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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT4| Gacha Crystals, Gacha Money

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Agrias is going to be my first real chainer, as I expected.
Currently leveling Fohlen to see if he's going to be my second best DPS but then nobody share him so no chaining.

I'm holding onto those raid coins because Shaly said there was something fishy with the 1* gil snapper and metal cactuar.


Who's a good pair for Aileen for chaining??

Also, question: the chaining order would be: Aileen and Orlandu (or other Aileen) ath the same time, and to finish the chain Olive?

You need to use Orlandus move first, then Aileen's. Hers is almost instant while his has a delay. You won't get a very good chain off it though unless you have a 3rd chainer. I can get a good chain between Du, Frye, and Aileen.

With Aileen and Aileen the window is pretty small. You pretty much need to hit them within a split second of each other. The important part is that the second attack goes off at the same time. However phone lag and input delay can screw you sometimes. She's not easy to use sadly, but if you can get it down it's worth it considering how flexible she can be.

Saw an LB pot S rank mission pop up and I got a 50% chance on it, figured I'd take it.

I hit two back to back s rank bust pot missions last week, both at 40%. Felt good, especially when you fail those 90%s so often.

I am totally on the Max Agrias train

Hell I hope she gets a few global exclusive upgrades when her 6 star rolls around

She deserves it all

Nods head.
There is certainly a way to optimize

Maxxing out every unit to the best possible setup whil alsoe puting up good buffs and debuffs on could prove a useful option


Here, Shaly about the raid summon :
Hey @shalymonster! Any chances of the moogle raid banner being improved? It feels extra bad after the titan raid was so generous :(
Raid summon is actually bugging out pretty bad right now. We're gonna have to look into it!! 😓
False advertising? I haven't seen one king cacutar or the king turtle thing. Is this a bug? All I get is the mini @FFBE_EN @shalymonster
Raid summon is one huge bug right now. I would wait to pull later if I were you 😓

And RIP Noctis buff
Just confirmed with the team, this is purely a text error as of right now. Should be updating the text back to its original soon 😅


I like how people are talking about Agrias' enhancements like it's nothing, especially using multiples... it's 12 t4s and 4 t5s power for each Agrias you'd like in the party. Add in another 3 t4s and 1 t5 support for the passive upgrade (which is kinda moot in comparison). it ain't cheap for sure.


That's the price of every top tier skill that needs Power Crysts and we already have enough for one, by the time she comes we will probably have enough for two. I keep changing my mind about who to enhance, but in the end it will probably be her (unless I pull another Orlandu) and DKC.
I like how people are talking about Agrias' enhancements like it's nothing, especially using multiples... it's 12 t4s and 4 t5s power for each Agrias you'd like in the party. Add in another 3 t4s and 1 t5 support for the passive upgrade (which is kinda moot in comparison). it ain't cheap for sure.

Many units have had their costs changed from JP to Global

Hopefully Agrias is one of them
I like how people are talking about Agrias' enhancements like it's nothing, especially using multiples... it's 12 t4s and 4 t5s power for each Agrias you'd like in the party. Add in another 3 t4s and 1 t5 support for the passive upgrade (which is kinda moot in comparison). it ain't cheap for sure.

Does sound like a hefty cost. I don't know how many of each mat I have but outside of one spend early on figuring the game out I've been hoarding them all so hopefully I'll have a good head start at least. I'd appreciate a change in grind though to be honest since I've been mashing away at these TM's since the first week XD
Speaking of Enhancements, I have done none so far.

Saving up for Ramza and 2x Orlandeau. Using nothing until then.

Saving any additional for WoL.
I hope Japan gets Noctis' enhancements soon. I want to figure out what I'll need to save between him and Tidus. I don't recall if Rikku has received enhancements yet but I'll definitely be enhancing WoL when that hits. Probably won't bother with Refia, I just plan on replacing her with Ayaka. Speaking of, I guess that's who's next on my target list. Beatrix would be cool but I'll see where my Tidus is at when she hits as that's who she'd most likely replace unless I did a three DPS build but I figure Noctis is just too versatile to ever take out. Especially as he's only going to get stronger between buffing him to Japan's level and then enhancements after that.


Rikku already got enhancement.
Passive ATK boost with knuckle / more MP with light shield
Mix lasting one more turn and getting a ST full heal
Tidal Wave more powerful, more hits, chains with Lulu's Flood.
I havent enhanced anyone yet and don't know when I'll jump in. Those precious resources are still pretty sparse, so when I pick someone or something to use them on they better be on my long term team.


I regret so much enhancing Agrias esp. since I don't have Orlandu to chain with her. Grinded like mad for all those red crysts and even with all my top tier TMR gears she can't even break 1k atk. If I could refund her enhancements I would do it in a heartbeat.


Many units have had their costs changed from JP to Global

Hopefully Agrias is one of them

Many? What!? You mean a few..., I wouldn't count on every unit getting reductions just because the cost is high. Just take a look at Mrs. Already Outdated Lightning's costs... >.>;


Speaking of Enhancements, I have done none so far.

Saving any additional for WoL.

I've done 1 enhancement. Lightning's area blast+1, but that only took T1, 2, 3...

I hope Japan gets Noctis' enhancements soon. I want to figure out what I'll need to save between him and Tidus. I don't recall if Rikku has received enhancements yet but I'll definitely be enhancing WoL when that hits. .

I'd love to see what Noctis get's, but seeing as how ours is different, we may get entirely different things. Also, Rikku did get enhancements https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/wiki/units/524#wiki_enhancements


Shocked and surprised at Power crysts today. Mmm... Tasty.

Ohh... would you look at that :)


Yeah, that's one heck of a power jump. Loving it :)

Very nice. Elza will probably be my next upgrade using powercryst.

I'm prepping her for Fryevia, which has become my favorite unit in this game based on experience with Mog King's Counterattack. I can OTKO him with 2 Frevias which takes me 3-4 Orlandeaus.

Fryevia is way underated in GL compared to Orlandeau. I should have hard pulled for more than two Fryevias like I did Orlandeau. Makes me wary of following JP meta too much.

She's going to be incredible with Ramza enhancements (ATK & MAG+100%) mated with Elza Ravaging Blow breaks (-60% SPR & DEF). Being that she evades death one time, if you don't kill your enemy in one try, you always get a second chance.
Very nice. Elza will probably be my next upgrade using powercryst.

I'm prepping her for Fryevia, which has become my favorite unit in this game based on experience with Mog King's Counterattack. I can OTKO him with 2 Frevias which takes me 3-4 Orlandeaus.

Fryevia is way underated in GL compared to Orlandeau. I should have hard pulled for more than two Fryevias like I did Orlandeau. Makes me wary of following JP meta too much.

She's going to be incredible with Ramza enhancements (ATK & MAG+100%) mated with Elza Ravaging Blow breaks (-60% SPR & DEF). Being that she evades death one time, if you don't kill your enemy in one try, you always get a second chance.

Yuuuupp i also have enhanced Elza and a Fryevia

They make an amazing combo

Will probably run WoL/Noctis, Fry, Elza, Rikku and Yshtola


Really curious about what our Noctis will get too, seeing as he's fallen off pretty heavily lately. I can't really find a great use for him much anymore, though he certainly carried me for many months. Fryevia is still my most wanted, they did such an awesome job on her.



God this shit pisses me off. If they know there's something wrong, announce it in the goddamn game. Don't just let people obliviously fuck themselves for most of a week before you get off your asses and fix a thing that should never have been broken in the first place. Like hell they are going to refund the 250k-ish raid coins people will waste until then.
Really curious about what our Noctis will get too, seeing as he's fallen off pretty heavily lately. I can't really find a great use for him much anymore, though he certainly carried me for many months. Fryevia is still my most wanted, they did such an awesome job on her.

its funny

Ive been using him more as an evade tank and support unit

you can build him for so many things. he is still super useful but his DPS chops have dropped off

Most tough trials have tough as nails defensive walls. Physical Noctis builds suck Buuuuut

Make him like Fryevia and set him up as a mage

Or make him a Tank/Support. He is still the most versatile unit in the game
Convinced I may not hit 160 medals this week. Seriously, I keep failing on quests with 80-90% probability. It's frustrating.

Gotta be 8-9 in the last 3-4 days alone.

If they didn't cost Gil, I wouldn't care, but they do.


sparkle this bitch
Really curious about what our Noctis will get too, seeing as he's fallen off pretty heavily lately. I can't really find a great use for him much anymore, though he certainly carried me for many months. Fryevia is still my most wanted, they did such an awesome job on her.
I said it before, his damage will fall, but his kit isn't going anywhere. It's still the best single unit kit in the game.


God this shit pisses me off. If they know there's something wrong, announce it in the goddamn game. Don't just let people obliviously fuck themselves for most of a week before you get off your asses and fix a thing that should never have been broken in the first place. Like hell they are going to refund the 250k-ish raid coins people will waste until then.

Pretty sure they will fix the quantity you can summon at a time, not the rewards. I'll be as pessimistic as possible here.



Yuuuupp i also have enhanced Elza and a Fryevia

They make an amazing combo

Will probably run WoL/Noctis, Fry, Elza, Rikku and Yshtola

Fryevia makes me feel that GL is too obsessed with the JP meta. Having gotten multiples of every physical attack chainer; Orlandeau would be overrated if it wasn't for the fact that there are so many of him as friend units (and thus makes him easier to chain).

Gumi has really done a good job of differentiating GL & JP. These exclusive units are legitimately great, Reberta too is amazing so long as there are more than one of her to chain with, and she has an elemental weapon equipped.


sparkle this bitch
Fryevia makes me feel that GL is too obsessed with the JP meta. Having gotten multiples of every physical attack chainer; Orlandeau would be overrated if it wasn't for the fact that there are so many of him as friend units (and thus makes him easier to chain).

Gumi has really done a good job of differentiating GL & JP. These exclusive units are legitimately great, Reberta too is amazing so long as there are more than one of her to chain with, and she has an elemental weapon equipped.

After 4 months of Ling dominating every single strategy guide for trials. You think people would learn.


Fryevia makes me feel that GL is too obsessed with the JP meta. Having gotten multiples of every physical attack chainer; Orlandeau would be overrated if it wasn't for the fact that there are so many of him as friend units (and thus makes him easier to chain).

Gumi has really done a good job of differentiating GL & JP. These exclusive units are legitimately great, Reberta too is amazing so long as there are more than one of her to chain with, and she has an elemental weapon equipped.

Fry is a beast and I've been building a kit for her, sadly it's hard to get much use of her on Raids since most of my list is Orlandeaus so I just build raid-killing teams around him. At least with big trials she's easier to use since you don't need to farm them over and over.


People obsessed with what they know will be great in the future probably don't have or didn't bother to pull GL exclusive units.


Hmm is Mage Noctis actually a thing? I've still just kept mine as physical damage, haven't really tried anything else. Stacking evade doesn't seem the most useful other than cheesing trials or stuff like that. I lucked into Tidus who kind of took his spot... has better stat buffs, mp regen, even higher evade on top of the better chaining/finishing. His breaks often don't cut it against the big guns so Ling has pretty much never left my A team. Just haven't been sure what to do with him lately. His LB is maxed which is pretty nice if I have an Entrust user with him.
Fryevia makes me feel that GL is too obsessed with the JP meta. Having gotten multiples of every physical attack chainer; Orlandeau would be overrated if it wasn't for the fact that there are so many of him as friend units (and thus makes him easier to chain).

Gumi has really done a good job of differentiating GL & JP. These exclusive units are legitimately great, Reberta too is amazing so long as there are more than one of her to chain with, and she has an elemental weapon equipped.

I just pulled a Fry (and Dupelandu and Tidus), but isn't she admittedly not viable without a second Fry, both of whom need to be equipped with her TM and 4 L&A materia?

I'm leveling her to 100, of course, but she seems like an inefficient "investment" when my team going forward is probably some variation of Orlandu, Tilith, Rikku, WoL, and something like Marie, Ramza, Ling, Olive, or Dupelandu depending on the situation.

I absolutely concur that the proliferation of Orlandeaux makes him an easy choice. It makes him hard not to use.

The "flex" spot could be those listed, or possibly Randi or Firion. I suppose that I could call up Greg, Luneth, Yun, Firion, or Noctis from the bench, but that's seeming less likely over time.

(I realize these are #firstworldbeproblems.)
Hmm is Mage Noctis actually a thing? I've still just kept mine as physical damage, haven't really tried anything else. Stacking evade doesn't seem the most useful other than cheesing trials or stuff like that. I lucked into Tidus who kind of took his spot... has better stat buffs, mp regen, even higher evade on top of the better chaining/finishing. His breaks often don't cut it against the big guns so Ling has pretty much never left my A team. Just haven't been sure what to do with him lately. His LB is maxed which is pretty nice if I have an Entrust user with him.

its his utility is where he shines but some of hit kit is definitely getting outdated

he is a great crutch in bad situations though. he turned the tables on a bad octopus teacher run


I just pulled a Fry (and Dupelandu and Tidus), but isn't she admittedly not viable without a second Fry, both of whom need to be equipped with her TM and 4 L&A materia?

I'm leveling her to 100, of course, but she seems like an inefficient "investment" when my team going forward is probably some variation of Orlandu, Tilith, Rikku, WoL, and something like Marie, Ramza, Ling, Olive, or Dupelandu depending on the situation.

I absolutely concur that the proliferation of Orlandeaux makes him an easy choice. It makes him hard not to use.

The "flex" spot could be those listed, or possibly Randi or Firion. I suppose that I could call up Greg, Luneth, Yun, Firion, or Noctis from the bench, but that's seeming less likely over time.

(I realize these are #firstworldbeproblems.)
Imagine pulling a Fryevia now having no Ingus and with not a single moogle of her TM. That's at least a month worth of TMs doing it the hard way, or at least 5k-7k worth of lapis refreshing, not even counting the fact you'd have to pull 4 freaking Ingus off banner >.>

Then you do all that to just like 2-3 guys share her during a trial lmao. She is the best dps character in the game, but goddamn is she expensive to build. Meanwhile, all other members of the chain trifecta share their equipments and materias.


Imagine pulling a Fryevia now having no Ingus and with not a single moogle of her TM. That's at least a month worth of TMs doing it the hard way, or at least 5k-7k worth of lapis refreshing, not even counting the fact you'd have to pull 4 freaking Ingus off banner >.>

Then you do all that to just like 2-3 guys share her during a trial lmao. She is the best dps character in the game, but goddamn is she expensive to build. Meanwhile, all other members of the chain trifecta share their equipments and materias.

I kept her moogles and working on 3 Ingus right now (he sure is a bugger to pull off banner). I can hope she'll show up one day! Don't suppose there's much of a chance of her getting voted in on the next Player's Choice banner.


I just pulled a Fry (and Dupelandu and Tidus), but isn't she admittedly not viable without a second Fry, both of whom need to be equipped with her TM and 4 L&A materia?

You do not need "Max TMs" to make use of her or make her better, especially on anything with low Magic defense and high Physical defense. A Fry with just 30% Mag TMs is still going to destroy on any encounter like that.

My Fry will look like this as soon as one TM finishes:

Enhancer, Fryevia's Needle, Creepy Mask, Sirens's Robe, 2x Ruler's Rings, Dual Wield, Letters & Arms x2, and a Killer Materia.

No Genji Glove here, sadly, but she will wreck shit. Eventually I'll get 2 Magical Crests made for her too.

But yes, her biggest problem is that you need a Dupe to chain with, just like every other chainer.


Decided to not long ago go ahead and beef up Garland to 6* on alt and used a bunch of shit cactaur from this Raid event + a few left over big Cactaur. Got him to 100. He took Setzer's place for now, but I'm loving it. His debuff all enemies to dark magic is amazing and helps DKC so much. They are bros now on my alts team.

Also, speaking of my alt, really learning to enjoy Trance Terra. She's becoming my focal point now on TMs. Got DW to 70% something right now. After I get that, gotta figure out what to get her next.


After 4 months of Ling dominating every single strategy guide for trials. You think people would learn.


GL is delaying some units (WOL 6* and Ramza enhancements) and fast-tracking others (Queen, Nine, Fohlen, etc come pre-enhanced), and adding abilities to others (Ace/Rem/Wilhelm) and buffing TMs (Emperor, Marie, etc). You would think that people would look beyond JP meta.

While it may still be a useful balefire on the horizon, it's increasingly becoming irrelevant.

Fry is a beast and I've been building a kit for her, sadly it's hard to get much use of her on Raids since most of my list is Orlandeaus so I just build raid-killing teams around him. At least with big trials she's easier to use since you don't need to farm them over and over.

Orlandeau friend units are pretty much ubiquitous, its kinda how Lighting was back in the day. The difficulty with Fry is that she needs such vastly different TMs from other chainers. Much of the basic TMs I use for Orlandeau I also use for Aileen, Yun, Reberta, Tidus, etc (Quick assault, Power of Creation, Blade Mastery, Large Sword Mastery, etc). Fry requires a unique set of TMs centered around MAG.

Orlandeau's strength lays in the community's mentality, but I've been seeing a slow shift to Fry amongst the rank 150 players with this recent raid, even though two good Frys have made most of these recent events and trails a breeze.

I just pulled a Fry (and Dupelandu and Tidus), but isn't she admittedly not viable without a second Fry, both of whom need to be equipped with her TM and 4 L&A materia?

I'm leveling her to 100, of course, but she seems like an inefficient "investment" when my team going forward is probably some variation of Orlandu, Tilith, Rikku, WoL, and something like Marie, Ramza, Ling, Olive, or Dupelandu depending on the situation.

I absolutely concur that the proliferation of Orlandeaux makes him an easy choice. It makes him hard not to use.

The "flex" spot could be those listed, or possibly Randi or Firion. I suppose that I could call up Greg, Luneth, Yun, Firion, or Noctis from the bench, but that's seeming less likely over time.

(I realize these are #firstworldbeproblems.)

Yes, you really need a second Fry to chain her, and that Fry should have the right TMs to take advantage of her.

And you're exactly right in that Orlandeau is a hell of a lot easier because so many people have him as a friend unit. You'll later have other units, like Agrias, that can easily chain in with him. That's his real strength; his ease and convenience due to his pervasiveness.

But where GL has branched off with JP is that there are better, more powerful, units like Fry that can chain so long as you have the right setup.

Is it advisable to get a second Kelsus?

Personally, I'm getting a second Kelsus only because I want two of his hat.


After 4 months of Ling dominating every single strategy guide for trials. You think people would learn.

I saw on Reddit the 3 star Ifrit and Siren? I believe it was... and looked at Ifrit's kit. Ling could solo him as he is... take days probably, but was able to hit 200% fire + 100% evade, the big issue was he had 50 million hp


Neo Member
Hi Exvius-Gaf,

I ended up trying to pick up the Anniversary Bundle on the 29th, but I never received anything (server stability problems that day?) despite getting money removed from my iOS account. I sent messages in to FFBE support both through in game and through their website support but have not heard back anything yet. My question is how long should I wait before becoming frustrated with not hearing back from them? I realize the long weekend could possibly be disrupting things somewhat. How long have people normally waited to hear back from GUMI on their issues?
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