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PewDiePie Responds after using racial slur

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Some of you are actually buying this? Wow. I mean I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering how often a "nbd" guy showed up in the main thread.
It's important to leave open the path to rehabilitation. The people suggesting that the solution is to shun don't understand how moral psychology works. When you frame the response as a heresy that warrants a witch hunt rather than an opportunity for engagement and education it leads to a level of defensiveness and tribal division that make it harder to change the norms in the long run. It's important to speak up and say when someone treads on a taboo but it's also important to calmly explain why the taboo exists - to leave open the door for people who want to help change beliefs through persuasion. Denigration and demonization may feel good and score points for the home team but it also closes the mind of those on the receiving end and leads to increased polarization in belief. You don't have to be willing to listen, understand, and build bridges but don't screw it up for the people who are doing that to change attitudes that reinforce harmful social conventions.

He can be habilitated while his youtube account is ban. How you gonna tread the path to bettering yourself if all you do is make millions being a fucking dumbass on air? Where is the time to reflect. Where is his plan to bettering himself? Where is his understanding as to WHY what he said is wrong.)? Where is his apology to the money he is fucking up for everyone else?

He doesn't want to change himself. It's amusing to me dude can get on air, call someone a fuckimg nigger, laugh about, talk with his buddy about how his fans wont care then shit out a 90s apology and it's us that have to again, exercise total restraint. For god sakes fuck this. No.
What a complete non-apology. His bullshit of paper thin "heat of the moment" defence is just trying to cover the fact that he's racist. The fact that he said the n-word so casually suggests to me he uses it all the time. I mean, yeah there are times I am angry or amped up and say colourful language in the "heat of the moment", but the n-word is not one of them. It doesn't pop into my head, because it is in no way part of my vocabulary.
You know him pretty well, do you? Give me a fucking break. You don't know shit about what kind of a person he is any more than the rest of us do. All I have to base my opinion of him on is what I have seen and heard from his public persona: someone who is repeatedly casually racist, sexist, homophobic and anti-semitic.

What do you base your opinion on?

I am not defending him, like I said, he was being fucking ignorant and stupid, and he has become really racist.

What I am saying is, I did saw the good in him many years ago, I have seen his family and his friends, I know he isn't a bad guy on the inside, he is just being immature and ignorant, like a 13 years old making disgusting pehtetic jokes and not knowing how serious it is.

I do believe people can change, most people aren't evil, they are not, they are either raised wrong or just plain fucking ignorant and clueless.

I have seen racist people literally change simply by taking a trip to Japan, I have seen white people from Texas literally change their opinion on the Libyan civil war simply because they have seen what's going on there.

I am not saying ''we should give him yet another chance!''

Hell fucking no, no one should let this go.

He can't keep getting away with this shit....

but at the same time I also believe that he can change, he is ignorant and clueless now, but I believe one day he will learn. After all, he lives in Sweden and England, not fucking Utah or Texas.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Without encouraging such behavior or accepting the use of that word, I believe internet just made a storm out of a word he let out of simple gaming rage. The fact that it was live didn't helped him. But to also be fair, he didn't apologied right away after saying it on his live stream, thing he should have done right away.
Simple gaming rage?

If you think that using racial epithets as part of being angry is in any way an excuse, then you are part of the problem.

This is 100% wrong, pure and simple. Do not downplay racist acts by saying "well he was angry and gamers say shit when they're angry".

Nobody should use this sort of thing when they're angry. If anything if makes their usage all the worse. If your anger brings out the racism, sexist or homophobic words, you need to review your personal views.
Oh yeah this time he will learn from his mistakes. This is like his 10th strike, but this is definitely the one.
It's just disgusting, such an empty apology. Actions > words.

Ivan 3414



That prediction rang true.

Yep, this tweet pretty much nailed what happened


I'm guessing that he's probably got that word ingrained in his thought process from going to sites like 4Chan where people legit use the word regularly. Like these people actually find shit like that funny.
So if you say PLAYERUNKNOWN isn't good at handling situations like these, then why even list that "using discriminatory language isn't allowed" on their "Rules Of Conduct" page? I mean, it's number fucking 1 on the list. Guess where stream sniping is, something that PLAYERUNKNOWN has indeed ban someone for? Number 12.

I'd say because they can regulate their own platform and Pewdiepie wasn't using their voice chat.
The least PDP could do is start making serious videos where he discussed how toxicity and racial slurs in the gaming community aren't okay. He had the money and influence to actually become a positive force in YouTube/gaming communities. But he won't so honestly that's why his apology rings a little hollow even if he really does think he messed up.


Donating is the easy way for rich guys like him, it will only make his sheeps go more nuts about him being the good guy.

A good apologise isn't just donating, explain in your video why the word is bad, demand to his followers to never use the word and educate them why.

But basically saying "sorry u got mad, here's some money" is insincere as fuck. His fans may be idiots but I'm not.


Yeah, I'm not buying it. Chances are we'll all be here again in a few months when he says or does something else bigoted.


I think he needs to take some time off. Re calibrate.

An apology is good. But actions here on are what cements it or not. Also, it's hard to take the apology seriously when even just minutes later in the vid, he's defending it with "people dont give a shit." Not exactly good damage control.
Donating is the easy way for rich guys like him, it will only make his sheeps go more nuts about him being the good guy.

A good apologise isn't just donating, explain in your video why the word is bad, demand to his followers to never use the word and educate them why.

But basically saying "sorry u got mad, here's some money" is insincere as fuck. His fans may be idiots but I'm not.

Agreed. Which isn't to say donating is a bad idea, just that it alone is nowhere near enough either


Two whole days for an apology. As the OP said: Words do not matter if they aren't followed by actions. If he knows that he is better than "that" step out and be different. Be an example. Make amends.

Edit: and I hope he doesn't use his money as an escape goat. Making donations, etc. That is the easy part for rich dudes. The think money solve everything.


I'm one for free speech but I have to agree with this. YouTube should kill his channel or just demonetize it. If anything that helps other YouTubers who don't do shit like this deal with all fucking advertisers pulling money out of Youtube.
👏👏free speech👏👏👏is not about👏👏👏saying whatever you want without consequence👏👏👏

Words have consequences and free speech only means the government and it's institutions can't come after you for your words--written or spoken--alone. People need to stop citing free speech. It makes you seem juvenile.

Daffy Duck

So if you say PLAYERUNKNOWN isn't good at handling situations like these, then why even list that "using discriminatory language isn't allowed" on their "Rules Of Conduct" page? I mean, it's number fucking 1 on the list. Guess where stream sniping is, something that PLAYERUNKNOWN has indeed ban someone for? Number 12.

You might as well just yank that rule right out of there if you're not going to enforce it especially with definitive proof.

The issue not seemingly being discussed, did/has his account been banned?

It should be 100%.


I'm all for forgiving people and moving on if they are sincere and are trying to change. I mean, we are all imperfect after all and fall short at times.

That being said though, I always find it difficult to believe people that mess up like this, that then make these seemingly forced and inevitable apology statements, as it just comes off as them being scared of losing their income or a part of it because of their screw up.

Like when he says, and I paraphrase, "I know I can't keep doing this". That sounds like someone more concerned with his income than someone straight up sorry for messing up.

Just my two cents though.


He was wrong. He apologized. I have no idea if he's being sincere or not. Those saying "it's not enough", it's been 2-3 days. What do you want, a splashy donation to the NAACP?

Actually, that's probably not a bad idea. It's not like dude can't afford it.

Think of it this way;

There are two streamers that got into almost this exact situation this year; PDP, and MaximilianDood.

PDP says it "in a moment of anger," Max says it after an extraordinary poor choice of word rhyming. Regardless, neither can get around the fact that they said it. Both apologize for it.

A significant portion of the FGC both here on GAF chooses to forgive Max not only based on context of the situation, but also based on Max's past examples of consistently good behavior. And unlike PDP, Max held and accepted the fact that he likely lost some folks forever. He wasn't trying to excuse his actions or thought all it would take is a mere apology to make everything go back to the way things were; he has to hold that there are consequences to the things he says.

PDP is already a person who has not only said this before, expressed absolutely no remorse of saying it immediately afterwards, and already has an established history of offensive jokes (rape jokes involving characters that are minors), and an incident involving an anti-Semitic gag that already got him in professional trouble with Disney. But here, he reiterated the same apology he has done before.

PDP needs to hold the fact that people just may not be willing to accept his apology at this point.
I'd say because they can regulate their own platform and Pewdiepie wasn't using their voice chat.

So pretty much passing the buck then? "He was playing our game, on stream, shouted the n-word out as a perojative but since he didn't say it in-game, then our hands are tied."

And people wonder why PDP will never learn his lesson.
This is much more than I expected. During his last scandal he doubled down on the "media bullying him" and here he has an honest apology.

We'll have to wait and see though. Actions speak louder so it'll be some time before we know if he's truly learned from this.


Think of it this way;

There are two streamers that got into almost this exact situation this year; PDP, and MaximilianDood.

PDP says it "in a moment of anger," Max says it after an extraordinary poor choice of word rhyming. Regardless, neither can get around the fact that they said it. Both apologize for it.

A significant portion of the FGC both here on GAF chooses to forgive Max not only based on context of the situation, but also based on Max's past examples of consistently good behavior. And unlike PDP, Max held and accepted the fact that he likely lost some folks forever. He wasn't trying to excuse his actions or thought all it would take is a mere apology to make everything go back to the way things were; he has to hold that.

PDP is already a person who has not only said this before, expressed absolutely no remorse of saying it immediately afterwards, and already has an established history of offensive jokes (rape jokes involving characters that are minors), and an incident involving an anti-Semitic gag that already got him in professional trouble with Disney. But here, he reiterated the same apology he has done before.

PDP needs to hold the fact that people just may not be willing to accept his apology at this point.
Also Max straight up said there were no excuses for what he said and that he takes full responsibility instead of a bullshit "I'm sorry if you were offended" non-apology that people like PDP and Jontron do
As I said in the other thread, the apology reeks of insincerity, with it's heavily edited style and vague "I should be better" spiel. I've seen the clip of him after the slur - "nobody gives a shit". He's only sorry he got caught and it won't be long before we hear his name in this light again. He hasn't earned the benefit of the doubt.


Sure if he demonstrates that's he's truly willing to change, through actions and not just empty words, people should be willing to rethink their opinion of him. But again, this isn't even close to the first time he's gotten heat for similar things, and he has never shown any sign of genuinely trying to change himself. Now could he actually be sincere and try to improve himself this time? Absolutely. Should we give him the benefit of the doubt before he even tries to prove that he has changed and starts changing his ways? Absolutely not

He can be habilitated while his youtube account is ban. How you gonna tread the path to bettering yourself if all you do is make millions being a fucking dumbass on air? Where is the time to reflect. Where is his plan to bettering himself? Where is his understanding as to WHY what he said is wrong.)? Where is his apology to the money he is fucking up for everyone else?

He doesn't want to change himself. It's amusing to me dude can get on air, call someone a fuckimg nigger, laugh about, talk with his buddy about how his fans wont care then shit out a 90s apology and it's us that have to again, exercise total restraint. For god sakes fuck this. No.

This isn't about Pewdiepie. It's about the intersubjective norms and beliefs that make this kind of behavior "safe". It would be nice if someone with PewDiePie's ear could help him sort this out and turn this into a positive influence. That's what should be the goal, to use this as education which he could participate in to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the community. If someone had his email I would engage him myself but it would be much more effective for that influence to come from a thoughtful friend. This isn't about taking his apology at face value but that also doesn't justify interpreting his apology with the least charity possible. The impulse to cast out or shun doesn't take into consideration the millions of people who identify with him, including kids who are prone to transgressive behavior.


He says "My Response" instead of "My apology"...

He says "IF I have offended anyone"...

And worst of all, he says that when he hears other people say that word he thinks they're "inmature or stupid"...how about thinking they're fucking racist???

That's the defense he's using right there!! "I'm not racist, I'm just and inmature idiot...sorry!"

He doesn't even say the word racist in the whole video because it's bad PR...

How can you guys still think his "response" is genuine??


It sounds regretful and as if he has gone through a mental process to get there, he's thought about it for 2 days, he realises he's become something he dislikes.

Don't get me wrong though, while I believe the apology, I don't think it's enough..not by a million miles. He oughta be publically joining an anti racism group, getting himself re-educated on why the word is so powerful in stupid hands, and making a substantial donation to a fight racism organisation.

Yes it's sincere, no, it's not enough. Nowhere near.

I personally didn't see that level of introspection that suggests he understands the gravity of his actions versus the gravity of the backlash and the need for him to address it.

You're not going to get a measure of whether this is sincere or not unless he takes active steps in correcting his behaviour and his attitude. Making an apology holds no weight or meaning in the absence of that. It has the appearence of sincerity, or at the very least regret, but to call this insincere or sincere is just a matter of opinion and probably not worth much discussion.

But what does that mean?

It has the appearance of sincerity based on what? Just based on the virtue that an apology exists?

I'm just getting a strong "he apologized therefore it's sincere" vibe from a lot of these posts.
The comments section is horrible ....
His teeny followers are now openly writing the word to challenge the public opinion.
If anything, this should teach PewDiePie why such language is very harmful to young, impressionable people. It perpetuates the hatred and we're seeing the results ...


So pretty much passing the buck then? "He was playing our game, on stream, shouted the n-word out as a perojative but since he didn't say it in-game, then our hands are tied."

And people wonder why PDP will never learn his lesson.

This is more on Youtube moderation than PUBG moderation.


Rather than explaining why he used that word (heat of the moment), I want to see him explain why using that word is bad. Why people are upset and angry with him.

Then I'll believe that he's being sincere.
does it really? i have never watched a pewdiepie live stream before, but from what i've seen from him he seems to talk a lot, all the time. but after saying it he seemed very quiet and had that "oh shit, i fucked up" air about him, even when commenting that no one who actually watches the stream cares, because he obviously knew it wouldn't stop there.

but maybe he doesn't really talk all that much during live streams anyway, i don't know.
You didn't watch the whole video, so I understand this post when you miss the context of him saying the N word again when he reads a donation message, and is making fun of being called a racist, then ends with "I know no one watching this stream gives a shit". He also made fun of losing sponsors like it was no big deal. He had no remorse.


Have to admit, this made me lol

His apologies don't matter anyway. He's already proven that he can never keep his word.

He and the other dude he was playing with clearly didn't give a flying fuck about his influence or how they affect anybody else.

I had not seen that. For anyone saying it just "slipped out" and it was stress related (which is BS anyway, but let's go down that rabbit hole for a second), how do they explain this? He has time to reflect, and starts joking about it.

If he truly changes now and becomes an advocate against online hate speech, against the casual use of racism, misogyny and bigotry in the gaming community, then great. But he's got a very, very long way to go, and at this point, considering his history and the fact that this apology rings hollow to me, I'm not exactly confident he's going down that path.
This is more on Youtube moderation than PUBG moderation.

Yeah, good luck with Google doing anything about that. I hope PLAYERUNKNOWN can sit conformtably on his loot box throne knowing shit like this is said and how other "famous" streamers who are currently playing his game come out the woodwork to defend racist comments.
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