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Minecraft PS4/Xbone |OT|


Is there a bug in general with sound? The PS4 version for me will have music end and won't pick up again for a few minutes. I always figured it was cause it was night time. But during those times, sound effects become a lot softer and harder to hear.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Is there a bug in general with sound? The PS4 version for me will have music end and won't pick up again for a few minutes. I always figured it was cause it was night time. But during those times, sound effects become a lot softer and harder to hear.

I think the sound is bugged in general too.

I mentioned it earlier, but the "click" noise that the game makes when you select something from the inventory is about 50 times louder than anything else in the game. It's absurdly loud.


Oh wow what the hell, blocks of wood have been disappearing from my castle I created in Survival mode on peaceful. What is up with that yo? Ruins my incentive to keep building :/.

PS4 version.


That was a built and complete wall.


Oh wow what the hell, blocks of wood have been disappearing from my castle I created in Survival mode on peaceful. What is up with that yo? Ruins my incentive to keep building :/.

PS4 version.


That was a built and complete wall.

If that is a lava fireplace I spy then you might want to check the number of blocks away from it you have placed flammable blocks (wood).

Have a read of:



I think I'm now ready to try building a farm. I mean, all the exploring and mining I do, I should have done this early on. haha. I have a nice plot of flat land I am interested in doing this on near my main house. Either use fences or big greenhouse farm look. Prob fences and I can just make it glass later on. Too bad hoppers are not in this version, for now I'll just stick to some kind of water flow harvest design.

If that is a lava fireplace I spy then you might want to check the number of blocks away from it you have placed flammable blocks (wood).

Have a read of:


This is my thought as well. It's likely the lava causing that damage, esp if the wood wall originally went all the way to the left wall.
Is there a bug in general with sound? The PS4 version for me will have music end and won't pick up again for a few minutes. I always figured it was cause it was night time. But during those times, sound effects become a lot softer and harder to hear.

I think the sound is bugged in general too.

I mentioned it earlier, but the "click" noise that the game makes when you select something from the inventory is about 50 times louder than anything else in the game. It's absurdly loud.

Both of these just sound like Minecraft. The music is not constant and the "click" has always been obscenely loud in comparison to everything else. Not sure if 4J ever set out to "correct" these two things, but they've always been that way in the PC version.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I need to start a campaign to

Correct The Click

I can't stand it!

Or better yet, how about a separate UI sound slider!


Made myself a farm yesterday. Little farm, a length of 7 meters with a water supply in middle (with wood slabs on top so i can walk on to lever) with 3 wide row of farmland on either side. Got it hooked up to a water supply that will wash it all down with flip of the lever.

Also fully explored my area around my main house to get my map filled out. Never realized there was another unexplored desert behind me. Lot of forest.

I also dumbly enchanted my stone pickaxe before realizing I should have done so on iron axe. Ended up with unbreakable 3 and fortune 1. Oh well, will come in handy with coal. Already got like 50 from a nice supply of like 20 haha.

Going to start farming some endermen so I can find the end portal. Want to set up a ender chest as well at some point. Will make exploring the world a lot easier to transport back materials.


I heard back from Sony yesterday (took 6 days, including the weekend) and they sent me a code so that I could get the discount on the PS4 version. Bought it right away.

Is there any DLC that is must-have?

Is there a list of what's included in the skins packages?
Not trying to fuel the console wars further, but is the PS4 version worth getting over the long run in light of the Microsoft purchase? I have both PS4 and Xbox One, but I have a PS3 copy of Minecraft, which I had bought back in April. Would be more than happy to upgrade on the PS4, but I'm worried that there may be no more upgrades,


Neo Member
Oh wow what the hell, blocks of wood have been disappearing from my castle I created in Survival mode on peaceful. What is up with that yo? Ruins my incentive to keep building :/.

PS4 version.


That was a built and complete wall.

Yes as Ted pointed out, that lava fireplace will set the wood on fire. It's slowly burning away when your back is turned :)
Oh wow what the hell, blocks of wood have been disappearing from my castle I created in Survival mode on peaceful. What is up with that yo? Ruins my incentive to keep building :/.

PS4 version.


That was a built and complete wall.

That lava more than likely is burning your wooden blocks

EDIT:Sorry this has already been stated above

Daffy Duck

Someone help me out here, how am I supposed to kill the ender dragon when o cannot reach the final beacon that regenerates it? It's too high and encased in iron bars wtf......


I swear a glitch has caused my saddle to disappear.

Firstly I turned off autosave as I knew I was going to mess this up, then I took the saddle out of my chest, put it on a pig and rode around on it whilst holding a carrot on a stick. Sure enough I messed it up, I couldn't find anywhere to fall to cause fall damage and the carrot on a stick broke making the pig uncontrollable. So I quit the game being extra careful to select quit without saving then I loaded my save file again, went to my chest and my saddle was missing with a space where it used to be.

What the fuck. It took me about 35 hours of playing to find that damn saddle.


Found my 1st stronghold. Actually fairly close to my home base, about 1 map to the south. Set up a little mini-house above it. Now need 8 more ender pearls.. Time to go hunting!

Daffy Duck

Well I ended up jumping off into the void (sacrificing my best diamond sword had sharpness 4 and knockback 2), back at home I got my other enchanted diamond sword and my diamond pick axe, along with a few steaks and iron armour and headed down into my mine to get a few hundred cobblestone blocks.

Once I was tooled up I returned back to the end built a cobblestone tower to the top, destroyed the last beacon thing and then smashed the dragon in the face with my sword, now I'm level 78 and one trophy (the haggler) off platinum.

Good times, once that's done I can flatten my house/farm and remodel it with all the stone bricks I have now.

Then I think I'll start a new world to explore.


Well I ended up jumping off into the void (sacrificing my best diamond sword had sharpness 4 and knockback 2), back at home I got my other enchanted diamond sword and my diamond pick axe, along with a few steaks and iron armour and headed down into my mine to get a few hundred cobblestone blocks.

Once I was tooled up I returned back to the end built a cobblestone tower to the top, destroyed the last beacon thing and then smashed the dragon in the face with my sword, now I'm level 78 and one trophy (the haggler) off platinum.

Good times, once that's done I can flatten my house/farm and remodel it with all the stone bricks I have now.

Then I think I'll start a new world to explore.

The haggler can be done easily in the tutorial btw.

Daffy Duck

Interesting, I'll have a look into doing it in the tutorial, I did the music disc one the hard way (getting a skeleton to kill a creeper) so wont mind taking the easy route with that one.


Built myself a nether portal in my hut above the end stronghold. I luckily put it in a place that made it spawn right off a nether fortress, so was able to quickly close it off. Was a bit farther away from my other 2 portal rooms then I thought, but was able to find a nice (if little confusing at first) path there.

Now just need 6 ender pearls. Blaze rods + fire resistance is easy. Go my Iron Sword Looting + 2!


Beat the Elden Dragon last night! Was actually pretty easy, esp with him floating in mid air in the middle. Used all that experience to enchant a new diamond pickaxe and 2 iron swords. No fortune or looting sadly, but nice stuff anyways.

After that, I made myself a little 2 meter high enclosed area to easily kill enderman. Now have like 35+ ender pearls! haha. Good enough now so I can continue to build more and more ender chests so I can more easily give and take supplies. The End also makes a nice place to get obsidian too! Those towers are useless now of course.

Time to get back to my projects. Right now want to get back to my rail ways and finish off the glass blocks before I get back or start anything else.

Daffy Duck

I'm going to return to the end later and farm a load of Obsidian and get some more ender pearls to build ender chests and always carry one around with me.

Going to use my 78 levels of XP to enchant a diamond pickaxe/diamond sword which hopefully will get some awesome enchants on it.


Today I take a trip to visit my old house, open my double chest and it's completely empty. Look in my other double chest, it's completely empty too. Even my furnace is devoid of coal and my minecart is missing too. I've been victim of a goddamn fucking glitch.

I probably lost about 100 diamonds, 30 emeralds, hundreds of gold, iron, redstone, etc and countless other useful stuff that I've been collecting over the last 50 hours of playing.



I'm so close to getting platinum. Only thing left that is hard is getting the flying pig one, which requires a carrot. Haven't had one drop from zombie yet.

For the Iron Golem one, does having one spawn from village you help to enlarge count? Or is it only for those you build? I'd rather not use up all that iron.

For throwing diamond, can I throw 1 to a villager? Will i get it back if I kill them? What about zombie? Count if i throw it at a zombie? lol
I'm so close to getting platinum. Only thing left that is hard is getting the flying pig one, which requires a carrot. Haven't had one drop from zombie yet.

For the Iron Golem one, does having one spawn from village you help to enlarge count? Or is it only for those you build? I'd rather not use up all that iron.

For throwing diamond, can I throw 1 to a villager? Will i get it back if I kill them? What about zombie? Count if i throw it at a zombie? lol

Have you found a village in your world yet? Oftentimes they have carrot, potato and wheat farms already created.

I believe you need to create the Iron Golem. You could always turn off auto-save, create one for the trophy/achievement and then just quit without saving I reckon.

Pretty sure it has to be another human player. If you have a second controller and get into split-screen mode, you can do it that way. I created a second profile on my Xbox One and that is how I got the achievement, just joined the game with my second profile and threw the diamond at my second profile player.


Have you found a village in your world yet? Oftentimes they have carrot, potato and wheat farms already created.

I believe you need to create the Iron Golem. You could always turn off auto-save, create one for the trophy/achievement and then just quit without saving I reckon.

Pretty sure it has to be another human player. If you have a second controller and get into split-screen mode, you can do it that way. I created a second profile on my Xbox One and that is how I got the achievement, just joined the game with my second profile and threw the diamond at my second profile player.

I've only found 2 villages so far, and neither of them has had a farm, but they have been desert villages.

Damn. Oh well, not like I don't have 500+ irons

Don't have an extra PS4 controller. For that I'll save for last and just get someone from here to help me with it later on then.


I'm so close to getting platinum. Only thing left that is hard is getting the flying pig one, which requires a carrot. Haven't had one drop from zombie yet.

For the Iron Golem one, does having one spawn from village you help to enlarge count? Or is it only for those you build? I'd rather not use up all that iron.

For throwing diamond, can I throw 1 to a villager? Will i get it back if I kill them? What about zombie? Count if i throw it at a zombie? lol

The pig one does not require a carrot. Find a pig hanging on a cliff and put a saddle on it then punch it (while riding it) until it falls with you on it. I got it on both Xbox one and ps4 versions that way lol.

The iron golem one can be gotten in 5 mins in the tutorial world.

The diamond one can be done offline if you have 2 controllers or online with another player.


The entire open portion of my rail from Extreme Hills biome port to the under sea station is now complete! I'll have more pictures later.

Right now I am going back and adding lights, wooden block arcs every 11 spaces (so 10 glass then 1 wood, etc), glass blocks to my jungle open air portion. Starting to look nice.

I'm literally flattening my near-by desert. I must have easily used 10,000 sand/glass blocks already. Each time I use my 12 furnaces (3 on top in a row) I take my bone meal and use it on a 5x5 grid of tree saplings and just cut out the wood for more charcoal.


They should rename this thread to GulAtiCa's Minecraft Diary.


Got myself a kitty! And just like my real cat, it's very vocal and follows me everywhere. Good kitty!


Little farm. Water melons on the right and wheat/potatoes on the left.



Huge rail from mountain stop to my ocean station. Goes VERY far. Finally completed it yesterday. Took a LOT of glass!


Jungle T-Junction stop. You can see the Mountain stop on left which eventually leads to that huge straight line. Started to redo this area with glass blocks and all.


If you look closely in the fullsize farm picture, in top right you can see the jungle sky rail ascending!


Wow, very impressive. Wish I could put more time into Minecraft. Too many games!
Haha, I feel the same, except for it's too many games I need to play but instead playing Minecraft

I enjoy reading it mate, keep it up. Gives me some desire to occasionally pop back into my old PC [1.5.2] world to continue many pending projects!
Thanks! I love just randomly building things. Still need to finish my house, esp as the lava moat is only on one side so far, haha. Did finally redo the train station under my house to be stone brick, looks nice.
I have been fearing the time I will spend with this game if I every purchase it

I have a few questions? what is the best mode if you just want to build and at least go through the process of finding your items?

reading creative it says you have unlimited stuff but I see the enemies still show up
it is those buggers I really don't want to see much of but I want what they drop and endgame stuff


I have been fearing the time I will spend with this game if I every purchase it

I have a few questions? what is the best mode if you just want to build and at least go through the process of finding your items?

reading creative it says you have unlimited stuff but I see the enemies still show up
it is those buggers I really don't want to see much of but I want what they drop and endgame stuff

Enemies dont attack you in Creative (unless attacked, and even when they do, I think they deal no damage to you). But If you want to find your items you should play Survival mode in Peaceful difficulty. Its Survival without enemies.
Enemies dont attack you in Creative (unless attacked, and even when they do, I think they deal no damage to you). But If you want to find your items you should play Survival mode in Peaceful difficulty. Its Survival without enemies.

thanks I read peaceful does not give you drops the enemies would have, I'll try easy for now

You guys know what is the best texture pack on PS4?


Enemies dont attack you in Creative (unless attacked, and even when they do, I think they deal no damage to you). But If you want to find your items you should play Survival mode in Peaceful difficulty. Its Survival without enemies.

Doesn't Peaceful negate Trophies though too?


I play on Easy. Enemies barely do damage, but if you are in cave and unprepared, they can over whelm you. Biggest challenge to the creepers exploding next to you or skeletons shooting you and knocking you off ledge, esp in lava.

Keeping your hunger to near max (1 bar off) will keep your health regenerating pretty quickly. Food is easy to find in the game, esp cooked meats. I now rely on watermelons, they only do 1 hunger refill, but my farm produces so many.

I also built this recently at my train station under my house.
Not a dead end! When a cart activates the 3 stone bricks will slide right and a rail track will slide in from other side. Once past it, the rail will slide back first and then 3 bricks will slide back into place. Took me a while to figure out how to do it, esp as need the 3 bricks to open first when begins and the rail to slide back 1st once done. So multiple redstone circuits. Their are 4 rail detectors on both sides to help make sure it opens fully in advance before I hit the wall.


I also built this recently at my train station under my house.

Not a dead end! When a cart activates the 3 stone bricks will slide right and a rail track will slide in from other side. Once past it, the rail will slide back first and then 3 bricks will slide back into place. Took me a while to figure out how to do it, esp as need the 3 bricks to open first when begins and the rail to slide back 1st once done. So multiple redstone circuits. Their are 4 rail detectors on both sides to help make sure it opens fully in advance before I hit the wall.

Man, that's neat. I need to spend more time figuring out this redstone circuit nonsense.
I got killed so many times from not know the controls I deleted my save and went into tutorial for the past few hours, now learning what I need

is there a way to channel water to where you want it to flow?

what size world is best for the game?

also got like 8 trophies just playing the tutorial, I did not know I lost this many hours lol

I like that the time never changes you can take your time and build but had a lot of issues with hunger


Yep. Underwater near the end. I just used regular Survival mode and laid 1 block at a time to get rid of water. After every few blocks in a row, I'd go back inside or surface above for air to start over.

I actually did drown once. :lol


*creates nice train station at Extreme Kills biome with glass and openings on both sides*
*creeper comes in and destroys good bit of it*
*restores work*
*creeper comes in and does more damage*
*patches hole with dirt temporary as I create a complex redstone gate mechanism to keep enemies out while allowing for way to lower or rise the gate from either side*
*creeper gets in during testing and destroys stuff*


that is how my day went yesterday. :lol.

I now plan to make one opening a closed off courtroom (with perhaps bunker under) and other side that faces the hills have a castle-like wall with gate that will come up or down complex redstone XOR gate. Will likely also dig out bunch of dirt/stone blocks and make my self a bridge that crosses a gap to the hills. Should look nice.

Let's just hope I don't see any more creepers...
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