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NPD Sales Results for June 2015 [Up2: Batman, Splatoon]


Is it really? That would be really fun. If that's the case, I hope they do decide to throw a drop on just for kicks. Competition can be entertaining.

It can be very entertaining. Can you imagine? There will be enough fanboy wars to last till E3 if that happens.

I hope there's a new junior alt ready for action calling himself 'Microsoft Hanging Chad' made especially for this post scenario.

Ohh I am sure it won't be just one.


Must feel so good to be on the Playstation team and see PS4 on top every month. Especially if you were there during the PS3 era.


Thought PS4 would do better this month. I think when it comes to bundles, the co-marketing stuff is more effective with new IPs. People knew what Arkham Knight would be, whereas you can't really predict what a new property is going to be and get more curiosity buyers.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Must feel so good to be on the Playstation team and see PS4 on top every month. Especially if you were there during the PS3 era.

I didn't know employees paid much attention - that's really cool. Congrats :)


Price cut for the holiday 2015 would sell more consoles now and create a larger user base for all their exclusives in 2016. Also don't think GOW is 2016.

I can't argue with that, but I can say that a price cut along side the release of such big franchises might have a bigger impact than a price drop this year, specially when MS has a pretty strong holiday line-up and will probably offer crazy deals.

And if GOW doesn't release in 2016, then there's something wrong with SSM. Although they did spend time and resources with Stig's project, so that might have put them a bit behind schedule I think. You might be right, but I'm betting on a 2016 release.


I didn't know employees paid much attention - that's really cool. Congrats :)



A drop to $299 for PS4 would boost sales into the stratosphere. I believe it's going to happen because of the recent dilution which raised them $3.6 billion in capital. Granted, most of it is going towards image sensors, but I'm willing to bet some of it is for the funding of a hefty price cut.


I can't argue with that, but I can say that a price cut along side the release of such big franchises might have a bigger impact than a price drop this year, specially when MS has a pretty strong holiday line-up and will probably offer crazy deals.

A PS4 price drop this year going into the holiday season would be freaking huge, and would also royally screw over MS with it's biggest game release for X1 yet.

It would also really help in other regions where the PS4 isn't selling quite as well, like Japan.
To me what's most interesting, is this is not the big year software wise for Sony. PS4 is kinda the mouthpiece for 3rd party, so I'm beginning to feel Sony may want to drop the price to promote its own software and peripherals.

Granted, this also proves 3rd party is key with moving hardware, but Sony does have franchises that are important and generally associates with hardware growth, namely uncharted and gran Turismo. And, Sony seems keen on revitalizing Japan, and we know how price sensitive that market can be, would it be wiser to price drop with something like FF 15 or DQ? Game wise, I'm probably looking at playing wiiu a lot pretty soon and getting a 3DS for work, but have to admit, its the most exciting waiting to see what Sony does. E3 all there conferences, just seems like the floor is Sony's this Gen, and i think that's because they have a worldwide appeal. I think it might benefit Sony more to simply offer compelling bundles and add value to a baseline $350 PS4. I think next year with SFV,UC4 Morpheus, FF15, and likely GT7, 2016 is really the time to maximize user base with software even more dedicated and tailored to your platform. Added bonus, you give new IP like Horizon, Dreams, Rime,Morpheus games a greater chance for success.


Not Banned from OT
A drop to $299 for PS4 would boost sales into the stratosphere. I believe it's going to happen because of the recent dilution which raised them $3.6 billion in capital. Granted, most of it is going towards image sensors, but I'm willing to bet some of it is for the funding of a hefty price cut.

I don't see a 100 price cut to be honest. I see 50 dollar price cut and some sort of bundle maybe include a year of PS+. Sony seems content with PS4 sales right now and will take profits over extra sales.
Saying Gen 8 might see a contraction and not live up to Gen 7 (or possibly Gen 6) sales is not predicting the "doom of consoles".

Some of you get too worked up over this stuff. It's really not the end of the world if this generation isn't as successful as the previous two.

I'm not talking about those people many nintendo fans were saying the ps4 and XB1 wouldn't sell that much better then the wiiu, and that consoles were doomed.


A PS4 price drop this year going into the holiday season would be freaking huge, and would also royally screw over MS with it's biggest game release for X1 yet.

It would also really help in other regions where the PS4 isn't selling quite as well, like Japan.

I guess you're right. Dropping the price for the holidays is definitely bigger than early, or in the middle of the year. It can also put a dent on MS's holiday efforts indeed.

I'm just imagining a price drop next year with so many big PS releases.


I'm not talking about those people many nintendo fans were saying the ps4 and XB1 wouldn't sell that much better then the wiiu, and that consoles were doomed.
No one's saying consoles are doomed, at least this gen. There's going to be a clear contraction though and I suspect it won't be limited to just the Wii casuals loving their tablets and phones.

Btw, any comment on those Splatoon sales? I've got some crow roasting in the oven. :)


Still don't see Sony dropping the price of the PS4. Everyone thought that they would announce a price drop at E3 but everyone should have known that wasn't going to happen due to the Batman bundles. There was no way in hell they were going to give refunds for the difference or alienate consumers by announcing a price drop.

It will be the same thing in the Fall. All depends on the prices of the bundles. Personally, Sony would be better off having a COD and Battlefront "edition" bundles. Include a 1TB hard drive, the game themed console and controller as well as the game for $400. The addition of the game, the extra 500GB in hard drive space and themed console will easily make up for any price difference that Microsoft has and I'll even put it at $100.

Then, Sony can have a 1TB console bundle that will include the "revised" console that's all black matte and include their exclusive games via digital download for $400. Granted, some games aren't worth much but having Knack, Killzone, Infamous, The Order and Bloodborne packed in would still be cheaper than buying it all separate. Plus, this console would be mainly for those who don't want a "themed" console.

I'll be surprised if Sony lowers the price of the PS4. I'm fully expecting them to have a few bundles which would offset the price drop. Sony has won five out of six months and let's say for argument sake, they win the next three and go into October, winning eight out of nine months. Any amount that Microsoft wins by in October, November and December will most likely just balance out the year.

Then, next March when Uncharted 4 and SFV get released will give Sony back that lead so to me, a price drop this year makes no sense. And im fully expecting an Uncharted 4 bundle. If anything, I can see a price drop at this time. Uncharted 4 bundle for $300. That will easily and by far blow away whatever Microsoft does this holiday season.

I'm still committed to my prediction for next year's E3. To me, there's no reason to lower the price when the console is still selling strong at $400. Microsoft is almost having to give away their console with all the free games, bundles and whatnot. Sony hasn't had to do that and unless Sony gets crushed the next three months, I would be very shocked and surprised if they drop the price of the PS4 before 2016.


extra source of jiggaflops
Everyone thought that they would announce a price drop at E3 but everyone should have known that wasn't going to happen due to the Batman bundles.
Everyone did not think that.

Just argue what people actually said instead of making it up in retrospect what people argued which obviously isn't true now that we're past E3 and it didn't happen.


Still don't see Sony dropping the price of the PS4. Everyone thought that they would announce a price drop at E3 but everyone should have known that wasn't going to happen due to the Batman bundles.

Not everyone.

Most people here (who usually post in sales threads) agreed that there would not be a price cut at E3.

It was non regular members who were saying Sony had to drop the price after April NPD.

Edit: Benny_a knows what's up!


Not everyone.

Most people here (who usually post in sales threads) agreed that there would not be a price cut at E3.

It was non regular members who were saying Sony had to drop the price after April NPD.

Edit: Benny_a knows what's up!

The problem with sales threads (videogames or otherwise) is that you have a core group of people who have followed numbers for years being drowned out by people who have no idea what they are talking about but like company X or product Y. If you do not follow sales threads closely enough to know which posters fall into either group, it's hard to get a sense of what the true consensus is.


extra source of jiggaflops
The problem with sales threads (videogames or otherwise) is that you have a core group of people who have followed numbers for years being drowned out by people who have no idea what they are talking about but like company X or product Y.
I'm a casual reader of this stuff. I just know that everyone did not predict that part, because we had a huge thread about a PS4 price drop and there were loads of people that didn't even think this year was feasible.

I think they will drop the price this year by 100 dollars for the 500 GB model, if they still continue with it. If they phase it out it will probably just be 70 dollar.


41 > 38
Shipment worldwide as March 2015:


I think most people would have agreed with a prediction, pre-launch, that MK8 would be the worst selling Mario Kart (even though that probably won't turn out to be the case). The reason that article was so widely ridiculed was because they were predicting that it would sell some insanely low amount LTD, like 1-2 million, and used that famous pie chart to "prove" it.


I don't think that the Playstation 4 console itself needs a pricedrop at this moment but...

I think if Sony wants Project Morpheus to have the best chances to succeed, they need to drop the price of PS4 to $/€299 to keep the momentum going and rapidly increase the installbase of the console. And that pricedrop should happen well ahead of Morpheus' launch.


I'm a casual reader of this stuff. I just know that everyone did not predict that part, because we had a huge thread about a PS4 price drop and there were loads of people that didn't even think this year was feasible.

If I remember right, all of PS3's permanent price cuts (rather than HDD size reshuffling) happened in the August to October period. If that continues this generation (which makes sense as it builds momentum heading into the holidays), Sony isn't going to announce their price drop months early at E3. When was the last time Sony announced any price drop at E3?

I think most people would have agreed with a prediction, pre-launch, that MK8 would be the worst selling Mario Kart (even though that probably won't turn out to be the case). The reason that article was so widely ridiculed was because they were predicting that it would sell some insanely low amount LTD, like 1-2 million, and used that famous pie chart to "prove" it.

When you factor in eventual bundling, I think Mario Kart 8 will end up somewhere between Double Dash and Mario Kart 7. Some of that will depend on how much longer the Wii U is on sale.


The problem with sales threads (videogames or otherwise) is that you have a core group of people who have followed numbers for years being drowned out by people who have no idea what they are talking about but like company X or product Y. If you do not follow sales threads closely enough to know which posters fall into either group, it's hard to get a sense of what the true consensus is.

Yeh but this one was something where people jumped to conclusions over April NPD. Majority didn't say this.

If I remember right, all of PS3's permanent price cuts (rather than HDD size reshuffling) happened in the August to October period. If that continues this generation (which makes sense as it builds momentum heading into the holidays), Sony isn't going to announce their price drop months early at E3. When was the last time Sony announced any price drop at E3?

2004 at E3 I think. I'll just double check.

Anyway, here are PS3 price drops if my memory serves me well.

Nov 06 - Launch $499/$599
Oct 07 - $399 for 40GB
Aug 09 - $299 for 80GB/120GB
Aug 11 - $249 for 160GB
Aug 13 - $199 for 12GB model


Still don't see Sony dropping the price of the PS4. Everyone thought that they would announce a price drop at E3 but everyone should have known that wasn't going to happen due to the Batman bundles.
LOL, what? Who exactly is this "everyone"? Only posters who were ignorant about console sales were going on and on about it like idiots. Those of us who knew better weren't expecting a price cut at E3. So, basically, benny_a's post is the perfect reply to yours.


Still don't see Sony dropping the price of the PS4. Everyone thought that they would announce a price drop at E3 but everyone should have known that wasn't going to happen due to the Batman bundles.

No. What some people (including me) said is that it was a possibility.
I still think that the price is going down to $299 for several reasons, including PS4 down YoY (at least it was until June NPD, haven't checked if still is), Sony missed their 2014 sales forecast (14.8m instead of 15), yet their forecast increased to 16m in 2015 fy forecast with lower margins, it's been nearly two years without a single price drop, and having a third Holiday at the launch price would be I think unheard of, at least for Sony.
Add to that MS going all out with three major exclusives to lure in the 360 owners who haven't jumped in yet and are likely to hit $299 themselves (even if only during BF, but I think it'll be longer), and the scene is ripe for a PS4 price drop between Gamescom and PGW (almost think PGW would be late).

Why $299 instead of $349? Because it would have the maximum effect, and that is what Sony generally goes for when dropping price.


41 > 38
When you factor in eventual bundling, I think Mario Kart 8 will end up somewhere between Double Dash and Mario Kart 7. Some of that will depend on how much longer the Wii U is on sale.

It's too bad we'll probably never get any data on the DLC sales. I would imagine that with that included, the game will end up having brought in revenue comparable to the games in the middle of the chart.
A drop to $299 for PS4 would boost sales into the stratosphere. I believe it's going to happen because of the recent dilution which raised them $3.6 billion in capital. Granted, most of it is going towards image sensors, but I'm willing to bet some of it is for the funding of a hefty price cut.

So you think they raised captial to burn it by lowering the price of the PS4? I don't think they are going to take any losses on this machine. They are probably going to 350 this year (400 bundled) but I don't see why they wouldn't play the demand curve when they have a huge hit.


Media Create Maven
Okay then, I'll ask. What more could possibly have been done? Most big name franchises had releases that didn't sell enough to turn a profit and the system itself failed to generate a significant installed base.

Unless you just think that Sony should have just kept dumping millions into throwing things at the wall in the hopes that something would stick?

First they tried dedicated games, then they tried to open it up as a small game/indie platform, then they tried to expand it to a remote play device. Nothing helped. They bundled it, they sold it at discount, still the mass market stayed away. It didn't work.

To be fair, weren't all of those games (except Uncharted, which was ok) pretty terrible iterations in their series? Not sure if that was going to make a difference, but I thought the CoD & AC reviews were pretty terrible (esp. CoD).
So you think they raised captial to burn it by lowering the price of the PS4? I don't think they are going to take any losses on this machine. They are probably going to 350 this year (400 bundled) but I don't see why they wouldn't play the demand curve when they have a huge hit.

$349 with Stars Wars, Uncharted or COD bundled in should be the minimum they should do this Fall.


As a Canadian, I selfishly hope for a $100 price cut on the PS4, because I am almost positive that the Canadian price will stay at $449 if the US price drops $50 to $349. That would mean that two years after launch, we are still paying more than launch price here in Canada...
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