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Koji Igarashi Kickstarts Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (2.5D, backdash, 2018)


Was this stated by Ben Judd or someone a part of the time? I do recall BJ stating the Pyrite Coin will unlock something massive and very exciting.


I don't see any other way yo interpret this so that what I'm going with (didn't mean anything by the ellipses)

A few of them could have been merged into one giant mode instead of having four separate stretch goals.

Personally, I would have preferred if the Speed-Run, Boss Rush, and Co-Op Modes weren't separate and instead encompassed all into one mode similar to the new Online Challenge Mode we're seeing.

Granted, the issue with that would be the team having to create four other unique stretch goals instead of having it padded with a bunch of different modes similar in scope.

Don't forget, the point of stretch goals is to get people to donate. If they rolled all those into one stretch goal, it would be hard to get people to continue donating or upping their pledges. The fact that these are all separate and decently spaced out is to their benefit (for the sake of raising money).


4.250m for that 3rd playable character, think it'll happen?

It's in the realm of likelihood due to how Kickstarters work toward the end of a campaign, and it's something I personally hope gets achieved.

As for the $4.5mil goals and beyond? Those are certainly a lot less likely.



I don't see any other way yo interpret this so......

No need for the ellipsis, I wasn't able to catch the context in Ben Judd's comment history.

Don't forget, the point of stretch goals is to get people to donate. If they rolled all those into one stretch goal, it would be hard to get people to continue donating or upping their pledges. The fact that these are all separate and decently spaced out is to their benefit (for the sake of raising money).

A fine point, but also a concern that could have still been addressed by other stretch goals placed in the same spots. In any event, it's just a personal opinion of mine; I don't really care either way since it's already done.


I'd love to back it, but I don't have the money. As long as I can get a physical copy when it's released, I'll be happy.

Pretty much the approach I'll be taking with the game; nab it at retail or after the fact due to concerns regarding the Kickstarter campaign (No, I won't be getting into this again).


Unconfirmed Member
By 2017 I'll probably own a PS4, but do I really wanna have the game in 2 non-portable platforms (PC & PS4)? Looking for advice here y'all, what should I do?

PC Physical CE + Vita digital

  • Nice, clean cover art without PS4 or Xbox One ugly top banners
  • No need to worry about losing the Vita card?

  • If the game is as ambitious as they claim it might occupy some big real state on the memory card, and I only have an 8 GB mem card
  • PC copy is useless on its own, it's nothing more than just a Steam key

Vita Physical CE + PC digital

  • Vita CE will probably be the rarest of them all
  • A digital key for PC is by far the most convenient format

  • Uglier box
  • Don't know if choosing Vita as "main" platform excludes me from the PC beta?


By 2017 I'll probably own a PS4, but do I really wanna have the game in 2 non-portable platforms (PC & PS4)? Looking for advice here y'all, what should I do?

PC Physical CE + Vita digital

  • Nice, clean cover art without PS4 or Xbox One ugly top banners
  • No need to worry about losing the Vita card?

  • If the game is as ambitious as they claim it might occupy some big real state on the memory card, and I only have an 8 GB mem card
  • PC copy is useless on its own, it's nothing more than just a Steam key

Vita Physical CE + PC digital

  • Vita CE will probably be the rarest of them all
  • A digital key for PC is by far the most convenient format

  • Uglier box
  • Don't know if choosing Vita as "main" platform excludes me from the PC beta?

If I had the same options available to me, I'd go with Vita Physical CE + PC digital for the following reasons:

1) PC physical copy, as you state, is largely worthless except for the non-obscured artwork.

2) Vita CE will be quite rare, so it's a potential avenue for resale value should something terrible happen or whatever.

The memory card might be an issue, but it's getting cheaper and cheaper to upgrade these days due to a lot of people passing off their old cards to purchase larger ones.

If you're dead-set on the Vita though instead of a PS4 Physical CE, I'd definitely look into the memory card market now rather than later.

Edit: Sorry, forgot about the beta mention. No, getting a Vita version as your main platform shouldn't affect your PC beta status, however, the language was very vague so it could still be an issue.


No need for the ellipsis, I wasn't able to catch the context in Ben Judd's comment history.

See the edit

A fine point, but also a concern that could have still been addressed by other stretch goals placed in the same spots. In any event, it's just a personal opinion of mine; I don't really care either way since it's already done.

I'm not sure I follow. Do you mean you just wanted those modes, for which there would be obvious demand, to just be included in the base game and for those stretch goals to be replaced with hypothetical but meaty other additions? I guess that's fair from a consumer standpoint (more stuff for the same price) but I dunno how fair that is from the developer perspective.

By 2017 I'll probably own a PS4, but do I really wanna have the game in 2 non-portable platforms (PC & PS4)? Looking for advice here y'all, what should I do?

Considering the Mighty No 9 platform choice survey hasn't been sent out yet, you probably won't have to make this decision for at least 18 months.
A few of them could have been merged into one giant mode instead of having four separate stretch goals.

Personally, I would have preferred if the Speed Run, Boss Rush, and Co-Op Modes weren't separate and instead encompassed all into one mode similar to the new Online Challenge Mode we're seeing.

Granted, the issue with that would be the team having to create four other unique stretch goals instead of having it padded with a bunch of different modes similar in design/scope.

An orchestrated soundtrack would be amazing, however, we'll just be getting a few tracks judging by the language of the update it was introduced in plus the name of the goal itself.

Well yeah, some are guitar heavy tracks and such.


I'm not sure I follow. Do you mean you just wanted those modes, for which there would be obvious demand, to just be included in the base game and for those stretch goals to be replaced with hypothetical but meaty other additions? I guess that's fair from a consumer standpoint (more stuff for the same price) but I dunno how fair that is from the developer perspective.

The modes are fine and I see the demand for them (heck, some are staples), but I do believe some of them, if not all, could have been reworked into just one large mode encompassing elements of each instead of being separate stretch goals.

As for other stretch goals, I acknowledged the issue that it would present since the team would then have to come up with something else to replace each missing goal which could bring about a whole other set of issues.

All in all, it's just me thinking some other things could have been shown/unlocked earlier instead of later due to the padding... or some new ideas could have been shown altogether which didn't seem similar to a later goal like these modes have been.

Well yeah, some are guitar heavy tracks and such.

Noted, hence why I'm not upset nor do I believe anyone else should be when it was revealed it wouldn't be a whole orchestrated soundtrack. Would it still be amazing? Heck yes!
Excluding the first 3 days, the average per day is about $68k. If it continues to make that for the final 6 days, it will be at about $3.9mil. That's without considering any boost in the final 48 hours.

I think that $4.5mil is a decently strong possibility. If its trajectory is similar to Mighty No. 9, it could even earn as much as $1mil in the last day. That would inch it close to $5mil.

Plus Paypal donations that will continue after the deadline... it can be done.
Super glad this is getting a Vita port. I would own a current gen machine by the time this is out - but I'd much prefer this on the Vita. Probably won't be able to get the physical edition. Will there be Vita regular prints or just CE?


Vita version means the campaign is a success.

Touch Screen Support – Remember how we mentioned drawing on the map on the WiiU version? Why not do that for Vita too? And scrub around the map with your finger as well.



I wonder what's there on the 5 million mark...
Iga, Kojima, and Kamiya perform a fusion to put aside their human side and remake this world.

Real Talk : Considering that someone mentioned that it's mind melting...well....I honestly couldn't think of it. How shocking could this actually be o.o ?
It needs to average 258k in the next 6 days to reach 5 million.
Considering this has been going really steady sofar, It's going to be really interesting to see if this will get the usual big last day push or if all potential backers have been backing allready. If the usual push happens I think it might go towards 1,5 mil on the last two days. If it doesn't I think it will pass the 500.000 mark. Just a few more days! Still thinking about backing a second time when vita is reached.


I'm in a dilemma, I don't know what version to take. I want a physical version but I have a PS4 and PSV. Now that the PSVita is an option. I don't know which one to choose. I know that the Vita version will be the rarest but the PS4 will be a better version. And I don't know if the PSVita will be alive in 2017 when the game will be out ...
C'mon GAF! By my count we're 44 pictures of Vampire Doggies into the achievement. Just 6 more to go! I already uploaded my Yorkshire.

Just upload it to your Instagram account with the #Igavania hashtag and that's it.

I want to see that last bonus stretch goal as soon as possible!
I'm in a dilemma, I don't know what version to take. I want a physical version but I have a PS4 and PSV. Now that the PSVita is an option. I don't know which one to choose. I know that the Vita version will be the rarest but the PS4 will be a better version. And I don't know if the PSVita will be alive in 2017 when the game will be out ...
You could go for a higher tier and get both if you have the means:) If you don't you should weigh your options. Whats more important, portability or the superior version?


Super excited that the Vita Port passed. I hopefully will have a new Gen console by 2017 but at least having a vita means i can play the game officially.


Iga, Kojima, and Kamiya perform a fusion to put aside their human side and remake this world.

Real Talk : Considering that someone mentioned that it's mind melting...well....I honestly couldn't think of it. How shocking could this actually be o.o ?
I hope they at least tell us.
Considering this has been going really steady sofar, It's going to be really interesting to see if this will get the usual big last day push or if all potential backers have been backing allready.

Every video game Kickstarter that's ever gotten over $1m has seen an increase in funding over the last three days, either a big spike like we saw on MN9 or just a significant boost in daily rate over the last 3-5 days. It's not actually a question of whether it'll get a boost (it will), just the magnitude.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Well, it hit 2 million in the first 4 days. If it can pull around $1,450,000 in the last 6, I think we'll hit everything. Hopefully we get some real magic. I'll be adding my $100 to the pot soon.

Vita Physical CE + PC digital

  • Vita CE will probably be the rarest of them all
  • A digital key for PC is by far the most convenient format

  • Uglier box
  • Don't know if choosing Vita as "main" platform excludes me from the PC beta?

Is there a conformation for an actual physical vita release instead of just a box with a code in it?


Tears in the rain
Any chance they'll get the 4M$? I fucking need this Harmony of Despair mode guys. This would be a dream come true.
Real Talk : Considering that someone mentioned that it's mind melting...well....I honestly couldn't think of it. How shocking could this actually be o.o ?

They'll take the extra money and buy back the Castlevania franchise from Konami. (It's not like Konami is going to do anything with it.)

A guy can dream, can't he?


It has slowed down a lot, is this how kickstarter usually works?
After the project went up a lot of people donated, but then it was barely moving once it hit 3.2m.

I do wonder how many goals they have set, there's even one for 5m and who knows what's beyond that.
I'd like to see everything achieved, but not so sure that will be the case unless things picks up dramatically during the last few days.


It has slowed down a lot, is this how kickstarter usually works?
After the project went up a lot of people donated, but then it was barely moving once it hit 3.2m.

I do wonder how many goals they have set, there's even one for 5m and who knows what's beyond that.
I'd like to see everything achieved, but not so sure that will be the case unless things picks up dramatically during the last few days.

It actually has been rather consistent after the first few days rush and it's doing a lot better than most Kickstarters in that regard. There will likely be another big push in the last two days.

I doubt there's anything beyond $5 million. They would have to be very lucky to even reach that. Anything beyond that seems impossible anyway.


Neo Member
It has slowed down a lot, is this how kickstarter usually works?
After the project went up a lot of people donated, but then it was barely moving once it hit 3.2m.

I do wonder how many goals they have set, there's even one for 5m and who knows what's beyond that.
I'd like to see everything achieved, but not so sure that will be the case unless things picks up dramatically during the last few days.
Yes it normally slows down but this one isnt that bad, its still getting a lot of cash. Just look at yooka laylee, that one was announced first and reached its funding in like 30 minutes and this project has already passed it and gets money more consistently compared to that project which has really slowed down


Yes it normally slows down but this one isnt that bad, its still getting a lot of cash. Just look at yooka laylee, that one was announced first and reached its funding in like 30 minutes and this project has already passed it and gets money more consistently compared to that project which has really slowed down
To be fair, they keep adding stretch goals for Bloodstained while Playtonic seems to be content with what they got and don't really ask for more.
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