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Monster Strike |OT| Lucy in the Sky with Divine Sharls


They're making us fat before lucy

resetting all the daily orb gains from the material missions

mhmmmmm I'm almost at 150 for 3 10-pulls

I'm at 336 now, but I have so many quests/missions to do. I've been away a while, so I've mostly just been going through the story quests and starting to unlock some of the Temple quests too [for Ableberries]. I really want a Lucy, just one. That's all I ask!


A bit late but if you bring Oragon to Fenrir, you get to challenge Fenrir X.

It's all fire monsters with some GB and walls.

~20 minutes left if you want to try.

edit: and warps :/


So I re-joined LINE MS chat [since six+ months ago?], but all of my comments are green and seemingly won't send. Anyone know why?

Also, it took FOREVER to sync all of the messages over the last few months. Any way to stop that?

Edit - Never mind, I just had to clear my chat history, I guess.


I haven't loaded up MS in a while. Do you not fuse together the little Mormites anymore to increase their potential gains? I just tried it with a pair of SPD ones and it didn't do anything.

I had so many free orbs sitting in my inbox from being away for so long that I threw some at a 10-shot for this new hatcher and got Verdandi (as well as a couple other 5* I have never seen, Kali and Loreley).

Edit - Another question, I never bothered before, but can I play the same account on both my iPhone and my iPad? Or is it tied to one device?


I haven't loaded up MS in a while. Do you not fuse together the little Mormites anymore to increase their potential gains? I just tried it with a pair of SPD ones and it didn't do anything.

I had so many free orbs sitting in my inbox from being away for so long that I threw some at a 10-shot for this new hatcher and got Verdandi (as well as a couple other 5* I have never seen, Kali and Loreley).

Edit - Another question, I never bothered before, but can I play the same account on both my iPhone and my iPad? Or is it tied to one device?
Yeah, they changed that, now morlings come maxed already.
And I never tried it but I think you can backup your account and restore it in any device.


Yeah, they changed that, now morlings come maxed already.
And I never tried it but I think you can backup your account and restore it in any device.

That's great. I hated having like 50-100 Morlings that I needed to fuse together.

As far as the device thing - I'm just wondering if restoring the data on my phone will disable it on my iPad, basically. The fact that you need to restore data via the way they are doing it makes me think it can't be active on more than one device at a time, yeah? Otherwise it'd just be like a login/account system and this step wouldn't be necessary.


That's great. I hated having like 50-100 Morlings that I needed to fuse together.

As far as the device thing - I'm just wondering if restoring the data on my phone will disable it on my iPad, basically. The fact that you need to restore data via the way they are doing it makes me think it can't be active on more than one device at a time, yeah? Otherwise it'd just be like a login/account system and this step wouldn't be necessary.
Yeah, I think it will disable it on the previous device, you will probably have to restore it again everytime you switch.


With the update I've finally pushed past 50 gems.

Anything worthwhile coming or are we just waiting for lucy?
Goku/Wukong is coming on the 17th, but other than himself his hatcher is not that good so maybe it's worth waiting to see if they have something special for the 1st anniversary that's coming later this month


Goku/Wukong is coming on the 17th, but other than himself his hatcher is not that good so maybe it's worth waiting to see if they have something special for the 1st anniversary that's coming later this month
I'm expecting Lucy to finally be released then. Her card is already in-game and her theme would suit Halloween pretty well [her being a devil/archdemon].

Saving all my Magic Orbs for her!


A little birdie told me we won't be seeing Lucy anytime soon. :(

We're getting an exclusive North American monster for Halloween, if that's any consolation lol.

Keep saving those orbs!
Nah this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Wukong

Son Goku was inspired by him.

Ooooh. Thought it was a collab thing like the street fight thing they did in Japan ._.

A little birdie told me we won't be seeing Lucy anytime soon. :(

We're getting an exclusive North American monster for Halloween, if that's any consolation lol.

Keep saving those orbs!

Bummer. Wonder why they're holding off on her, they already released the rest of the archangels without her and they're really delaying her release.


A little birdie told me we won't be seeing Lucy anytime soon. :(

We're getting an exclusive North American monster for Halloween, if that's any consolation lol.

Keep saving those orbs!

Bummer. Wonder why they're holding off on her, they already released the rest of the archangels without her and they're really delaying her release.
People are suspecting it's because she's so powerful, which is true, but to intentionally hold her back because of that? I'm not so sure.

It is kind of frustrating, though. It's difficult to get excited for these new monster hatchers [like Romeo] when you're busy saving Magic Orbs for a specific one that [seemingly] keeps getting skipped over. I know it's my choice entirely to hold the Magic Orbs back for her, and I'm not going to stop, but I want to spend them already!


She's not even the best character in the game anymore.

I find Arthur's new ascension and Alice's new ascension to have much more utility and power.


She's not even the best character in the game anymore.

I find Arthur's new ascension and Alice's new ascension to have much more utility and power.
Speaking of Arthur, I wonder when we'll get her ascension. I'm pretty excited to try her out for myself. I know it'll probably be a few months [at least] though, considering how recent she is in the Japanese version.
It's weird that they push out updates like updating Beelzebubs new Meteor bump, but take a while for ascensions/new monsters.

Wonder what their plan is..
Anyone knows if this plays nicely on Bluestacks?

Also, i doubt it works, but it's probably not possible to have 1 account active on both a iOS device and a Android one, right?
It's weird that they push out updates like updating Beelzebubs new Meteor bump, but take a while for ascensions/new monsters.

Wonder what their plan is..

they are following the updates japan had?

it's pretty much following the same schedule in terms of new monsters/buffs/ascs outside impossibles and special hatchers (lucy)

there's no magic plan going on here


Been a long time since I played this, had to stop cause it was sucking up so much of my free time before. Gonna start fresh, should I bother rerolling for anything specific? And any tips to be aware of from the start? I will be reading through some of the reddit posts linked in the OP soon.


This guy pulls 480 eggs, and only receives two Lucifer.


That does it, I'm never getting her, not with my paltry 575 Magic orbs. :/

Keep those expectations low. Sites report Lucy rates to be as low as 1%, and I think our 5* pool is even larger than the JP pool so... ... ...

Anyone knows if this plays nicely on Bluestacks?

Also, i doubt it works, but it's probably not possible to have 1 account active on both a iOS device and a Android one, right?

I do recall some posts on FB noting difficulties running on bluestacks... not sure though.
Unless you're willing to transfer over and over between the two devices it's probably not a good idea (and even then, who knows if that constant transferring might throw a flag on their side)

Been a long time since I played this, had to stop cause it was sucking up so much of my free time before. Gonna start fresh, should I bother rerolling for anything specific? And any tips to be aware of from the start? I will be reading through some of the reddit posts linked in the OP soon.

Some pretty good monsters are featured at the moment, so it's not a bad time to start. I would suggest to join in on our LINE group as soon as you can!


Some pretty good monsters are featured at the moment, so it's not a bad time to start. I would suggest to join in on our LINE group as soon as you can!

Any of those monster worth rerolling for in particular? I will get on setting up Line as well, I don't remember but could we click on the hosted rooms on the desktop version of Line and it would join the room in game or did that have to be done in the mobile version of line?

Edit: first try rolled Nobunaga X should I just continue playing the game now? didn't expect a 5* first try lol.
2nd Edit: How do I join the Line group? Just made an account.


Any of those monster worth rerolling for in particular? I will get on setting up Line as well, I don't remember but could we click on the hosted rooms on the desktop version of Line and it would join the room in game or did that have to be done in the mobile version of line?

Edit: first try rolled Nobunaga X should I just continue playing the game now? didn't expect a 5* first try lol.
2nd Edit: How do I join the Line group? Just made an account.
Post your User ID (not your display name, check your profile) here or PM me and we can invite you.
Oda X is a decent start too but you might want to do your first 10 shot and see what you get before you decide.


Post your User ID (not your display name, check your profile) here or PM me and we can invite you.
Oda X is a decent start too but you might want to do your first 10 shot and see what you get before you decide.

oh ok, my user id is kimchigaf. For my first 10 pull should I use it on Max Dash?


oh ok, my user id is kimchigaf. For my first 10 pull should I use it on Max Dash?
I'd personally use it the Heroes Series [it's still around for a day longer!], to try for Uri. She's an extremely versatile monster, especially in her evolution form, and would be great for beginners [light attribute, null damage wall/null gravity barrier]. The other two monsters with her [Aramis and Verdandi] are great too, each with an 8.5 rating on Strikeshot.


Anyone knows if this plays nicely on Bluestacks?

Also, i doubt it works, but it's probably not possible to have 1 account active on both a iOS device and a Android one, right?

The game works fairly well on Bluestacks, but Windroye is the best for it. Bluestacks messes up on timing/sound in certain cases during multiplayer, but Windroye is pretty flawless in that regard.
I tried it yesterday on bluestacks but it keeps repeatedly crashing after downloading stuff(which it has to do again cause you know..it crashed :p)

I'll try the other emu later today!
Decided to do 10 pull on new hatcher!

1:Some weird fox girl
2.Purple hat girl
3.Red girl
4.Lion guy
5.Ninja blonde girl
6.blonde girl
7.another weird fox girl
9.another fox girl
10.a red lady



Managed to get 5 max luck monsters in JP before the new difficulty quest that requires it:


How much time have you guys waited until you get a response from support? I keep getting "Backup Failed" messages when trying to backup so I contacted them but haven't gotten a response yet ;__;


How much time have you guys waited until you get a response from support? I keep getting "Backup Failed" messages when trying to backup so I contacted them but haven't gotten a response yet ;__;

There's an easy fix for that.

1) Make another Gmail account
2) On the title screen, tap the controller on the bottom left
3) Select the new account
4) Backup normally


There's an easy fix for that.

1) Make another Gmail account
2) On the title screen, tap the controller on the bottom left
3) Select the new account
4) Backup normally

It worked! Thanks kind soul :) Now I can play without being worried that my data may be lost .___.


Really need water bounce null warp monsters for Avalon, tried 4 times today thanks to a rank up but wasn't able to beat it. I'll get another Yamato and asc my Undine to try again the next time
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