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NPD Sales Results for November 2015 [Up3: Combined Hardware For PS4 + XB1 + Wii U]


Hm how would we know though? Press release...?

And what's your projected breakdown?
As in

I think it's a bit high imo since japan is the only aeea confirmed to be over 1 mil right? Unleas ROTW is hot

Sure, i always love discuss about Splatoon sales dude. :)
I said >4 million, not 4 million. 4 million is very conservate, if you wanna know.

Is 950k-1 million by end of November in USA, probabily more close to 1 million than 950k.
It sold 245k in November, withouth digital. In May and in july, Splatoon digital sales were 17% in both month... So, like in Japan, digital sales for Splatoon are strong.

Now, in December. Nintendo sales are usually x2 compared to November, not like MS or Sony, which now are just a bit better than in November.
245k in Nov withouth digital, i predict 400k in December including digital.

Lifetime, Splatoon will be 1.35-1.40 million in USA. USA should be what, 90% of North America market? in that case, 1.50 million in NA, and i'm conservate... sold. not shipped.
Shipped, >1.6 million. North America alone.

The game was at 165,000 unit digital by end of October... now is definitive over 200k, and will probabily be nearly 250k by end of year.
Retail, is over 900k. And it sold >50k last week. There are 3 weeks to go... assuming will sell again >50k ( but that's not gonna happen, it will increase at 60k minimum, probabily over 70k), it will sell >1.05m retail.
Only in sales, the game will be >1.30 million in Japan. Shipped, Splatoon will be >1.40 million in Japan.

We know Splatoon sold 230,000 in Europe back in June. of those 230,000, 75k were in France.
Now, France sales are 280,000... And there are 3 weeks to go, like in Japan.
Splatoon will sell for sure >300k, i say 325k. And that's sold.
Shipped, >350k.

Since France is less than 1/3 Europe sales, Splatoon will be easy over 1 million in Europe. And even over 1.05 million.

So, with rest of world, here we go...

NA > 1.60 million
JP > 1.40 million
EU > 1.05 million

WW > 4.05 million , only EU+NA+JP.


splatoon reached 2.42 million as of Sep 2015. mario kart 8 same time frame, 3.5 million september 2014, and now way platoon will sell as good as mario kart 8 during December.

Wanna made an avatar bet?

Mario Kart 8 sold 1.28 million during October to December 2014.

I bet Splatoon will sell more than this. Wanna accept?

Worning: Splatoon already sold better last quarter ( 800k VS 670k), you still can don't accept this bet.
Sure, i always love discuss about Splatoon sales dude. :)
I said >4 million, not 4 million. 4 million is very conservate, if you wanna know.

Is 950k-1 million by end of November in USA, probabily more close to 1 million than 950k.
It sold 245k in November, withouth digital. In May and in july, Splatoon digital sales were 17% in both month... So, like in Japan, digital sales for Splatoon are strong.

Now, in December. Nintendo sales are usually x2 compared to November, not like MS or Sony, which now are just a bit better than in November.
245k in Nov withouth digital, i predict 400k in December including digital.

Lifetime, Splatoon will be 1.35-1.40 million in USA. USA should be what, 90% of North America market? in that case, 1.50 million in NA, and i'm conservate... sold. not shipped.
Shipped, >1.6 million. North America alone.

The game was at 165,000 unit digital by end of October... now is definitive over 200k, and will probabily be nearly 250k by end of year.
Retail, is over 900k. And it sold >50k last week. There are 3 weeks to go... assuming will sell again >50k ( but that's not gonna happen, it will increase at 60k minimum, probabily over 70k), it will sell >1.05m retail.
Only in sales, the game will be >1.30 million in Japan. Shipped, Splatoon will be >1.40 million in Japan.

We know Splatoon sold 230,000 in Europe back in June. of those 230,000, 75k were in France.
Now, France sales are 280,000... And there are 3 weeks to go, like in Japan.
Splatoon will sell for sure >300k, i say 325k. And that's sold.
Shipped, >350k.

Since France is less than 1/3 Europe sales, Splatoon will be easy over 1 million in Europe. And even over 1.05 million.

So, with rest of world, here we go...

NA > 1.60 million
JP > 1.40 million
EU > 1.05 million

WW > 4.05 million , only EU+NA+JP.
Really impressive numbers.
Wanna made an avatar bet?

Mario Kart 8 sold 1.28 million during October to December 2014.

I bet Splatoon will sell more than this. Wanna accept?

Worning: Splatoon already sold better last quarter ( 800k VS 670k), you still can don't accept this bet.

What did Mario kart 8 sell in December 2014? and it's kinda not fair since splatoon is being bundled with nintendo second biggest franchise.


splatoon reached 2.42 million as of Sep 2015. mario kart 8 same time frame, 3.5 million september 2014, and now way platoon will sell as good as mario kart 8 during December.

The whole discrepancy between MK8 and Splatoon is the launch month. Since than Splatoon has actually perform comparably or better than MK8 without the help of free games or bundles in the summer/autumn months.

What did Mario kart 8 sell in December 2014? and it's kinda not fair since splatoon is being bundled with nintendo second biggest franchise.

It's not fair because MK8 was bundled all summer and autumn and you also got a free game for buying it up until August(I think), this type of argument is funny because Mario Kart is Nintendo's biggest franchise launched on the Wii U.


That really doesn't mean much when MK8 had a much bigger Q1, and even then, the Q2 diff is only 130k.

So, you think Splatoon will sell less than 1.28 million this quarter?

Say just yes or not... personally, i predict that Splatoon will sell 1.5:1 better.

What is you'r prediction?


There should be a thread for the worldwide sales numbers for games and franchises for which we have hard data from the publishers.

Stuff like GT, Halo, Uncharted, Gears, etc.

Mory Dunz

Thanks for the reasoning behind your claims. Its a lot better than people not backing up statements. Not sure I agree with certain things. Is France being extrapolated for Europe safe? Or could France have a higher ratio of sales for this particular game? As for the 400k in Dec NPD, how much are you attributing to bundles? Are you expecting a similar split to November?

Overall, I guess I could see 4m even if I don't expect it.

January financial statement will be interesting


What did Mario kart 8 sell in December 2014? and it's kinda not fair since splatoon is being bundled with nintendo second biggest franchise.

We don't know, we just know that in Japan Splatoon is selling more than double than Mario Kart 8, and in France, lifetime, Splatoon has sold equal - better launch allinied, even including launch ( which was super strong for MK8).
Now, if we talk about US, Splatoon probabily won't beat MK8 launch allinied, but, by end of year, the gap should be only 400k... and you know the funny thing? the gap was 400k back in June... which mean since that, it sold equal.

So, since the only official WW numbers are in quarter, do you wanna bet about Splatoon to sell more than Mario Kart 8 this quarter?
In short, do you think Splatoon will sell less than 1.28 million?
It's not fair because MK8 was bundled all summer and autumn and you also got a free game for buying it up until August(I think), this type of argument is funny because Mario Kart is Nintendo's biggest franchise launched on the Wii U.

Mario kart was bundled but you had to pay 50$ for the game, it was like 350, not giving away for free, and the free game was a eshop game, hardly a big deal.


Mario kart was bundled but you had to pay 50$ for the game, it was like 350, not giving away for free, and the free game was a eshop game, hardly a big deal.

I got Pikmin 3 for buying MK8........they had some good 1st party games for free when you bought MK8. C'mon now......

Mory Dunz

Mario kart was bundled but you had to pay 50$ for the game, it was like 350, not giving away for free, and the free game was a eshop game, hardly a big deal.

I got WWHD.

Games like w101, Pikmin 3, and some I can't think of were choices. Didn't Europe had MH3U as a choice...?

Point being, if I was on the edge that definitely would've pushed me over. It was.
a Pretty big deal


I can see it shipping around 1.3m

You think it will ship only 20k more than Kart...

You should understand that, in Japan, the gap is over 2:1, and in France lifetime, Splatoon is over Kart 8 launch allinied, (280k VS 270k) even if at launch Kart sold A LOT more... whoch mean the squids are for sure selling more now.

Last, the US. Nintendo confirmed Kart 8 over 1m in July. It sold another 66k in August, and 60k in September.
So, >1.1 million by end of September. 1.7 million by end of December.
In short, sales of Kart 8 in US during Q3 2014 were < 600k... And not only Splatoon will at least sell equal to this, but it will most likely sell more. 245k in Nov, withouth digital... December will be for sure bigger, and there is October...

In short:
USA: less launch allinied, more in Oct+Nov+Dec
France: over launch allinied.
Japan: WAY over launch allinied, 2:1 Oct+Nov+Dec

Only 20k more than Mario Kart is too low.
We don't know, we just know that in Japan Splatoon is selling more than double than Mario Kart 8, and in France, lifetime, Splatoon has sold equal - better launch allinied, even including launch ( which was super strong for MK8).
Now, if we talk about US, Splatoon probabily won't beat MK8 launch allinied, but, by end of year, the gap should be only 400k... and you know the funny thing? the gap was 400k back in June... which mean since that, it sold equal.

So, since the only official WW numbers are in quarter, do you wanna bet about Splatoon to sell more than Mario Kart 8 this quarter?
In short, do you think Splatoon will sell less than 1.28 million?

by the end of december? sold through numbers? don't think so, how can we confirm it though, thats the problem.


See edit.

My bad, I didn't notice your next post.

I was speaking specifically about Microsoft Games Studios releases but I do agree that all three of those have a chance at becoming a hit. I'm not sure about Quantum Break because most people still think that there will be some sort of TV show that will go with the game. Microsoft messed up the messaging up at the very beginning and I think it will suffer because of that, unless it gets really great reviews (90+ MC).

Quantum Break has a chance, but only if it has competent multiplayer. However I don't see it having MP mode, I'm sure we would have known that by now
Quantum Break has a chance, but only if it has competent multiplayer. However I don't see it having MP mode, I'm sure we would have known that by now

Quantum Break has no multiplayer, this has been known for a long time. I can't think of anything that would put Quantum Break in the shade more than having a multiplayer mode and trying to compete with all the plenty of other multiplayer choices that exist in the market. The Division is launching a month before, it would be a tremendous waste of precious resources at Remedy given how long its taken already.

Microsoft need to just stick QB in with every console sold until whenever their next new IP launches (Recore if I were to guess, I bet Scalebound is moved to early 2017). Its not going to do 400k/500k the first month which it will probably need to sell, they need to just sign Remedy up for a second one and bundle it to hell and I'm sure if they don't release a new console and piss around on waiting for a second that Remedy can get it out quicker than 5 years
Mario kart was bundled but you had to pay 50$ for the game, it was like 350, not giving away for free, and the free game was a eshop game, hardly a big deal.

By this logic you can never compare sales for anything that had a promition or came out at a different date.

Its none sense. I think you should take the bet if you are so sure.


Quantum Break has no multiplayer, this has been known for a long time. I can't think of anything that would put Quantum Break in the shade more than having a multiplayer mode and trying to compete with all the plenty of other multiplayer choices that exist in the market.


And having a good MP will absolutely help it achieve get more sales.

And having a good MP will absolutely help it achieve get more sales.

[Citation needed]

How many exactly? I can't imagine trying to compete against The Division and all the other options out there for a multiplayer shooter would get anyone to go and buy it first time round. Its a new IP, it doesn't even look like for now it would be all that interesting (a MP mode)

Do Remedy even have any experience in it? Alan Wake didn't have MP, I didn't play either Max Payne though.

Well this is from like a week ago:



yea it will reach that easily, come on now, lol.

In this case what are talking about?

"people call it the new Mario kart when is selling amazing only in Japan" [ you said]

No, is selling amazing IN ALL COUNTRIES, Japan, USA, France, worldwide. Is selling better than Mario kart 8, Mario sold more ONLY at launch, after that, Splatoon showed better legs, and is on the road for outsell Mario Kart 8 launch allinied WW, is already happened in Japan back in September, and now in France.

Fact. Splatoon is the new Mario kart.


The Division is launching a month before, it would be a tremendous waste of precious resources at Remedy given how long its taken already.

Of course I meant the MP should have been planned from the beginning, not start developing it now.

Microsoft need to just stick QB in with every console sold until whenever their next new IP launches (Recore if I were to guess, I bet Scalebound is moved to early 2017). Its not going to do 400k/500k the first month which it will probably need to sell, they need to just sign Remedy up for a second one and bundle it to hell and I'm sure if they don't release a new console and piss around on waiting for a second that Remedy can get it out quicker than 5 years

The idea of first party is to make people buy the consoles and the game separately, bundling the game for free seems like a bad idea if you're planning to make profits.

[Citation needed]

How many exactly? I can't imagine trying to compete against The Division and all the other options out there for a multiplayer shooter would get anyone to go and buy it first time round. Its a new IP, it doesn't even look like for now it would be all that interesting (a MP mode)

Do Remedy even have any experience in it? Alan Wake didn't have MP, I didn't play either Max Payne though.

Well I said competent MP, so if the MP is good more people will buy it. There's a reason Uncharted games come with MP.
Edit: Splatoon for example is selling well mainly because of its MP. So well actually that Ryng_Tolu is getting really optimistic, borderline delusional if I may say :p


And having a good MP will absolutely help it achieve get more sales.

IMO, the only thing that QB could do to get great sales is to get amazing reviews. I could see it being a very successful game, commercially, with a MC of 90 or better. I don't think it will see that. I'm willing to bet that it will fall soundly in the 80s.

As I said, Microsoft has already messed up the messaging associated with this game and reviewers are just as susceptible to hype as gamers are.
Quantum Break won't have MP? Interesting. I figured they would get something going for it to get more MAUs. MS has a MP focus in general.

Microsoft have said they have Gears for third-person shooter and Halo for FPS in the shooter AAA market. Most of their other titles (except Forza which is a racer) in the shooter market avoid it because they don't see the point in creating so much competition when there is also already so much out there. They'll happily stick a co-op thing in their titles but I'm assuming we are considering multiplayer in this context as something more competitive.

Remedy don't have any experience in it and I don't see Microsoft wanting them to put the sort of resources involved in it given how long they take as it is.

I think Microsoft are clearly focusing part of their line-up on narrative focused experiences whilst splitting their multiplayer between F2P (FL/Gigantic) and their big shooters. I don't really see much value in putting QB1 up against the likes of The Division and Gears on Xbox One alone when you're building the first one, although perhaps people will ask for something in a sequel.

Of course I meant the MP should have been planned from the beginning, not start developing it now.

Microsoft wanted the TV stuff to help narrative, I doubt MS really thought back in 2012/3 when QB was getting started that Remedy would develop it that quickly either.

The idea of first party is to make people buy the consoles and the game separately, bundling the game for free seems like a bad idea if you're planning to make profits.

So is that why MS and Sony are starting to do tons of bundles at the base price? The idea for the first one is to build yourself a solid base to make a franchise from, bundling will do that better than anything else. Obviously you expect/hope people will buy it on its own and be good, but bundles are about getting new people to buy your game with a console, not focused solely on getting the people that already own your platform to buy another one.

Well I said competent MP, so if the MP is good more people will buy it. There's a reason Uncharted games come with MP.
Edit: Splatoon for example is selling well mainly because of its MP.

I wouldn't have said MP was a huge reason why many people buy Uncharted. Also you will notice the first one didn't have it...

And Nintendo platforms don't have anywhere near the level of competition in the shooter multiplayer market that Sony and Microsoft platforms do.


I'm not sure if serious... did you think Halo 5 sold good outside US and UK?

It already reached 2.42 million as of Sep 2015.
I'm sure it will sell more 580k units in Oct + Nov + Dec.

I'm serious. We don't know WW sales for Halo 5.

About Splatoon, 2.42m is shipped, isn't?


Ryng_Tolu is getting really optimistic, borderline delusional if I may say :p

Hemm, why?
Not only i'm not optimist, but i'm also conservate. Indeed, all times, my dears squids sells more than what i predict, and i'm not shocked because i know that all times i'm conservate.

Maybe you should see this... back in September 2015, this was my prediction.

Looks like i was WAY off, since now it's gonna sell easy over 4 million by end of year, and i predicted 3.82 million in MARCH 2016.


So, looks like i'm very pessimist. ;P


Do people think the response of the Xbox user base will be more or less the same for Tomb Raider and Quantum Break? I mean, they're very comparable on paper in that they're narrative driven TPS games with no multiplayer.

I agree that bundling will help its long term prospects but I honestly can't see the individual sales being much better than TR (proportionate to the sales volume in the months each launches). Unless the specific differences (male/female MC, Adventure/Sci Fi genre etc) will make it more appealing to Xbox MAUs.

Furthermore, do people think that this game will be given the go ahead for a PC port after launch as part of MS unification process/lip service? I think potentially disappointing sales as well as Remedys relatively strong PC following make it a decent candidate.


We know Splatoon sold 230,000 in Europe back in June. of those 230,000, 75k were in France.
Now, France sales are 280,000... And there are 3 weeks to go, like in Japan.
Splatoon will sell for sure >300k, i say 325k. And that's sold.
Shipped, >350k.

Since France is less than 1/3 Europe sales, Splatoon will be easy over 1 million in Europe. And even over 1.05 million.

Do we have data for other countries besides France? Also I doubt Splatoon has such legs in other countries than France.


Do people think the response of the Xbox user base will be more or less the same for Tomb Raider and Quantum Break? I mean, they're very comparable on paper in that they're narrative driven TPS games with no multiplayer.

I agree that bundling will help its long term prospects but I honestly can't see the individual sales being much better than TR (proportionate to the sales volume in the months each launches). Unless the specific differences (male/female MC, Adventure/Sci Fi genre etc) will make it more appealing to Xbox MAUs.

Furthermore, do people think that this game will be given the go ahead for a PC port after launch as part of MS unification process/lip service? I think potentially disappointing sales as well as Remedys relatively strong PC following make it a decent candidate.

I'd say time of year hurt TR more than the user base(Having said that, I do think a male protag in a science fiction game also would be more appealing to the fan base than TR)
I don't think it would've sold amazingly of it came out during the spring or summer but it probably would've done more than 200k.

I think that 400-500k in April would be pretty good for QB if it has great reviews
I'd say time of year hurt TR more than the user base(Having said that, I do think a male protag in a science fiction game also would be more appealing to the fan base than TR)
I don't think it would've sold amazingly of it came out during the spring or summer but it probably would've done more than 200k.

I think that 400-500k in April would be pretty good for QB if it has great reviews

You must have not read the impressions of journos that have played the game. Apparently it really isn't very good and from gut instinct I get the feeling it will be pretty pants. They got dev time to fix things but it seems the core ideas of the game/gameplay is off so I wouldn't hold my breath for a critical reception much better than that afforded to that Sony cinematic TPS exclusive whose name genuinely escapes me right now.
In this case what are talking about?

"people call it the new Mario kart when is selling amazing only in Japan" [ you said]

No, is selling amazing IN ALL COUNTRIES, Japan, USA, France, worldwide. Is selling better than Mario kart 8, Mario sold more ONLY at launch, after that, Splatoon showed better legs, and is on the road for outsell Mario Kart 8 launch allinied WW, is already happened in Japan back in September, and now in France.

Fact. Splatoon is the new Mario kart.
Do you work for their marketing team? Every time Splatoon is ever mentioned, you come talking like it's the greatest thing ever. And 5.5 million? lol

Coulomb_Barrier said:
You must have not read the impressions of journos that have played the game. Apparently it really isn't very good and from gut instinct I get the feeling it will be pretty pants. They got dev time to fix things but it seems the core ideas of the game/gameplay is off so I wouldn't hold my breath for a critical reception much better than that Sony cinematic TPS exclusive whose name Wwhich genuinely escapes me right now.
When were these impressions? That's disappointing considering they are a very good developer. You're talking about The Order 1886, aren't you? -_- A shame that game got beaten by critics as much as it did. No way QB does that bad critically though. That game got beaten harder than Rhonda Rousey.


You must have not read the impressions of journos that have played the game. Apparently it really isn't very good and from gut instinct I get the feeling it will be pretty pants. They got dev time to fix things but it seems the core ideas of the game/gameplay is off so I wouldn't hold my breath for a critical reception much better than that afforded to that Sony cinematic TPS exclusive whose name genuinely escapes me right now.

Do you work for their marketing team? Every time Splatoon is ever mentioned, you come talking like it's the greatest thing ever. And 5.5 million? lol

When were these impressions? That's disappointing considering they are a very good developer. You're talking about The Order 1886, aren't you? -_- A shame that game got beaten by critics as much as it did. No way QB does that bad critically though. That game got beaten harder than Rhonda Rousey.
Yeah when was this. I don't remember there ever being game previews out in the wild besides the game informer article and I don't think they mentioned hands on with it
Do people think the response of the Xbox user base will be more or less the same for Tomb Raider and Quantum Break? I mean, they're very comparable on paper in that they're narrative driven TPS games with no multiplayer.

I agree that bundling will help its long term prospects but I honestly can't see the individual sales being much better than TR (proportionate to the sales volume in the months each launches). Unless the specific differences (male/female MC, Adventure/Sci Fi genre etc) will make it more appealing to Xbox MAUs.

Furthermore, do people think that this game will be given the go ahead for a PC port after launch as part of MS unification process/lip service? I think potentially disappointing sales as well as Remedys relatively strong PC following make it a decent candidate.

Quantum Break's release date is much better for one, its all about building a base for interest in it being a franchise with a sequel.

April is a good release date, I'm sure MS will put a lot of marketing into it. It will probably come to PC at some point but its ability to be pushed as a franchise will likely hinge on the initial Xbox One launch and reception given thats the sort of time Remedy need to sign to have another game to make.

If MS could guarantee a base of a certain amount by bundling it then any PC launch on top of that will just be a nice extra

You must have not read the impressions of journos that have played the game. Apparently it really isn't very good and from gut instinct I get the feeling it will be pretty pants. They got dev time to fix things but it seems the core ideas of the game/gameplay is off so I wouldn't hold my breath for a critical reception much better than that afforded to that Sony cinematic TPS exclusive whose name genuinely escapes me right now.

Lol, the only journalists (and people outside of MS/Remedy) that have played it are Game Informer and they were positive on it so you must be thinking of something else

Ben: All in all, I think that Quantum Break&#8217;s action is good. Its hook isn&#8217;t as stylish as Max Payne&#8217;s, but I think the action is a bit deeper, and I love the idea of exploring environments that are completely frozen in time.

Kyle: Yeah, I agree. As I mentioned earlier, it will take a little getting used to, especially making sure you use the right powers in the right situation, but I look forward to learning it all and figuring out the best ways to approach a fight.



How did Alan Wake sell in its first NPD (I'm aware it was hamstrung by RDR)? And how much did TR 2013 sell on 360/XB1 at launch? I think I would be genuinely surprise if QB surpassed Bloodbornes first month depending on how much marketing is thrown at it, and depending on the sales of the above titles.


How did Alan Wake sell in its first NPD (I'm aware it was hamstrung by RDR)? And how much did TR 2013 sell on 360/XB1 at launch? I think I would be genuinely surprise if QB surpassed Bloodbornes first month depending on how much marketing is thrown at it, and depending on the sales of the above titles.

Tomb Raider sold 640,000 first month, 346,000 on 360, and 294,000 on PS3.
How did Alan Wake sell in its first NPD (I'm aware it was hamstrung by RDR)? And how much did TR 2013 sell on 360/XB1 at launch? I think I would be genuinely surprise if QB surpassed Bloodbornes first month depending on how much marketing is thrown at it, and depending on the sales of the above titles.

Alan Wake did about 150k. Didn't Bloodborne do 400k~?

If Quantum Break matched or surpassed BB I bet Phil Spencer would be throwing wild parties for a month and get a raise, I certainly wouldn't expect it.

Im not sure I really see much comparison between Quantum Break and Tomb Raider, despite being single player focused titles, TR is a long established IP, QB is new although TR2013 did launch in March...

I think MS will be very satisfied (emphasis on satisfied, not happy/ecstatic or profit making) with 250-300k maybe a bit under, it might seem pretty low depending on your expectations but comparing to what their other games are doing, Halo is down, TR didn't do that well, SO sales in October and looking to what Alan Wake did in May 2010, I think they will be hoping that the good release date and a nice marketing push will see it above that but i'd surprised if they really thought it would raise the roof.

Launching so early in the month i'd be surprised if it saw much in the way of sales outside of April either (I'm not sure what the NPD cut-off is for March as its a 5 week month) so April will probably be mostly it.

A decent bundle will help it a little too, Gears 4 beta will be round the corner, KI Season 3 will have just released and Recore might not be too far away either, I think MS will try and push those things together.

All of this is on the basis that QB is good btw, which I think Remedy's track record would indicate as of now it has the potential to be (and what we've seen looks good imo). Obviously if the game isn't very good/poorly received by critics it will very likely perform poorly
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