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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Multiplayer |OT| Swinging To Victory

another goodie here, joined a bounty hunter match late and I expected to lose but we won


what is with that guy stuttering his ass off? you see him doing it


and again here and here when we spawned together and then again here when I was spectating. in fact I think he was doing it the whole match.

also some strange shit happens here when i'm tryna collect the bounty, I feel like I am inside the el dorado? because the triangle doesn't fill up.

also here it told us our captain survived even though right after that he got downed with the captain symbol. all strange stuff.
The white plug is not as strict as it used to be.

That guy basically had Fleet Foot lvl4 for free.

Here's another one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDI_zWqSCNY


Ok, give it to me straight, Im a noob and I need some tips.

Whats the best weapon to aim forward to get it?

Best Loadout?

Tips for Survival Crushing solo.



Why do crushing solo? I need 2 more hard levels and then I can attempt.

Party up? (Not right now but in the future)


Why do crushing solo? I need 2 more hard levels and then I can attempt.

Party up? (Not right now but in the future)

I still need to beat Hard Survival first but I figured a Crushing tips would help me in this one too.

yes Im up for party up to whoever wants to party up my PSN is xRaptor_1

Im up on weekends and late at night central time.


Not as deep as he thinks
Patch is supposed to release today. I honestly am in no rush to touch hardcore survival....

I wasn't that much of a fan of classic either, so this update doesn't really do much for me since there's no fixes or stuff that interests me.


Enjoying that Classic is back, haven't touched Hardcore yet since I just worked 11 hours but I'll probably end up trying it tomorrow after work.

Really like the new ranked skins, can't wait for more maps and merch, hopefully it is sooner rather than later!

lol @ some people not getting ranked rewards from the patch though, that was a pretty big bungle there

If anyone didn't then you can let ND know here.



I'm coming back to the game after a long hiatus. I platinumed single player but never really touched multiplayer (I think I'm level 5 or so). Any tips for a complete multiplayer noob?


I've been stuck on ch 13 for the longest time on my crushing playthrough. Do you guys take the stealth route or just rambo.


Names need to be hidden until the match starts. Getting tired of people bailing when they see names they don't like.


Not as deep as he thinks
What did they change?
They increased the timer for detonation.

They also do the detonation noise like the grenades the enemies throw at you in survival too.

Names need to be hidden until the match starts. Getting tired of people bailing when they see names they don't like.
They also need to let me remove my crushing badge. It's ridiculous how many people lobby quit when they see those co-op stars.


They increased the timer for detonation.

They also do the detonation noise like the grenades the enemies throw at you in survival too.

They also need to let me remove my crushing badge. It's ridiculous how many people lobby quit when they see those co-op stars.

Wait what I haven't noticed a difference with the grenades? The timer seems the same to me.

Also loving that Classic is back, it was too long babe but you're home now.

EDIT: I really wish they would fix the whole 'about to join late match but you never actually get past the prep screen thing'.
Just spent 5 minutes on the screen that shows everyone's character and then got a 'this match has ended' message. Well no shit I didn't get to participate at all.


Can I talk about Survival here too or there is a dedicated thread?

Anways I beated the Moderate Survival and will move to Hard but I think I will try and get dem 3 stars on Moderate first.

Any tips?

I cant do the very first level lol, the Siege phase is very random the last part of it because I dont know where they will spawn.

Should I level th ehell up to maybe level 40?

Im level 22 now.

Also I want Chloe but she doesnt want to drop for me, I think I had like 4 Villians to drop on chests but not her lol.


Not as deep as he thinks
Wait what I haven't noticed a difference with the grenades? The timer seems the same to me.

Also loving that Classic is back, it was too long babe but you're home now.

EDIT: I really wish they would fix the whole 'about to join late match but you never actually get past the prep screen thing'.
Just spent 5 minutes on the screen that shows everyone's character and then got a 'this match has ended' message. Well no shit I didn't get to participate at all.
The timer for detonation has definitely increased. Have you played regular TDM? Even at level 3 it takes longer to detonate.


They have now nerfed Argwal .40 in survival mode on the bosses. And before that they removed the ability to use mysticals on bosses, at least efficiently. This kinda ruins the fun for me, makes it a lot harder. Honestly, that in itself doesnt matter too much, but i dont think that they have extended the time duration for the stars after these changes (but correct me if i'm wrong).

The Argwal .40 did almost do as much damage as the Barok 44 on the bosses though hehe, so the nerf makes a bit sense, but still.


Not as deep as he thinks
They released a live update to "fix" people not receiving their ranked disco taunt and guess what? It's still locked. 😂😂😂


Adding matchmaking for Crushing was nice. That first night I was able to help a few randoms get their crushing emblems.

Feels good, man.

Help me get the Moderate ones lmao, I cant get pass the Level 48 I think Siege, is to enclosed and even with a friend and randoms is hard as fuck for me, Im level 27 maybe Im underleveled?

Any tips?
Help me get the Moderate ones lmao, I cant get pass the Level 48 I think Siege, is to enclosed and even with a friend and randoms is hard as fuck for me, Im level 27 maybe Im underleveled?

Any tips?
1) Playing in an (experienced) 3-man party is the way to go. Randumbs are always a gamble.

2) Fortify entrances with mines.

3) Upgrade all weapons to lvl5, especially the snipers (M14 etc.)

Farm Stage 2 for pistols and Stage 6 for long guns.

4) Having all the DLC boosters/weapons also helps. Ignore the cosmetics.


1) Playing in an (experienced) 3-man party is the way to go. Randumbs are always a gamble.

2) Fortify entrances with mines.

3) Upgrade all weapons to lvl5, especially the snipers (M14 etc.)

Farm Stage 2 for pistols and Stage 6 for long guns.

4) Having all the DLC boosters/weapons also helps. Ignore the cosmetics.

I can farm Moderate Stage 6 to get at least a Level 4 M14?

That would be sweet actually.
I just wish the co-op mode also was 60 fps :(.
At the very least it should be 40 fps on PS4 Pro, but I guess ND had to enforce the MP parity clause (makes sense for PvP, but not for PvE).

I just noticed that they nerfed late join relics. There's no point in helping randoms anymore.
At the very least it should be 40 fps on PS4 Pro, but I guess ND had to enforce the MP parity clause (makes sense for PvP, but not for PvE).

I just noticed that they nerfed late join relics. There's no point in helping randoms anymore.

What did they do? The last few late joins i played i received 15 relics.

Multiplayer Roundtable Day 1: Synchronizing Game State

Date & Time: Wednesday, 3/1 at 11:00am | Location: Room 123, North Hall | ND Speaker(s): Edward Pereira, Programmer and Drew Thaler, Programmer | Schedule Link

Summary: One of the first tasks for any multiplayer game is connecting players together and getting them to agree on game state. The way this is handled can be impacted by all sorts of things: the game's genre, the target audience, and the expected variety of internet connections involved. Using the group's interests as a guide, this roundtable will explore different methods to keep the state consistent and talk about solutions to problems that arise when dealing with the vast and complicated internet. Topics can include but are not limited to peer-to-peer networking, latency reduction, and bandwidth management.


Multiplayer Roundtable Day 2: Server Architecture

Date & Time: Thursday, 3/2 at 10:00am | Location: Room 123, North Hall | ND Speaker(s): Edward Pereira, Programmer and Drew Thaler, Programmer | Schedule Link

Summary: More and more multiplayer games these days have become full-fledged services that players invest their time and money in. As such, programmers need to build the back-end systems that manage all of this data, foster social connections, and even track financial transactions. In this roundtable, attendees will talk about server technologies to fill these requirements like matchmaking, friends lists, player profile storage, virtual currency, cloud computing, and any other topics the group is interested in.


Multiplayer Roundtable Day 3: The Ecosystem

Date & Time: Friday, 3/3 at 10:00am | Location: Room 122, North Hall | ND Speaker(s): Edward Pereira, Programmer and Drew Thaler, Programmer | Schedule Link

Summary: Beyond the gritty details of synchronization and servers, there's a lot more to multiplayer games. Tournaments, streaming, community building and management, promotions, telemetry, and a host of other topics. This session will be a higher level discussion about all these things and your dreams for the future of multiplayer technology.


Not as deep as he thinks
Hello everyone! We just pushed a live update that marks the beginning of a 50% off sale on Uncharted Points items as well as a fix for the known level reset issue.

Uncharted Point Sale:
All Uncharted Point items are 50% off until March 6th. Everything from Bundles and Chests to individual items, like taunts, character skins, and more are now half off

Fixed a bug where profile’s whose competitive level got reset was not being repaired properly
Live update.
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