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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Multiplayer |OT| Swinging To Victory


I played on the same lobby for about 1 1/2 hour with same people for about 96% of the time. At first, everyone almost had a mic and were pretty chill. It was going back and forth between wins and losses. Pretty fun, right? Then someone late joins towards the end of a match and heard the other guys on his team (enemy team for me) make a comment about me saying I was good/decent. Hearing that must have triggered something to this guy from within because after he heard that comment, he went off on me for the whole entire session. Just 1 1/2 hour of nonstop verbal abuse towards me saying I wasn't shit cuz apparently he's played against me before or whatever. I was laughing my ass off the entire time cuz everyone in the lobby was like, wtf is this guy's
problem? Needless to say, he was always against me and although I'd lose, I still would do very good against the enemy team and every time I'd kill him, I would taunt him just to hear him scream at me ��

In the last round, he was placed on my team and was doing horribly. He rage quits after he dies about 4 times not even 5 minutes into the match. The weird part is that after all that shit, he sends me a friend request. WTF. �� i wasn't even on mic for the entire session either.

I'm so pissed that voice chat doesn't record in this game. Fix this, ND. I'd have evidence to report these types of people.

....so you added him right? ;D

On a different note I'm really missing playing Chateau from U3. I doubt they'll ever add it because of the fire event but that map was really cool and had some potential they never explored with it.

I remember back in U3 I always thought it was weird that when the floor fell down it never created wooden rubble that you could climb up like a ladder to make a new area to the top. Wasted opportunity!


Not as deep as he thinks
Nah, I didn't add him.

The rewards for leveling up are SO LAME. Vanity chest that I've already completed? One time booster chest for reaching level 87? Come on. They need to be better. Give me 300+ relics or something because the amount of XP you need to level up (321k for level 88) is ridiculous for such lame rewards.


Nah, I didn't add him.

The rewards for leveling up are SO LAME. Vanity chest that I've already completed? One time booster chest for reaching level 87? Come on. They need to be better. Give me 300+ relics or something because the amount of XP you need to level up (321k for level 88) is ridiculous for such lame rewards.

I was joking with adding him :p

Yeah the level up rewards are pretty useless unless it's relics. Really think it should be relics every level plus an additional reward.
Nah, I didn't add him.

The rewards for leveling up are SO LAME. Vanity chest that I've already completed? One time booster chest for reaching level 87? Come on. They need to be better. Give me 300+ relics or something because the amount of XP you need to level up (321k for level 88) is ridiculous for such lame rewards.

You used to get a chest's worth of relics (150) if you already completed the vanity chests beforehand, which wasn't really noteworthy, but still better than nothing. But they must have changed it with the most recent or the previous update, so now you get squat. Oh, you've already bought all the vanity chests and just unlocked one through levelling up? Tough luck!

You do get 300 relics twice between levels 80-90, but that is barely worth mentioning for the amount of xp you need for each level.
is there any chance they'll release a playstation heroes dlc like they did with uncharted 2?

also, where the fuck is coop, they said it was gonna be fall 2016
I got back into this this week. Man, ranked is still incredibly bad isn't it? We need all that mystical bullshit out of it. Sidekicks also have no place there. Also, these dlc weapons... I never get them. I got the new heavy shotgun and it kinda sucks!


Not as deep as he thinks
It's something you don't bother with once you get your 3 stars. Which sucks. There's no incentive to keep playing because everything's the same every single time. Zzz


It's something you don't bother with once you get your 3 stars. Which sucks. There's no incentive to keep playing because everything's the same every single time. Zzz

Yeah, their approach to the survival mode was really dumb. People just wanted a pure survival co-op mode with 10+ waves of enemies, but they somehow had to muck it up with static 5 waves on specific stages and time based performance.


Just booted this up for the first time since around launch and I was instantly reminded why I'm not a fan of the MP. Mysticals, Sidekicks, and the down system.

I love the movement but these three things pretty much ruin the game for me.


Just booted this up for the first time since around launch and I was instantly reminded why I'm not a fan of the MP. Mysticals, Sidekicks, and the down system.

I love the movement but these three things pretty much ruin the game for me.

That's a shame man. Once you get used to it sidekicks are incredibly easy to get rid of and mysticals aren't really much of a problem.

The down system though I totally get. I don't mind it, but I also like a non-down based system.


Just booted this up for the first time since around launch and I was instantly reminded why I'm not a fan of the MP. Mysticals, Sidekicks, and the down system.

I love the movement but these three things pretty much ruin the game for me.

Naughty Dog actively try to boycott their own multiplayer games. We nailed the gameplay in this one? Let's add a bunch of crap to it so nobody plays it and we can go back to play The Division!

What's that? Asking the players if they prefer classic Uncharted or some completely new experience that doesn't know what it wants to be? Nah just go ahead with it and try to force it down their throats, if they don't like it fuck them. Let's add a shitty overpriced F2P model while we're at it. I mean gears and tlou have downs and revives, it can't be a bad thing right? Let's shoehorn it into Uncharted even if it changes the core gameplay and single-handedly ruins the whole experience.

A shame, this game could've been great and a huge hit if they just made Uncharted 2 next gen, which is exactly what everybody wanted since the moment Uncharted 2 was ruined with 1.05.

Its complete failure and death before the first year is entirely deserved. Uncharted 3 final build was the true celebration/farewell to Uncharted multiplayer, not this piece of shit TLOU hybrid.


Naughty Dog actively try to boycott their own multiplayer games. We nailed the gameplay in this one? Let's add a bunch of crap to it so nobody plays it and we can go back to play The Division!

What's that? Asking the players if they prefer classic Uncharted or some completely new experience that doesn't know what it wants to be? Nah just go ahead with it and try to force it down their throats, if they don't like it fuck them. Let's add a shitty overpriced F2P model while we're at it. I mean gears and tlou have downs and revives, it can't be a bad thing right? Let's shoehorn it into Uncharted even if it changes the core gameplay and single-handedly ruins the whole experience.

A shame, this game could've been great and a huge hit if they just made Uncharted 2 next gen, which is exactly what everybody wanted since the moment Uncharted 2 was ruined with 1.05.

Its complete failure and death before the first year is entirely deserved. Uncharted 3 final build was the true celebration/farewell to Uncharted multiplayer, not this piece of shit TLOU hybrid.

I know you just to hop in this thread to hate on this game at this point, but it's definitely not a failure or a dead MP game. The game is still active and I'm personally playing regularly with and without friends and having lots of fun. If this MP mode isn't for you, just stop playing (if you haven't already) and stop shitposting about how bad you think this MP is on here because there's nothing else do discuss about that.


I know you just to hop in this thread to hate on this game at this point, but it's definitely not a failure or a dead MP game. The game is still active and I'm personally playing regularly with and without friends and having lots of fun. If this MP mode isn't for you, just stop playing (if you haven't already) and stop shitposting about how bad you think this MP is on here because there's nothing else do discuss about that.

I have to agree.

I played Uncharted 2 and 3 for years, likely about 600+ hours and loved them and U4 is different for sure no one is arguing there.

Call it a bad game though? I just can't see it. Not liking how it plays? I can totally see that, but I just don't see how it is a bad game. Loads of weapon variety, weapon balance is crisp, tons of loadouts, etc.

The only things that I really miss is the huge map selection of U3 (with the fortune hunter club pass), stealth kills, and Labs. They absolutely perfected Labs in 3 and it's a shame they aren't back.


I know you just to hop in this thread to hate on this game at this point, but it's definitely not a failure or a dead MP game. The game is still active and I'm personally playing regularly with and without friends and having lots of fun. If this MP mode isn't for you, just stop playing (if you haven't already) and stop shitposting about how bad you think this MP is on here because there's nothing else do discuss about that.

tell me this isn't the most efficient use of the cintamani stone you ever saw.


The dude taunting was foreshadowing all that money you were about to spend and make.


ND is having a survival stream Jan 25, sounds like they are working on new things/additions for the survival mode (besides the hardcore difficulty hopefully).

Since launching Uncharted 4: Survival just over a month ago, we've seen some incredible performances from the community. Players all over the world have taken on the challenge of Survival's 50 waves and many have triumphed over its Crushing difficulty level. To kick off our first live stream of 2017, we thought it would be great to spend some time playing Survival with some of the mode's most seasoned players: Team Reapers. This talented team was among the first in the world to play Survival at PSX and went on to hold the fastest completion time of the show.

On Wednesday, January 25 at 12:00pm PT (Find Your Local Time), we'll be joined by Team Reapers as we play Survival live on Twitch.tv/NaughtyDog, learn their tips and strategies, and talk about what's to come for Survival. We'll also be answering viewer questions , so be sure to jump into the chat for a chance to be answered on-air.

So I just beat the game.
Had no idea you could get 2 free days for PSN+ (Do other games do this too? :eek: New to PS4 still.)

Any recommendations on what guns and skills to use and not use?

The multiplayer menu is a little overwhelming.
Lots of coin stuff.


So I just beat the game.
Had no idea you could get 2 free days for PSN+ (Do other games do this too? :eek: New to PS4 still.)

Any recommendations on what guns and skills to use and not use?

The multiplayer menu is a little overwhelming.
Lots of coin stuff.

I'd recommend starting off with automatic rifles. AK-47, the HS37, MP34a, are the better ones.

Skill-wise. I usually use Stealth 2, Scavenger 1, Helping Hand (any level is great) and then for your gear either a grenade, c4, or a health kit.

I try and have each loadout have only 1 purchased item besides your gear. So for example each loadout will have 1 big spender like a Condor shotgun or an Indra.

As for playing and becoming better this is HIGHLY a team based game and if your team is bad there is a good chance you will lose. Luckily once you become good at this game you can carry your team to victory pretty easily.

Some quick tips, play more aggressive than defensive. Always be watching your minimap plus constantly be turning your camera to your exposed spots. A lot of players have serious tunnel vision and it's a night and day difference in being good or not. I constantly put pressure onto the enemy so that if I'm in a 5v5 gunfight, I'll try to get some kills as fast as possible so my team can overpower them if I make it a 5v4 or 5v3.

If you're using grenades, try and very rarely use the arch and instead throw them while aiming, they react different to surfaces you throw them on and this is where a lot of practice comes in play. Usually they have a little bit of a bump to them and you have to adjust accordingly but once you become good with grenades you can essentially kill anyone with them from just about anywhere. This makes cover a death trap if you're fast and smart enough.

Lastly always try and stay on the move unless you absolutely need to take cover. The game is meant to be mobile and unless you're going for cover because you're hurt, I wouldn't recommend it. Also this makes the game the most enjoyable for me as once you get good you'll feel like a god.
Thanks for the tips.
I wrecked havoc on the beginner TDM, I always got top of scoreboards.

Then after that I lost like 3 or 4 matches in a row in regular TDM but was still doing okay, got mid score pretty much every game.
No one seemed to work together really.

Just tried ranked and I enjoyed it a lot more. No one is talking, but people are just reviving each other more and actually grouped up.

Did all three placements game. Was pretty weird.
First game was a neck and neck pretty much. We won.
Second game we were getting destroyed, had like 2 kills when they had 12, team wanted to forfeit, but we didn't. Lost, and we had like 20 or so kills.
Third game was really weird... we had 6 kills, they had 1. And they forfeited and we just won within like a minute or 2 of the game starting. (I thought our team forfeited at first was upset for a split second lol)

Is forfeiting a common thing in UC4 multiplayer?

Placed in Gold 3. Not too bad I think for only 0.59hrs of gameplay :p? Means I'm pretty average judging by the rank system.

Also what ranked season is it now?
The website seems out of date...


I want to say it's season 3 right now in Ranked? Maybe 4 since there weren't Ranked rewards at first.

Yeah, there are a lot of awful people that play this game so be prepared to have some very trash teammates a lot of the time, you'll really notice this once you become better. It's like some people have never played this game before.

Forfeiting in ranked happens a bit in the lower brackets but hardly ever in higher tier play.


Haven't noticed a difference. Still getting colors.

Okay, I had three chests in a row which all featured either skins or hats which got me thinking.

They added some skins from the premium chest in the regular vanity chest in the last liveupdate anyway.


Not as deep as he thinks
I know, I read the update notes. Still, I aint having much luck unlocking new skins, weapons skins, wearables, and let's not even mention taunts...

All I get are colors lol. It's all I've been getting and I've opened so many chests.
I'd rather spend 1500 relics and get a premium skin than spend 300 relics and get colors, colors and moar colors.

That's how bad it is. Almost as bad as duplicate drops in other games.
Do you get more coins later as you level up?

I got 200 and I used 50 on hero weapons. 25 coins 2 times and all they were were pistols. Was annoyed that they weren't main guns.

I don't really care for cosmetics and just want better weapons. lol


Not as deep as he thinks
You don't get uncharted points (coins) at all. You have to buy those with money. You do however get relic (purple) which if you save enough, you can open a DLC weapon chest. You earn relics for completing matches, completing your daily challenges, and can get increased relic if people activate one time relic boosters during a match.
You don't get uncharted points (coins) at all. You have to buy those with money. You do however get relic (purple) which if you save enough, you can open a DLC weapon chest. You earn relics for completing matches, completing your daily challenges, and can get increased relic if people activate one time relic boosters during a match.

Oh. But I got 200 for free?

What's the best use of coins then I guess? lol


Not as deep as he thinks
Agreed. You should use those uncharted points on gameplay stuff like guns and boosters. Those are the best use of points IMO.


Got a survival question here. What is the idea behind teammates killing enemies while outside the siege area?

Prior to the wave arriving a teammate ran to the other side of the map.

The people he KO's doesn't add to the count so I can't understand why he would do that except if he's trying to draw enemies over there. But even that doesn't make sense.

Or am I missing something?


Got a survival question here. What is the idea behind teammates killing enemies while outside the siege area?

Prior to the wave arriving a teammate ran to the other side of the map.

The people he KO's doesn't add to the count so I can't understand why he would do that except if he's trying to draw enemies over there. But even that doesn't make sense.

Or am I missing something?

Those players are just fucking imbeciles that don't understand that you have to be in the siege zone for the kills to count, even though you're told to go to the siege zone with a big fat marker on screen and red tex tthat says $0 when you get kills and the fact that that the kill counter isn't going down when you do so.


Those players are just fucking imbeciles that don't understand that you have to be in the siege zone for the kills to count, even though you're told to go to the siege zone with a big fat marker on screen and red tex tthat says $0 when you get kills and the fact that that the kill counter isn't going down when you do so.

They're farming challenges. Kills outside still count towards any challenges you may have.
That's stupid. I always do my challenges on Stage 1, Light difficulty, while being offline.

If I could disable the companion NPC to prevent stolen KOs, that would have been perfect...

ps: Randumbs that didn't understand the Siege objective also existed in UC2 Co-op.


Not as deep as he thinks
It was even worse in UC2. It wouldn't count any kills if even a single person was out of the siege zone. Everyone had to be inside for kills to count.


Not as deep as he thinks
The Pak sucks so fucking much. It's the ONLY weapon in this game I'm planning to use hero weapon chests for. It's so shitty at everything. I'll take the stoner over this junk any day of the week. Barely gonna unlock the 2nd hero Pak and its been such a constant struggle in frustration.
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