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NPD Sales Results for April 2016 [Sony, MS, & Nintendo refuse to comment on hardware]


Wonder how everyone suddenly turn into Nostradamus about QB, not being surprised it flopped.

What was so obvious about it? game looked very good and promising before release, the concept is cool, famous TV stars, why it was so obvious it would fail, it's not like Homefront 2 that you know for sure that will fail hard.

Wonder why no one talked before the game released about how it's going to flop.

You seem to think everyone's thoughts should be chronicled on Gaf or sommit.

If someone thought it wouldn't sell too well, then that's that. Go play Gaf Detective if you want, see if the people saying it would flop now said it would sell well in the past, but it seems like a waste of effort.
Wonder how everyone suddenly turn into Nostradamus about QB, not being surprised it flopped.

What was so obvious about it? game looked very good and promising before release, the concept is cool, famous TV stars, it's not like Homefront 2 that you know for sure that will fail hard.

Wonder why no one talked before the game released about how it's going to flop.

It was clear that Quantum Break was going to flop weeks ago. When it only sold 38k after its first two weeks in the UK charts it was apparent that was not going to translate into good sales for NPD. Plus that 77 was bound to hurt sales as well.


Wonder how everyone suddenly turn into Nostradamus about QB, not being surprised it flopped.

What was so obvious about it? game looked very good and promising before release, the concept is cool, famous TV stars, it's not like Homefront 2 that you know for sure that will fail hard.

Wonder why no one talked before the game released about how it's going to flop.

I remember some friends telling me Uncharted 4 was delayed cause sony was afraid of QB. lol


You seem to think everyone's thoughts should be chronicled on Gaf or sommit.

If someone thought it wouldn't sell too well, then that's that. Go play Gaf Detective if you want, see if the people saying it would flop now said it would sell well in the past, but it seems like a waste of effort.

You're right but I'm talking about the general vibe I get from this thread, like QB was an obvious flop, don't remember anyone skeptic about its chance of success before release.


I think R&C will be top 5 next month.

Certainly in the top ten, dunno about top 5.

Uncharted, Overwatch, Doom, Battleborn and probably GTAV. That'd be my prediction for top 5.

Maybe 7th, just under Minecraft.

You're right but I'm talking about the general vibe I get from this thread, like QB was an obvious flop, don't remember anyone skeptic about its chance of success before release.

I think that's just because it never came up as a topic. People were more interested in R&C doing well because of the hint we got from jstephenson.


I mean I don't think they were that famous. lol. Ok that's just mean.

Hey you take that back. Animorph dude is teh GOAT


No literally he turns into a goat. Not even joking.


Shit, this is the first time I forgot today was NPD day. So, what did I miss? :p

Also, Ratchet and Clank did much better than I expected.


This is just too amazing:
Ratchet & Clank had the best launch of any game in the Ratchet & Clank franchise when adjusting for the number of days sold in the data month, with sales recapturing success not seen for the franchise since the height of the PlayStation 2 era,” said Callahan.
Looking at previous NPDs, the last 12 results have been the PS4's most dominant. PS4 has won 11, whereas XB1 has won one (October). If you did this any other previous month, XB1 would have multiple wins. Had PS4 won October, it would've been 12 straight.


Good to see MLB at #3.

That's the one that surprises me at least. Great game and well-deserved.

Not surprised at Ratchet at #2, hope to dwindle down my backlog enough to justifying to pick it up myself.


my hard graphic balls
Sorry but I have exactly 9 friends and I was the only who bought physical.
The new going rate is 30-32% was it?
Wouldn't surprise me if it was past 40% for QB, given the Windows 10 version and Alan Wake included with the digital copy.
Still super sad for Remedy unless it did do pretty decent with digital or at least met their expectations, which we probably won't find out for a while. Top tier studio, who deserve to have funds available for their next project as needed.
You're right but I'm talking about the general vibe I get from this thread, like QB was an obvious flop, don't remember anyone skeptic about its chance of success before release.
Only vibe I'm getting from this thread is from the people trying to make it seem like QB was never a big exclusive. I haven't seen anyone say this was a sure fire bomb. Hell at the beginning of April r&c was supposed to bomb and QB would be a big seller according to a large amount on here. Now apparently its not a surprise R&C sold better


What new, big IPs have launched this gen? I'd guess they are batting at least .500 in the aaa space, which seems good to me.

RAther, I think the takeaway from MS' new IP adventures is that MS is bad at project management.

Evolve, Sunset Overdrive, The Order 1886, Battleborn etc etc

The new IP failures far outweigh the new IP success stories.
So, no one seems to be surprised about MLB 16 > The Division in the second month ?

The Division has been crowned best new launch ever for a new IP, and yet is now behind the baseball game, which is basically a PS4 exclusive given how dead the PS3 is.

Aren't we in front of the best performance for the MLB franchise ? Hope we get some numbers later.


I forgot Quantum Break released in April, looks like it's another Remedy bomb, hopefully it has decent legs.

Alan Wake got "decent legs" by releasing on the PC through all the various digital retail outlets. Quantum Break is a Windows Store exclusive and uses the near-universally panned UWP format. Quantum Break simply will not have the legs that Alan Wake did, at least not on the PC.
How long until the unironic "Of course Star Fox sold, the Wii U does not have other gaems!!!" Comments appear?

Wellll I mean was it literally the only Wii U game released this month? That kind of is a factor I think.

Also, are the numbers actually any good? Everyone is calling Quantum Break a bomba but it pulled higher numbers. Of course, its budget would be much higher. Didn't the highest selling title in the Star Fox series do 4 million odd though? Not a chance this is going to get anywhere close.

So I wouldn't call it a bomb, but that's about as far as I'd go. I wonder what Nintendo was expecting?
Luckily Remedy has already been paid for their work. Thats the advantage of being a contracted studio. They should be safe.

Yeah. It also helps that QB seems to be their first real bomb (pretty expensive bomb though). Alan Wake sold pretty well in the end if you include PC sales (1.6 million in Steam for base game and over 1 million for American Nightmare).
I'm absolutely delighted R&C is doing so well! U want numbers though. How big are we thinking here? Breaking a million seems safe, right?

Purest 78

The new going rate is 30-32% was it?
Wouldn't surprise me if it was past 40% for QB, given the Windows 10 version and Alan Wake included with the digital copy.
Still super sad for Remedy unless it did do pretty decent with digital or at least met their expectations, which we probably won't find out for a while. Top tier studio, who deserve to have funds available for their next project as needed.

Why do people think an Old 360 game would make people go Digital?
I'm absolutely delighted R&C is doing so well! U want numbers though. How big are we thinking here? Breaking a million seems safe, right?

It has been charting high in every EU chart and seems to be doing well digitally too so if you are talking about worldwide sales 1 million will be rather easy target to hit.


Evolve, Sunset Overdrive, The Order 1886, Battleborn etc etc

The new IP failures far outweigh the new IP success stories.
I feel the impression is more often than not every generation more new IPs fail than succeed - I dont think thats particular to this generation other than the pure lack of the number of new IPs full stop.

I also think it skews the results if we only talk about AAA new IPs

ps3ud0 8)


Woohoo Dark Souls 3. From showing how it's done.

Hey Capcom. You can make a hardcore action title with a dark aesthetic without dumbing it down, and have it be successful.

Good news for Ratchet as well. I hope that leads to more 3D platformed revivals, whether from Sony or others.


Only vibe I'm getting from this thread is from the people trying to make it seem like QB was never a big exclusive. I haven't seen anyone say this was a sure fire bomb. Hell at the beginning of April r&c was supposed to bomb and QB would be a big seller according to a large amount on here. Now apparently its not a surprise R&C sold better
Yup exactly this.
This is just too amazing:

Damnit people are hungry for platformers if they are getting PS2 era numbers, hopefully more developers will take notice.
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