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Media Create Sales 5/21 - 5/27


Sidhe / PikPok
Satter said:
But are these things that Uncle Tom, Grandma Betty, little Tina, Soccer Mom Cathy, and Retired Postman Patrick, and Pep Squad Josie care for, or even want to pay considerably more for?

As I said, my comments were only to rebut the claim that Wii had some exclusive hold over gameplay innovation this gen, not speculate on relative sales of the relevant consoles.
Pureauthor said:
...And yet you're perfectly willing to let Rygar slide? Rygar is/was a piece.
Everyone else is going to let this go?

Both Rygar games were and still are extremely playable and fun games. In its time the original Rygar was extremely groundbreaking, to boot. It's possible to defend Chocobo without bashing one of Tecmo's better series, if one is so inclined.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
It's great to see Forza nearly crack the top 10. I'm sure Turn 10 (and chespace) are thrilled by this news. :)

A 60 fps victory! :D
Segata Sanshiro said:
It's possible to defend Chocobo without bashing one of Tecmo's better series, if one is so inclined.

Yeah, sure, you wn't hear (or see, as it were) me make a peep about Ninja Gaiden.

Rygar, however, I feel free to bash (well, at least the last-gen iteration). Because it stank.
Mario said:
tech stuff

It's pretty telling that every game you cite to prove the awesomeness of technology is not out yet; it's pretty hard to craft an argument based on games that don't exist yet eh? I'm sure there are enhancements to be had but I think it's hyperbolic to say that a majority of the horsepower's apparent benefits will go to something other than better visuals or a higher resolution. Resistance and Gears are two next-gen games that I've managed to play. For games that are constantly viewed as proof of what more powerful hardware can do, I've been thoroughly unimpressed outside of the pretty environments. I understand there are some physics enabled interaction with your surroundings but I find that those details generally got lost in the game as a whole. Nothing prevents that from happening to your cherished examples as well.

Further, I feel you are exaggerating what technology can or more importantly, will do for us. We've had an awesome amount of power surpassing the Xbox many times over ever since the Northwood revision of the Pentium 4 yet we don't see genre defining games on that platform. I also dispute your claim that the "genre defining" Splinter Cell would be impossible on lesser hardware. As I recall, ports were made to the PS2 and GCN as well.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Wii is missing out by not having more powerful hardware but again, I fail to see how the tangible benefits of having said hardware will be more comprehensive than just 1080p and 7.1 channel surround. That alone is enough to justify real next gen horsepower in my opinion but for now, outside of an immersive theatric experience, horsepower has not proven itself. I reserve the right to change my opinion once games like Lair and Uncharted etc. revolutionize gaming as we know it but I doubt that will happen.


Pureauthor said:

Mario isn't saying devs will remain on the X360/PS3 because they have POWAAA, but he's stating (quite correctly) that there are gameplay things the X360/PS3 could do that the Wii simply can't.

Next time read before making such half-assed statements.

Yeah yeah I know that, it's OBVIOUS. At the same time Wii can do gameplay things that X360/PS3 never could.

The thing is: if you look at the title of this thread you'll see that is "MC sales of last week". Not some random discussion about what can be done gameplay wise on Wii and what cannot. Mario is derailing the thread with his shit. If he want to express his opinion about the topic of this thread, welcome he is.
Loonz said:
Yeah yeah I know that, it's OBVIOUS. At the same time Wii can do gameplay things that X360/PS3 never could.

The thing is: if you look at the title of this thread you'll see that is "MC sales of last week". Not some random discussion about what can be done gameplay wise on Wii and what cannot. Mario is derailing the thread with his shit. If he want to express his opinion about the topic of this thread, welcome he is.

If you visit MC threads on any sort of sem-regular basis, you know it generally becomes a free for all debate as long as it pertains in some way to the current generation of console sales.


Mario said:
The Wii online system as I understand it does not support mass connectivity and content transfer with strangers outside of high level Nintendo developed applications such as Everybody Votes. (policy driven though that limitation might be).

Levels could also not be created to the same level of complexity and detail due to graphics and physics limitations which would make certain types of puzzles, and therefore certain types of gameplay, not possible on a Wii version.

I disagree with just about every sentence in this post, and it seems you aren't even trying to think creatively. Some quick counter arguments for those points you disagree with

- more enemies could be running detailed AI providing much more realistic crowd dynamics e.g. Assassin's Creed where getting spotted running across a rooftop by someone in the crowd below can scuttle your approach to a target, or handle the massive armies of Supreme Commander.

- higher fidelity graphics allow you to use more subtle environmental cues, see further into the distance opening up forward planning and strategy, or enable new styles of gameplay e.g. the gameplay innovation of Splinter Cell was centred around the better graphics (light/shadow technology) that Xbox was able to provide.

- large scale environments allow for higher speed travel, and consideration and management of a much wider range of resources e.g. Lair has the scale to allow for a large raging air conflict as well as simultaneous massive land based battles and assaults, both of which you can participate in and influence.

- large capacity storage allows for improved streaming, high levels of downloaded content and user generated content, caching of procedural content, or saving of massive simulations alongs the lines of a very detailed Sim City e.g. even a 20GB PS3 is probably going to have the ability to download and store thousands of LBP levels.

- higher environmental complexity allows for multiple puzzle solutions and experimentation, more interesting exploration, the combining of resources in unique and interesting ways e.g. Star Wars Unleashed looks like you could get past a squad of enemies by trying to light saber your way through, pull down those building materials on top of them, or try to sneak your way past.

Each of these things seperately has gameplay improvement potential. In combination, there is even greater potential (see crazy recently announced FPS with ability to alter the playfield on the fly for something scratching the surface).

This is way too detailed an analysis for the MC thread Mario. You'd have been better off making a separate topic for this.

Loonz said:
It looks that this Mario guy is going to be the Monorojo of this weeks' MC thread :lol . All of those supposed "technological advantages" of having more processing power won't matter if there isn't money to be made. The original Xbox trounced the PS2, technically speaking, it had games that looked almost next gen (Riddick Chronicles, SC3), and only a few cared about that.

don't be an ass dude. Mario is no monorojo, and he definitely is no troll.


Look, Mario, no one is arguing whether the 360 or the PS3 can do things the Wii cannot. The argument, mine atleast, is that we have reached such a point where the diminishing returns has made it so that these advancements aren't as notable, and definately not worth $600. The market agrees.

I mean, if console gamers want the latest and greatest technology in their games, they shouldn't be playing consoles in the first place.
jimbo said:
Gameplay can NOT improve gaphics and technology.
Graphics and technology CAN improve gameplay.

...Considering that in the first place gameplay is the end, not the means, that was one of the more asinine statements in this thread.
PantherLotus said:
Games 3rd Parties should avoid


PantherLotus said:
1. Platformers with mascots


PantherLotus said:
7. Mini Games


jimbo said:
Gameplay can NOT improve gaphics and technology.
Graphics and technology CAN improve gameplay.

You say that as if gameplay is so irrelevant, but graphics and technology are.


Pureauthor said:
If you visit MC threads on any sort of sem-regular basis, you know it generally becomes a free for all debate as long as it pertains in some way to the current generation of console sales.

Mario said:
As I said, my comments were only to rebut the claim that Wii had some exclusive hold over gameplay innovation this gen, not speculate on relative sales of the relevant consoles.



Tonche said:
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl have dropped out for the time being. What's their LTD?
~5.1 million by May 13th from Famitsu's numbers.

Mariah Carey said:
I'm thinking that especially in Japan third parties are becomnig increasingly irrelevant to Wii's success. In Japan third parties could support PS3 with all their might and Wii would not only still crush the PS3 but a lot of third party developers themselves as well. I think tastes in gaming there have simply shifted massively and the PS3 is just ill-equipped to deal with it.
nextgeneration said:
Yup, if not for Nintendo, the video game market in Japan would be in bad, bad shape. Nintendo is the only one that will expand this industry. Sony's not going to do that. Neither is Microsoft.
I agree.

Masklinn said:
...In the end, the only things in your list that affect the gameplay are clearly connectivity, where the Wii has as much potential as the PS3 (and doesn't come close to the 360), and potentially the physics even though their impact right now is fairly minimal beyond eye candy (woot I can destroy crates!). The only places where I saw actual physics being useful were 3D "realistic" RTS and RTTs such as Total Annihilation, and even then the physics was only interesting to the hardcore.
Loonz said:
...All of those supposed "technological advantages" of having more processing power won't matter if there isn't money to be made. The original Xbox trounced the PS2, technically speaking, it had games that looked almost next gen (Riddick Chronicles, SC3), and only a few cared about that.

And, WOW at this thread!! And so many posts in general lately.

I can appreciate HD graphics, amazing physics, and all the other advantages more power brings, but these things are irrelevant to the mainstream, they're just not responding to these improvements. It sucks for those who really want this, I know, but, tough, seriously.

There are so many posts talking about how Nintendo should've gone HD, but why the **** should they when the market a) doesn't give a shit, and b) isn't big enough to sustain the increased costs? I'm not talking about personal preference, I'm talking about creating a sustainable business model which creates enough profit so companies can pay wages, so people can survive; this is the bottom line.

Artistic vision is a crock of shit if consumers don't care. Wii is growing in popularity everywhere because the mass market's opinion of what videogames are is totally different from the hardcore's view. We bitch and whine a lot, but we're irrelevant when it comes to dictating sales.

These traditional experiences, on the whole, are either declining in sales or remaining static, the world over, yet budgets are skyrocketing. This is a shit business model. Saying 'oh well, ____ might not sell as much as the last one, but it'll do okay', isn't what shareholders want to hear. They want things like, 'expanded audience' because if equates to financial security, 'manageable development costs' because it's reasonable risk, and 'increase in sales' because it means more profits.

Sony and MS's plan wasn't to do okay and increase the retail of games so they don't lose too much money, it was to sell more sw and hw than they ever have, and they thought better graphics and more processing power would do this. Nothing about 360 or PS3 is doing any of these things at the moment, yet for many developers DS is, which is remarkably similar to Wii, regardless of how many people thought it wouldn't be.

The way threads are turning out wouldn't be so comical if we hadn't seen this movie before.


legend166 said:
Look, Mario, no one is arguing whether the 360 or the PS3 can do things the Wii cannot. The argument, mine atleast, is that we have reached such a point where the diminishing returns has made it so that these advancements aren't as notable, and definately not worth $600. The market agrees.

I mean, if console gamers want the latest and greatest technology in their games, they shouldn't be playing consoles in the first place.

Yeah I mean seriously, who can even tell a freaking difference? They are all basically the same damn thing.









Perhaps you meant $250, because then you would be right. The diminishing returns on Wii are deffinitely there when most games games don't look as good as last generation whereas. But for $300(the entry price of next-gen) you can fix that problem.
Seems I was totally wrong about the hardware aspect not improving gameplay significantly. Kudos.

nvm my question would totally derail this thread
C.T. said:
A cat CAN eat a mouse, a mouse can't eat a cat!

Technically if the cat was already dead, then a lot of mice could nibble away at it.... As for the redundant graphics/gameplay debate, don't make me vomit again guys. Just buy whatever the hell you want. If you need your next-gen graphics, they are there for you.


listen to the mad man
jimbo said:
Perhaps you meant $250, because then you would be right. The diminishing returns on Wii are deffinitely there when most games games don't look as good as last generation whereas. But for $300(the entry price of next-gen) you can fix that problem.

"Wii is not next-gen".


Oh gosh.....

Thanks go, it's the last week we have such bordel on this weekly thread. Serious things finally begin with the launch of RE4.

And FFS, please don't debate in vain about graphics. You don't want to buy a game ? Don't buy it. You don't want to lose your time on the internet on a regular basis ? So please, don't do so. Please leave.
mario is right. it's the same thing Dark 10x often says.

more power lets you make games that just couldn't be made last generation allowing for innovation.

the wii doesn't have a corner on the market... but here is the difference between more power and new input method.

more power doesn't make me as a designer think differently (i'm just talking hypothetically here, i'm not a designer). it lets me do the same but with better graphics, iteratively better AI, physics, etc. more power doesn't *encourage* innovation. it sure as hell allows for it but it doesn't encourage it.

now think about madden on the wii. there just isn't enough buttons to replicate madden's classic control scheme. the developer HAS to rethink things. same with a FPS. only one control stick! the developer has to come up with something different.

the godfather on the wii is a perfect example, because that game's combat system was designed around using both analogue sticks at the same time. that couldn't be replicated on the wii, so they had to come up with something totally different.

in doing so they came up with something *brilliant*. they were forced to approach the problem differently and an innovative combat mechanic was born out of that.

that's the difference. one machine allows for innovation, the other encourages it by forcing developers to approach aspects of game design differently.

it won't always lead to innovation of course, but it will lead to it a lot more often than additional power with the same old controller does. the same thing happened with the DS compared to PSP.

that's why releasing the wiimote as a peripheral for the gamecube would never have worked. that's why sixaxis control won't be used for innovative things nearly as much as the wii mote, because you can get by making a PS3 game using the exact same control methods you always could in the past.

some developers will run with it of course, but it's totally optional.


formerly sane
FlightOfHeaven said:
Seems I was totally wrong about the hardware aspect not improving gameplay significantly. Kudos.

Now, what I am honestly wondering is: is the Wii that far apart from the 360 and the PS3? I don't trust GAF in general anymore, with everyone merrily spouting "GC lol." I mean, from what I can understand, the Wii can't even come close to reproducing what the 360 and the PS3 can muster. Couldn't Wii do something similar at a lower resolution?

No for the simple fact Wii does not have the shader, poly, or texturing ability the other two have. It's not a gc, superset of it, though it can't compete with a PS3 or X360. Flight go to B3D if you want some solid info on wii's capabilities you aren't going to find any other spot that is reliable in that area.

Jimbo nice comparison I'll remember in the future to trust your methodology. Lets compare gc or ported engines to ground up efforts by good developers. Not to say like Wii had a chance, but that's just a horrid way of getting a point across. Next gen systems aren't, only the tards who ignore how far pc computational power has come think that which is a lot here. Your point about 300$ was priceless too since the game and hd cables granted you have an hd setup, most don't, will set you back to least 400$ before you get anything out of it.


ziran said:
And, WOW at this thread!! And so many posts in general lately.

I can appreciate HD graphics, amazing physics, and all the other advantages more power brings, but these things are irrelevant to the mainstream, they're just not responding to these improvements. It sucks for those who really want this, I know, but, tough, seriously.

There are so many posts talking about how Nintendo should've gone HD, but why the **** should they when the market a) doesn't give a shit, and b) isn't big enough to sustain the increased costs? I'm not talking about personal preference, I'm talking about creating a sustainable business model which creates enough profit so companies can pay wages, so people can survive; this is the bottom line.

Artistic vision is a crock of shit if consumers don't care. Wii is growing in popularity everywhere because the mass market's opinion of what videogames are is totally different from the hardcore's view. We bitch and whine a lot, but we're irrelevant when it comes to dictating sales.

These traditional experiences, on the whole, are either declining in sales or remaining static, the world over, yet budgets are skyrocketing. This is a shit business model. Saying 'oh well, ____ might not sell as much as the last one, but it'll do okay', isn't what shareholders want to hear. They want things like, 'expanded audience' because if equates to financial security, 'manageable development costs' because it's reasonable risk, and 'increase in sales' because it means more profits.

Sony and MS's plan wasn't to do okay and increase the retail of games so they don't lose too much money, it was to sell more sw and hw than they ever have, and they thought better graphics and more processing power would do this. Nothing about 360 or PS3 is doing any of these things at the moment, yet for many developers DS is, which is remarkably similar to Wii, regardless of how many people thought it wouldn't be.

The way threads are turning out wouldn't be so comical if we hadn't seen this movie before.

Best post of this thread.

We are having the same discussion every week. About how the technical power can deliver new and unique experiencies (which I agree, although it isn't the only way of having them), about how evil is the Wii for being successful and preventing us, the h4rDcOrE, of having our desired future of mega-graphics and ultra-epics in the games (which is laughable, and I have a PS3, by the way, so I CAN APPRECIATE those and they care to me enough).

All people here, in a forum like this, can appreciate what can be done with more processing power, with more powerful consoles (graphic-wise, gameplay-wise, whatever-wise). But when we are discussing about sales, all of this doesn't matter. I mean, when we look at the numbers we can quantify what things the mass market cares about and how much. That's the real discussion. We can look into a mathematised reality (excuse my terrible english) and extract conclusions from it.

That's why it's so interesting what is happening right now in the japanese market, so "unexpected" a priori. Other discussions are so meaningless compared to that...


Hatorade said:
No for the simple fact Wii does not have the shader, poly, or texturing ability the other two have. It's not a gc, superset of it, though it can't compete with a PS3 or X360. Flight go to B3D if you want some solid info on wii's capabilities you aren't going to find any other spot that is reliable in that area.

Jimbo nice comparison I'll remember in the future to trust your methodology. Lets compare gc or ported engines to ground up efforts by good developers. Not to say like Wii had a chance, but that's just a horrid way of getting a point across. Next gen systems aren't, only the tards who ignore how far pc computational power has come think that which is a lot here. Your point about 300$ was priceless too since the game and hd cables granted you have an hd setup, most don't, will set you back to least 400$ before you get anything out of it.

Flight go to B3D if you want some solid info on wii's capabilities you aren't going to find any other spot that is reliable in that area.

So now Nintendo's Zelda(one of the Wii's best so far), Mario(hottest Wii title of 2007), Red Steel(Wii exclusive) and COD3(multiplatform) are bad choices by bad developers? Perhaps you'd like to see some Spiderman 3, Excite Truck, and Metorid comparisons. I don't know, maybe then I would be more fair? I mean you tell me, if not Mario and Zelda what games really make the Wii shine?

Face it, nothing would change the drastic difference between these systems.


plagiarize said:
that's the difference. one machine allows for innovation, the other encourages it by forcing developers to approach aspects of game design differently.
Put in the simplest yet truest terms so far. Very well said.


formerly sane
jimbo said:
So now Nintendo's Zelda(one of the Wii's best so far), Mario(hottest Wii title of 2007), Red Steel(Wii exclusive) and COD3(multiplatform) are bad choices by bad developers? Perhaps you'd like to see some Spiderman 3, Excite Truck, and Metorid comparisons. I don't know, maybe then I would be more fair? I mean you tell me, if not Mario and Zelda what games really make the Wii shine?

Face it, nothing would change the drastic difference between these systems.

Until I see something better than rebel strike on Wii not much is gonna show what the system can do. Don't tell me to face what I already know and admited to in the last post. COD3 is a crap port by the crap team of the series. RS is a UE2.5 port, an engine that is a bad fit for the architecture. Zelda is a GC port any way you slice it graphically. SMG is nice, but it's not done nor is nintendo really suited for the job of flossing what the system can do since they are rather lax on pushing a system after a certain point. In general I don't make comparison like that because it's pointless and really only done to incite system or game wars which do little for actual good discussion.

Loonz the only reason HC console players rag/troll Wii graphics is that's all they have to rag on the system now that 3rd parties are coming in and sales are up. They don't even really care about graphics in general, if they did more of them would be pc centric or at least knowledgeable about 3d hardware. Fact they think dx9 512MB systems, not even that due to os ram requirements, are somehow new and next gen is quite laugable.


Hatorade said:
Until I see something better than rebel strike on Wii not much is gonna show what the system can do. Don't tell me to face what I already know and admited to in the last post. COD3 is a crap port by the crap team of the series. RS is a UE2.5 port, an engine that is a bad fit for the architecture. Zelda is a GC port any way you slice it graphically. SMG is nice, but it's not done nor is nintendo really suited for the job of flossing what the system can do since they are rather lax on pushing a system after a certain point. In general I don't make comparison like that because it's pointless and really only done to incite system or game wars which do little for actual good discussion.

Loonz the only reason HC console players rag/troll Wii graphics is that's all they have to rag on the system now that 3rd parties are coming in and sales are up. They don't even really care about graphics in general, if they did more of them would be pc centric or at least knowledgeable about 3d hardware. Fact they think dx9 512MB systems, not even that due to os ram requirements, are somehow new and next gen is quite laugable.

No there's plenty of other reasons too, trust me. Graphics is only one of its most major problems.

But anyway, you are right, no point in beating a very dead horse. Let's get back to Japan sales where the Wii can really shine;p

So does anyone have estimated Shinobi numbers for all paltforms?


formerly sane
jimbo said:
No there's plenty of other reasons too, trust me. Graphics is only one of its most major problems.

But anyway, you are right, no point in beating a very dead horse. Let's get back to Japan sales where the Wii can really shine;p

So does anyone have estimated Shinobi numbers for all paltforms?

What other problems does Wii have then?
plagiarize said:
more power lets you make games that just couldn't be made last generation allowing for innovation.

This is such a wrong statement.
Right now, every game for X360/PS3 could have been made for a last gen console....just not that pretty. Even PSP and NDS are getting worse looking, not different playing ports of current gen games.
There is no game at the moment that does anything new, besides looking prettier.
The oh so praised physics are nothing but eye candy. They only make games looking prettier, but arent important to the gameplay, they´re adding nothing.

You know what i´d call "next gen"-innovation? Procedural story-telling. Real AI. Something like that. But there´s nothing like that. Only better visuals. And you know, none of X360 and PS3-games are better looking than the cg-advertisings publishers used for years in game magazines. Im...kinda used to those visuals. And gameplay-wise, the so calls "true nextgen" fails at the moment.


formerly sane
MasterMFauli said:
This is such a wrong statement.
Right now, every game for X360/PS3 could have been made for a last gen console....just not that pretty. Even PSP and NDS are getting worse looking, not different playing ports of current gen games.
There is no game at the moment that does anything new, besides looking prettier.
The oh so praised physics are nothing but eye candy. They only make games looking prettier, but arent important to the gameplay, they´re adding nothing.

You know what i´d call "next gen"-innovation? Procedural story-telling. Real AI. Something like that. But there´s nothing like that. Only better visuals. And you know, none of X360 and PS3-games are better looking than the cg-advertisings publishers used for years in game magazines. Im...kinda used to those visuals. And gameplay-wise, the so calls "true nextgen" fails at the moment.

That's a bs post.

Oblivion AI or Crackdown gameplay would be severely hampered down by any last gen system. Sure you can scale back graphics, cut out shaders, and put up with shaky fps to do some of these games, yet that's the reason I avoid consoles already in favor pcs because of this sacrafice they take. CG takes a lot more power than any console/ pc is going to have in the next 5-10 years, not like the average gamer enjoys a offline render farm with tons of power.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Wow..quite the derail going on.

I do disagree with those decrying the lack of 3rd party Wii announcements and PS3 ones- There has been a noticable uptick, and IMO the new Gundam games announcement shows where the trend is going. Like others have said, if there is nothing at E3 or the Tokyo show..then you guys have a point. And to re-iterate what others have said- what big Japanese developed PS3 games have been announced recently? Last Remnant, which is also a 360 title and which has probably been in development before the sales were clear?


Mario said:
The Wii also couldn't support the same level of customisation, connectivity, and content sharing. It would be a total downgraded gameplay experience.

Considering the DS already has games that support DLC and user content sharing, Nintendo developed games even, your argument doesn't stand.
jimbo said:
Yeah I mean seriously, who can even tell a freaking difference? They are all basically the same damn thing.

While I can guess at the point you were trying to make, I have to say that aside from the resolution those do actually look pretty much the same to me. I'm not going to claim that most people are as non-graphics whoreish as me, but at least I serve as an example of someone who is not particularly impressed by what you were trying to do there.

On reflection, that could be because I'm mostly a PC gamer. I'll happily play Deus Ex or Fallout one day, and FEAR or NWN2 the next. The difference in graphics simply doesn't bother me. In fact, Deus Ex and Fallout are much better games than FEAR and NWN2. Which is actually the reason I'm more excited for the Wii than the other consoles this generation. I've been playing games for so long that it feels like I've just played the same game a thousand times, with different names and graphics. I'm not yet convinced that the Wii is a change in the right direction, but at least it's a change.


BrodiemanTTR said:
I'll take a legitimate entry in an established "gamer" franchise as a greater sign of support than B-team spinoffs and Chocobo's Bullshit Adventure while continuing to announce big games for bombing consoles.
FFIX team = B team? DQ6 team = B team? Really?

BrodiemanTTR said:
Established as crap. Woohoo.
Established as a million seller. Chunsoft games aren't generally regarded as crap either.

BrodiemanTTR said:
I dunno, something about it being developed by 8ing and Genius Sonority? I'd really like to know the extent to which Horii is "working" on DQS. I suspect it's something similar to popping his head in every now and then and asking if everything's okay in here.
You know that Genius Sonority is the core team who made DQ6-7 (Heartbeat) right... and they were made up of Chunsoft staff who made DQ1-5? Anyway, Horii and Yamana (of Genius Sonority, who started out as a Chunsoft programmer on DQ1 and was directing the games by DQ5) are handling planning and scenario, Toriyama and his studio (DQ1-8)are doing all the art and Sugiyama's (DQ1-8) doing the soundtrack.

It doesn't get much more authentic than this team when it comes to Dragon Quest.


formerly sane
jimbo said:
Online gaming, hard drive, voice chat, media features, DVD, HDTV "compatibility".

Consoles suck for online gaming. Voice Chat sucks, this comes from having to put up player in cs now I turn it off and use vent in the rare instance I do. Unless I'm in league or with friends voice is the most overrated aspect of online gaming I hear people mention. Wii sucks the worse, but this is the only area I can agree on being a bad thing for wii.

HDD - why most console devs don't use it like the pc devs do. Outside of basic storage and game streaming consoles are still behind the curve in comparison to the pc realm and what HDD does for games

Media Features - When has nintendo ever touted the machine as being a media device?

HDTV - You do know that Wii is never doing HD. at best all devs can do is make 480p and aspect ratios more standard, but that's largely up to devs not nintendo as mandates don't really work.

Most of what you mentioned are only issues for HC gamers of a certain type. Consumers in general don't even think that's an issue from what I gathered.
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