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PewDiePie Responds after using racial slur

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I've said it before. If that kind of expression "slips out" at a moment of anger or when acting impulsively, it is very likely because that person also uses it in private. Someone who never, never uses that word in any setting or scenario, also does not have it slip out without thinking. For instance, that's not a word that comes to my mind when I'm "raging" against something or someone. Many things come, but that kind of slurs don't because they're not things I think or use at all.

He may feel genuinely sorry about it, but still we have learned a lot about him based on that moment of impulse. The 'kill the jews' could be attributed to immaturity or stupidity, but I do not think that's the case for this particular thing.


And u just validated my whope point, about ppl just replying with hate speech. Keep on going. I rest my case in this matter.
You said in another thread that words has different meanings in different languages. Can you tell me what exactly PDP means by shouting "fucking black person"? Not counting racial derogatory meaning that is.
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

For this and your previous quotes:


These 'hateful words' are not equivalent. And you're missing the legions of mouthbreathers cheering him for this.
He chalks the whole thing up to 'heat-of-the-moment' rather than introspecting and admitting that this word shouldn't even be in his vocabulary in the first place. He can't even begin to 'do something' until he admits this first and foremost. Secondly, he can't tip-toe around racism by saying 'sorry IF you were offended'. He needs to come right out, say that this word is offensive. At that point he could start to do something. As stated before, make a video about the history of that word and why it shouldn't be used? Make a video telling his supporters that they shouldn't defend that sort of language? Take a class? Recommend a book? Do an interview? Literally anything?

Actions speak louder than words, especially from a person that has gotten into trouble surrounding this issue in the past.

When Michael Richards went on his racist rant at the comedy club he was blasted. Afterwards, he made an apology on David Lettermen. He then called Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson directly to apologize to the civil rights leaders. Nearly every public appearance he has made (Comedians in Cars, radio, etc) has him making an apology about the incident. And after all that, he is still hated by many and referred to as a racist.

Why does pdp get the benefit of the doubt after a single apology video after a history of bad behavior?

I can feel a bit for Michael Richards. I can't accept the things he said, they were awful. But he's clearly regretful about what happened and it pretty much ended his career. Pewdiepie keeps saying these controversial things and the apologizes feels so half-assed and this won't do anything for his internet career.


He hasn't said ANYTHING about his fanbase's reaction to this backlash for one.


These are kids. These are the same people who're gonna grow up and become GG/white supremacists due to their influences.

This makes me so fucking angry. Honestly, I've always said before internet anonymity because it allows for ideas and opinions to be expressed without backlash IRL. But it has resulted in bigots finding the perfect platform and preaching the normalizing this BS to the point where anonymity is slowly becoming unnecessary.

OG Loc

So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

You forgot the part about this being the 3rd (4th?) time something like this has happened. God forbid PDP has run out of good graces and nobody buys his half-assed "sorry if I offended anyone" apology.


There was a thread before asking why people stopped playing Overwatch. I stopped because too many matches had idiots on voice chat yelling "nigger" and "faggot". I don't doubt for a second PewDiePie belongs to that same special group of people and that he's emboldened them further.

If his apology can't directly talk about racism or why what he said is bad, it's not enough to me.

Yea for real, Playing BF1 that's all you see in the text chat. The gaming community as a whole has become so toxic in recent years. Shit like this and other big Twitch/YT not denouncing it and in some causes capping for it, just adds fuel to the fire.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
This makes me so fucking angry. Honestly, I've always said before internet anonymity because it allows for ideas and opinions to be expressed without backlash IRL. But it has resulted in bigots finding the perfect platform and preaching the normalizing this BS to the point where anonymity is slowly becoming unnecessary.
Even worse is people using their real names in that picture.


Spam PDP's Twitter with tweets about how he's a white supremacist and you will discover very rapidly that somebody with the media profile he has pays a good amount of money to have people moderate the messages he receives one by one.

Maybe, I have to plead ignorance on how this kind of thing works as I'm not a huge user of social media
I've said it before. If that kind of expression "slips out" at a moment of anger or when acting impulsively, it is very likely because that person also uses it in private. Someone who never, never uses that word in any setting or scenario, also does not have it slip out without thinking. For instance, that's not a word that comes to my mind when I'm "raging" against something or someone. Many things come, but that kind of slurs don't because they're not things I think or use at all.

He may feel genuinely sorry about it, but still we have learned a lot about him based on that moment of impulse. The 'kill the jews' could be attributed to immaturity or stupidity, but I do not think that's the case for this particular thing.

I love how for his defenders playing a video game is what constitutes "heat of the moment". Says a lot about them, their sheltered lives and their (total lack of) perspective. Like, the guy wasn't being robbed at gun point or in the middle of a bar fight (not that it'd be any more acceptable then, don't get me wrong). He was playing a video game, and I'm supposed to buy that playing a video game causes someone to lose their mind to that extent?


I know kids watch him.

I think his channel isn't really for kids. I think parenting needs to be better. Parents can filter YT.

Dude had a deal with Disney for a series that was set to air on Disney Channel, I believe. His audience is largely children and he knows that.

The fact that he didn't take time out during his response (I'm done calling this shit an apology because it isn't and even he doesn't call it that) to tell his audience that this isn't okay and to stop being ignorant speaks volumes.
I love how for his defenders playing a video game is what constitutes "heat of the moment". Says a lot about them, their sheltered lives and their (total lack of) perspective. Like, the guy wasn't being robbed at gun point or in the middle of a bar fight (not that it'd be any more acceptable then, don't get me wrong). He was playing a video game, and I'm supposed to buy that playing a video game causes someone to lose their mind to that extent?

I mean plenty of people get passionate while playing games. But if you're using that word in the heat of the moment as an expletive, it says a lot about how you really think and feel about black people
To me this seems like he was pressured by youtube and other companies to make this statement. Obviously hed did it for himself and his brand too but dont get it twisted what his true motivations for doing this are. Dude is worth alot of money and youtube wants this nubbed immediately


Junior Member
I've said it before. If that kind of expression "slips out" at a moment of anger or when acting impulsively, it is very likely because that person also uses it in private. Someone who never, never uses that word in any setting or scenario, also does not have it slip out without thinking. For instance, that's not a word that comes to my mind when I'm "raging" against something or someone. Many things come, but that kind of slurs don't because they're not things I think or use at all.

He may feel genuinely sorry about it, but still we have learned a lot about him based on that moment of impulse. The 'kill the jews' could be attributed to immaturity or stupidity, but I do not think that's the case for this particular thing.

Yes precisely, which makes this apology completely hollow even if it sounds sincere. Worst part to me is the comments from his fanbase, just utter shit storm.
Can you imagine if PDP actually made a video saying he is truly sorry and he understands and that from now on he will ban anyone who says anything racist in the comments? Imagine if he then went through and blocked people one by one. The guy has so much power. He just isn't using it properly, but I guess that's why he got so famous in the first place.
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

PDP used a hateful word, internet used a hateful word... that cancels each other out. Then PDP apologized for the hateful word but the internet didn't. PDP has the obvious advantage but the internet doesn't get it. Stupid silly world.
Damn, that apology video was terrible and very short. It's honestly sad how any person other than a child would believe that crap. That apology reminded me of Tmartn's apology.


I'm amused by those claiming it isn't normal to hear this language in online multiplayer. The reason I avoid most multiplayer with text/voice chat is how abundant this problem is! Please do not even pretend to act like you don't know people talk this way online.
What a sad conclusion we arrived to.

If you are a minority in a room of people saying some really off base shit you would know from experience. Sometimes you know you just gotta shut the fuck up and let it go. Even if you explain why something has bases in racism people will make that jump for you that you're calling them racist. As if you have to argue against thing you didn't even say.

Oh well. It is what it is.
Before a mod shows him the door, would love to see the response to why being called a racist is just as harsh as being called a n-word.

It's literally an alt-right talking point. I wouldn't expect a rational response, because just like those idiots, I doubt he's a rational person.


He'll make sure not to say it again, that's for sure.

On another note, even with the apology, his viewers dont accept it. They see it as a guy who was ganged up on and apologized so as to calm the storm. Maybe PDP sees the wrong in it. But his followers dont. They see him as a victim. They grow to resent SJWs as controlling him and free speech.

To properly apologize, he needs to educate his followers. He needs to have a proper discussion and condemn the racism/ignorance his followers are emboldened to take up. It takes more effort to clean up a mess than to say sorry. The conversation doesnt stop at his apology. It spills onto his Youtube comments and sets a narrative where PDP is the bigger man for apologizing while still being the victim

But all of that is beyond him as an entertainer who wants to bury this controversy, so I guess people will move on and forget about it

I think there is evidence, looking at surveys that we can improve the social norms that contribute to this behavior over the long term. I haven't been focused on gaming recently but I have personally seen a shift in "anti-sjw" communities to be more open to condemning the bad elements who are only interested in stoking hatred. That happened through engagement and self criticism.

It's more problematic in gaming because there are so many kids who don't have the comprehension to be reasoned with. Changing the victim narrative when an influencer like PewDiePie misbehaves could help defuse the tensions. The media could also help this process along through dialogue that makes more sense out of the social dynamics. There are psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists who might have something interesting to say which goes unexamined when it's all hot takes.
It is tough to accept this when after he said it, he said his fans wont care and he didnt say sorry immediately after saying it. Took 2 days to apologize when if you are really sorry, you would say it instantly. Not joke around about no one will care, or continue with your game
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

- PDP says racist word,not hateful, it's racist.
- Internet calls him racist, because saying racist things ususually makes you a racist
- PDP does his nth apology video, not teaching his audience how bad was what he did.
- Internet does not really belive him anymore.

Fixed it for you.


Calling himself an idiot means nothing when his entire brand is acting like an idiot. What's the real admission of guilt here?

"I'm just an idiot" ...yeah, we know? That doesn't make this right.


Like I said in the other thread, this reminds me of Jameis Winston: gets involved in a controversy, says he's sorry and acknowledges his wrongdoing, then does something even stupider shortly thereafter (the vulgar comments he made while standing on a table, IIRC). And then...another apology.

His apology means nothing especially since 1) he has recently been involved in semi-related incidents, and 2) he hasn't even done anything to express that he is sorry. He's obviously under no obligation to prove to anyone that he's sorry, and likewise, no one is under any obligation to believe him.

He just comes across as an ignorant shithead to me.


Can someone just go about their life over two days after saying something like that? Under similar circumstances, I'd come out immediately.

Don't want to defend PDP but honestly you do need to spend a bit of time preparing speeches like this, as well as prepping and editing a video. Whenever mistakes like this happen at the corporate level, it can take a day or two to get a response.

Maybe two days is still a bit of a stretch though.


He'll make sure not to say it again, that's for sure.

On another note, even with the apology, his viewers dont accept it. They see it as a guy who was ganged up on and apologized so as to calm the storm. Maybe PDP sees the wrong in it. But his followers dont. They see him as a victim. They grow to resent SJWs as controlling him and free speech.

To properly apologize, he needs to educate his followers. He needs to have a proper discussion and condemn the racism/ignorance his followers are emboldened to take up. It takes more effort to clean up a mess than to say sorry. The conversation doesnt stop at his apology. It spills onto his Youtube comments and sets a narrative where PDP is the bigger man for apologizing while still being the victim

But all of that is beyond him as an entertainer who wants to bury this controversy, so I guess people will move on and forget about it

This is a way more eloquent way of expressing what I was trying to express, and it deserves to be repeated.
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

Afaik, PDP said that he was sorry "if" he offended anyone, not for what he actually said?

Also why is calling someone racist a hateful thing?

If this is somehow the world you know (and I'm not falling for a troll-post)...please don't stay in safe spaces all the time. it'll leave you fragile
He hasn't said ANYTHING about his fanbase's reaction to this backlash for one.


These are kids. These are the same people who're gonna grow up and become GG/white supremacists due to their influences.

This image makes me both incredibly angry and sad.

If PDP really wants to apologize, he needs to make a firm stand against this. Call it out as reprehensible and disgusting behavior.

It won't be enough in my eyes to forgive him, but it would be a start.
This image makes me both incredibly angry and sad.

If PDP really wants to apologize, he needs to make a firm stand against this. Call it out as reprehensible and disgusting behavior.

It won't be enough in my eyes to forgive him, but it would be a start.
Cause pdp is "sorry".


Seriously, what the hell happened to YouTube man? I remember around...2011 or 2012, it was just bad upstart comedians and epic rap battles. When did it become Teen Fox News?
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