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Magic: the Gathering |OT13| Ixalan - Port to Sideboard

Wait... PW can't be Commanders with the Legendary change?


Thank the theros Gods, would be terrible imo and result in Dack Fayden being banned.
Don't worry, I've got your back!

Grim Tutor
Imperial Seal
The Abyss
Nether Void
Chains of Mephistopheles
Juzam Djinn
Bazaar of Baghdad
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale
Mishra's Workshop
Candelabra of Tawnos

(Yes, I started running out of good, legal mono-black options at the end. Several of those could actually be valid includes except, uh, you'd need to have them)

More seriously though, what kind of mono-black deck? You have the always valid Demonic Tutor/Vampiric Tutor combo but whether or not you want those depends on if you're OK with strong tutors. Diabolic Intent is also a less broken but still good tutor option. And if you want to really be stylish/potentially deck yourself there's stuff like Demonic Consultation and Tainted Pact.

If you want to tell people not to attack you there's No Mercy, although that doesn't PWs at all.

Since you're mono-black you can run Bubbling Muck to do your best High Tide impression.

Toxic Deluge/Death Cloud/Damnation are there when you want to just murder everything whereas Pox/Small Pox let you just make everyone hate you.

I don't really know where to go here without more of a deck direction provided.

Oh, and both Living End and (especially) Living Death do, well, things.
LMAO I was debating whether to include a price range. It's Liliana Tribal deck as in I have 56, and some I'm considering cards depicting Lililana or mentioning her in the flavour text or being story related to her.

Meaning I have at best 10 spots left over and Endless Ranks is probably gonna eat some of that.
Thank the theros Gods, would be terrible imo and result in Dack Fayden being banned.

LMAO I was debating whether to include a price range. It's Liliana Tribal deck as in I have 56, and some I'm considering cards depicting Lililana or mentioning her in the flavour text or being story related to her.

Meaning I have at best 10 spots left over and Endless Ranks is probably gonna eat some of that.

Then play Abandon Hope. I get the feeling that's going to describe what you want to do in a lot of games.


Not Wario
Planeswalkers are pretty fragile anyways. The appeal to play them as a commander is lessened when I have to defend them from 3 other attackers instead of just 1.


Why would they? They're no different than other noncreature legendary permanents.

Why wouldn't you want the face characters of the game to headline decks in one of the biggest casual formats there is? Plus they'd be fun.

Thank the theros Gods, would be terrible imo and result in Dack Fayden being banned..

Having them act as Commanders would definitely require changes to the banned list. Probably a few of them would end up banned easy. I'd be fine with it.
Planeswalkers are pretty fragile anyways. The appeal to play them as a commander is lessened when I have to defend them from 3 other attackers instead of just 1.

Yeah, people love to swing on PWs because it's almost always more politically expedient than going to the face.

About the only time I can ever get someone to not bash a Karn in the face is if I promise to make him suicide for the sake of removing a bigger threat from the table.
1 Liliana, Heretical Healer

1 Ancient Tomb
1 Barren Moor
1 Blighted Fen
1 Bojuka Bog
1 Buried Ruin
1 Cabal Coffers
1 Desert of the Glorified
1 Dunes of the Dead
1 Evolving Wilds
1 Geier Reach Sanitarium
1 Ifnir Deadlands
1 Myriad Landscape
1 Petrified Field
1 Scavenger Grounds
1 Sea Gate Wreckage
1 Spawning Pool
1 Strip Mine
12 Swamp
1 Thespian's Stage
1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
1 Vesuva
1 Volrath's Stronghold
1 Westvale Abbey

1 Charcoal Diamond
1 Expedition Map
1 Helvault
1 Jet Medallion
1 Nevinyrral's Disk
1 Oblivion Stone
1 Sol Ring
1 The Chain Veil

1 Brink of Disaster
1 Demonic Pact
1 Liliana's Caress
1 Liliana's Mastery
1 Oath of Liliana
1 Phyrexian Arena
1 Tainted Remedy
1 Triumph of Cruelty
1 Waste Not

1 Cruel Revival
1 Dark Dabbling
1 Flesh to Dust
1 Snuff Out
1 Ulcerate
1 Undying Evil
1 Unholy Hunger

1 Cemetery Recruitment
1 Damnation
1 Dark Petition
1 Dark Salvation
1 Demonic Tutor
1 Diabolic Tutor
1 Disentomb
1 Dread Summons
1 Duress
1 Endless Obedience
1 Famine
1 Killing Wave
1 Liliana's Defeat
1 Liliana's Indignation
1 Liliana's Influence
1 Macabre Waltz
1 Mind Rot
1 Mutilate
1 Necromantic Summons
1 Reave Soul
1 Rise from the Grave
1 Rise of the Dark Realms
1 Yawgmoth's Will

1 Liliana of the Dark Realms
1 Liliana of the Veil
1 Liliana Vess
1 Liliana, Death Wielder
1 Liliana, Death's Majesty
1 Liliana, the Last Hope

1 Baleful Force
1 Desiccated Naga
1 Gravecrawler
1 Kothophed, Soul Hoarder
1 Liliana's Elite
1 Liliana's Reaver
1 Liliana's Shade
1 Liliana's Specter
1 Razaketh, the Foulblooded
1 Rottenheart Ghoul
1 Undead Servant
1 Veilborn Ghoul
I know you're going for flavor, but Undead Servant is really bad, haha.
I'm going to have to make it worse because I just saw
which is a black wind drake that CIPT but does symbolize the Raven Man Urza darn it what do I take out now.

Still couldn't come up with a better swamp than this
If it's for casual play you can probably convince people to let you play Griselbrand in the 99 if you tell them it's a Liliana Tribal Deck.

I mean, it's the least handicap they could spot you.


Spoiler season doesn't technically start until Monday. Everything we got this week was just a bonus.
Hey all, I want to make a Shu Yun EDH deck with heavy kung fu flavor. I've got the Tarkir Prowess cards like Montastery Swiftspear, Jeskai Elder, etc., some simple spells like Distortion Strike, Brute Force, Slip Through Space, Jeskai Ascendancy, and my beloved Narset planeswalker. Anything I can do to give this deck a few wrinkles? Are there any cards out there that care about Monks? Anything cool that would fit the theme but isn't in the obvious places (Tarkir, Kamigawa)?
I'm going to have to make it worse because I just saw

which is a black wind drake that CIPT but does symbolize the Raven Man Urza darn it what do I take out now.

Still couldn't come up with a better swamp than this

lol, I love "bad" creatures for fun in EDH. Looks hilair :)

I'm personally a big fan of these Swamps:

I don't have many "I want to go back" sets, because I have only been playing since 2013, so pure nostalgia is relatively low. However, I love basic land arts and the one Plane I want to revisit badly is Alara. I want those basic lands reprinted really badly lol. The white sand Plains, the celestial Island, that Swamp, all of them. They are pretty pricey if you want to just order them straight-up, but I have been able to source a few.
However, I love basic land arts and the one Plane I want to revisit badly is Alara. I want those basic lands reprinted really badly lol. The white sand Plains, the celestial Island, that Swamp, all of them.

Chippy's Esper basics have consistently been some of my faves since the day they were printed and it is indeed a shame that they've been seen so rarely. The two islands are reprinted in DD: Elspeth v Tezzeret but the Plains and Swamp have never shown up elsewhere. (And given the purposes lands tend to serve in reprint sets they tend to be pretty unlikely inclusions in most of them.)
What started as a draft for an Ayli Curses deck has somehow devolved into a deck trying to make a billion of mana with serra's sanctum and cast humongoues X spells.

Back to the drawing board we go.
Kind of interesting. Pirates and dinosaurs were deliberately made the three-color tribes of the set so they can have more creatures, precisely because they've been historically unrepresented.
No shard theme
They needed more cards to be established
lemosnelson asked: Mark! I will hold jusgment until we have Rivals of Ixalan revealedz but just so you know, not a fan of the assymetric distribution of tribe colors. I will still hold my breath for a light shard theme in the big picture. Other than that, the set looks awesome. Thanks!

The tribes are asymmetrical not the colors. Each color has two tribes. And no, it's not changing. That's how this block works. Pirates and Dinosaurs are purposely weighted more than Vampires and Merfolk. (Magic's past will note than make up the difference.)

wallycaine asked: Was the fact that Pirates and Dinosaurs both need more cards to become tribes properly (as compared to merfolk and vampires, who are already pretty established) a factor in them being the two 3 color factions?



I'm totally fine with the Legion of Dusk being smaller, they're the aggressors in Ixalan. They're not from the continent.

But that won't stop me from using them!
Chippy's Esper basics have consistently been some of my faves since the day they were printed and it is indeed a shame that they've been seen so rarely. The two islands are reprinted in DD: Elspeth v Tezzeret but the Plains and Swamp have never shown up elsewhere. (And given the purposes lands tend to serve in reprint sets they tend to be pretty unlikely inclusions in most of them.)

For sure, not to mention that there are so many to choose from when putting the supplemental products together.

Does anyone know a way to prevent a Player from paying a Cumulative Upkeep cost? One that isn't a counter or controlling the Player's turn? I can't seem to come up with a way that allows the triggered ability to resolve without being paid... This assumes they have the resources to pay it, but somehow are prevented from doing so.


Forgotten in his cell
Chippy's Esper basics have consistently been some of my faves since the day they were printed and it is indeed a shame that they've been seen so rarely. The two islands are reprinted in DD: Elspeth v Tezzeret but the Plains and Swamp have never shown up elsewhere. (And given the purposes lands tend to serve in reprint sets they tend to be pretty unlikely inclusions in most of them.)

My friends and I recently built Shards of Alara sealed decks out of their intro packs and I was able to get a bunch of the Chippy lands, so I am able to use them in any 2-3 color deck.
For sure, not to mention that there are so many to choose from when putting the supplemental products together.

Does anyone know a way to prevent a Player from paying a Cumulative Upkeep cost? One that isn't a counter or controlling the Player's turn? I can't seem to come up with a way that allows the triggered ability to resolve without being paid... This assumes they have the resources to pay it, but somehow are prevented from doing so.

Mana Short could pull this off.

Or Vampire Hexmage could reset the cumulative upkeep, which might be just as effective depending on the card.

But really, you're better off just removing the permanent yourself.
Mana Short could pull this off.

Or Vampire Hexmage could reset the cumulative upkeep, which might be just as effective.

But really, you're better off just removing the permanent yourself.

Yeah... It's not a mana cost, though. I do love Mana Short, though haha :)

Trying to see if there is a way to add mana to the cost somehow. Or to not allow them to interact with the card, like a Pithing Needle thing. Or take control of the ability.
Yeah... It's not a mana cost, though. I do love Mana Short, though haha :)

Trying to see if there is a way to add mana to the cost somehow. Or to not allow them to interact with the card, like a Pithing Needle thing. Or take control of the ability.

Eon Hub. All players skip their upkeep steps.


If the payment is life, then I guess you could Donate a Platinum Emperion to them or something, but that seems to be jumping through too many hoops


Junior Member
Hey, what are cards you really don't want to be holding right now? I know Rishadan Port and Horizon Canopy are two of them. Any others you can think of?
Scapeshift. It's iconic enough to see a reprint and it's NEVER been reprinted for some random reason.
Thought Lash. Assuming they have control of one, I obviously need them not to pay so the library is exiled 😬

I was hoping a counterspell would do it, but because it stops the whole triggered ability, it's not "not paid", it's just not even charged.


Thought Lash. Assuming they have control of one, I obviously need them not to pay so the library is exiled 😬

I was hoping a counterspell would do it, but because it stops the whole triggered ability, it's not "not paid", it's just not even charged.

Yeah, I don't think there's any way to force them to not pay except mindslaving them.
Yeah, I don't think there's any way to force them to not pay except mindslaving them.

Slowly coming to the same conclusion. Hmm, well, I think I will just try it anyway and see how the games play out. Seems funny to have in play. I wish Paradox Haze hit everyone 🙃

Proliferate is probably reasonable if it is incidental somehow.


in b4 ashodin going nuts over Boros walker on a dinosaur

also in b4 him salivating about good equipment that won't end up existing



Yep, those are intro pack planeswalkers.

Honestly though, second one makes me a little sad that planeswalkers still can't be commanders (unless noted) despite now being legendary. Seriously, drop her cost a bit and make her Naya and she'd be a decent Dino commander.
I like those, they're more in the "1-2 CMC too high in cost but otherwise fine" camp of intro deck PWs than the "LOL 7 CMC Nissa who just picks her nose" camp.
That Jace doesn't seem too bad, right? Probably won't see play regardless, but I've seen worse planeswalkers.

Huatli, though...
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