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The Final Bosman Show

Kyle's ability to verbalize all the subtle things in a concise way is his greatest strength.

also dead on regarding the E3 issues of EGM, damn.


Unconfirmed Member
I absolutely agree with the "everyone gets news at the same time" point about press conferences.

I'm not even that desperate to be on the streams and watch everything live, but I do sometimes feel a bit jaded with all the outlets spewing out all the stories all the time these days. Definitely takes some of the magic out of reveals and new stuff.

Kyle is a cool, tuned-in fellow. His little outros are pretty funny, too (love the sulky sword dragging bit). Looking forward to seeing what they do with Mini-Bossman.


This guy is (or seems) so genuine and not-snarky. Lord knows I get enough snark from videogamesmen so this change of pace is refreshing. Being mostly correct also helps.
Maybe the best episode yet. Really instilled a feeling of joy about being a hardcore gamer dork. Loved the part where he listed off all the formerly-embarrassing moments that have now become "our language."

The sad dragging of the Master Sword is one of the few jokes that seems to get funnier every time he does it. Almost hope for .gifification, but not sure if it would work without the sound effect. If it did, it would already work well in the E3 .gifs to come, symbolizing Nintendo's decision to not have an E3 presser.


Judge for yourself, but here it is. (from an earlier ep)
I think this is my favorite video game related video series now. I love his episode on micro-transactions. I don't refer to them as free-to-play games anymore (for the most part). They are more like "expensive to enjoy." There are exceptions of course like Path of Exile but especially on mobile, they are just gross.
I always agree with this guy. Amazing.
That part about only seeing what happened at E3 in mags really took me back. First time I watched a live stream of it really felt like a privilege. We take everything for granted these days.
Oh lol I actually thought he was in a basement somewhere getting this filmed.

Great episode.

I always said that there's a "magic" about a live press conference that you can't get anywhere else, and he put it into words better than I could.
I think they're going to go for those two audiences at the same time, hardcore up front.. the taste makers, and then the family friendly focus at E3. Not sure how they're going to sell it, financially but maybe the family live subsidised gimp pack.

Good episode.
He was funniest at the very end of this one.
Holy shit ahahah. "you're pathetic"



Great episode, agree on all points. He kind of loses me with the stuff like the Reggie bit, but I'll roll with it so long as the rest of the show is so good. I mean, so long as my experience with the rest of the content is so good.

MS's E3 presentation can't just be a recap of the reveal with some major news dotted in. The reveal needs to be a kind of preview for the main event at E3; we know Sony is going to bring their big guns.
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