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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild |OT2| It's 98 All Over Again

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Is that the one
in the arena
? Edit: No it isn't, may have fought them before already, can't remember. It'll have been a long time if I have.

They are random Lynel spawns. They have giant clubs, and their silver incarnates are hyper aggressive. Unlike their other brethren, they don't generally do things that are overtly easy to goad into a dodge. They also don't use the fire breath or the charge attacks very frequently, which gives you very little time to headshot cheese them.

Crushers are more for parrying because of the way their attacks hit. You can perfect dodge a C. Lynel's overhead swing and still get hit by the splash, which knocks you out of the flurry rush moment. They'll also break most shields in a single hit.

I thought I had the hang of Lynels after taking a couple out, but I've been having a lot of trouble with them lately.

Sword/spear are easy, its only the Crushers that are really a challenge at times. It also depends on where it is, the one in upper Hebra can be a pain because of the cold and snow fucking with movement.

That said, I generally only use the Sheikah armor so for me, any of the Lynels are generally OHKOs as I have very little armor and I use +Att food.


Does that spawn there before you go to that spot in the game? We've been seeing it around but didn't realize climbing that spot caused it to start appearing.
When you camp and set it to night, I think you have to be on top of the skeleton for it to spawn. Other areas didn't work for me and many people. I was farming it for scales btw. It might appear randomly at other nearby areas well.


Do ancient arrows one shot Lynels? I was fighting one yesterday, caught a draft and paraglided, pulled an ancient arrow out and shot him... Then the lynel just disappeared? No drops or anything.


Do ancient arrows one shot Lynels? I was fighting one yesterday, caught a draft and paraglided, pulled an ancient arrow out and shot him... Then the lynel just disappeared? No drops or anything.

Ancient Arrows vaporize anything that isn't a Guardian. You get no loot for obvious reasons.

Ever get tired of the Yiga Clan running like cowards? Shoot them with an Ancient Arrow.

Yiga spawns: "Hahahaha."
Link: "I ain't got time for this shit."
*ancient arrow*


I think
appearance depend more on where you are more than what time it is. If you camp/teleport at the right spots, no matter what time it is they will always appear where you expect them to show up.


Golden Boy
the fact that they are not a zelda dungeon at all

almost had no enemies, no keys, small AF, boss doesn't have a special tactic to kill, no boss room key, no mini-boss room
Edit: forgot the variety of the areas, in previous Zelda games, Dungeons were varied between, jungle, lava, ice...Etc, now it is just inside a machine

why did they do this to the dungeons ?? it was the best thing in Zelda series, they did everything right in BOTW except the dungeons
I agree with the "Zelda Feeling" being absent.
From what i can gather, they decided to take a completely new approach and spread the typical puzzle challenges over the 120 shrines and some in the 4 devine beasts, rather than focusing them into 4-8 traditional dungeons. Bold move, however it seems to have worked when considering the popularity of the game.
My hope is that, before they release an all new zelda game in a few years, they remake Zelda1, 2, or Alttp in the BoW engine.This would give Zelda fans a more traditional game.


the fact that they are not a zelda dungeon at all

almost had no enemies, no keys, small AF, boss doesn't have a special tactic to kill, no boss room key, no mini-boss room
Edit: forgot the variety of the areas, in previous Zelda games, Dungeons were varied between, jungle, lava, ice...Etc, now it is just inside a machine

why did they do this to the dungeons ?? it was the best thing in Zelda series, they did everything right in BOTW except the dungeons

My guess is they found dungeons to be disruptive to being immersed in the game world. I'm glad they did. The devine beasts jarringly feel like a different game. Some of the longer shrines feel like just about the right amount of time to be pulled away from exploring, any longer and it would become a chore.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I guess this lst memopry im missing is in
hyrule castle

There is one inside, in case you haven't been there before.

thats the one then, I havent been there


the fact that they are not a zelda dungeon at all

almost had no enemies, no keys, small AF, boss doesn't have a special tactic to kill, no boss room key, no mini-boss room
Edit: forgot the variety of the areas, in previous Zelda games, Dungeons were varied between, jungle, lava, ice...Etc, now it is just inside a machine

why did they do this to the dungeons ?? it was the best thing in Zelda series, they did everything right in BOTW except the dungeons
I agree with you, hopefully the next one has traditional dungeons, they were the best part about Zelda imo.
Decided to take down the final boss at 115 hours. Still missing 9 shrines, but I figured it might take a long tail of time to find all of those, so I might as well experience the ending now.

My thoughts on the final boss:
I was ready for disappointment, because people kept talking about how underwhelming they thought the ending was, but I really liked it! Especially the final stage, where you get to ride your horse to finish the job -- that was fun. I remember riding the horse in Twilight Princess final boss too, but it feels especially meaningful this time because it's my own horse that I found and named and adventured with. I also want to call out this one moment during the final boss where you're near the end and Zelda cries out "We're so close!" I really appreciated that bit of voice acting. In her voice you can really hear that everything Zelda and Link have worked towards for the past 100 years comes down to this moment -- I totally felt something then. Overall, great ending to a great game.

I'll post more complete thoughts on the whole game later.
I don't get the complaint about not feeling like a Zelda dungeon or even the complaints about the shrines being all the same.

BOTW has the best world in any Zelda game hands down and the way the shrines and dungeons fit into that world perfectly and give structure to the story making the whole world so much more believable and immersive.

Making the same type of thematic dungeons as in past Zelda's would've been super disappointing to me in a game as innovative as this and I'm sure the game would've been way more criticised had it gone that route.

Also the aesthetics of both the shrines and dungeons are superb. I only wish there were more of these monster dungeons and that they were more difficult (but that's a problem I have with every Zelda, they're a bit on the easy side I terms of puzzles). And also the bosses could've had more personality but mechanically they were not worse than in past Zelda games I've played.
One of my biggest complaints concerning the Zelda series from Ocarina onward was how segregated the content had become. The vast majority of the stuff to do, the puzzles, the interesting monsters, were inside of the dungeons while the rest of the world was empty fields and a handful of side quests. Majora fixed this by shrinking the world's areas into locations that fit their content better and having loads of mask quests. Then things went wrong again with Wind Waker's empty ocean and Twilight's empty fields. Skyward somewhat addressed the problem on the ground but still had the empty sky.

Breath of the Wild takes the puzzles and fights once only found in the dungeons and spreads them across the world, both via the shrines and out in the wild as well. I find this much more satisfying. The Divine Beasts aren't short dungeons, they are end points for a much more continuous flow of action and puzzles spread across the world. Of course there are improvements to be made. I hope to see shrines in some form return but have a larger cast of bosses in the combat shrines, for example. But the older 3D Zeldas were getting stale in their predictable world design of overworld and dungeon and Breath of the Wild is a welcome Breath of Fresh Air.


Tipped over 100 shrines. I'm sad that I can count the remaining shrines on my fingers and toes. Hopefully there are some really good ones waiting for me.

Also what's the deal with shield surfing? I found Seffie's Spot and did the minigame, but it's implying that I can do better. Does the shield affect speed? Is there any particular strategy to get the most out of surfing?


I found the first Guardian just wandering around and damn... they are scary to fight. I should point out that I'm still very early in the game
I just leaved Kakariko Village
so when I saw that guardian I was like "woaah, cool! Let's kill it" 2 seconds later I was dead, lol! How can I defeat them??? I tried several bomb arrows and it did barely nothing to it!


No Scrubs
I found the first Guardian just wandering around and damn... they are scary to fight. I should point out that I'm still very early in the game
I just leaved Kakariko Village
so when I saw that guardian I was like "woaah, cool! Let's kill it" 2 seconds later I was dead, lol! How can I defeat them??? I tried several bomb arrows and it did barely nothing to it!

There's weapons specially designed to kill Guardians, there's also a skill you can use--
a critical block to reflect the beam
--at any time to deal big damage but at your point messing it up would mean instant death.


I found the first Guardian just wandering around and damn... they are scary to fight. I should point out that I'm still very early in the game
I just leaved Kakariko Village
so when I saw that guardian I was like "woaah, cool! Let's kill it" 2 seconds later I was dead, lol! How can I defeat them??? I tried several bomb arrows and it did barely nothing to it!

They will continue to one shot you until you have like 15 hearts, so you need to (and will learn) new tactics to approach them. I won't spoil the easiest way to take them down. Consider them a puzzle to beat, and it's probably best to return to them once you have much stronger weapons.


I found the first Guardian just wandering around and damn... they are scary to fight. I should point out that I'm still very early in the game
I just leaved Kakariko Village
so when I saw that guardian I was like "woaah, cool! Let's kill it" 2 seconds later I was dead, lol! How can I defeat them??? I tried several bomb arrows and it did barely nothing to it!

You RUN.

You can actually defeat it relatively easily by deflecting it's laser blasts with a shield (press A when you're guarding) three times. The timing can be strict, and if you mess up, you either get your shield destroyed or die. You can also cut off it's legs or even tip it over to make it less mobile.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
hmm Gerudo Divine Beast is a lot mroe confusing than the first two I did
I accidentally killed my favourite horse. I didn't know this could happen. I mean, I don't know if it's "dead" but it has vanished.
I fell off a cliff with it, forced the poor animal on a risky climb downwards. It landed in a lake and I watched the scene from the air, parachuting to survive this.
That was quite a dramatic sight, I tell you. Not scripted. It screamed and bounced off the steep wall on its long fall. It was gone after that incident. No sign on the map. I was not worried at first, I thought it would respawn at the stables. Hours later when I wanted to ride one of the horses... no Banshee... :(


I accidentally killed my favourite horse. I didn't know this could happen. I mean, I don't know if it's "dead" but it has vanished.
I fell off a cliff with it, forced the poor animal on a risky climb downwards. It landed in a lake and I watched the scene from the air, parachuting to survive this.
That was quite a dramatic sight, I tell you. Not scripted. It screamed and bounced off the steep wall on its long fall. It was gone after that incident. No sign on the map. I was not worried at first, I thought it would respawn at the stables. Hours later when I wanted to ride one of the horses... no Banshee... :(

You can go to one of the great fairies, the horse god, who can revive your trusty steed if you want.
Tipped over 100 shrines. I'm sad that I can count the remaining shrines on my fingers and toes. Hopefully there are some really good ones waiting for me.

Also what's the deal with shield surfing? I found Seffie's Spot and did the minigame, but it's implying that I can do better. Does the shield affect speed? Is there any particular strategy to get the most out of surfing?

This I would like to know too, there doesn't seem much you can do to increase speed than pressing forward in the stick front what I can gather.


Why did I sell you goblikin guts?! Why?! Welp, time to go find more. Need to upgrde this soldier armor so I stop getting one shotted by so many things. I guess I could finish upgrading my Hylian gear as well...

Some parts of this game are long and frustrating. Feels punitive at times. Nintendo, great developer, but still Japanese. I guess some things will never change.

Is there any place to consistently mine high value gems? Daddy's strugglin'.
Ok I think I can safely say now that this is the best single player game of all time. It's just incredible. I'm 33 and grew up with the original Zelda. Over the years I've had a hard time being completely consumed by single player games considering I work so much and typically just have time to squeeze in a few hours of multiplayer here and there but since release all I've done on weekends is play non stop. Absolutely incredible game that has been able to capture the original Zelda's sense of wonder and exploration into a new generation.

Excited for the future of the franchise.


hmm Gerudo Divine Beast is a lot mroe confusing than the first two I did
Did it yesterday. All of the Gerudo stuff and the Zora stuff was fantastic and clearly on a different level from the other 2. Had trouble finding the second lightning ball because I'm dumb but there a good number of hidden treasures


Junior Member
What horse do you get when you fight Ganon? The best one out of the ones you registered?

So I beat Ganon last night. It was a lot more epic than some people make it out to be. Fantastic final boss design. However
stocks of food helps too much and makes it easy.
I wish the ending cinematic was longer like in previous Zelda games.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
So I found the lost woods, and I know what's in there...

Is there a character who gives you better help with that area or are you just supposed to figure it out yourself? I made it to the first check point in there but then I kept on getting lost in the fog over and over and gave up.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I accidentally killed my favourite horse. I didn't know this could happen. I mean, I don't know if it's "dead" but it has vanished.
I fell off a cliff with it, forced the poor animal on a risky climb downwards. It landed in a lake and I watched the scene from the air, parachuting to survive this.
That was quite a dramatic sight, I tell you. Not scripted. It screamed and bounced off the steep wall on its long fall. It was gone after that incident. No sign on the map. I was not worried at first, I thought it would respawn at the stables. Hours later when I wanted to ride one of the horses... no Banshee... :(
You can revive it with a fairy hidden somewhere, if you have 1000 ruppies.


Just finished at 105 hours. Man. Possibly my favorite game ever at this point.


Now to put the Switch away for awhile.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So I found the lost woods, and I know what's in there...

Is there a character who gives you better help with that area or are you just supposed to figure it out yourself? I made it to the first check point in there but then I kept on getting lost in the fog over and over and gave up.

watch for
the direction the wind blows on the embers of your torch


So I found the lost woods, and I know what's in there...

Is there a character who gives you better help with that area or are you just supposed to figure it out yourself? I made it to the first check point in there but then I kept on getting lost in the fog over and over and gave up.

(this SPOILER tells you how to get through to the center of the forest):
You can light a torch and follow the direction in which the embers are blowing from your torch in the wind. That will guide you through the woods to the center part.
Just finished at 105 hours. Man. Possibly my favorite game ever at this point.


Now to put the Switch away for awhile.
Seriously. I've been neglecting my other consoles for a month. I'm eager to jump into the PS4 games I've bought that have just been sitting there.

Still not sure if I want to end the game this weekend as I had planned, though.


Seriously. I've been neglecting my other consoles for a month. I'm eager to jump into the PS4 games I've bought that have just been sitting there.

Still not sure if I want to end the game this weekend as I had planned, though.

Same here, jumped out halfway through my Tales of Berseria playthrough (while Tales is my second favourite game series) and left Horizon to play Zelda. Once I am done with Zelda, I am finishing Tales of Berseria, playing Horizon and then playing all the other boatloads of great games that came out.


Seriously. I've been neglecting my other consoles for a month. I'm eager to jump into the PS4 games I've bought that have just been sitting there.

Still not sure if I want to end the game this weekend as I had planned, though.

Its actually be hard for me to jump back my PC, and I have several games (including my Long War 2 game to finish) but its been hard to sit down... I want to take it with me!


Between some mobile games (FE, Terrabattle) and Switch stuff, I don't have much time for stationary play any more.
Haven't defeated Ganon yet but I have a feeling that Zelda
is dead along with the other champion and its her spirit getting weaker to hold the seal of Ganon

Also the Y
lan hideout
was a pain lol. If you leave once all the enemies respawn so I just screwed it and killed all of them last time.


I finally bought it and will be starting tonight once the sun goes down a little bit and I can play on my deck, super excited!!
Only 12 shrines left... I thought I would be closer to completion before I simply couldn't find anymore no matter how long I look. But here I am.

I spent three and a half hours this morning exploring areas where I had found no shrines and once again... found no shrines. No open quests either.

I decided to head to the endgame area because I know there's a shrine in there. All I have left to complete are these 12 shrines and then it's Ganon time, so I don't mind making some headway there.
'd be really keen on the MM-style sequel you mentioned. That would be amazing. I'd gladly take a world half the size if that's what it took.

I really think that this title is perfect for it.
They can keep all the same assets and just re-work a smaller landscape and focus all their time on creating new enemies,puzzle ideas and hopefully a few themed dungeons.

It seems such a waste of a good engine/assets and all the effort put in to just release one title and yet again spend a long time redesigning a new art style.
DLC sounds great but i really hope they don't start from scratch yet again for the next zelda and instead focus on re-using this games assets and make a new title within a shorter period.
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