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Will MS overtake Sony in North America now?

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Wait what? TF has sold a little over a mil in the us. Any halo game will sell that many in the first couple hours.

I'm just saying, TitanFall had insane hype. Won countless E3 awards I seriously doubt the Halo anniversary will win. As a remaster will probably be beat technically by TLOU.

At the end of the day it's a collection of games a lot of people have already played; unless they throw in a lot of new content I don't see how it's going to sell as big as a main new entry in the franchise. There's practically no way it can. A repackaging of old (great, but old) remastered games can't save a system.


I'm just saying, TitanFall had insane hype. Won countless E3 awards I seriously doubt the Halo anniversary will win. As a remaster will probably be beat technically by TLOU.

At the end of the day it's a collection of games a lot of people have already played; unless they throw in a lot of new content I don't see how it's going to sell as big as a main new entry in the franchise. There's practically no way it can. A repackaging of old (great, but old) remastered games can't save a system.

It seems more like the collection was the get 360 owners to upgrade to the XBO rather than having them jump ship to Sony-land. Think of it like a dissatisfied homeowner about to switch cable providers, but the ISP offers him a tantalizing deal to get him to stay. They're reminding people what they're giving up on, and the same could be said with PlayStation and TLOU, although they're trying to get them to come over.


I think sales will even out, but I doubt MS totally overtakes PS4.. I think they may alternative between who wins NPD..
I really don't know.

I'll have to see what price parity does for the platform first. And how long Sony leaves it that way.

It does show MS is still willing to lose money to try and maintain a grip on their largest market. WiiU was in a much worse position than One and Nintendo just kind of rode it out. I expected this move to occur around September or October though.

I mean if Sony really is serious about maintaining a competitive edge with PS4 the platform could be as low as $349 this fall if a small shift in buying habits takes place, and $299 if a seismic shift takes place.


Nope, and I'm pretty sure that Sony are going to react with their own price cut at E3.

Well that's what I'd personally do if I were a decision maker at Sony. A small $50 price cut would effectively kill off the Xbox One in the only territory the console isn't flopping in.


ADD New Gen Gamer
I really don't know.

I'll have to see what price parity does for the platform first. And how long Sony leaves it that way.

It does show MS is still willing to lose money to try and maintain a grip on their largest market. WiiU was in a much worse position than One and Nintendo just kind of rode it out. I expected this move to occur around September or October though.

I mean if Sony really is serious about maintaining a competitive edge with PS4 the platform could be as low as $349 this fall if a small shift in buying habits takes place, and $299 if a seismic shift takes place.

You are insane if you think it will be 299 by this year. Not going to happen. $350 is also a stretch. 375 is more realistic.


Nope, and I'm pretty sure that Sony are going to react with their own price cut at E3.

Well that's what I'd personally do if I were a decision maker at Sony. A small $50 price cut would effectively kill off the Xbox One in the only territory the console isn't flopping in.

The 50$ price cut would be effective if they have lots of ps4's in store, but its sold out everywhere as far as I know, so I guess we will only see that happen when the sales drop.
You are insane if you think it will be 299 by this year. Not going to happen. $350 is also a stretch. 375 is more realistic.
I still say it depends on buying habits. If One to September completely reverses the current trend with PS4 Sony will make a move. It just depends on what they are willing to do to regain their prior powerful position.

I think the well of people swayed by the more powerful hardware is close to running dry. So here on out price parity could be damaging if MS prior successes like Halo revitalize interest in the platform. This is all what ifs at this point. But I could see this move by MS and the subsequent release of key software really helping One in America. Enough so to make outselling the PS4 by impressive margins a monthly thing.

If that happens Sony execs will be asking "What do we do?" The easiest thing would be to regain their biggest competitive advantage in price. If One has a resurgence a $349 PS4 is the minimum. But that's predicated on the idea that One's biggest problem was its price.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Historically price drops don't change the direction of the wind, ask Nintendo, Sega, MS or even Sony (well it kinda help Sony with PS3 but not to overtake)
you need a combination of things and your competitors to not have those advantages, Halo 5 + another price drop might help but I think it'll be too late then.


Nope, and I'm pretty sure that Sony are going to react with their own price cut at E3.

Well that's what I'd personally do if I were a decision maker at Sony. A small $50 price cut would effectively kill off the Xbox One in the only territory the console isn't flopping in.

Sony need the revenue, and it wouldn't kill off the Xbox One.


Sony has already the big oppourtunity, now they should just use it. If they announce many games on E3 I cant see why they would lose any market by now.

Ps.: A price drop from their side will not happen.
The 50$ price cut would be effective if they have lots of ps4's in store, but its sold out everywhere as far as I know, so I guess we will only see that happen when the sales drop.

It would be effective, but they will lose some, if not all, of the profit they are getting from a console and a game.

There is no need to do a price drop for a PS4. All they need is to drop some bombs at E3 about PS Now and what's coming this holiday and so forth.
Nope, and I'm pretty sure that Sony are going to react with their own price cut at E3.

Well that's what I'd personally do if I were a decision maker at Sony. A small $50 price cut would effectively kill off the Xbox One in the only territory the console isn't flopping in.

Why would a company as cash strapped as Sony want to delay profits on a system that is already beating it's competitors by a wide margin? Makes no sense at all. What is more likely is games being bundled. The PS3 has dropped sharply and Vita isn't doing much so a lot resides on the PS4 to keep that division profitable.


Sony need the revenue, and it wouldn't kill off the Xbox One.

I can't remember where I read it (might have been on these boards?) but they're in a position with room to wiggle on the price of the PS4 apparently. And a small price cut can easily be covered by software sales anyway.
Anything can happen. The US was Microsoft's to lose not for Sony to win. The disparity between the 360 and the PS3 in the US was massive. Something around 15 million unit difference by the end of it all.

Sony has jumped out of the gate really well but will need to be able to keep their own hype going while MS uses up all the cards. MS will come out with the Halos and the FPS exclusives and the Gears of Wars. Games old 360 owners recognize and relate to.

Sony just needs to be able to offer those old 360 gamers something similar for them to think it is a good idea to move over to the Playstation brand like some of their friends are sure to have by now.


I think June and July will be great for MS, probably selling more in the US than the PS4. After that I see PS4 regaining the monthly lead.
I still think the damage MS has done is pretty significant. If Sony shows up at E3 with even half the games people expect then it's extremely difficult to see MS overtaking anything. Halo re-releases are nice but....they're re-releases.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Halo: Master Chief package for 60$ or with Xbox One bundle. Unify multiplayer of Halo. Current userbase and new userbase of (Halo 2, 3, 4) playing on same server. This will indefinitely get the ball moving.


I really don't know.

I'll have to see what price parity does for the platform first. And how long Sony leaves it that way.

It does show MS is still willing to lose money to try and maintain a grip on their largest market. WiiU was in a much worse position than One and Nintendo just kind of rode it out. I expected this move to occur around September or October though.

I mean if Sony really is serious about maintaining a competitive edge with PS4 the platform could be as low as $349 this fall if a small shift in buying habits takes place, and $299 if a seismic shift takes place.

They're not really though. Dropping kinect and the price at the same time means they are probably losing very little, if anything per unit. It is a financially less risky move than dropping the price and keeping kinect, which suggests that he Xbox division don't have unlimited funds from MS, and they had to make the hard choice to ditch kinect to remain competitive
Halo: Master Chief package for 60$ or with Xbox One bundle. Unify multiplayer of Halo. Current userbase and new userbase of (Halo 2, 3, 4) playing on same server. This will indefinitely get the ball moving.

You'll get Halo CE and Halo 2 this year, the rest you'll get in a 'season pack' or DLC add-ons you can buy as and when they're ready. In 2016.


I think they could catch up quite easily but I'm not sure $399 is quite right to rapidly turn the tides but Microsoft aren't going to undercut if they don't have to, same with Sony. Testing the waters first for Microsoft, wait and see for Sony. Likely outcome for now is more competitive game bundles but remaining at $399. Both companies would be reasonably happy riding it out on somewhat equal terms for this year.


It'll take lots lots more to make it happen. They need to bring the games games games now that there is price parity. Gonna be a great E3 and a damn bloody war this gen. :D
They're not really though. Dropping kinect and the price at the same time means they are probably losing very little, if anything per unit. It is a financially less risky move than dropping the price and keeping kinect, which suggests that he Xbox division don't have unlimited funds from MS, and they had to make the hard choice to ditch kinect to remain competitive

Yeah, it actually shows pretty clearly that they are NOT willing to lose money to keep the Xbox One competitive. I think the Xbox division will be on a very short leash this generation.


Nope, and I'm pretty sure that Sony are going to react with their own price cut at E3.

Well that's what I'd personally do if I were a decision maker at Sony. A small $50 price cut would effectively kill off the Xbox One in the only territory the console isn't flopping in.
Are your deliberately ignoring the financial state Sony are currently in, and the scale in which it's cutting back? They're projecting profits for its entertainment division next quarter , something like this would certainly scupper that.


Nope, and I'm pretty sure that Sony are going to react with their own price cut at E3.

Why when the PS4 is doing so well already? Lose money just for the sake of doing so for "winning the war"?

Well that's what I'd personally do if I were a decision maker at Sony. A small $50 price cut would effectively kill off the Xbox One in the only territory the console isn't flopping in.

That wouldn't kill the Xbox One. The Xbox One at $400 is now at an acceptable price for many mainstream consumers who want one for its exclusives (and/or multiplats). Higher than $400 is too much for a console for many people who are part of this group. Plus MS' exclusives (Gears/Halo) are big name games in America. So no, a $50 PS4 price drop wouldn't kill the Xbox One here and neither does Sony need to do it in the first place.


Why when the PS4 is doing so well already? Lose money just for the sake of doing so for "winning the war"?

That wouldn't kill the Xbox One. The Xbox One at $400 is now at an acceptable price for many mainstream consumers who want one for its exclusives (and/or multiplats). Higher than $400 is too much for a console for many people who are part of this group. Plus MS' exclusives (Gears/Halo) are big name games in America. So no, a $50 PS4 price drop wouldn't kill the Xbox One here and neither does Sony need to do it in the first place.

Having the PS4 at $350 would bring back the case of less powerful hardware for more money. It certainly would kill off the Xbox One imo.


Having the PS4 at $350 would bring back the case of less powerful hardware for more money.

It would but it would be different as $400 is seen as being much better than $500, and there would only be a $50 difference (less than a price of one game) instead of a $100 difference.

It certainly would kill off the Xbox One imo.

The Xbox One is $100 more than the PS4 at a price above "mainstream consumer acceptance levels" ($400 or less) and some of its biggest franchise/exclusives haven't released on the system yet. Yet it's still doing/did well enough for it to continue on having solid game support. A $50 PS4 price drop isn't going to kill it.
Why when the PS4 is doing so well already? Lose money just for the sake of doing so for "winning the war"?

That wouldn't kill the Xbox One. The Xbox One at $400 is now at an acceptable price for many mainstream consumers who want one for its exclusives (and/or multiplats). Higher than $400 is too much for a console for many people who are part of this group. Plus MS' exclusives (Gears/Halo) are big name games in America. So no, a $50 PS4 price drop wouldn't kill the Xbox One here and neither does Sony need to do it in the first place.

"winning the war" as you say it is more meaningfull than you seem to think. Sony and MS know that most prople will only buy one console, so they know that when a customer buys a competitors console, they're highly unlikely to also buy one of theirs. They alreadys subsidize their consoles so they can make money back on software, so cutting down the price to increase market share should be atleast a viable consideration for Sony. I doubt they'll do it as soon as E3, but they have surprised me before. I could see a 50€ drop around GamesCom or a 100€ drop at next years E3 though.


No. The Xbox One was selling for $450 with Kinect and TitanFall in fancy stores. That's a better deal than Xbox One for $400 on its own. If the Xbox One couldn't outsell PS4 during TitanFall launch period I doubt they can sell any other time.


"winning the war" as you say it is more meaningfull than you seem to think. Sony and MS know that most prople will only buy one console, so they know that when a customer buys a competitors console, they're highly unlikely to also buy one of theirs.

But both companies also want to make money. There's no point in dropping the price of a console so soon if it's already doing really well.

No. The Xbox One was selling for $450 with Kinect and TitanFall in fancy stores. That's a better deal than Xbox One for $400 on its own. If the Xbox One couldn't outsell PS4 during TitanFall launch period I doubt they can sell any other time.

$400 alongside the releases of big name, well established exclusives/multiplats is better for mainstream attention than a $450 console next to a new IP.
Hard to say but price wasn't their only issue. The biggest one still is mindshare and well... the PS4 is still more powerful despite price parity. If anything the XB1 should be cheaper.

correct. i don think XB1 has the better library at the moment but the gaming library seems to have less meaning nowadays.
But both companies also want to make money. There's no point in dropping the price of a console so soon if it's already doing really well.

$400 alongside the releases of big name, well established exclusives/multiplats is better for mainstream attention than a $450 console next to a new IP.
but that new IP was hyped by the media for 6 months as one of the the biggest new releases ever
I really don't know.

I'll have to see what price parity does for the platform first. And how long Sony leaves it that way.

It does show MS is still willing to lose money to try and maintain a grip on their largest market. WiiU was in a much worse position than One and Nintendo just kind of rode it out. I expected this move to occur around September or October though.

I mean if Sony really is serious about maintaining a competitive edge with PS4 the platform could be as low as $349 this fall if a small shift in buying habits takes place, and $299 if a seismic shift takes place.
yes and it was a catastrophic failure of a move. wiiu is dead in the water despite having a pretty good library and first party lineup.
Anything is possible and I expect them to get a significant bump due to price drop and Halo. I do wonder if those who love Halo already bought an X1 though. Titanfall didn't expand the user base as much as we expected but sold very well. I expected the price drop preorders to shoot to the top of the charts but so far nothing significant as far as online bestseller lists go. My guess is they trade off for the rest of the gen in US but WW sony takes the cake.


$400 alongside the releases of big name, well established exclusives/multiplats is better for mainstream attention than a $450 console next to a new IP.

I assume you actually mean the release of the names (with the games following in late 2015/2016), right?

I agree that such official drops/announcement do more than inoffical ones, but will people really buy for 'potential' and $100 less for about the same amount less in value?

Mr. X

People weren't getting it when it was $450 and bundled with stuff that made it well over $450 like Target's TF Bundle + 1 year of Gold. XBone is done until their first party studio drops something the public at large doesn't want to miss out on but by that point, PS4 will be really far ahead.
I'm just saying, TitanFall had insane hype. Won countless E3 awards I seriously doubt the Halo anniversary will win. As a remaster will probably be beat technically by TLOU.

At the end of the day it's a collection of games a lot of people have already played; unless they throw in a lot of new content I don't see how it's going to sell as big as a main new entry in the franchise. There's practically no way it can. A repackaging of old (great, but old) remastered games can't save a system.

So the XB1 is in need of saving? Tell us more.


I think it depends on software.
A few good exclusives could maybe see X1 catch up or overtake PS4 in for US.

What's the difference between them at the moment? Unless there's a good 2 or more million between them then the gap can be closed in a few months.


I think it depends on software.
A few good exclusives could maybe see X1 catch up or overtake PS4 in for US.

What's the difference between them at the moment? Unless there's a good 2 or more million between them then the gap can be closed in a few months.

The difference right now is a little bit under 500,000 if I remember correctly. If the Xbox One can have multiple months during and after the Fall of 2014 in which the console sells at least 30,000 more than the PS4 then the gap could definitely close 2-3 years from now. We'll see what happens though.


Gub'mint Researcher
Sony need good games that would be the best reaction something big like the last guardian up and running at e3, they really don't need a price cut.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Sony has also better multi
Yep. Its all about software now and what catches the eye of the non early adopters.

I think sony is in a better spot here for new titles and variety of games. Microsoft has been lacking in this department for the last few years.
The difference right now is a little bit under 500,000 if I remember correctly.

I think a half million lead is on the edge of a "close race". Neither of these systems is going to completely drop off the radar, but neither are going to be posting any numbers like the wii's early holiday 2006-2009 either. That makes it unlikely to get gaps in sales of more than 150k/month. If it takes 4 uninterrupted months like that just to catch up, I don't see that happening for xb one. I only see that gap slowly widening and being nearer to 1.5 or 2 million by end of year.


Depends of what Xbox have in May, June, July, August, September and so on.
I can see following month is in favor for PS4, May MLB& watch dogs, June might be TLOU remaster, July Destiny beta, September Destiny.
Those months might see PS4 selling better.
If MS want to catch up, they need a super powerful lineup for fall/winter and super weak lineup PS4.
Unless MS able to sell Xbox one base on hype alone with 2015/2016 line up.
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