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The Final Bosman Show


Maybe the best episode yet. Really instilled a feeling of joy about being a hardcore gamer dork. Loved the part where he listed off all the formerly-embarrassing moments that have now become "our language."

The sad dragging of the Master Sword is one of the few jokes that seems to get funnier every time he does it. Almost hope for .gifification, but not sure if it would work without the sound effect. If it did, it would already work well in the E3 .gifs to come, symbolizing Nintendo's decision to not have an E3 presser.


tagged by Blackace
That was such a great video. A lot of reasons I didn't even think of for why I love E3. I love this guy.


Excellent episode. I really am sad that Nintendo won't have be having a conference. Nintendo Directs are cool, but not quite the same as the excitement or awkward moments accompanied by an audience of a press conference.


I dunno why I got so excited when Bosman mentioned Gaf Threads. Another fantastic episode. I'm going to try to get one of my other Gaffer friends into this show.


He explained in like 30 seconds at the start why I hate being top tens/press conferences/etc being spoiled.


Need the full image of this.

This guy. How can you hate this guy?


This is another one:


This is seriously the most hilarious thing. One of GAF's more universally loved gaming personalities working on the show of one of its most hated.

I can't wait to see how this turns out.

Do people actually hate Pachter? I love Pachter! Sometimes the shit he says is inane, but I always find it entertaining.
"I'm about kicking ass and takin' names" LOL

my body is ready for a bosman show on the xbox reveal, because you know there's gonna be something funny in it. Every press conference ever has something to laugh about. The jabs at Knack were too funny last time.
Hell yeah. E3 conferences bring me the most joy in this hobby, second only to playing my most awaited games that happen like once a year. I think it was 2003 the first time I watched one, I remember enjoying MS's the most, they had really great games at that conference.

This year should be fantastic and I'm hoping it gets me through the gaming slump im in.


Just finished watching all the episodes after the PS4 ones and I love this show.

It's both funny and brings up interesting topics with smart points. He really hit home about what I love about video game press conferences. I'm glad it is now a weekly thing.


Great episode. Ah... the memories of finishing College, still not employed, camping on parents house to "work" on the final thesis report wearing pajamas all day while browsing the internet and playing games. Sweet times! We need Kyle to have a GAF account. I want him in the peanut gallery with us while watching this years E3.


It's like he took the thoughts out of my heart and worded them from his mouth

Yeah I can't say it much better than this. I just had the biggest most goofy smile on my face because everything he said was so true. It's like he's living the dream and I'm so glad he's there doing it. Everything from being a kid reading magazines, to finally getting to watch it live. Even being unemployed on the couch (even though I have a job I get the sentiment of how he meant it)

Regardless it's still one of my dreams to attend the show ever since I was like 13 or 14, but I still don't think I will ever get out their sadly, so I will have to just live vicariously though Kyle.

Living the dream man! Living the dream.


I honestly love this show. Will try to keep in mind "every wednesday". Subbed to this thread, so I hope I'll find a link every week.


I continue to be entertained.

I like how fresh and optimistic he can be, even when he's completely dissing on something.


For some reason I just feel relaxed watching these.

On the topic of E3 conferences, have Sony and MS released dates/times for their respective conferences? I need to decide whether or not I'm taking these days off work. :p


Yeah he made lots of great points about E3, all though I haven't really cared that much about it, except finding out the names of the new games.

Watching an anticipated show on its regular viewing time on TV, as opposed to watching it on DVD, is a slightly different experience, since you know that tons of other people are watching it as well. It's not the same as watching a movie at the cinema either though.
I'm actually shocked his "The Phantom Pain is the Last Guardian" fan reaction from the PS4 Reveal advice video hasn't been GIFed yet - and then abused repeatedly on this site.


Console Market Analyst
I'll consider the well-executed cookie bit a personal shout out, because I'm vain.

What I like about this ep is that, unlike other game press personalities, Kyle's E3 experience is that of a couch potato outsider. It allows him to underscore moments we can appreciate, instead of gloating about exclusive access or complaining about how much work covering the event can be.

"One of us. One of us."


I can't believe I've missed this thread until now.




Ever since I saw his PlayStation meeting takeaway video I've been looking forward to more and more.
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