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NPD Sales Results For June 2010


Reilly said:
Sin and Punishment 2 was out on June 27. NPD tracked data through the five-week period ending July 3. So S&P2 sales were for an entire week.

And no, you don't want to see them.

I checked on it at three Gamestops. All were sold out.

I'm assuming they ordered, like, five copies between them.
BMF said:
This is what I'm hoping some companies will see as an opportunity in the 3DS launch. Any game that's there for launch will sell a *lot* of copies. This is a chance to reinvigorate stagnating brands that have fallen out of the public favor and bring other brands to new territories. My favorite example is Monster Hunter. *IF* a Monster Hunter game is available at the US launch then it *WILL* become a viable property for the US.

That's a very bold claim.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Reilly said:
Sin and Punishment 2 was out on June 27. NPD tracked data through the five-week period ending July 3. So S&P2 sales were for an entire week.

And no, you don't want to see them.

I'll be more realistic.

Did it break four digits?


Tron 2.0 said:
Undoubtably a problem, but probably not the main reason the game didn't sell Top 10 well. Other PSP games have made the NPD Top 10 in tougher months.

I guess it's possible that MGS is a more pirate-friendly franchise, but there's no way to back that up.
It could also be change in direction what turned of some gamers (significant multiplayer component and creating your army it's not what I think people want from their MGSes, esp. on PSP).
I think the same (being multiplayer encouraged game) can really hurt DQ9.
God bless Nintendo for publishing Sin and Punishment 2, probably knowing full well that it had a fart's chance in the wind at commercial success. Your magnanimous gesture is not lost on me Iwata-san.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
hatchx said:
I'm guessing 8k for Sin and Punishment 2.

Nintendo probably printed more demo discs than sold actual games.

This is an exaggeration, but I would not be surprised if the demo discs -to- sold copy ratio is around 10-20%. In fact, that's what I'm expecting.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
So Singularity, Transformers, and Blur all bombed. Figures, Activision has 3 solid games and they sent them all to die.
I don't know about Transformers but I'm bummed out Singularity didn't get any attention. It's a good and solid game too.

Figures Activision ignored this game. I don't think anybody really knew about it. Heck, I didn't even know it came out until someone made a OT on the game here!

Sucks for Raven. :(
GrotesqueBeauty said:
God bless Nintendo for publishing Sin and Punishment 2, probably knowing full well that it had a fart's chance in the wind at commercial success. Your magnanimous gesture is not lost on me Iwata-san.
Yes! I think we all expected it to die at retail. But at least we got to play this masterpiece, so I'm happy.

...but now I'm worried about XenoBlade and Last Story. :(
hatchx said:
I'm guessing 8k for Sin and Punishment 2.

b-b-but nintendo is for the hardcore as well! Reggie told me so!

You know what the problem is with nintendo hardcore games? It has nothing to do with the games themselves, its the fucking commercials. Remember the crystal bearers commercial? It was just as bad as the one for sin and punishment. What they are showing looks like complete shit. The games themselves are probably fine, but they are fucked either way. Show gameplay footage, its typical wii dreck. Show FMV footage, it looks like ps2 graphics. Might as well just price it at 30 bucks and wait for desperate christmas moms.
Onion_Relish said:
b-b-but nintendo is for the hardcore as well! Reggie told me so!

You know what the problem is with nintendo hardcore games? It has nothing to do with the games themselves, its the fucking commercials. Remember the crystal bearers commercial? It was just as bad as the one for sin and punishment. What they are showing looks like complete shit. The games themselves are probably fine, but they are fucked either way. Show gameplay footage, its typical wii dreck. Show FMV footage, it looks like ps2 graphics. Might as well just price it at 30 bucks and wait for desperate christmas moms.
This is kind of rambling and strange.

boiled goose

good with gravy
ShockingAlberto said:

Naughty Bear?


Fuck you guys. :(

meh. I have learned to love bombas.

Will pick up for 10 bucks in a few months.

If Nintendo sends games to die, they have no one to blame for themselves. I saw a few ads online and stuff, but hype really does need to be built before a game releases for everything except popular franchises with an established audience.


amtentori said:
meh. I have learned to love bombas.

Will pick up for 10 bucks in a few months.

If Nintendo sends games to die, they have no one to blame for themselves. I saw a few ads online and stuff, but hype really does need to be built before a game releases for everything except popular franchises with an established audience.

What was the last Nintendo game you bought for $10?
amtentori said:
meh. I have learned to love bombas.

Will pick up for 10 bucks in a few months.

If Nintendo sends games to die, they have no one to blame for themselves. I saw a few ads online and stuff, but hype really does need to be built before a game releases for everything except popular franchises with an established audience.
I'm not going to lie. You should go out and buy Sin and Punishment 2 at full price tomorrow because it is one of the most pure gaming experiences this generation. Support good developers™.


adversesolutions said:
Wait, S&P2 did 8000 in 3 days?

That's hardly cause for doom and gloom.
Okay, two notes about this one.

#1.) NPD weeks go entire weeks, even if that crosses month boundaries, so it did have 7 days total. Many people don't know that though, so that's perfectly understandable.

However, that brings us to:

#2.) How did you manage to read this as a statement of sales? o_O

hatchx said:
I'm guessing 8k for Sin and Punishment 2.
Massa said:
What was the last Nintendo game you bought for $10?
Yeah. Good point. Nintendo games usually never drop in price. The only game I saw on clearance for $15 was Metroid Prime 3, but that's because Metroid Prime Trilogy came out.
adversesolutions said:
Wait, S&P2 did 8000 in 3 days?

That's hardly cause for doom and gloom.

Reilly said:
Sin and Punishment 2 was out on June 27. NPD tracked data through the five-week period ending July 3. So S&P2 sales were for an entire week.

Honestly who expected this game to sell well?
GrotesqueBeauty said:
I'm not going to lie. You should go out and buy Sin and Punishment 2 at full price tomorrow because it is one of the most pure gaming experiences this generation. Support good developers™.
I agree one million% with you.

One of the best games I've played.


amtentori said:
meh. I have learned to love bombas.

Will pick up for 10 bucks in a few months.

If Nintendo sends games to die, they have no one to blame for themselves. I saw a few ads online and stuff, but hype really does need to be built before a game releases for everything except popular franchises with an established audience.
I hope you don't like sequels or developers staying in business then.


Infinite Justice said:
Honestly who expected this game to sell well?

Most people expect a high profile game to 'bomb' at 100k or something, like alan wake selling 300k worldwide in a month is a 'bomb' because it's high profile and took 100 years to make, 8k isn't the sales numbers for like.. the worst games of all time, let alone an excellent game.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Nirolak said:
I hope you don't like sequels or developers staying in business then.

I cannot wait for Super NintenholoWii 3D to come out. S&P2 will be a Virtual Console success and it shall spark a Sin and Punishment 3, which will also bomb for it to be rediscovered as a true classic seven years later.

Rinse and repeat.
S&P2 was doomed from the start. It appeals to a rather small segment in the first place and even here on NeoGAF, some were under the impression that it was somehow overpriced and thin on content.
Quadrangulum said:
S&P2 was doomed from the start. It appeals to a rather small segment in the first place and even here on NeoGAF, some were under the impression that it was somehow overpriced and thin on content.
It's a SHMUP. It was expected.

I think only people who love this stuff will buy something like Gradius V or Death Smiles for $50.

I thought that maybe the Nintendo name and that freaking cool box art will help the sales. But I guess just because it has Nintendo on it doesn't make a difference.

Maybe it's the title, "Sin & Punishment 2," that turned people off? They probably didn't know what the heck it was. Maybe they thought it was some sort of religious or satanic game!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Maybe it's the title, "Sin & Punishment 2," that turned people off? They probably didn't know what the heck it was. Maybe they thought it was some sort of religious or satanic game!

Okay now share some of that crazy kool-aid.
Regulus Tera said:
I cannot wait for Super NintenholoWii 3D to come out. S&P2 will be a Virtual Console success and it shall spark a Sin and Punishment 3, which will also bomb for it to be rediscovered as a true classic seven years later.

Rinse and repeat.

I'd really like to know how S&P sold on the VC. I think Nintendo adjusted the budget accordingly but I still can't imagine them breaking even.

Japanese sales for Sin & Punishment were 10,476 for the first week btw. After that it dropped out of the Top 30.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
It's a SHMUP. It was expected.

It's a rail shooter, actually, let's not confuse the two.

How did it do in Japan?

EDIT: Just answered. I wonder if they regret not sticking with their Project RS3 now.
Vinci said:
Really curious to see what Nintendo is going to do with the console market in the next two years or so. I mean, unless they're expecting the 3DS launch to cut the console market off at the knees all on its own.

The gains for 360 and PS3 are nice and Wii is down but it's over emphasized. They do have something in the rear-view but they are a lap down.

After 10 years are default 2 stick 4 triggers 4 buttons will be employed both by Sony and MS. Fear of leaving the other alone to reap all the sequels that play the same that devs can make in their sleep is enough. Could Move adapt it's do-dads as a jack of all trades? would be expensive.

Nintendo is the interesting one. On Bonus Round Geoff Keighley tried hard to mine something out of the panel that could be part of the next system and they had nothing but 3D. I though maybe they are movie vitality to some standard thing but it is too costly, less than that 3d box, and limited usage. Limited force feedback is something. Pull toy like wire would connect to a wright strap. Opposing stuff would require complex transformer toys magic to have a pulley system contented to your arm.
EDIT: Just answered. I wonder if they regret not sticking with their Project RS3 now.

This project was funded by Nintendo so in the end Treasure still got their money. A RS3 would have been most likely self-funded.


ViperVisor said:
The gains for 360 and PS3 are nice and Wii is down but it's over emphasized. They do have something in the rear-view but they are a lap down.
The thing you have to remember here is that how the Xbox 360 and PS3 are doing is completely irrelevant to Nintendo's investors.

What they care about is how Nintendo is doing relative to itself. If they are doing worse than they used to do, it's bad, because it means that the value of their shares are going to go down, and if they are staying stagnant, that is also bad, as the value of their shares are going to stay stagnant as well.

Due to this, Nintendo has a constant pressure on it to grow, and if it doesn't grow, it gets viewed negatively by investors, even if they're the most profitable gaming company, since the only thing that matters to investors is how their share price is changing.

Technically you can avert some of this pressure by giving out a dividend, but I highly doubt Nintendo is going to do that.

Of course, the thing that needs to grow is the company as a whole, so if the 3DS can grow them more than the Wii is shrinking, they will still be viewed well.


Apparently Nintendo does have a dividend.
Shig said:
Urgh, all this "Sony needs to kill the PSP" talk is turning my stomach. Remember when gamers wanted Dreamcast to live forever even though it was in death throes at retail? Remember the GAF that cursed Nintendo for canceling a US release of Sin & Punishment in N64's twilight?

Why does everyone act like shareholders now? Are you guys really so keen on leaving a boatload of interesting games on the table, never to be localized, to buy new hardware that's probably going to get clobbered the exact same way again?
Sony needs to kill the PSP because its a lost cause now. Those lovely games you're crying about is being affected by Sony's refusal to kill it.

Shig said:
Who gives a shit? How much a game sells and/or moves its platform factors exactly 0% into my enjoyment of said game.

Sony and other companies publishing for PSP outside of Japan are practically running a charity in continuing to support the platform despite its economic feasibility, and gamers are doing nothing but cursing at them for it. They're basically bringing games here for no other reason than "we think this game is cool, you should be able to play it," It's as close to selflessness as this industry is ever gonna get. How am I serviced, as a person who enjoys games, by Sony saying "you know what, FUCK this" and leaving a bunch of games I would have probably liked on the table?
This is a sales thread not a games appreciation thread. :lol @ you thinking Sony is doing this out of love.

anadwin said:
I don't understand why these threads always break down into "the PSP must die" or something to that effect. Enough already! We get it. The PSP sales are not very good. What are we goning to do by repeating ourselves every month? I don't think it will change whatever Sony's plan for the PSP is. Sorry for the rant, but these threads are the same every month............
Don't read the thread then?

2 Minutes Turkish said:
Maybe I'm reading this wrong, and I mentioned it in the other thread, but if you're looking for a bit of a 'story' here, isn't it that the 360 only clipped the PS3 by 150K despite the price drop and new console?
The PS3 Slim's margin was roughly the same when it launched last year.

Nirolak said:
The thing you have to remember here is that how the Xbox 360 and PS3 are doing is completely irrelevant to Nintendo's investors.

What they care about is how Nintendo is doing relative to itself. If they are doing worse than they used to do, it's bad, because it means that the value of their shares are going to go down, and if they are staying stagnant, that is also bad, as the value of their shares are going to stay stagnant as well.

Due to this, Nintendo has a constant pressure on it to grow, and if it doesn't grow, it gets viewed negatively by investors, even if they're the most profitable gaming company, since the only thing that matters to investors is how their share price is changing.

Technically you can avert some of this pressure by giving out a dividend, but I highly doubt Nintendo is going to do that.

Of course, the thing that needs to grow is the company as a whole, so if the 3DS can grow them more than the Wii is shrinking, they will still be viewed well.
I think anyone investing in Nintendo understands their underlying philosophy and how they operate. They can't expect constant growth like they experience during the Wii/DS. Their expectations should be more aligned to reality, contrary to how analysts see the drop off of Wii/DS sales as a sign that Nintendo isn't growing anymore, when in reality its just the nature of the game consoles cycle.


BishopLamont said:
Sony needs to kill the PSP because its a lost cause now. Those lovely games you're crying about is being affected by Sony's refusal to kill it.

What exactly are you suggesting by "killing the PSP"?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
leroy hacker said:
Huh? What tax? $50 is the standard price for Wii games.

I know that.

It should have been lower though. 50 bucks it not mass-market equilibrium point for a niche unknown on-rails shooter.


jvm said:
1H 2010 software is down $310 million relative to 1H 2009 software.

I don't get enough raw data to do this, I don't think, but I will see what I can do by asking around. I would point to this quote from Frazier:
Could you ask for a breakdown of 360 hardware sales?, please. It would be interesting to know how many 360 slim have been sold.

Beth Cyra

Regulus Tera said:
I know that.

It should have been lower though. 50 bucks it not mass-market equilibrium point for a niche unknown on-rails shooter.

Of course not, that is 10 dollars and on your download service but they clearly wouldn't do that to 2 so they might as well try what they did.


BishopLamont said:
I think anyone investing in Nintendo understands their underlying philosophy and how they operate. They can't expect constant growth like they experience during the Wii/DS. Their expectations should be more aligned to reality, contrary to how analysts see the drop off of Wii/DS sales as a sign that Nintendo isn't growing anymore, when in reality its just the nature of the game consoles cycle.
I'm not entirely convinced of that.


Their stock price matches surprisingly well with their sales.
Massa said:
What exactly are you suggesting by "killing the PSP"?
They should have cut the price a long time ago and pave way for the successor, right now it seems like Sony is clueless on what to do next.

Nirolak said:
I'm not entirely convinced of that.
Their stock price matches surprisingly well with their sales.
Is that sarcasm? I'm not sure how that disproves what I said.
Parmenides said:

It's interesting how some people keep saying that Xbox 360 has clearly been in a steady decline for some time now, when in fact it's been gaining yoy for the last six months, and the period would probably extend even further were it not for the price drop in September of 2008.
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