout the battle, keeping players on their toes
•A new location, The Library, filled with puzzles, environmental riddles and history of Harkyn’s world
•A new puzzle-based gameplay mechanic
•An all-new quest centered around the story of immortal, powerful demons
•Side-quests and NPCs with an agenda that affects the war between human and demonic realms
•New armor and weapons

If we are to base this off of the main game, that will probably only be about 40 minutes worth of gameplay.


Game audio is really buggy and messed up to the point that I played many sections with no audio or with audio randomly phasing in and out.

Anyone experiencing massive audio bugs on PS4? How do I fix it ? I tried restarting but it doesn't fix itself.

I love this game,its great and gorgeous but the audio bugs are far too distracting at this point.
I'm excited for the expansion :)

Also, I have a gallery of 8K shots over on PC Gamer if anyone's interested. I love this game's art and tried my best to make it shine... even with that nasty chromatic aberration.


Go back to the circle room in your screenshot, and look for a pressure plate close to one of the coffins in that room. Cant run fast enough to the door, maybe some magic could help you out ;)

Read like a cheesy tutorial :) Thanks though. I already found 1 pressure plate door, and that was a gate that lifted up. So I didn't think teh same mechanism would be used for this door. I was wrong :)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Finally finished it. 16 hours according to Steam (checked after immediately starting NG+ and beating the first boss).

Overall, I quite liked it. Lots of rough spots, really uninteresting lore and story, terrible characters and dialogue, but the gameplay was fun enough, and I didn't mind the art style as much as lot of people seem to.

I don't know if I'll play NG+, but I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more from this team.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I am at the catacombs and pulled the lever next to the gate and the gate does not open. Is there another Lever i need to pull ?
Yes. Near the Butcher (that's close to the priest who needs help).


So has the PC version got patched up yet? Or is it still the bug infested VRAM vacuum it was last time I played, got all the way to the Champion pure naked Souls' style using only Daggers, now using the Revenge Daggers, and no leveling or healing during bosses.

My main complaint aside from the atrocious and completely unacceptable unoptimization issues that shouldn't exist on the PC at all if the full power of at least a 760/2500K/8GBDDR3/paging file/etc was used to really "make it a PC game". But my other issues were the hitboxes which were nearly as bad as DkS2 horrible hitbox validation, and the overall clumsy/sloppy and clunky movement calibration for equip weights, again another thing sort of terribly carried from DkS2. Has anything been done to correct these issues yet? Or am I still waiting indefinitely for a patch or modder to fix this.


I notice they make no mention of any bug fixes. But then I don't really want to download another 5GB patch.

There is a patch being worked on which addresses bugs and further addresses screen tearing on consoles, but it probably won't be out until the end of the month and yeah it will be another hefty one on consoles.


Is there a way to skip fighting / go around the beast to at least come back to him later?

I found an amazing buckler that needs 18 AGI :/


Any XB1 users wanna tell me how good the game performs? Any tearing, framerate drops, lower quality shadows, or less lighting?
I've just finished my second play through. Here's stuff I've noted/run into so far.

  • I've noticed screen tearing 2 or 3 times, I usually have an eye for this so it's not too bad (Dark Souls 2 is bad for this)
  • The lower resolution is noticable on a 50" Plasma, but still good looking
  • Framerate really sucks in a couple areas, sub 30s - but seems to be better for the late half of the game (around 30)
  • Lock on targetting is sketchy, this is probably across all platforms
  • Voices and certain sounds simply stopped working a couple times, restarting the game fixed this (Not missing much though since the voice acting is terribad)
  • Sometimes when getting hit or switching lock targets, the game will freeze for a split second - not game breaking but has caused me a couple deaths
  • Game has crashed once when I started to load up my second play through, no crashes while actually playing though
Being a developer myself, I don't trust the state resuming that XB1 does, variables can easily get out of whack, etc - so, whenever I finish a session, I save at a crystal, quit to main menu, go to dashboard and quit the game. Maybe this has prevented me running into the crashes others talk about, maybe not.


I'm excited for the expansion :)

Also, I have a gallery of 8K shots over on PC Gamer if anyone's interested. I love this game's art and tried my best to make it shine... even with that nasty chromatic aberration.


I have no idea what was going on in the minds of those who okayed the CA. It makes it look like a shitty, faux 3D effect without the glasses, or like your vision is slightly blurred. It's not flattering at all. I've had it turned off since the first 15 minutes I started playing. Otherwise those shots are pretty nice.
I have no idea what was going on in the minds of those who okayed the CA. It makes it look like a shitty, faux 3D effect without the glasses, or like your vision is slightly blurred. It's not flattering at all. I've had it turned off since the first 15 minutes I started playing. Otherwise those shots are pretty nice.

Unfortunately turning it off means turning off all post processing... which really makes the game look kinda bland. I'm eagerly awaiting a fix for JUST removing chromatic aberration before I start my 2nd playthrough.


Happy to see this game getting a DLC. Not a huge fan of the puzzle focus, but will probably purchase considering I had a good time with the main game.
Few more shots I posted in the PC thread.







I like some of these enemy designs.


[*]Voices and certain sounds simply stopped working a couple times, restarting the game fixed this (Not missing much though since the voice acting is terribad)

Yeah but the game sounds really off.

Restarting fixes this only momentarily for me...It isn't permanent.


I had some fun with this game, but just didn't foresee a ton of replay value, so I opted to trade it in. I'm recently a new member of Best Buy Gamer's Club Unlocked thanks to some sweet deals advertised here on Gaf, so I decided to trade it in there for some bonus points.

After going back and forth with the Blue Shirt for a good 7 or so minutes about my name and address and all of that, he finally prints out a receipt with the value of the game on it:


...wat? Obviously, I said 'nope' and took my game back and left, but seriously? $1.00? It clearly must have been a mistake with their inventory system. Maybe it takes a few weeks for games to receive a trade-in value in their computer? Does anyone know how trade-ins work at Best Buy?
Beat the game finally. I wish the boss fights and level design were better. Everything else is top notch otherwise. Not sure if I will buy into the DLC....
Without me having to read through the whole thread, can someone tell me what the general opinion is on this game? Worth $60? The PS4 version specifically...


Can someone explain to me where the damn third antanas sign is ? I looked everywhere and I can't find the third one...I already beat the catacombs and I am pretty far into the game yet I can't solve this quest.

Also why do some weapons have "empty sockets" in them ?? Is there some upgrade system ?
Can someone explain to me where the damn third antanas sign is ? I looked everywhere and I can't find the third one...I already beat the catacombs and I am pretty far into the game yet I can't solve this quest.

Also why do some weapons have "empty sockets" in them ?? Is there some upgrade system ?

Which two signs did you find?

And yes. You can put runes in the weapons.


I found the two signs that across each other next on the bridge below the archer and right before the boss arena.

How do I put runes into weapons ?

From the crafting guy,he is right when you go in the other realm for the first time,once you have talked to him,any forge you see you can craft...


From the crafting guy,he is right when you go in the other realm for the first time,once you have talked to him,any forge you see you can craft...

I see! Thanks.

So that's why I didn't know about this.I have yet to go to through the pathway to the realm.
I've just finished my second play through. Here's stuff I've noted/run into so far.

  • I've noticed screen tearing 2 or 3 times, I usually have an eye for this so it's not too bad (Dark Souls 2 is bad for this)
  • The lower resolution is noticable on a 50" Plasma, but still good looking
  • Framerate really sucks in a couple areas, sub 30s - but seems to be better for the late half of the game (around 30)
  • Lock on targetting is sketchy, this is probably across all platforms
  • Voices and certain sounds simply stopped working a couple times, restarting the game fixed this (Not missing much though since the voice acting is terribad)
  • Sometimes when getting hit or switching lock targets, the game will freeze for a split second - not game breaking but has caused me a couple deaths
  • Game has crashed once when I started to load up my second play through, no crashes while actually playing though
Being a developer myself, I don't trust the state resuming that XB1 does, variables can easily get out of whack, etc - so, whenever I finish a session, I save at a crystal, quit to main menu, go to dashboard and quit the game. Maybe this has prevented me running into the crashes others talk about, maybe not.

Ps4 tears but not/rare on Xbox one?


I am being an idiot.

I'm in the bit after meeting the blacksmith dude and I've opened the gate. In the circular area I'm fighting this guy who recharges his health as he is about to die. No matter what I can't seem to work out how to cancel his healing and kill him.


I am being an idiot.

I'm in the bit after meeting the blacksmith dude and I've opened the gate. In the circular area I'm fighting this guy who recharges his health as he is about to die. No matter what I can't seem to work out how to cancel his healing and kill him.

Somewhere nearby there
is a sneaky sneaky little urn, vase, thing. It looks a little different than the normal ones all over the place. Break that, then he won't regen. If you can't find it, pay attention when he regens, as you will see a red line of ... uh, energy that goes from him to the vase.


I am being an idiot.

I'm in the bit after meeting the blacksmith dude and I've opened the gate. In the circular area I'm fighting this guy who recharges his health as he is about to die. No matter what I can't seem to work out how to cancel his healing and kill him.

the jar just outside the door to the left has his heart in it, pick it up and slay the fool


Just on my way to the final showdown. Need another 10 scrolls for the trophy but I can't be arsed to go searching every nook and cranny now. Also seem to be missing a tyrant heart but oh well.
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