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Will MS overtake Sony in North America now?

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The role of exclusives is debatable. At the individual level it can certainly rise in importance as you've stated, but just look at a list of the best selling games. That clearly shows that the interests of the majority of gamers is with the multiplatforms. Halo is the last game that you could say is a system seller but with the reception of its last outing and Bungie moving on to multiplatforms that is no longer the case.

I wouldn't say it's "no longer the case". The very first Halo on the Xbox One is going to have a ton of hype simply due to it being the first current gen Halo. Now if Halo 5 isn't considered good then yeah, the series as a whole may be in trouble for the rest of the gen. Should be interesting to see either way.

Some games don't show a difference...so far. The hardware difference in performance is there so if that difference doesn't show up in software then it is by choice. The fact remains that every time a multiplatform game is released that has better performance on the PS4, it is an advertisement for Sony, and that is going to continue for the rest of this generation...

Sometimes but I wouldn't say it's greater than actual advertisements. Like I said before, I think the PS4 would still be doing as well as its doing now if it's position in power was switched with the Xbox One. So even if say, the Xbox One version of Watch_Dogs was visually better, I wouldn't think it would matter much to mainstream gamers if they would have to dig through and/or ignore a bunch of the PS4 advertising of the game just to find that information.

Which is why I said that the XB1's lead is reduced, not gone. However now that I think about it, I'm not so sure the PS4 even concedes this category. When the PS4 gets VR with Project Morpheus, it will have the lead in 'extras'. Granted, price could become an issue, but potential buyers will want to future proof their console purchase by getting the PS4. In any event the extras on the XB1 side have so far shown little selling power, to the point where MS has to continually reassure the public that it will now focus on games.

Too soon to say how VR will do. There's interest but if it's a high price then I can't see there being a lot of gamers that will be interested in it. I really want to try it out myself. Definitely one of those things that you have to see/use in person to know how good it is.

Casual gamers aren't buying a $400 system....

Many did last gen (Xbox 360).
They save those money to buy big exclusive megaton.
If the dev/pub want the money, that is. And with the sales trajectory the XBO has right now, why would they want to lock a potential franchise to a distant 2nd-place system.

TitanFall might already be seeing the negative effects of going exclusive but we can't tell for sure until TitanFall 2 or TF: Special Edition come out multiplatform (PS4).
It's way too early to call this race yet. Neither system has a must have exclusive game. Plus there are still a large number of 360/live users who could pick up the $399 XB ONE and play online without having to subscribe to another service.
I think exclusives matter a lot more to the hardcore/enthusiasts than the majority of people buying these systems.

Most people are going to buy the console that's cheaper or runs CoD/Assassins Creed/Madden better.

Microsoft isn't the most powerful console, so they need to make sure they're the cheapest by far; being equal in price isn't good enough.


If you believe the analysts, X360 garnered a huge mindshare and brand loyalty in US, and even deeply ingrained in popular culture. You don't see PS2 being mentioned in TV sitcoms or throwaway movie dialogue ("hey wanna play some xbox?").

That's because most of those shows like BBT if that's what you mentioning, are talking about what's hot now. It's more current event pop culture stuff. Also if we were going by "pop culture mentions" PS is mentioned alot in different music.

PS2 is pretty much ingrained in everyone regardless of the time period. If you asked around about those years, they were considered the PS2/GTA era and maybe halo 2.


I think exclusives matter a lot more to the hardcore/enthusiasts than the majority of people buying these systems.

Most people are going to buy the console that's cheaper or runs CoD/Assassins Creed/Madden better.

Funny, last generation exclusives were the most important thing. Why all of a sudden the switch? I do think at the moment exclusives are in the beginning of the gen because most of the big titles are cross gen and multi plat. Gears of War and Halo sold 360s. Sony and MS need games big enough to get people to switch.
Funny, last generation exclusives were the most important thing. Why all of a sudden the switch? I do think at the moment exclusives are in the beginning of the gen because most of the big titles are cross gen and multi plat. Gears of War and Halo sold 360s. Sony and MS need games big enough to get people to switch.
Exclusives mattered with the Wii because they showed off the special feature of the console, the motion controls, and thus appealed to a different market.

The majority of people buying the 360 and PS3 were doing so for third party games, as can be seen by the best selling games on the system.

It's my opinion that Sony always had the best exclusives when compared with Microsoft's library; so I'm not trying to belittle the power of exclusives, they definitely matter to the hardcore/enthusiast market.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
If you believe the analysts, X360 garnered a huge mindshare and brand loyalty in US, and even deeply ingrained in popular culture. You don't see PS2 being mentioned in TV sitcoms or throwaway movie dialogue ("hey wanna play some xbox?").

The Fast and the Furious had two scenes where someone was playing GT3 on a PS2. Even the Ps3 was constantly shown in movies too.

Rolf NB

I wouldn't say it's "no longer the case". The very first Halo on the Xbox One is going to have a ton of hype simply due to it being the first current gen Halo.
The only reason why "the first Halo" bears significance is because Microsoft wants it to be signifcant, and they will pour in enough marketing money to guarantee it will be.

Which is kind of the answer to the greater question: exclusive franchises let you do a half-billion-dollar marketing push without giving competing platforms any benefit. A platform holder will never go to the same lengths pushing a multiplatform game. They'll leave it that to the publishers.
I wouldn't say it's "no longer the case". The very first Halo on the Xbox One is going to have a ton of hype simply due to it being the first current gen Halo. Now if Halo 5 isn't considered good then yeah, the series as a whole may be in trouble for the rest of the gen. Should be interesting to see either way.

I'm not trying to say that Halo won't be good. I'm saying that it's lost its system seller status. Personally, I've owned every Halo game made, and no doubt that if I owned an XBO I'd continue the trend, but Halo now is just one good game on a list of good games that I'd like to own. It's not that special anymore. I'd miss not playing it, but that is not enough to make me prefer an XBO over the PS4. Oh, and Gears of War is the same.

In two years or so, and with another price drop, I'll probably get an XBO to play these titles that I missed, but the XBO will be relegated to second console status. I won't get the Gold subscription and would only use it for XB1 exclusives. In that sense you could say that those games were a system seller, but I doubt that is how Microsoft wants it.

Also remember that I am taking about the market as a whole. To some individuals exclusives can matter a great deal. After all, even thought the Wii U is tanking, it has still sold millions of units based almost entirely on its exclusive software.

Sometimes but I wouldn't say it's greater than actual advertisements. Like I said before, I think the PS4 would still be doing as well as its doing now if it's position in power was switched with the Xbox One. So even if say, the Xbox One version of Watch_Dogs was visually better, I wouldn't think it would matter much to mainstream gamers if they would have to dig through and/or ignore a bunch of the PS4 advertising of the game just to find that information.

Of course the PS4 would be doing the same if the the power of the consoles were reversed. It was cheaper, which is the most important decision point. Now that price is at parity, that point shifts down to power. If the power of the systems could somehow be leveled then people would care about the OS and other stuff. Actually I think exclusives would matter more at that point so maybe it should be number 3 on the list.

As for advertisements, I don't think you can do more than what Microsoft did with Titanfall and that didn't push the XB1 ahead of the PS4 in sales. On top of that, Titanfall had some great deals attached to it so that covers the price issue too.

The fact is that the information is out there that the PS4 is the more powerful console. That matters a great deal to the early adopters and as you pointed out before, people like to follow their friends. By the time the XB1 gets another price drop to bring it in the range of the more casual population who might not care about power as much, the install base lead will heavily favor the PS4.

Too soon to say how VR will do. There's interest but if it's a high price then I can't see there being a lot of gamers that will be interested in it. I really want to try it out myself. Definitely one of those things that you have to see/use in person to know how good it is.

Granted it is early, but judging by the interest that it has achieved every time it has been shown off, I'd say its popularity will be likely. It will at least be as desired as the original Kinect and look at how well that did. As for price, VR will be an aspirational product. Even if people don't get it initially, they will still want it. They will buy a PS4 so that they will have that option some time in the future. Price will come down. The goggles use the same tech a the mass produced cell phones and those hardware costs are on a downward trajectory. We've already seen the advancements the Oculus Rift has been able to do in a single year because of it.

And you were talking about the power of advertisements...When VR hits it's going to get the Ellen and late night/early morning talk show treatment. It's going to bust out of gaming circles and be something that everyone wants to try out.
I still say it depends on buying habits. If One to September completely reverses the current trend with PS4 Sony will make a move. It just depends on what they are willing to do to regain their prior powerful position.

I think the well of people swayed by the more powerful hardware is close to running dry. So here on out price parity could be damaging if MS prior successes like Halo revitalize interest in the platform. This is all what ifs at this point. But I could see this move by MS and the subsequent release of key software really helping One in America. Enough so to make outselling the PS4 by impressive margins a monthly thing.

If that happens Sony execs will be asking "What do we do?" The easiest thing would be to regain their biggest competitive advantage in price. If One has a resurgence a $349 PS4 is the minimum. But that's predicated on the idea that One's biggest problem was its price.

This is extremely unlikely.

If you follow the historical "console wars", generally there was a first mover to price cut BELOW their competition, and then the competition reacted accordingly. See: PS2 vs. Xbox, etc.

In this situation, however, Sony already made their move last year when they priced the PS4 at $399, and it took a year for Microsoft to announce a price drop to (with removed functionality) to match.

Sony isn't going to drop below this price just to undercut Microsoft unless their sales are abysmal, which they won't be. Profitability for Sony is important, as it is for Microsoft, and this generation was designed to be profitable for both companies.

People tend to overstate the importance of Halo, or any single title, as a system seller. The audiences that purchased the 360 did so because of a large number of franchises, mostly third party (CoD, BF, AC, Batman, GTA, RDR, etc). Power is going to continue being a factor for this entire generation, and while it may not matter to some, a decent portion of consumers ARE informed about this sort of stuff, either directly or through their friends.

Another big advantage Microsoft had last-gen was their online ecosystem, which was much more robust. This generation, Sony is actually the one that has been proactive in having features at launch that matter to gamers, and their OS/UI is extremely fast and functional. No deficiencies there. It's a very social platform.

Overall though, this generation has really been decided quite quickly. Sony has a lot of mindshare, early adopters have the platform, and in the future their friends will also go with what most of their friends are buying and playing. PS4 is to this gen what the 360 was to last gen in the US. Though, by not launching a year later and reacting more quickly to price drops, Microsoft won't do as badly as Sony did last gen with PS3 in NA.

In the end, what this price drop accomplishes for Microsoft is an ability to get close to PS4 sales in the US, not necessarily surpass them. Instead of a nearly 2:1 advantage like we saw in April, Xbox One may get closer like in March where PS4 had a 20% victory. Recall that many of the deals going on during March were actually better than the kinectless SKU price drop....so I think the month of March gives us a pretty good baseline for what to expect. Some months may be lower or higher than others, but overall I see PS4 continuing to sell better, just not blowing them away in the US like they were.

And the biggest factors of all will be the unknowns. Destiny could be a massive hit similar to CoD and really garner the majority of mindshare with the PS4, which would boost PS4 sales in the fall more than the Xbox One.

There's also not very many big hitter exclusives (from either platform holder) this year. There's some new IP like Sunset Overdrive, DriveClub, and The Order, but nothing that's going to have any drastic effect. The heavy lifting will be done via third parties, and there's still an advantage for PS4 here. Next year will be more interesting, but even so Halo 3 only managed to double console sales for the 360 for about a month before they dropped back down. I think the audience for Halo is very much "baked in" to the current Xbox One userbase, just like it was for Titanfall.

Bottom line: no price drop for the PS4 anytime soon, probably not until 2015 at the earliest, and the same holds true for the Xbox One. Reason being? There's just no need. Sony is not in a position to where they need to cut price, regardless of what the competition is doing. The PS4's 500K lead in the US isn't going to go away anytime soon, and the only way that would be possible is if the Xbox One consistently outsells it month after month. There may be more of an opportunity to do this during the holiday season, but I don't see that happening with the exclusive lineup for either system this year. Destiny is going to sell systems. Sunset Overdrive won't.

Chitown B

in the end it's going to be the casual gamers that define the sales, and casual gamers usually just buy whichever brand they already had since they're used to the system and the controller. With the perceived "issues" the X1 used to have gone, it's just going to settle back into the previous sales models most likely.
in the end it's going to be the casual gamers that define the sales, and casual gamers usually just buy whichever brand they already had since they're used to the system and the controller. With the perceived "issues" the X1 used to have gone, it's just going to settle back into the previous sales models most likely.

Who do you think informs most casual gamers anout new games and systems and stuff?

Hint: hardcore gamers.

Edit: also history has proved you wrong almost every gen.

I think MS could lead as early as this holiday. The internet reaction to halo 5 was much bigger than I thought it would be. I think the halo 4 negative impressions were just limited to GAF. People will buy the one this holiday in anticipation.

Destiny might have something to say about that.
I think MS could lead as early as this holiday. The internet reaction to halo 5 was much bigger than I thought it would be. I think the halo 4 negative impressions were just limited to GAF. People will buy the one this holiday in anticipation.

I don't know about that. Just take a look at the daily player numbers.
Halo 4 negative reactions don't mean the series is dead. 1 bad game doesn't kill a franchise especially when its not even remotely universally hated. I liked Halo 4 it just wasn't Halo to me.


I think MS could lead as early as this holiday. The internet reaction to halo 5 was much bigger than I thought it would be. I think the halo 4 negative impressions were just limited to GAF. People will buy the one this holiday in anticipation.
Sure they could. But nothing suggests a turnaround is around the corner. PS4 is still leading in the USA despite Titanfall. May has Watch Dogs and September has Destiny. Both in partnership with Sony.
I don't know about that. Just take a look at the daily player numbers.

Yup. The masses said no to Halo 4.

I'll say I've been replaying my older Halos since the collection announcements since i loved loved loved Halo 1 - 3, but even that isn't enough to make me want an xbox one.
ps4 is still more powerful and has better games. if somebody has 400 dollars to spend why would they spend it on xbone >> ps4? halo 5 isn't even out yet so MS has no real system seller.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
ps4 is still more powerful and has better games. if somebody has 400 dollars to spend why would they spend it on xbone >> ps4? halo 5 isn't even out yet so MS has no real system seller.

please do explain it. Its subjective, both have great games.
The masses said no to Halo 4.

I'll say I've been replaying my older Halos since the collection announcements since i loved loved loved ahalo 1 - 3, but even that isn't enough to make me want an xbox one.

Halo 1 is still my favorite Xbox game since I'm more of a single player guy. Halo 3 is pretty damn fun back then.

When I tried Halo 4, I stopped playing 2 hours into the campaign. It didn't felt right at all.


ps4 is still more powerful and has better games. if somebody has 400 dollars to spend why would they spend it on xbone >> ps4? halo 5 isn't even out yet so MS has no real system seller.

So Halo 5 is the only exclusive the system has? Haha, come on. If that's true then the PS4 exclusives are pointless and we all know that isn't true.

"Better games" is subjective.


Only half a million? It doesn't really matter if MS overtake or not then. If in 3 years time PS4 is sitting at 30 million and X1 is sitting at 28 million isn't that basically a draw?

The biggest thing for MS has gotta be not falling behind significantly to the point that third parties aren't that interested in their system. Hopefully that doesn't happen.

The majority of that half million gap came from Jan-Apr. Take out launch months/holiday season when you couldn't even reliably buy a PS4, and it looks like this:

PS4: ~1110k
XB1: ~830k

PS4 has averaged around 33% more units than the XB1 in the past 4 months (and almost double the units last month). That's what Microsoft has to overcome.


I'm not trying to say that Halo won't be good. I'm saying that it's lost its system seller status.

Way too soon to say this. Especially considering that the series is huge in America. Halo 4 had mixed reaction but people will be hyped if the Halo 5 reviews state many improvements to the problems people had with Halo 5.

As for advertisements, I don't think you can do more than what Microsoft did with Titanfall and that didn't push the XB1 ahead of the PS4 in sales. On top of that, Titanfall had some great deals attached to it so that covers the price issue too.

There has been bigger in terms of ad campaigns. Titanfall didn't have as many TV ads as I thought it would. On top of this, the game was a new IP. While I did expect the Xbox One to better than the PS4 for that month's NPD (though it didn't), I wasn't expecting Titanfall to be this big game that would automatically turn things completely around and make the Xbox One take the lead in America.

The fact is that the information is out there that the PS4 is the more powerful console. That matters a great deal to the early adopters and as you pointed out before, people like to follow their friends. By the time the XB1 gets another price drop to bring it in the range of the more casual population who might not care about power as much, the install base lead will heavily favor the PS4.

Don't see how you are making these conclusions. We don't know when the Xbox One will get a price drop and/or another cheaper SKU and we don't know how American sales will be at that point. Power matters to early adopters but "the most powerful console" doesn't matter to all of them. Early adopters don't necessarily have the same interests. Many for example simply choose based on their interests in gaming content.

Granted it is early, but judging by the interest that it has achieved every time it has been shown off, I'd say its popularity will be likely. It will at least be as desired as the original Kinect and look at how well that did. As for price, VR will be an aspirational product. Even if people don't get it initially, they will still want it. They will buy a PS4 so that they will have that option some time in the future. Price will come down.

Too early to say this. Think we need to wait for it to actually come out and then see what happens from there.

And you were talking about the power of advertisements...When VR hits it's going to get the Ellen and late night/early morning talk show treatment. It's going to bust out of gaming circles and be something that everyone wants to try out.

We'll see. Doesn't seem like Jimmy Fallon will be doing game demos anymore know that he's moved to the more "professional" Tonight Show. VR is more of an experience that a person need to see for him/herself to understand the hype and that can't be replicated well through the TV screen. It isn't like the Wii demos which were easy to understand/follow from seeing someone else playing the game(s).


Price will only give Xbox One a small boost, and only temporary. Price isn't why it's lagging behind, it's the company behind Xbox and their lack of vision and continuing arrogance.


I will say this again and again. Unless Microsoft gets a 5 to 10 million lead in USA. They have lost this generation. Simple as that. They were so dominant with 360 that being equal to ps4 or even slightly ahead is a loss.
MS' switch in strategy now puts a lot of pressure on their publishing efforts, otherwise they may be at risk of losing the multiplatform majority. Call of Duty is a waning franchise - XBL's most popular MP game - and genre variety has sided more with Sony for the last 3-4 years (albeit performance has been lackluster on the PS3). The rising popularity of Indie games and MS' perceived hostility to self-publishing is going to set them back if they don't U-turn on their parity clause as well.

MS is clearly a step-behind and the end vision for their product has been drastically altered. I'm not enthused by their programming investment into Halo TV series and other exclusive content - comes off to me like they're trying to compete with Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon for original TV content. The audience buying game consoles isn't dropping $500 (now $400) for House of Cards competitors - the audience buys the console for games first and that's where the primary focus needs to be. MS has to communicate that, otherwise they're going to lose the mindshare of the majority as being the go-to gaming device.

I am interested to see if the gaming mass gets hedged even more significantly by the introduction of the Steambox, although that's a 5-10 year plan that will see its own fair share of growing pains. But the model, IMO, is preferable to the current status quo of locked hardware.


The PS4 has to stop selling for it to happen.

Even in March, with all the great deals and such didn't do much,

Yep, pretty much! This is the leap of logic that folks who think that Xbox1 will overtake the PS4 keep ignoring. The PS4 has to stop selling. I don't see that happening at all.
Way too soon to say this. Especially considering that the series is huge in America. Halo 4 had mixed reaction but people will be hyped if the Halo 5 reviews state many improvements to the problems people had with Halo 5.

There has been bigger in terms of ad campaigns. Titanfall didn't have as many TV ads as I thought it would. On top of this, the game was a new IP. While I did expect the Xbox One to better than the PS4 for that month's NPD (though it didn't), I wasn't expecting Titanfall to be this big game that would automatically turn things completely around and make the Xbox One take the lead in America.

Don't see how you are making these conclusions. We don't know when the Xbox One will get a price drop and/or another cheaper SKU and we don't know how American sales will be at that point. Power matters to early adopters but "the most powerful console" doesn't matter to all of them. Early adopters don't necessarily have the same interests. Many for example simply choose based on their interests in gaming content.

Too early to say this. Think we need to wait for it to actually come out and then see what happens from there.

We'll see. Doesn't seem like Jimmy Fallon will be doing game demos anymore know that he's moved to the more "professional" Tonight Show. VR is more of an experience that a person need to see for him/herself to understand the hype and that can't be replicated well through the TV screen. It isn't like the Wii demos which were easy to understand/follow from seeing someone else playing the game(s).

Sorry to be so flippant but your entire response boils down to

"Yea but if we ignore everything that has happened in the past 2 years,
...and ignore what is happening right now,
...and assume that Microsoft will pursue sales at all cost
...and assume that Microsoft will make perfect decisions going forward
...and assume that Sony won't counter those decisions
then it is too soon to tell"

So sure, I admit that no one can see the future. Anything could happen. We could get hit by an asteroid next month and none of it could come true. The point is that based on the data that we have right now, it is very unlikely that the XB1 will overtake the PS4 in North America in lifetime sales of the console.


They'll get an initial boost from people who held off on buying one till the price dropped, then it'll normalize...perhaps get 10-20% more sales for the forseable future, not enough to pass PS4, but they might narrow the gap a bit.


They'll get an initial boost from people who held off on buying one till the price dropped, then it'll normalize...perhaps get 10-20% more sales for the forseable future, not enough to pass PS4, but they might narrow the gap a bit.

Unless you mean the gap in monthly sales, you can't narrow the overall sales gap by selling less than your competitor.

PS3 fans constantly talked about narrowing gaps last gen. While the PS3 did end up closer to 60% of the 360 US install base instead of that initial 30%, the gap continued to get larger all generation.


Neo Member
I think they are heading in the right direction, and if they keep it up MS might be able to outperform Sony in the long run. I went from being thoroughly disinterested in the Xbone to seriously considering it as a future purchase. If they release a "Tales of Halo" Bundle for under 499.99 I will probably bite and I am sure a lot of fence sitters will also. This single move wont win them the generation but if they keep pulling surprises like they have been out of nowhere I could see it happening in a few years.

Chitown B

Who do you think informs most casual gamers anout new games and systems and stuff?

Hint: hardcore gamers.

Edit: also history has proved you wrong almost every gen.

Destiny might have something to say about that.

A) Nope, most casual gamers will get whatever they know.

B) Destiny is out 2-3 months before Halo 2A would be out if it comes out, and Destiny is on both so it's moot. H5 isn't out until 2015.
I don't think there's room for Halo in a post-CoD market. I love(d) Halo, but even Reach had a dying multiplayer compared to 2 and 3 (before CoD 4 fever really swept through) and even with the aping that Halo 4 did it still dropped due to the release of CoD: Blops 2 a few weeks later.

Personally I think Microsoft has massively overstated the worth of both Halo and Gears of War in this day of age. They are trying to keep these exclusives afloat with new developers and even a tv series, but I don't think lightning will strike twice.
Can someone post a link where it was confirmed that if a H2A were to come out it would also have the multiplayer? The only HD rerelease of a console game to include multiplayer that I know of is MGS: Peace Walker, but others have said this was confirmed.
So Halo 5 is the only exclusive the system has? Haha, come on. If that's true then the PS4 exclusives are pointless and we all know that isn't true.

"Better games" is subjective.

At what point does "better games" NOT become subjective? When one platform has double the games of another? Triple? X10? X a million??? Seriously, if PS4 churns out double the games as XBO with 20-30% more "big budget/AAA" games, is it really still subjective? If so, then OK; Better games is "subjective".

I know some gamers love to play the fence, to embrace ALL games, and chastise those who only buy one or two platforms. But the truth is, most gamers don't have the time or money for all three. The question 'which is best' is actually relevant to most gamers. So the 'Its all subjective' stance isn't helping. To be clear I'm not advocating meanness that comes with console wars. But an honest discussion with facts is worthwhile. My favorite fact is that PS3 has a higher end library (than 360) on the metacritic scales. This is a nice indicator for PS4's library potential, which is likely to do even better due to the huge install base advantage.
After the release of the wholly next-gen CoD, I feel we'll have enough proof to see how the general market is swaying. CoD is still the litmus test for consoles, and if Xbox One is still drastically lagging behind despite the fact that Microsoft has tried to garner the image that it's "the one and only CoD console" then we will know what's going on.

Bold One

I as a Playstation gamer and fan am happy MS are back in and hope they gain a lot of ground, there is nothing worse than a complacent Sony, 7months out we are still without the core features and functions they promised over a year ago.

A hungry and somewhat desperate Sony was a force to be reckoned with, free online, exclusives pouring out of every orifice and a feature box with hidden tricks.

They are in the lead now and it sort of feels like they are coasting, as a new PS4 owner I can't help but shake the feeling my PS3 though older and less streamlined is a far more capable machine, it just does more stuff. I am getting a similar feeling from MS this gen, the only way is up from them.

Hopefully Sony brings the pain at E3, but if not then, they deserve to loose, well NA anyways
I will say this again and again. Unless Microsoft gets a 5 to 10 million lead in USA. They have lost this generation. Simple as that. They were so dominant with 360 that being equal to ps4 or even slightly ahead is a loss.

To me it's just strange how one product can have the exact same games yet have such disparity in hardware sales in various regions. That's not to say they do have all the exact same games but even if they did Sony's console would still sell better than Microsoft's. An example is why is a country like Germany so much more supportive of the Playstation yet the UK isn't? I can understand Japan being to the point of almost xenophobic but why other countries? I'm talking about the XBox brand, not just the XBox One since it's not even released in a lot of countries yet.


I will say this again and again. Unless Microsoft gets a 5 to 10 million lead in USA. They have lost this generation. Simple as that. They were so dominant with 360 that being equal to ps4 or even slightly ahead is a loss.

Maybe they'd be happy just leading in the US. Or even being on par with playstation. Or even being slightly behind. As long as they have high value customers, with a good oercentage sucks ribbing to gold, and a high attach rate bringing in that license revenue.
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