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NPD November 2012 Results [Up6: Black Ops 2, Halo 4, Most Wanted, Assassin's Creed 3]

I would love to see PC stats in these threads, cos of, you know,...


Prices, sure, but even at $40, a retail title is still $20 less than a console title. The bigger problem is games. I've bought 3 retail games for 3DS this year and a few smaller eShop games. Software sells hardware.

i might have checked out a couple games i totally skipped like kingdom hearts, resident evil, theatrhythm, and rhythm thief if they were $30 like ds games were. i guess square enix is a lost cause in that regard, but $40 is too rich for my blood when it comes to handheld games and i generally wait for some sort of deal to come along.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
That list of Wii U third party stuff shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Only the exclusives sold well (other than Sing, but that doesn't have a huge market).

Naturally, now we'll get the same "third party games don't sell on Nintendo systems" stuff we got during the Wii years.
TOP Combined retail, by sequel number:

1. Call of Duty 9
2. Halo 5 (Halo 6 if you include OST)
3. Assassin's Creed 5
4. Just Dance 5
5. Madden 27
6. Skylanders 2
7. Need for Speed 19
8. NBA 14
9. WWE 15
10. FIFA 12

* This list may have errors.

No WONDER the industry is stagnating.

Just tells me that the industry isn't very good at making games people like, so people gravitate over and over to the very few that they actually enjoy.
I know people are saying Halo 4 is a slight dip from the previous games but doesn't anyone find it impressive that it outsold all AC3 SkUS. How did that happen? Assassin's Creed is a pretty big series


You would be surprised how far back in the catalog publishers go to avoid launching new IPs:


ZombiU is especially funny in that regard, given it's history starting out as a violent Rabbids spin-off, then turning into a new IP that still kinda had them, and now a zombie game based on Ubisoft's very first game. That's nothing if not dedication.


I know people are saying Halo 4 is a slight dip from the previous games but doesn't anyone find it impressive that it outsold all AC3 SkUS. How did that happen? Assassin's Creed is a pretty big series

Uhh no?

Every major Halo game since 3 has opened with 3 million+. No Assassin's Creed game has even opened to more than 2 million combined before 3.


Even though the 360 has declined compared to last year, having its third best November ever is pretty good going considering this is its 8th November on sale.
360 November
2006 511k
2007 770k
2008 836k
2009 819k
2010 1.37m
2011 1.7m
2012 1.26m
Next month will be 2 years straight 360 was the number one system. Crazy to think back to 2005 and Xbox 1.5 comments.
Wow. So every game on that list is available on 360 and 360 outsold every other console? Crazy. I wonder if MS is looking at this and wondering if it isn't too soon still to announce new hardware.

Well, I think those PS3 numbers are a pretty big disappointment; if it sold ~550k during the Black Friday, it did pathetic numbers for the rest of the month. The Vita numbers are an embarrassment and there isn't much of anything to help it right now besides a potentially small bump from an official price cut bundle, but they've really missed the mark by not getting that out before the shopping season really started. Software is up in the air right now too. Their holiday games were a complete and utter failure. LittleBigPlanet Karting? I'd be surprised if people even knew this game existed. No marketing from Sony... because they absolutely fucking suck at it. Those All-Stars number really say it all... absolutely horrible. Not a good November for Sony. Pretty horrible, if I think.

Microsoft on the other hand, must be really happy. With numbers like that, they don't have much reason to really rush the next Xbox. The U.S is the market for them now. They can take the time they need. Sony on the other hand might be a little more pressed now.


Number of original IPs: 0
Number of first sequel: 1 (Skylanders Giants)
Number of second sequels: 0
Number of third sequels: 0
Number of fourth sequels: 1 (Just Dance 4 . . . maybe?)
Number of N sequels where N is at least 5 and I'm not gonna count: 8


Edit: We need a new console generation if for no other reason than to get some new fresh IP.

This is sad.


Anyone got a graph showing the correlation between the decline of the gaming industry and the reduction in info in the NPD numbers?

IMO Fanboys no longer buy games simply to boost their platforms NPD result and the industry has suffered


You are joking................right?


TOP Combined retail, by sequel number:

1. Call of Duty 9
2. Halo 5 (Halo 6 if you include OST)
3. Assassin's Creed 5
4. Just Dance 5
5. Madden 27
6. Skylanders 2
7. Need for Speed 19
8. NBA 14
9. WWE 15
10. FIFA 12

* This list may have errors.

No WONDER the industry is stagnating.

I think it's actually FIFA 20. 25 if you count the FIFA World Cup series. 28 if you count the UEFA Euro Cup games. Or 32 if you count the FIFA Streets. It's going to be very silly if you include the FIFA Football Managers too (which frankly doesn't even make a little sense), then you are at way over 40.


i might have checked out a couple games i totally skipped like kingdom hearts, resident evil, theatrhythm, and rhythm thief if they were $30 like ds games were. i guess square enix is a lost cause in that regard, but $40 is too rich for my blood when it comes to handheld games and i generally wait for some sort of deal to come along.

Weren't a great deal of Square Enix DS games sold at 34.99?

But yeah, 40 bucks for handheld title is too much. Needs to go back to 30.
Uhh no?

Every major Halo game since 3 has opened with 3 million+. No Assassin's Creed game has even opened to more than 2 million combined before 3.

Really? I always assumed it was bigger than that. Guess I was wrong.

And the 360 SKU of BO2 outselling Halo 4 should be no surprise to anyone. It's always happened. I wonder if Halo 4 outsold the PS3 SKU but I seriously doubt that too.


Anyone got a graph showing the correlation between the decline of the gaming industry and the reduction in info in the NPD numbers?

IMO Fanboys no longer buy games simply to boost their platforms NPD result and the industry has suffered
Yup. The Halo franchise is no longer what it used to be.

What do you think lifetime sales will be? I'm thinking Halo 4 is going to be pretty front loaded, so I'd say 6 million worldwide...a far cry from the 9-11 million they managed under Reach and Halo 3.
That list of Wii U third party stuff shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Only the exclusives sold well (other than Sing, but that doesn't have a huge market).

Naturally, now we'll get the same "third party games don't sell on Nintendo systems" stuff we got during the Wii years.

Hopefully Zombi U's high ranking will show other publishers the way.

It won't. :-/
I think it's actually FIFA 20. 25 if you count the FIFA World Cup series. 28 if you count the UEFA Euro Cup games. Or 32 if you count the FIFA Streets. It's going to be very silly if you include the FIFA Football Managers too (which frankly doesn't even make a little sense), then you are at way over 40.

It goes by year. Fifa 12 for 2012...
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