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One Piece Thread (redux)


The only filler I can see happening is a movie gold 2 parter. But really, it's pretty much impossible to inject a filler arc into the story as it plays out unless you go the route of completely ignoring what's currently going on in canon
If they keep the pace (or rather timescale ?) of Dressrosa, Toei could fit some Naruto-sized fillers between now and the start of the next arc without those being out of place.


I had they done it excatly like the manga making one big clean hit then it would of been one urrpt anticlamtic ending i would been left staring at the screen think that it...

I like the enthuses on doffy god thread attack making more formidable and the clash more interesting to watch.

was it different then the anime? yes ,so are a lot best momments in the anime but the change made for a better tv viewing experience.

Toei have fucked up in the past *cough* whitebeard vs blackbeard*cough* this one isn't one of them.

The part I felt could of been imporved was the cut the straw hats they should kept it consistent by having tomita animate those scenes aswell instead of some else different entirely.

Works both ways they've been making luffy stronger then he is for years, luffy came of a lot more competent against magellen then he did the manga and in marine ford.

What made the scene epic was that it was a clean hit that just steamrolled Doffy. The way the finale is set up is that both Luffy and Doffy are in the same state: they can barely move and only have enough energy for one attack and Luffy has claimed that he will finish the fight with a single punch. Doffy claims that taking the fight to the sky is a mistake because that's his domain and then he puts up a shield that supposedly nothing could get through considering how strong the birdcage is. And then he sends a powerful attack at Luffy through the shield. Luffy punches through the attack and the shield and sends Doffy flying through the ground into the underground port.

The scene is a call back to Luffy fighting Crocodile in Alabasta. In fact Dresrosa is a parallel to Alabasta where Crocodile was trying to become king of a country from the shadows while Doffy was king of a country out in the open. In his final clash with Crocodile, Luffy and Crocodile are underground and Crocodile attacks Luffy from above while Luffy flies up from below. Croc sends out thread blades of sand and Luffy punches through the blades, destroying them instantly, and then sends Crocodile flying up through solid bedrock with a flurry of punches, destroying part of the town, and shooting him into the sky. In his final clash with Doffy, Luffy and Doffy are in the sky and Doffy attacks from below with thread blades of string and Luffy sends a single punch down, plowing through the blades and Doffy's shield, destroying them instantly, and sending him flying down through solid ground into the underground. It's symbolic of Croc being sent up from the shadows to be exposed in the light and Doffy being cast down from heaven.


Instead the anime decided to draw it out into this overly long power struggle where nothing really happens for several minutes where their attacks stalemate while looping flashy animations go on and the camera pans over faces. The Crocodile fight was epic and didn't need that kind of superfluous crap. It would be horrible if they padded it with several minutes of Luffy's fist and Crocodile's sand just sitting there with sparks flying around.
Not to mention that a power struggle with a punch is stupid anyway. At that point you would have already stopped the momentum/energy of a real punch and then it just becomes pushing against each other :p
Not to mention that a power struggle with a punch is stupid anyway. At that point you would have already stopped the momentum/energy of a real punch and then it just becomes pushing against each other :p
They kind of mitigated that by turning Luffy's feet into exhaust pipes. lol
Not that it's any better.
I had they done it excatly like the manga making one big clean hit then it would of been one urrpt anticlamtic ending i would been left staring at the screen think that it...

The start of Storm against Crocodile was one punch going through La Spada. Golden Rifle was just one punch. Oars had his back shattered through a single impact via Gigant Bazooka

The excitement comes from both characters winding up with their best attacks that we've never seen before. It's the buildup and the anticipation before the gun shot.

I like the enthuses on doffy god thread attack making more formidable and the clash more interesting to watch.


The problem is that is not how punches work. The force and impact of a punch comes from the swing and snap of the arm. Gear 4th's entire concept with the contracting limbs is to make that snap even stronger. The instant King Kong Gun was stopped and even started getting pushed back all inertia died so what actually beat Doflamingo isn't the gigantic fist hurtling toward him through the force behind the colossal contraction, but Luffy's "thrusters" pushing his outstretched arm into Doflamingo's face. We saw how strong Luffy's kicks are already with Rhino Schneider and we know that wasn't enough to significantly hurt Doflamingo.

Try running down a hall or something with your fist stretched out right in front of you. There is no force or weight behind it. That's why prolonging the punch with a clash is unacceptably stupid. It goes against all physics behind punches, it contradicts how Luffy's attacks have always worked throughout the entire series, and it contradicts the entire reason Gear 4th's attacks involve him contracting his limbs. The only thing that can work as a "clash" is something like Gatling Gun that involves constant motion and repeated punches.

A single punch is not a beam struggle. And it is not interesting to watch. It's just stupid.

The idea of King Kong Gun completely busting through Doflamingo's attack is supposed to show off how absurdly strong and destructive the punch is. If there's going to be a "clash", it needs to be QUICK. 10 seconds at the most, and in this situation most of that should have been seeing Spider Web buckle and crack before giving way.

Just like how this edited gif was.

If the show did *THAT* like that and didn't have us hold on that shot for what felt like a minute and a half and cut to the peanut gallery saying nothing once again, I'd have been fine with it.
I mean, regardless of if you preferred the change or not, it's obvious it was done for the sake of padding out the episode since it was an action heavy (and thus content light) chapter they were adapting. It was clearly a practical choice, rather than one to "improve the tv-viewing experience" or any shit like that


Not to mention that a power struggle with a punch is stupid anyway. At that point you would have already stopped the momentum/energy of a real punch and then it just becomes pushing against each other :p

Yeah, and that. Luffy attacks with punches. If his punches don't do immediate damage then it just turns into a silly pushing match. It doesn't work like it does with something like Goku's kamehameha where both parties are sendingout a constant beam of energy or the spirit bomb where it's a literal bomb of energy and the person is trying to keep from being enveloped by it. If a punch is stopped all of the energy is gone. If Luffy can just push his enemies to death then his whole need for being made of rubber and using the elastisity to add force to his punches through momentum is taken away. Hell, part of what makes Luffy fights interesting to watch is that they don't turn into pushing matches. He has a fighting style befitting his powers.
Works both ways they've been making luffy stronger then he is for years, luffy came of a lot more competent against magellen then he did the manga and in marine ford.

This works off the assumption that we're ok if the anime makes Luffy look stronger, but not the villain. But the truth is that the manga is the original creation, that anime gets next to no input from the actual creator, and that either change dilutes the story and is bad. Luffy wasn't supposed to be that competent against Magellan or at Marineford. He was supposed to be completely out of his league. The entire point of that multi-arc sequence was to show Luffy still had a long way to go and to set up the need for the timeskip by having Luffy have his shortcomings beaten into him


What made the scene epic was that it was a clean hit that just steamrolled Doffy. The way the finale is set up is that both Luffy and Doffy are in the same state: they can barely move and only have enough energy for one attack and Luffy has claimed that he will finish the fight with a single punch. Doffy claims that taking the fight to the sky is a mistake because that's his domain and then he puts up a shield that supposedly nothing could get through considering how strong the birdcage is. And then he sends a powerful attack at Luffy through the shield. Luffy punches through the attack and the shield and sends Doffy flying through the ground into the underground port.

The scene is a call back to Luffy fighting Crocodile in Alabasta. In fact Dresrosa is a parallel to Alabasta where Crocodile was trying to become king of a country from the shadows while Doffy was king of a country out in the open. In his final clash with Crocodile, Luffy and Crocodile are underground and Crocodile attacks Luffy from above while Luffy flies up from below. Croc sends out thread blades of sand and Luffy punches through the blades, destroying them instantly, and then sends Crocodile flying up through solid bedrock with a flurry of punches, destroying part of the town, and shooting him into the sky. In his final clash with Doffy, Luffy and Doffy are in the sky and Doffy attacks from below with thread blades of string and Luffy sends a single punch down, plowing through the blades and Doffy's shield, destroying them instantly, and sending him flying down through solid ground into the underground. It's symbolic of Croc being sent up from the shadows to be exposed in the light and Doffy being cast down from heaven.


None thematics have changed.

The anime took a different direction to the punch, I maybe would be pissed if I loved the punch in the manga but I found it bit a dissapointing the part I liked about the exchange doffy pirecing luffy fist wasn't even in the manga.

Simple as that am glad they didn't do it identically like the manga, I prefer this change.

For comparison:



I really can't find this old fights in higher quality gifs

Interestingly enough both scene animated my fav animator kastumi ishizuka.

Here's a list of arc final attacks/fight by there respective animator

Gomu gomu no storm to crocodile animated by -katsumi ishizuka

Golden rifle to enel animated by -katsumi ishizuka

luffy vs ussop burtal punch animated by -katsumi ishizuka

jet gatling gun to luci animated by katsumi ishizuka

Straw hat team attack to Oars animated by ryo onishi

whitebeards vs akainu -kenji kuroyanagi

Elephant gun to hody -kenji kuroyanagi/katumi ishizuka did a small part of it

grizzly magnum to ceaser - shinchi ito

The best climatic end to an arc is the ringing of the golden bell in skypiea.


Man this episode.. ruining a villian defeating blow? Now you have done it Toei..

There should have been no struggle to break the web and no repeated showings of Luffy's friends..

The scene in the manga was a direct comparision to Crocodile's defeat.. but they didn't even try to do it that way.

Sorry but if you defend this and KNOW the manga scene( if you liked it or not) you have to be fucking kidding me in thinking it is still right that the studio takes these liberties.
You know you're doing something wrong when you manage to mess up the climax of the whole arc.

One Piece really needs to start airing yearly seasons, two a year at most.


Sorry but if you defend this and KNOW the manga scene( if you liked it or not) you have to be fucking kidding me in thinking it is still right that the studio takes these liberties.

This is anime mate most of your favorite manga adapted to anime fight has extra shit in them.

You like the change or you don't but the change isn't as big as some are make it out to be.

I hope next arc some at least gives zoro a challenge.


It didn't ruin the moment, but it honestly could have been executed better. Still pretty good though.

It also helps that Doflamingo isn't a scrub like Hody.
It just ruins the pacing of a good moment that's supposed to make you feel good.

Like when Usopp sniping sugar is supposed to be this cool moment that pulls no punches like when he snipes the world government flag in Enies Lobby. It's supposed to be done in a few seconds, like it's no big deal for the character to do, not take 5 minutes.

Someone did a "motion" version of this chapter using the manga panels and it gets the feeling a lot better than the Toei version does. But Toei's gotta pad so.
This is anime mate most of your favorite manga adapted to anime fight has extra shit in them.

You like the change or you don't but the change isn't as big as some are make it out to be.

I hope next arc some at least gives zoro a challenge.

Yeah it was fun seeing Zoro screw with Pica since nothing Pica did could harm him but it got old after awhile. Same with Franky vs Senor Pink but getting backstory on him at the end made up for it.


It just ruins the pacing of a good moment that's supposed to make you feel good.

Like when Usopp sniping sugar is supposed to be this cool moment that pulls no punches like when he snipes the world government flag in Enies Lobby. It's supposed to be done in a few seconds, like it's no big deal for the character to do, not take 5 minutes.

Someone did a "motion" version of this chapter using the manga panels and it gets the feeling a lot better than the Toei version does. But Toei's gotta pad so.
The manga did not portray this in that way. In fact, his ability to pull it off really only awakened in the middle of that sequence.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The manga did not portray this in that way. In fact, his ability to pull it off really only awakened in the middle of that sequence.

It's made a real big deal in the manga if you think about it. It's the entire focus of what, 1-2 chapters? He's God Usopp for a reason!


Yeah, going to echo the sentiment here and say I was a little bit letdown by the finale here. This should have been an epic moment to rival the other epic moments like Luffy beating Crocoboy or Luffy beating Lucci, but what we got was kinda mediocre. It was like they were going for a Luffy Gigant Stamp vs Magellan struggle moment and failed miserably at it. They completely got the feel wrong. In trying to make it more "epic", they actually took away most of the epicness from the moment.


The manga did not portray this in that way. In fact, his ability to pull it off really only awakened in the middle of that sequence.
I mean that the result is this super cool moment that has a lot of impact, and not be drawn out at all. The anime dragged both that and this out, and lessened the impact of both moments.
The whole point in the manga was that doffy was no match when luffy is in gear 4th. Mingo put up a defense and sent an attack flying toward luffy and both instantly got taken out, having some kind of struggle is just cheap


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Right. The only thing Doffy could do was try to keep luffy at a distance with his awakening and outlast him, since Doffy is a long range fighter and luffy fights up close.
New episode is out.
Knew it would be slow but we didn't need all the flashbacks other than how Kyros lost his leg which I don't think was explained until today
. Next week looks promising though.
New episode is out.
Knew it would be slow but we didn't need all the flashbacks other than how Kyros lost his leg which I don't think was explained until today
. Next week looks promising though.
Didn't watch it. O remember the aftermath chapter sucked and was slow but needed. Next couple episodes I'll be glued tho


Man I can't wait for next weeks episode. Should be the one where
Fujitora gets on his hands and knees in shame and apologizes on behalf of the World Government in view of the entire world


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Man I can't wait for next weeks episode. Should be the one where
Fujitora gets on his hands and knees in shame and apologizes on behalf of the World Government in view of the entire world

I'm really looking forward to the April 23rd episode if I'm counting right.
Definitely going to be missing the full Dressrosa theme---I guess there's always a chance that they can knock it out of the park with whatever's next, but usually these things come in largely spaced waves.

And this is if they don't forget to play their own damn themes like Zoro's classic one!
I don't know if I can keep watching One Piece anymore. I don't even look forward to the episode every week now because I know it's going to be a padded, slowly paced mess. I've never really liked reading manga, so I think I might just take a big step back from OP altogether for a while. Good thing the Ace Attorney anime starts up next week!
Yeah, I knew this episode was going to be 50% flashbacks.
Same, but I didn't expect another 30% to be Gyats trying to spit out one sentence. That just drove me over the edge.


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