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Gaffer Claims To Have Created SuperPS3 (improved textures, draw-distance.. in games)


THE-Pink-Dagger said:
Very curious to see this as well, GAF is so mean with the guy, I highly doubt that rhubbard would write all of these details, which are clearly very technical, if he was full of shit, I mean, why would he just do this so methodically?!

I say, let's cut him some slack, he could be right, who knows?!
Uh...no he can't. Things like draw distance, AA, and resolution are borne from the settings of the game engine. His list of "improvements" will have no effect in how the game runs because he hasn't done anything that would actually change the game engine.


3rdman said:
Uh...no he can't. Things like draw distance, AA, and resolution are borne from the settings of the game engine. His list of "improvements" will have no effect in how the game runs because he hasn't done anything that would actually change the game engine.

Shhh don't tell them that. This thread is hilarious.


Oh my god, he thinks that changing the power supply will improve game performance? :lol

Sorry, I'm an electronics engineer...
dude it's true guys you can make old games look better without changing the software

just look at ps2 games running on a ps3

Looks like alot of fear and skepticism is running heavy through the GAF today.
Man let it go, its done its real and I am here to say it. I wanted the best this little console had to offer and I believe I am striving to achieve it. It was extremely challenging (harder than fuck) to remove the old caps and solder Mundorf and Rubicons in there place! without them splitting I might add. You do the work, Iam sharing with you out of my good nature and by the way where the hell is the real GAF and Sony Fanboys to get my back? Hello! The screens are legit it is better than stock deal or no deal. (no offense Howie)


zlatko said:
GAF has been on fire lately with epic threads.

Now make me a PS360. A box that can play both discs, access both online services/stores, and will require me to only one box.
Actually someone already made one of those. Saw it on engadget or giz, I think it still has both disk drives though


soultron said:
Man, think about how pissed off HTML web designers are going to be when they find out about this. Every instance of PS3 now has to be changed to SPS3.

NOooooooOOOoooo document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.split('PS3').join('SPS3'); Oooooo ooOOOOOOooo
rhubbard16 said:
Looks like alot of fear and skepticism is running heavy through the GAF today.
Man let it go, its done its real and I am here to say it. I wanted the best this little console had to offer and I believe I am striving to achieve it. It was extremely challenging (harder than fuck) to remove the old caps and solder Mundorf and Rubicons in there place! without them splitting I might add. You do the work, Iam sharing with you out of my good nature and by the way where the hell is the real GAF and Sony Fanboys to get my back? Hello! The screens are legit it is better than stock deal or no deal. (no offense Howie)



rhubbard16 said:
Copper sheets are what I use to partition the componentry and then coat in rubber also a spray.

you coated the inside of your ps3 in rubber? is it on fire by any chance?


rhubbard16 said:
Looks like alot of fear and skepticism is running heavy through the GAF today.
Man let it go, its done its real and I am here to say it. I wanted the best this little console had to offer and I believe I am striving to achieve it. It was extremely challenging (harder than fuck) to remove the old caps and solder Mundorf and Rubicons in there place! without them splitting I might add. You do the work, Iam sharing with you out of my good nature and by the way where the hell is the real GAF and Sony Fanboys to get my back? Hello! The screens are legit it is better than stock deal or no deal. (no offense Howie)
The signal has been lit, light the flames of war, bring the Killzone gifs, Move and Uncharted fans first!


Erm, I like the part about the potentiometer a lot. The engineers of Sony will be impressed.
What's your job, Mr. Hubbard?


Corporate Apologist
TheFightingFish said:
"Beavers mate for life"
"11 > 4"
"For Quality Carpets, Visit Kaplan's Carpet Warehouse"

How do those work for ya?
Don't try and lie to me and say 11 > 4, I am on to you and your switching of bases! You though I wouldn't notice the first number is in base two, and the second is actually an octal number, but I am on to you and your trickery.

Kaplan does have some Quality Carpets though, I can't argue with that.


In the other thread, I asked:

railGUN said:
Did you take any before / after pictures of what you did inside your PS3?

And you replied:

rhubbard16 said:
Yes, You bet.
I can post as soon as I am out of the office tonight. I want more people to understand for the money we shell out for the consoles we recieve Sony/Micro should be required to use a higher quality parts we play these dammned machines for long periods of time and recieve less than great results. iam not a kid and dont play Viva Pinata all day.
The average consumer is happy I am not average GAF is not average, FUCK all my friends are not average!

So I expect some pictures tonight, once you get home from work.
panda21 said:
you coated the inside of your ps3 in rubber? is it on fire by any chance?
The copper sheets are coated in rubber to avoid contact with each component.
I have replaced the the ferrite foam pads aswell they are not needed since I have gone ahead and lowered the floor noise with the power supply.
I have also removed the the ferrite core on the inside of the PS3 over the three prong male power cable connection.


You know it's illegal to mod consoles right?

Grandmaster Tretton and Commander Butler are very very dissapointed in you.


...I see absolutely no difference in those pics from the standard games.

You sure this isn't the first time you're playing these games on an HDTV?
railGUN said:
In the other thread, I asked:

And you replied:

So I expect some pictures tonight, once you get home from work.
Yes, I will try. It will be very late I have a family and priority to them.
Sorry bud youve been cool GAF and family don't mix. i dont have to get this all done tonight, The work I did has been done for some time now i am just letting you in on it.

Either you believe or not, really not my concern I am stating what I did so some of you understand some don't. I am in no rush to break press i have nothing to gain from this no riches no bullshit. I am a gamer and would give you the shirt off my back and kind of in a way I am facing all the ridicule for sharing with you what i have been working on for a couple of years and mind you I have had set backs and blow ups went through three other PS3's some worked some didnt. Like EPMD said... "You got's to chill"
The_Technomancer said:
How the hell has this thread not only stayed open but gotten moved from community to gaming?

My theory is that the mods haven't had to cut a hoax-posting fool off at the knees for a while so they're giving him enough rope before they perform the hanging on his behalf. That way he can serve as an example to others who would be so foolish.
rhubbard16 said:
I am in no way claiming anything or even begin to articulate the base structure of the GPU.I am however sharing with you what i physicaly did to my PS3 and the effects it had and showing my results through a digital camera off my plasma.
It is right there in color do you see the draw distance or not!

Dude, I could wrap my dick in titanium, fuck the shit out of my PS3 while tripped out on acid and I too could come to the conclusion that the graphics had improved.

Guess what, they didn't, I'd still just be some guy who got tripped out and raped his PS3. Just like you're some guy who got high and started clusterfuckingthe delicate internals of his PS3 after reading half-baked articles on the Internet about circuit boards.
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