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NBA Offseason 2017 |OT| Only Big Ballers™ Allowed *please pay $495 to be a Big Baller


No we just don't care because there's no point discussing Ball with you

I have literally only posted facts and linked actual content when discussing Zo

stay hating on me tho bby

Don't care if it's not unanimous.

Brad Stevens is too good for your franchise


If we pass on Lonzo assure me your team will not break his bones with whatever growth hormones you guys end up giving to your players

All that matters is that Lavar is gonna get PAID!

Ball dynasty about to get paid


I have literally only posted facts and linked actual content when discussing Zo

stay hating on me tho bby
lol we're having a discussion on Fultz vs Simmons and you had to chime in saying that we aren't talking about Ball enough, you aren't posting facts and linking content you're dick riding.


I said y'all are sleeping on his ranking

how is that complaining

and I meant when I do discuss his potential issues and strengths I link facts and content


I don't like the trade for the Cavs. I mean, George is a 2 way player and they need that, but he doesn't fix their defense and he isn't a big offensive rebound threat like Love. If they do that they will just be trying to run with the Warriors which could work because sports tend to be random, but it's not a great strategy.


Tom Penny

I said y'all are sleeping on his ranking

how is that complaining

and I meant when I do discuss his potential issues and strengths I link facts and content
If he's a Laker I hope he is a total bust and his father be a problem for the franchise.


You posted that because you wanted us to acknowledge that Ball is listed on the same tier as Fultz

ily Bread

wow the future lakers/celtics rivalry is already heating up in here

30 for 30 tonight gonna be lit

I think he was referring to the team's defensive culture. PG13 being on KD would help a lot tho still

If he's a Laker I hope he is a total bust and his father be a problem for the franchise.

well that's just mean

I'll get back to you after we 4-peat

He's a great defender but the problems the Cavs have on defense are really more about coaching than personnel. Even if we're talking about the players alone, he wouldn't cover up for the deficiencies Kyrie, JR and (yes) Lebron have on that end. And I think that Love defends the 4 better than Tristan does the 5, so they would subtract one of their (somehow) better defenders. And without Love, the Cavs don't offer much of an threat on the offensive board, so their transition defense will get even more exposed. I don't like the fit.



Besides the obvious legends, how many of these are people you actually recognize?
Almost everyone on that list was a star either in college, the pros, both, or overseas winning a lot.

They ain't nobodies because you don't fuckin know em

That's like me saying who knows Andre Tippett because I ain't get to see him play

It's the basketball hall of fame for christ's sake


I actually wouldn't mind more teams trying to follow the GS/Spurs model of drafting well, making smart signings to fill out the support roles, and then being on position to take advantage when that big FA name hits the market. To me, that's a respectable way to grow an organization/team.

I'm just bummed about PG13 news since he was about the only obstacle in LeBron's path to the finals this year. It was a pretty fun series even if it resulted in a sweep.

LOL at that being the respectable way to build. Why?

I don't like all the stars on one team and just 2 super teams as much as the next guy but I hate hate hate this notion that only GMs and FO can build a team through the draft. Or that it is the right and respectable way.

Also Spurs tanked a season to land TD and both teams also had to get very lucky to land the right guys in the right spot. This being the only way or the right way is nonsense.


Thomas Bryant, Caleb Swanigan, Bam, and Hart will do well in the league

Issac will be a damn star

Tatum ain't shit

I disagree I think Tatum is gonna be a star and Issac is gonna be another Marvin Williams


Besides the obvious legends, how many of these are people you actually recognize?

They count your college and international career too, outside of the international only players and some guys from before the 80s I know all of them


Big 5 hype

MVP Jaylen

Ainge gonna do it

That just may be what they end up with.

Off the bench they would have:

Smart/Bradley/Fultz/Rozier/Jackson for the back court

Zizac and Yubo for frontcourt help.

They just need 1 more big to stretch the floor (I'm assuming Oly is gonna get paid as a restricted FA) and 1 more scorer off the bench. Rudy Gay would fit perfect here if they can get him on the cheap.


I love how everyone hangs on every player tweet and favorite, especially when it comes to trades, as if the players are in the negotiating room with the GM. Andre Drummond would probably be the last guy to know within the org if he got traded.


I disagree I think Tatum is gonna be a star and Issac is gonna be another Marvin Williams

They count your college and international career too, outside of the international only players and some guys from before the 80s I know all of them
Watching Issac, he's like 19 and if he becomes Marvin Williams that's honestly fine, Williams has been around consistently since 2005, that's nice. I hope Issac does well, dude can play the 3,4, or 5 if he bulks up which he inevitibly will.

Tatum's game is too old fashioned for today I feel
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