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Will MS overtake Sony in North America now?

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No. Its going to take more then a price drop to change this, honestly its just like last gen except Sony and MS have switched places. The first PS3 price drop did not help (I remember everyone thinking it would) they need to improve their image and gain back some of the consumers trust.
No. In March, Xbone was 449 at most places with Titanfall and Kinect, and PS4 was still ahead by 60k.

This. Said it as soon as I heard the news. If they can sell it at $449 with Kinect and TF (digital) pack in, then it should be $349 without Kinect or a game. THAT would be a compelling price point for a lot of people that are on the fence. $399 still leads to the 'meh, I can get a more powerful PS4 for that price' response.

But if you believe some people Sony might as well pack it in now in the US because the XB1 at $399 will be the go-to system all of a sudden. Such sillyness...


No. Its going to take more then a price drop to change this, honestly its just like last gen except Sony and MS have switched places. The first PS3 price drop did not help (I remember everyone thinking it would) they need to improve their image and gain back some of the consumers trust.

The first PS3 drop didn't help much because the Xbox 360 had an one year head start therefore giving it a pretty decent core gamer userbase and library before the PS3 could even get the ball rolling.

On top of that, there was a $200 difference between the PS3 and Xbox 360 which is pretty different from just $100.


This. Said it as soon as I heard the news. If they can sell it at $449 with Kinect and TF (digital) pack in, then it should be $349 without Kinect or a game. THAT would be a compelling price point for a lot of people that are on the fence. $399 still leads to the 'meh, I can get a more powerful PS4 for that price' response.

Like I said before, many only respond to deals when they are for things they actually care about (unless the deal itself is in "too good to pass up" territory which in this case would be something like the Xbox One at $250 or less).

Not everyone cares about Kinect and many people obviously care far more about the long running successful multiplatform series than pretty much any of the new upcoming current-gen only IPs (at least the ones that we know about).

A new, cheaper SKU before the launch of games like COD is a good move and was definitely necessary for the Xbox One to stay competitive with the PS4 in America.
People must have forgotten that the playstation brand is actually popular in North America. The Ps1 sold extremely well in NA, so did the PS2(DUH). One console(the PS3) doesn't do as well as those two and people act like the playstation brand isn't supposed to do big numbers here.
The first PS3 drop didn't help much because the Xbox 360 had an one year head start therefore giving it a pretty decent core gamer userbase and library before the PS3 could even get the ball rolling.

On top of that, there was a $200 difference between the PS3 and Xbox 360 which is pretty different from just $100.

True the extra $100 did not help PS3 during that time last gen but the situation is the same, poor public image, confusing marketing message, and price. MS fixed price but now they have to back pedal even faster to undo the rest and I'm sorry but a Halo collection this fall wont save them, it going to take more then that. I am a firm believer that their problem is public perception.


I don't see a price drop but I do see a couple of bundles just to make it tougher for MS and take a jab at them. I would be surprised if sony doesn't do it even if it is just for this holiday.

I see a destiny bundle for 399 probably a digital code of the game to minimize any losses and it helps activision as well to move more destiny units

The second bundle is more of a jab at MS which is to include the camera for a limited time just for the holiday for 399

They can drop the mic and walk away after this :)


People must have forgotten that the playstation brand is actually popular in North America. The Ps1 sold extremely well in NA, so did the PS2(DUH). One console(the PS3) doesn't do as well as those two and people act like the playstation brand isn't supposed to do big numbers here.
If you believe the analysts, X360 garnered a huge mindshare and brand loyalty in US, and even deeply ingrained in popular culture. You don't see PS2 being mentioned in TV sitcoms or throwaway movie dialogue ("hey wanna play some xbox?").
If you believe the analysts, X360 garnered a huge mindshare and brand loyalty in US, and even deeply ingrained in popular culture. You don't see PS2 being mentioned in TV sitcoms or throwaway movie dialogue ("hey wanna play some xbox?").

Maybe not now but PlayStation was synonymous with gaming during the PS2 days and is also heavily ingrained in pop culture, I remember one day in history class in junior high my teacher said "all you guys playing your Nintendo" and someone responding "no one plays Nintendo anymore, its PlayStation now" and countless comic books with PS2/Dualshock looking devices in rooms and scenes, PS2 was also set pieces in home decor magaznes and other various media. So its not so much that Sony doesn't have American mindshare but that MS grew that and took some away as well during the 360 years. Also keep in mind that social media and marketing for games have changed so the Xbox seems more present in pop culture because thats how gaming has grown and become more prevalent in pop culture.


The difference right now is a little bit under 500,000 if I remember correctly. If the Xbox One can have multiple months during and after the Fall of 2014 in which the console sells at least 30,000 more than the PS4 then the gap could definitely close 2-3 years from now. We'll see what happens though.

Only half a million? It doesn't really matter if MS overtake or not then. If in 3 years time PS4 is sitting at 30 million and X1 is sitting at 28 million isn't that basically a draw?

The biggest thing for MS has gotta be not falling behind significantly to the point that third parties aren't that interested in their system. Hopefully that doesn't happen.
It seems more like the collection was the get 360 owners to upgrade to the XBO rather than having them jump ship to Sony-land. Think of it like a dissatisfied homeowner about to switch cable providers, but the ISP offers him a tantalizing deal to get him to stay. They're reminding people what they're giving up on, and the same could be said with PlayStation and TLOU, although they're trying to get them to come over.

From that angle it makes more sense. I'd disagree tho in TLOU is a similar proposition; there doesn't seem to be that kind of dissatisfaction from Sony's consumers like it is w/ Microsoft's; PS3 is falling off a cliff but that's directly translated to big PS4 sales. Meanwhile 360 is holding on pretty strong but XBO sales have massively slowed down.

Anything can happen. The US was Microsoft's to lose not for Sony to win. The disparity between the 360 and the PS3 in the US was massive. Something around 15 million unit difference by the end of it all.

Sony has jumped out of the gate really well but will need to be able to keep their own hype going while MS uses up all the cards. MS will come out with the Halos and the FPS exclusives and the Gears of Wars. Games old 360 owners recognize and relate to.

Sony just needs to be able to offer those old 360 gamers something similar for them to think it is a good idea to move over to the Playstation brand like some of their friends are sure to have by now.

Again this is the one thing that worries me w/ Sony this gen: they'll try to push so hard in doing this they lose focus on the sort of quirkier games I've gotten to know them for. Making games comparable to Halo or COD costs a lot of money, and we already know their financial situation isn't the best. Then dumb shit like the $100 million blown on the Stigs game, and we're left with a Sony that will have to use its resources very wisely. That means less of the quirky games.

I've had people tell me before that won't happen, but I say you can't use historical precedent so firmly. It's safe to say they want PS4 to get PS2 levels of domination this gen (which could happen looking where things are right now), but PS2 gen was also the one they seemingly had the least # of new IP and diverse offerings (compared to their PS1 and PS3 output). I could be remembering that wrong tho.


People underestimate the effect a successful hardware has on software sales.

Yup, agreed. That's why Microsoft had to cut the price. I still don't think it's enough though because they've gone from having a less powerful console that cost more money to a less powerful console that costs the same amount of money. It's better than it was but still not good enough.

I think Microsoft have hit Panic Mode because it was looking like just a matter of months before the PS4 had twice the installed userbase of the One, and if publishers start seeing PS4 SKUs selling twice as much as One SKUs it's going to give them something to think about.

Could be good news for Wii U owners though because we may see publishers adding a 4th SKU to spread the cost of development.


If you believe the analysts, X360 garnered a huge mindshare and brand loyalty in US, and even deeply ingrained in popular culture. You don't see PS2 being mentioned in TV sitcoms or throwaway movie dialogue ("hey wanna play some xbox?").

that's product placement in most cases, not a reflection of popularity
Who cares? What does it really mater?

That's thread whining, please don't do that for your own sake.

This. Said it as soon as I heard the news. If they can sell it at $449 with Kinect and TF (digital) pack in, then it should be $349 without Kinect or a game. THAT would be a compelling price point for a lot of people that are on the fence. $399 still leads to the 'meh, I can get a more powerful PS4 for that price' response.

Yep, for the Xbone to gain any sort of momentum, the price needs to be at least $50 cheaper than the PS4 as consumers aren't stupid enough to not realise that at the current price-drop, they are still paying for cheaper hardware.

This price-cut will not have any major impact for the above reason combined with the timing of it - June.

People don't buy consoles in any great numbers in June, especially if there is no software, exclusive or otherwise, to move it in that month. That, and the fact that the PS4 will be boosted by sales of Watchdogs and very likely TLOU: Remastered too in June/July.

As a result the price-cut's impact will be lost in a cocktail of consumer apathy, poor timing and rival software.


That's thread whining, please don't do that for your own sake.

Yep, for the Xbone to gain any sort of momentum, the price needs to be at least $50 cheaper than the PS4 as consumers aren't stupid enough to realise that at the current price-drop, they are still paying for cheaper hardware.

This price-cut will not have any major impact for the above reason combined with the timing of it - June.

People don't buy consoles in any great numbers in June, especially if there is no software, exclusive or otherwise, to move it in that month. That, and the fact that the PS4 will be boosted by sales of Watchdogs and very likely TLOU: Remastered too in June/July.

As a result the price-cut's impact will be lost in a cocktail of consumer apathy, poor timing and rival software.

Maybe they have something big to release at the same day?
Maybe they have something big to release at the same day?

I can't think of anything.

And looking at the release schedule right now for the Bone, the next notable release is Sunset Overdrive or something far off in the Holidays. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

But the release schedule looks very sparse for the next few months.
Microsoft will see a minimal to respectable increase in sales due to the cheaper price, but I doubt they will outsell Sony. Essentially the same hardware, graphics, etc with PS4 having the advantage in power. Consumers will eventually find out about this or most of them probably already know about it. They basically have 95% of the same games with PS4 normally having the better version with better resolution, graphics or possibly even framerate which imo is the biggest hurdle for Microsoft since most consumers seemingly buy video game consoles for multiplatform games. Now with no Kinect, the two consoles are even closer than before. Honestly, there isn't hardly anything now differentiating the two consoles from each other. Lastly, what is preventing Sony from dropping the price IF Microsoft starts to catch up?


I can't think of anything.

And looking at the release schedule right now for the Bone, the next notable release is Sunset Overdrive or something far off in the Holidays. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

But the release schedule looks very sparse for the next few months.

Halo collection? That's pretty big deal.

On Demand

I can't see XB1 outselling the PS4 for months straight by 100k to 200k in the USA. That's what it's going to take. And the PS4 isn't going to stop selling. If it was cheaper maby i could see MS doing that. But they're the same price.

People always talk about MS having more money than Sony. That they can spend their way to domination. Ok so why not drop the price to $299 and take the lost?


I can't see XB1 outselling the PS4 for months straight by 100k to 200k in the USA. That's what it's going to take. And the PS4 isn't going to stop selling. If it was cheaper maby i could see MS doing that. But they're the same price.

People always talk about MS having more money than Sony. That they can spend their way to domination. Ok so why not drop the price to $299 and take the lost?

They save those money to buy big exclusive megaton.


True the extra $100 did not help PS3 during that time last gen but the situation is the same, poor public image, confusing marketing message, and price. MS fixed price but now they have to back pedal even faster to undo the rest...

I honestly wouldn't say it's the same. I mean it is similar in some ways but I wouldn't say that it's exactly the same. As I said before, the PS3 was $200 more and released a year after the 360. Sony didn't make significant changes to the PS3's branding/messaging until 2009 when the slim model came out. That was almost 3 years after the PS3 launch.

MS has made many changes to the Xbox One and in a pretty short time too. I can't think of any other console that has changed so much from the few months before it was released up to the half-way point of its first year. It releasing the same time as the PS4 has helped it too in terms of online userbase... well at least in America (which is what this thread is about). There were far more people on Xbox Live last gen. Now though things are pretty even (again, at least in America). Therefore, the cases of someone having more friends playing on PS4 over the Xbox One isn't close to being as frequent/large as the cases of people having more of their friends play on the Xbox 360 over the PS3 last gen. So I would say that in America that things are pretty even for both consoles when it comes to the "I'm getting this console to play with my friends online" type of influence. PS4 has a slight advantage since it has sold more in America but it isn't enough for it to be the obvious winner in America yet (like the Xbox 360 was last gen).

...I'm sorry but a Halo collection this fall wont save them, it going to take more then that. I am a firm believer that their problem is public perception.

It will take more than just that and it seems like MS knows it. They will have a seemingly pretty solid exclusive lineup for the Fall of this year. That combined with all of the multiplats will definitely cause the Xbox One to sell well in America this Fall/Xmas season.

One of the advantages of Xbox is that their exclusives are more multiplayer focused too. This therefore creates more "word of mouth" as these games usually get played by users for a longer period of time than single player games. So if they can have a decent number of new, solid exclusive multiplayer oriented games on top of the popular multiplats then they will be in a really good spot/position IMO.


Only half a million? It doesn't really matter if MS overtake or not then. If in 3 years time PS4 is sitting at 30 million and X1 is sitting at 28 million isn't that basically a draw?

Kind of... MS would still be thought of by some as the "loser" though due to them not having the same dominance in the US that they did last gen; well, at least against Playstation.

The biggest thing for MS has gotta be not falling behind significantly to the point that third parties aren't that interested in their system. Hopefully that doesn't happen.

Don't think that will ever happen. Sales show that Xbox One users actually buy a decent number of games (unlike the Wii U).


I can't see XB1 outselling the PS4 for months straight by 100k to 200k in the USA. That's what it's going to take.

Not really... unless this current gen will end in 2015.
Halo collection? That's pretty big deal.

Despite the fact that I don't see that as a huge deal anyway, all indications point to a Christmas period release for that.

Look at it this way, from now until before the Holiday period starts, this is what is already confirmed (or almost certainly coming soon in TLOU's case) for the PS4 that will keep momentum going/accelerate it:

May - Watchdogs
June/July/August - TLOU: Remastered
September - Destiny
October - DriveClub

It is going to be hard for the Xbone to gain any sort of momentum with this release schedule, certainly if we consider the PS4 has been selling like crazy despite having an anaemic big retail release schedule until now.
Not everyone cares about Kinect and many people obviously care far more about the long running successful multiplatform series than pretty much any of the new upcoming current-gen only IPs (at least the ones that we know about).

The bold is why the price drop won't fix all of the XB1's problems. Although the price drop will help a bit. Exclusives used to be the primary draw of a console but the rise of the third party multiplatform games has significantly reduced their influence. Now the key motivators of a console purchase for the majority of gamers are the following in order.
  1. Price
  2. Performance
  3. OS and extras
Now that price is at parity the next decision point drops down to performance which still goes to the PS4. When people want to play their Call of Duty, Madden, Battlefield, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Destiny...they are going to want the best version for their money, and that is on the PS4. It also doesn't help that with the dropping of the Kinect, the XB1 is reducing its lead in the one area where it had an advantage, OS and extras.

If you believe the analysts, X360 garnered a huge mindshare and brand loyalty in US, and even deeply ingrained in popular culture. You don't see PS2 being mentioned in TV sitcoms or throwaway movie dialogue ("hey wanna play some xbox?").
I agree that is true, and yet the PS4 is cleaning the XB1's clock in sales. With the PS3, Wii U and now the XB1 it has become pretty clear that console brand loyalty between generation has very little effect*. People just go with the best deal. I say this as a former 360 fan, and current PS4 owner.

Edit: *Well in areas that that the XB1 has any chance of winning anyway. In places where loyalty still motivates purchases like Japan and Europe as a whole, that loyalty works against Microsoft.


Despite the fact that I don't see that as a huge deal anyway, all indications point to a Christmas period release for that.

Look at it this way, from now until before the Holiday period starts, this is what is already confirmed (or almost certainly coming soon in TLOU's case) for the PS4 that will keep momentum going/accelerate it:

May - Watchdogs
June/July/August - TLOU: Remastered
September - Destiny
October - DriveClub

It is going to be hard for the Xbone to gain any sort of momentum with this release schedule, certainly if we consider the PS4 has been selling like crazy despite having an anaemic big retail release schedule until now.

Xbox One will have all of the same multiplats on top of Halo, Sunset Overdrive, (the all but confirmed) Forza Horizon 2, and Quantum Break so I don't think it will be hard for the system to keep up. Don't know yet if these games will help the Xbox One sell more than the PS4 in some of the upcoming months but I don't think it's to the point in which the PS4 will absolutely crush the Xbox One during the Fall/Xmas months as if the Xbox One won't have any new games soon.

Pretty much every major 3rd party game is multiplatform. Whatever exclusive game they get will be new and unproven. Like Titanfall. Did that work out?

Wouldn't say that. They could have some 3rd party timed exclusives that are a part of already popular franchises. Happened last gen but they would obviously have to pay a bit more money for it to happen now.


Well, maybe for the first month. But honestly I don't think there are more people available to spend the same money for the worst multiplat, especially in US. I'm looking to the ps3 past.
Xbox One will have all of the same multiplats on top of Halo, Sunset Overdrive, (the all but confirmed) Forza Horizon 2, and Quantum Break so I don't think it will be hard for the system to keep up. Don't know yet if these games will help the Xbox One sell more than the PS4 in some of the upcoming months but I don't think it's to the point in which the PS4 will absolutely crush the Xbox One during the Fall/Xmas months as if the Xbox One won't have any new games soon.

Wouldn't say that. They could have some 3rd party timed exclusives that are a part of already popular franchises. Happened last gen but they would obviously have to pay a bit more money for it to happen now.

Quantum Break is confirmed for 2014? Who knew.


I think the Halo set will give a decent one month bump (certainly more than Titanfall did), but I don't think Sunset Overdrive will do as well as most people are hoping. I don't see MS closing the gap in North America any time soon. There's already a half million lead, and Sony has yet to show a lot of what they're holding close to their chest.


The bold is why the price drop won't fix all of the XB1's problems. Although the price drop will help a bit. Exclusives used to be the primary draw of a console but the rise of the third party multiplatform games has significantly reduced their influence. Now the key motivators of a console purchase for the majority of gamers are the following in order.
  1. Price
  2. Performance
  3. OS and extras

If anything, I would say it's...
1. Price
2. Exclusive games/system features
3. Performance

As long as a console isn't more in price than its competitor, its spot when it comes to performance won't matter that much if it's a big ("next-gen") improvement over last gen consoles, and has enough appealing features and games to play. I mean, I'm positive that the PS4 would still be doing as well as it currently is if the Xbox One's and PS4's position in power/specs switched. Many people (especially in America) are getting a PS4 because it's the cheapest place to play the new current gen multiplats.

Now that price is at parity the next decision point drops down to performance which still goes to the PS4. When people want to play their Call of Duty, Madden, Battlefield, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Destiny...they are going to want the best version for their money, and that is on the PS4.

Not for all of the games. The EA Sports games are pretty much exactly the same on both platforms (same resolution and framerate). And if anything, the next decision point after that would go down to "friends"... at least for the multiplayer oriented multiplats. Doesn't matter to too many people that a version of a mutliplayer game looks a bit better if they have more friends playing the other version and as I said in my previous post, the PS4 doesn't have a huge advantage in American online userbase like the Xbox 360 had last gen.

It also doesn't help that with the dropping of the Kinect, the XB1 is reducing its lead in the one area where it had an advantage, OS and extras.

It is a bit but there's still some things that the Xbox One has in "extras" over the PS4 without kinect. Whether or not they are appealing depends on the potential buyer's opinion.


I can't imagine a situation where XB1 sells that much over PS4 at that price.

I can't either but that's kind of what I was getting at. It doesn't need to sell 100K+ more than the PS4 for multiple months to close the gap in America and get the lead.

It could sell just ~25K more for multiple months in America and eventually get the lead during the middle point of this gen (2016-2017). We'll see what happens though.


Quantum Break is confirmed for 2014? Who knew.

It's not. I was just stating some of the upcoming Xbox One games. It may very well turn into an early 2015 game.
Xbox One will have all of the same multiplats on top of Halo, Sunset Overdrive, (the all but confirmed) Forza Horizon 2, and Quantum Break so I don't think it will be hard for the system to keep up. Don't know yet if these games will help the Xbox One sell more than the PS4 in some of the upcoming months but I don't think it's to the point in which the PS4 will absolutely crush the Xbox One during the Fall/Xmas months as if the Xbox One won't have any new games soon.

You really think Watchdogs or (especially) Destiny will not have big sales splits in favour of the PS4 version?

Also, people keep saying this, but we have seen virtually zero of Forza Horizon 2 and Quantum Break. The latter won't likely make it this year and is hardly a system seller. FH2 (and we don't even know this exists atm) is apparently coming September/October. But with no footage or even screens of it up til now, this could be a similar case to DriveClub and slip way into 2015. So what's left? Sunset Overdrive and a Halo remake? That is not great.

Whatever way you look at it, the PS4's line-up going forward is going to seriously hamper any momentum MS hopes they will get from a price-cut or trying to get sales parity in the US. The rest of the world is also pretty important as well...but let's not even go there.
If anything, I would say it's...
1. Price
2. Exclusive games/system features
3. Performance

As long as a console isn't more in price than its competitor, its spot when it comes to performance won't matter that much if it's a big ("next-gen") improvement over last gen consoles, and has enough appealing features and games to play. I mean, I'm positive that the PS4 would still be doing as well as it currently is if the Xbox One's and PS4's position in power/specs switched. Many people (especially in America) are getting a PS4 because it's the cheapest place to play the new current gen multiplats.

Not for all of the games. The EA Sports games are pretty much exactly the same on both platforms (same resolution and framerate). And if anything, the next decision point after that would go down to "friends"... at least for the multiplayer oriented multiplats. Doesn't matter to too many people that a version of a mutliplayer game looks a bit better if they have more friends playing the other version and as I said in my previous post, the PS4 doesn't have a huge advantage in American online userbase like the Xbox 360 had last gen.

It is a bit but there's still some things that the Xbox One has in "extras" over the PS4 without kinect. Whether or not they are appealing depends on the potential buyer's opinion.


I can't either but that's kind of what I was getting at. It doesn't need to sell 100K+ more than the PS4 for multiple months to close the gap in America and get the lead.

It could sell just ~25K more for multiple months in America and eventually get the lead during the middle point of this gen (2016-2017). We'll see what happens though.


It's not. I was just stating some of the upcoming Xbox One games. It may very well turn into an early 2015 game.

But his original post was about games in the upcoming months. Why would you list a 2015 title? Would it make sense for him to start listing 2015 titles for Sony too?


But his original post was about games in the upcoming months. Why would you list a 2015 title? Would it make sense for him to start listing 2015 titles for Sony too?

We don't know if it's a 2015 title or not though. It has been slated for 2014 so as of right now I could use it for an "upcoming games" list. I mean, some of the PS4 games slated to come out this year don't have full release dates either.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I think they have a chance. To all the people saying no because the ps4 is more powerful therefore still a better value. Does the casual gamer even know that the ps 4 is more powerful and do they even care?
We don't know if it's a 2015 title or not though. It has been slated for 2014 so as of right now I could use it for an "upcoming games" list. I mean, some of the PS4 games slated to come out this year don't have full release dates either.

Of the four he listed in his post, which one doesn't have a 2014 release date? I actually don't know if they do so this is a serious question.

So no response? Hmm, interesting.


If you believe the analysts, X360 garnered a huge mindshare and brand loyalty in US, and even deeply ingrained in popular culture. You don't see PS2 being mentioned in TV sitcoms or throwaway movie dialogue ("hey wanna play some xbox?").

The same dialog that once upon a time said "want to play some Nintendo?" The kid in The Americans was playing Intellivision. I bet that machine's popularity grew after that episode. ;p

Movie and TV show dialog isn't going to sway anyone towards a brand. They can't even make it realistic looking when portraying people playing video games.


It's certainly possible. There are still millions of Xbox 360 gamers who haven't made the jump to the new gen consoles, so Microsoft may be able to win them over the course of the generation with the right games, services value, and messages.

Sony took too long to adjust things with the PS3. Was a while before there was a compelling library of games, online service parity, and price competitiveness with the 360. Microsoft's moving much faster and they have some of the most popular online games with Halo, Forza, and Gears, plus new exclusives and all the multi-plats. The Xbox One is powerful enough to make some really great looking games, so I don't think that will be such an issue as some would like to believe.

Silly to think it's in the bag for Sony.
If anything, I would say it's...
1. Price
2. Exclusive games/system features
3. Performance

As long as a console isn't more in price than its competitor, its spot when it comes to performance won't matter that much if it's a big ("next-gen") improvement over last gen consoles, and has enough appealing features and games to play. I mean, I'm positive that the PS4 would still be doing as well as it currently is if the Xbox One's and PS4's position in power/specs switched. Many people (especially in America) are getting a PS4 because it's the cheapest place to play the new current gen multiplats.

The role of exclusives is debatable. At the individual level it can certainly rise in importance as you've stated, but just look at a list of the best selling games. That clearly shows that the interests of the majority of gamers is with the multiplatforms. Halo is the last game that you could say is a system seller but with the reception of its last outing and Bungie moving on to multiplatforms that is no longer the case.

Not for all of the games. The EA Sports games are pretty much exactly the same on both platforms (same resolution and framerate). And if anything, the next decision point after that would go down to "friends"... at least for the multiplayer oriented multiplats. Doesn't matter to too many people that a version of a mutliplayer game looks a bit better if they have more friends playing the other version and as I said in my previous post, the PS4 doesn't have a huge advantage in American online userbase like the Xbox 360 had last gen.

Some games don't show a difference...so far. The hardware difference in performance is there so if that difference doesn't show up in software then it is by choice. The fact remains that every time a multiplatform game is released that has better performance on the PS4, it is an advertisement for Sony, and that is going to continue for the rest of this generation.

It is a bit but there's still some things that the Xbox One has in "extras" over the PS4 without kinect. Whether or not they are appealing depends on the potential buyer's opinion.

Which is why I said that the XB1's lead is reduced, not gone. However now that I think about it, I'm not so sure the PS4 even concedes this category. When the PS4 gets VR with Project Morpheus, it will have the lead in 'extras'. Granted, price could become an issue, but potential buyers will want to future proof their console purchase by getting the PS4. In any event the extras on the XB1 side have so far shown little selling power, to the point where MS has to continually reassure the public that it will now focus on games.


Despite the fact that I don't see that as a huge deal anyway, all indications point to a Christmas period release for that.

Look at it this way, from now until before the Holiday period starts, this is what is already confirmed (or almost certainly coming soon in TLOU's case) for the PS4 that will keep momentum going/accelerate it:

May - Watchdogs
June/July/August - TLOU: Remastered
September - Destiny
October - DriveClub

It is going to be hard for the Xbone to gain any sort of momentum with this release schedule, certainly if we consider the PS4 has been selling like crazy despite having an anaemic big retail release schedule until now.

Hey, Watch_Dogs and Destiny are multi!
Also, DriveClub is going to be released on October; who knows if Forza Horizon 2 will be near to be released at that point too?
I think they have a chance. To all the people saying no because the ps4 is more powerful therefore still a better value. Does the casual gamer even know that the ps 4 is more powerful and do they even care?

Casual gamers aren't buying a $400 system. The people buying consoles at this price aren't ignorant, and you see it on FB posts and message threads all the time. They know that PS4 gets the best ports. I think we can retire the no one cares about performance meme when it applies to the current 400 dollar systems.

And yes Watch Dogs and Destiny are multi but they are more than likely the best version and will likely be the best sellers on PS4 due to the advertising whoring that Sony is doing. Let's not pretend that marketing doesn't affect sales in these cases. For all anyone watching adverts know they are only on Playstation.


I mean now with the price drop and halo 5 and potientially halo 2 remake I'm going to buy a xbox one. But not through a retailer, probably a user version on craigslist or something. I'm a Sony fanboy I don't want to add to their sales numbers.
Is the third release of Halo really a system seller?

Not necessarily a system seller, but should be able to make an impact, specifically for the Halo 2. I missed out on the OG Xbox's online days, and was only able to play campaign and local multiplayer. I'd throw my damn wallet at the chance to be able to play original Halo 2 multiplayer online with enhanced visuals.


People keep saying MS has the most popular exclusive shooters. Planetside 2 is coming and that is something consoles have never had. A true player faction vs player faction (vs player faction) MMOFPS. And it's going to be accessible with no subscription to PS+. Every Ps4 owner will be able to play it against hundreds or thousands of others assuming they have an Internet connection. The attach rate is going to be "as many people who decide to press the download button". I have friends that play nothing but PS2 after work. It's that good.
PS4 has all the momentum, price change will help but it won't change the overall sales trajectory.

That's the whole thing that no one is really factoring in. Well that and the fact that not only will the Xbox have to start selling much better, it has to sell much better than the PS4 which is still trending and has mindshare. Listing all the upcoming games is all well and good if Playstation had no games coming out.


May - Watchdogs Multi-plat
June/July/August - TLOU: Remastered PS4 fan favorite but not a system seller. It's also fairly new for a remaster.
September - Destiny Multi-plat
October - DriveClub It could possibly be big, but is night driving and natural lighting going to sell systems?

It is going to be hard for the Xbone to gain any sort of momentum with this release schedule, certainly if we consider the PS4 has been selling like crazy despite having an anaemic big retail release schedule until now.

It's way too early to call this race yet. Neither system has a must have exclusive game. Plus there are still a large number of 360/live users who could pick up the $399 XB ONE and play online without having to subscribe to another service.
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