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Sony cracks down on sexual content in games.


Almost everyone besides Omega Labyrinth Z, Saku-Saku and Noraneko.

So, what about the others?

I checked your very first one and the image was of a young child.

Is that your standard of being not a minor? C’mon now.

You really think she is not a minor?

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I've never seen a minor (your word, not mine) being so developed, have you?

Her face though is child like.
Anyway this is what the OP was missing that they are targeting. It’s important to note that not all sex and nudity is targeted just that of minors or where the person looks underage.


Should include this part in the OP for clarity.
They’re not taking away sex and nudity in games unless it involves minors.

Hence why they’re worried about a lawsuit.

LOL...look I know many folks probably haven't been to Japan, but I have...and the culture there is that young is sexy...like...very young. So for them to take this stance seems more like an attempt to appease other cultures or maybe to downplay their own.

I'm not in a position to judge their culture as I am an american and my values don't necessarily (and shouldn't) apply there.

Hell, I don't agree with butt naked men sharing a onsen (public bath) either, but when I was there I still did it because I was taking in the culture. No judging.


Anyway this is what the OP was missing that they are targeting. It’s important to note that not all sex and nudity is targeted just that of minors or where the person looks underage.

Which is not a quote from Sony, themselves, from the spokeswoman, just from the author of the article as J JunkerWoland has noted.

What really Sony said was "We don't have concrete rules, as of time, also #metoo".
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LOL...look I know many folks probably haven't been to Japan, but I have...and the culture there is that young is sexy...like...very young. So for them to take this stance seems more like an attempt to appease other cultures or maybe to downplay their own.

I'm not in a position to judge their culture as I am an american and my values don't necessarily (and shouldn't) apply there.

Hell, I don't agree with butt naked men sharing a onsen (public bath) either, but when I was there I still did it because I was taking in the culture. No judging.

Seems to be as the article outlined so that they don’t get caught up in lawsuits which would come from featuring children in perverse situations.


Im so glad that Sony is doing this, pervs have Steam to play whenever they want with their nasty child porn games.

Japan needs to change too, but that has to be the most stubborn country in the world, no matter what everyone else says they are commited to extinguish seawhales for example.


Neo Member
What is a minor to you? She’s definitely not over 18.
Literally that's like a "semi-chibi" style drawing. Either way WHO CARES... at the end of the day it all comes down to game ratings and education. If the person isn't educated enough to know the difference between reality and fiction then no amount of policing is going to help this person at all. If you are talking about kids consuming said content then it's the parents/retailers fault for allowing them to purchase the content when it was rated properly.

The movie Titanic had a topless scene of the character Rose who's 17. Are people making a big deal over this?
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What is a minor to you? She’s definitely not over 18.

It's just artstyle. It's pretty clear when you look at actual gameplay and other characters imo.

Im so glad that Sony is doing this, pervs have Steam to play whenever they want with their nasty child porn games.
Do you think Sony would release child porn games on their platform with only minor censorship like that? Do you think Sony would at all associate themselves with child porn? Maybe you should think a bit more.
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Im so glad that Sony is doing this, pervs have Steam to play whenever they want with their nasty child porn games.

Boy, the Defence Force is doing double-shifts tonight, pray-tell, which games from the one Sony censored or outright banned are child porn?

Super Seducer?


One Piece's Hot Spring mission?

SFV Mika's buttslap and Cammy's cameltoe?
I checked your very first one and the image was of a young child.

Is that your standard of being not a minor? C’mon now.

You really think she is not a minor?


Thats clearly not a minor. Sexy doesn't only have to be shown in a sleazy way, it can be cheerful.
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Seems to be as the article outlined so that they don’t get caught up in lawsuits which would come from featuring children in perverse situations.
Hmmm...I would think while in some cases it could be obvious, in alot of cases it would be difficult to win a lawsuit like that. Like how do you tell if a cartoon girl is 18 or not unless specifically mentioned in dialogue or in some other way?

Besides...age of consent in Japan is 13 years old...soooooo that kinda supports my previous point.
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Claus Grimhildyr

Vincit qui se vincit
Im so glad that Sony is doing this, pervs have Steam to play whenever they want with their nasty child porn games.

Japan needs to change too, but that has to be the most stubborn country in the world, no matter what everyone else says they are commited to extinguish seawhales for example.

Child porn is not allowed in the US. None of it is child porn. You are off your rocker, mate.


Oh dear oh dear Sony.

Cue Microsoft ready to capitalise on this.....oh wait.. its Nintendo's turn actually isn't it.
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Oh fu Sony, you have age ratings for that. I agree with you in many things but not this. Pussy society we live in everyone is being influenced by sjw and softies nowadays.
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No I haven’t.
I asked for proof and all I got was people who may be older but still look young.

The whole thing is about avoiding lawsuits right? Why would there be lawsuits?
No it is not about lawsuits it is about protecting children have you even read the article? None of these games that are being censored are against the law. They are totally fine on other consoles. They are fine by rating bords etc. Why do you think it is about lawsuits?


No it is not about lawsuits it is about protecting children have you even read the article? None of these games that are being censored are against the law. They are totally fine on other consoles. They are fine by rating bords etc. Why do you think it is about lawsuits?

The article says as much.

A US Sony official tells the paper: “Sony is concerned the company could become a target of legal and social action”


Neo Member
Lets say Sony saves us all from the tyrany of "under aged" fictional anime/cartoon characters from tainting the virgin eyes of our youth/adults. Sony is still censoring things that are of adults and the most recent example would be DMC 5 with Trish and the lens flare. Then lets not forget NetherRealms going double standard on us.
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Lets say Sony saves us all from the tyrany of "under aged" fictional anime/cartoon characters from tainting the virgin eyes of our youth/adults. Sony is still censoring things that are of adults and the most recent example would be DMC 5 with Trish and the lens flare. Then lets not forget NetherRealms going double standard on us.

If anything Sony asked they fix it due to Capcom being unsure. Still doesn’t explain why they also censored other parts of the game.


Social Action I totally believe though social justice mobs and games "journalists" but legal targets when IT NEVER DID HAPPEN? Give me a fucking break. Meanwhile Nintendo who is regarded as family friendly and not taking any risk. They have no problems with it. We have rating boards for a reason. This is just a lame excuse.

It’s still the reason though.


It’s still the reason though.
No it is not....... It is a stupid lie this "spokeswomen" invented because she thinks people are stupid. There is no such case known and it was never the responsibility of the platform holder. before. If the USK here forbids a game like dying light Sony is not responsible for it.
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They won’t. And hopefully we’ll get some God of War titties in future too.
yeah about that

French jeuxvideo.com journalist states in a thread he heard before that Detroit : Becoming human got hit by this mesure, which made them cut a female stripper protagonist because it was too sexual


French jeuxvideo.com journalist states in a thread he heard before that Detroit : Becoming human got hit by this mesure, which made them cut a female stripper protagonist because it was too sexual

Lmao. Even a rated m game for adults having an adult female show nudity is worthy of the think of the children and omg #metoo censorship, lmao. And people on reeeera and other places are defending this new sony law for only going after ''pedo'' art. Once their beloved cyberpunks, gtas etc. get hit they start to finally make noise, when it is too late.
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yeah about that

French jeuxvideo.com journalist states in a thread he heard before that Detroit : Becoming human got hit by this mesure, which made them cut a female stripper protagonist because it was too sexual

The game did still feature nudity though so I guess that begs the question of what occurred in that scene. (If true)
Of course. Xbox will sell 1 billion consoles next gen because of this....

No it won't, this will benefit Nintendo and PC more than Xbox as it's targeting small Japanese devs for now. This will hurt Sony in the long term if they continue down this path. People don't like to be told what they are allowed to do. It's pretty simple.

Also, people saying how can you not censor violence and censor sex......Do you really want that, because the pitchforks would be even larger if that happened. There's a reason why GTA sells so many copies.

People are saying that censoring one or the other and not both is hypocritical, and it is. What people are asking is that Sony doesn't assume it can take to role of ratings board, guardian and morality police of it's customer base. If I had bought a PS4 to play games this gen and was told that despite being a grown adult, they have modified third-party games to control what I can see, I'd be annoyed as fuck. Imagine walking into a Terrantino movie and half the movie is lens flares and "fog" "just in case a kid might have gotten into the theatre" It's clown-world.

I guess people should really get a grip as to what's more tolerable in your culture, in this part of the world......You won't see eyes wide shut playing when more kids are tuned in as opposed to Rambo...... Even growing up, one of my local channels had something called "kung-fu theater", but they always censored or ff'd the sex scenes because kids would be watching kung-fu at 1pm......I don't think anyone complained but laughed it off, because you watch kung-fu for the fights and beat downs anyway. And if kids specifically wanted to go smut hunting out of curiosity, they did fashion catalogs, playboy swank mags or got to daddy's hidden porn stache. Let's be honest, it's so easy for kids to get access to the real thing nowadays, in more vivid form too, but no parent is going to say, hey, give us more sex in our games and neither would a company with an ever expanding demographic push sex just as before and not curtail certain content in this current climate, every outlet is extremely touchy on sex and sexuality atm. You don't want to deal with all the noise and its not like its affecting too many of your base, a sparse minority will complain, but the truth is, no anime nude game is selling GOW numbers farless GTA, they are very niche low selling games.

So by your own admission it's easy for kids to access porn in some fashion, rendering Sony's censorship efforts entirely useless, and therefore only affects it's older customer base who do not require their games to be censored. You second argument is that it's just fine because it's a smaller market and they don't matter anyway. What great arguments.

So it's simple, blame the ratings board that's entirely useless, or not even properly enforced or adhered to by gameshops or parents. If as an adult you want more sex in your games, that's fine, go to the platforms where it exists, but I'm willing to bet that most adults would be ashamed of being seen playing 1000 yr old vampires looking like 12 yr olds in mini skirts in various forms of undress, if ever their kids wife or wider family walked in, as opposed to something like GTA or GOW or even Mortal Kombat. I'm pretty sure fatalities are not a must, especially if your kids are around.....

Ratings boards aren't useless, they go through the games and attach a rating so that retailers, parents and guardians can be informed as to what is in a game before a purchase. That is the point of ratings boards. Is it a perfect system? No, but it's a guideline for parents and guardians to use to make informed purchases. Some retailers don't enforce ratings and some parents don't parent. Some kids buy digital copies of games they shouldn't. Again, by your own admission, even if the rating worked, who cares? The kids will find the porn somewhere else.

Then you pull a Don Mattrick and say if people want nudity and sexuality in their games, they can just play on another platform. That's kind of what people are saying they'll do. You're basically saying, abandon the Sony ship, stick to another platform in response to people saying "I don't like Sony's vision here, I'll play on another platform". If you are the shill you've been accused of being, you are doing a terrible job.

I'm assuming you're likely very young and a fairly nervous person. You seem embarrassed that sexuality is a thing. When you get a bit older you'll realise nobody cares what you're playing or watching because almost everyone watches or consumes some form of sexualized content. Mom read romance novels, Dad had tapes on top of the fridge. In elementary school I had a friend with shitty parents that distributed porn he lifted from them. I don't cover my eyes when boobies are on screen in movies or cry when a poor digital female is being digitally oppressed by having the digitally wear a digital bikini while digitally fighting another digitally oppressed digital female... Mommy walking in and you scrambling to change the channel because you were fapping to the Pink Ranger is a hilarious image though, thanks for that


Also, most people aren't complete idiots and can figure out not to play games full of adult themes and content when the kids are in the same room.

Yet, let's ask some real questions. Why aren't more publishers pushing or creating more AO content, Where are all the multi million selling AO games? Are games which skewer to see themed all that popular? Truth is, If Sony allowed AO games, the kids would get to play them just the same and Sony would get a million lawsuits. So pay no attention to those people saying they are iron clad and they can regulate their kids content, "I mean really" because you are with them 24 hrs a day, when they're with their friends and a new account or digital library where purchased content can be authorized by a simple "accept or decline".... What's your age? Come on now..... No matter what you're thinking, there is always a way around it and the kids are smart, you know very well how we bypassed stuff when we were kids...

Publishers don't push AO games because porn in video format is the cheapest thing on earth to produce and generates more revenue than making a game. Recording people skronking on a black couch vs. creating assets in 3D and poorly animating them is an easy choice. It's easier to jerk it to a video than while controlling a game too... I'm told. Nobody here is discussing pornographic games anyways. Last time I checked no consoles had pornographic games available. We're talking about ESRB rated games getting censored despite the ESRB rating being applied. You argue about lawsuits, but if a company is operating legally there will be no lawsuit. "My child played a game after I bought it for him despite being rated M, and he saw animated sexuality so I'm suing the developer" or "My child bought this game despite it being M rated while I was absent, and the retailer completely ignored the rating when selling it to him so I'm suing the developer" or "My child bought this game online with my credit card information because I either gave it to him without asking why, or he stole it and used it". Those aren't going anywhere.

You're arguing that because some people suck at being parents and because "kids will be kids" that everything going forward should be arbitrarily censored if it contains sexuality just incase the fucking Ghoonies sneak dad's credit card out of his wallet? An account on any platform I use needs a credit card or paypal/bank account to purchase games. Last I checked children aren't handed out credit cards, and can't open a bank account without a parent or guardian. Until they are adults, their bank account will be controlled by their parents if those parents have any shred of sense.

So Sony says, no AO, because when a kid plays this on playstation and they no doubt will, Sony will be sued out the wazoo..... When they are constantly bombarded by all these puritan movements, parents, lawsuits and even potential schemers, don't you think they have a right to take a stance, some of us really have to look at things both ways.

Nobody is suing anyone because they saw bobs and vagane in a game. I still fail to see where the lawsuit even is here. The people clamoring for censorship aren't just saying no AO, they are saying no female sexuality. No butt cleavage (not AO material). No boob physics (not AO material). No "1000 year old vampire that looks underage in a bikini" (not AO material). No visible hip-bones (not AO material). No bare legs (not AO material), no indications that the portrayed character wants to get down and dirty (not AO material) etc. These puritan movements are coming from a very small minority of very vocal people. It's like a little mouse scaring a room full of giant elephants. These same people become even more vocal when empowered by frightened people like you. You're basically saying "I guess it's okay if they away harmless things that others enjoy because I'm afraid they might... uh... take them away if they don't... take them away" Do you not see how looney that seems? Are you okay with them dismantling the gaming industry as a whole "to protect the children"? That's where this is headed if people keep caving to ridiculous censorship? Enjoy your next Street Fighter game where all the female characters are removed to the backgrounds because women being hit is immoral. Let's toss some burqas on them while we're at it. What's that? That's a silly eventuality? Yes it is, but it's no more silly than your fear mongering about everyone being "sued out the wazoo" because a kid saw a scantily clad woman.

Did you really buy a playstation for titillation? As an adult can't you get that elsewhere? I'm not against sex in games, not at all, but we have to be honest, kids do get access to these games and that's the issue...... Japanese anime games with heavy sexual titillation would always be targeted, it was a slightly different climate in the PS3 days, but things are not the same at this point in time........ Things are touchy, people are touchy....

I buy entertainment devices for entertainment. I like racing games and RPGs. Other people like sports games. Some people prefer interactive stories. If some people get entertainment from playing DOA Xtreme or Neptunia, or any of the games that are being singled out who are you, I, or Sony to decide what level of sexuality they are allowed to watch? Sony is free to change their own internal studio games all they want, but then they start targeting other studios and strong-arming them into altering their vision and art they've overstepped and are effectively naming themselves the world's moral compass. There is the ESRB in place to rate the game, then there are people who can choose to buy it with that information. Kids get access to the games either because their parents bought it for them despite the rating, or because the store they bought it from doesn't enforce the rating. By your own earlier argument they would just get another form of "porn" anyways, so what's your argument? Are you arguing that adults should no longer have the ability to decide for themselves because "people are............ touchy"? People have always been............... touchy, and should be told to............ calm the fuck down or............. ignored. Scared people like you are creating a society of dumbasses walking on eggshells over irrational fear of a group that would censor the sky if they thought a cloud looked offensive. Let's not forget either than most of these people aren't even part of the consumer base, but people who have made careers or hobbies of being concerned.

So many stories of abuse and accusations, people are trying to target a source of blame just as they did in the 90's with video games and violence at the rise of mounting crimes and violence in the inner cities. Let things die down at least. Adults can't be that famished by some polygonal tail that they can't see through this with a balanced head and rationalize this properly.....Seeing a couple of polygonal privates is not more important than all the abuse and sexual predatory behavior taking place or if people would assume that some of the games encourages or enables such mindsets..... And, I'm not talking about DMC.

Those stories are popular right now because again, people like you give them weight and help shine a spotlight on their cause. In the 90s video game violence was the fad, and for the most part people told the offended to fuck off or ignored them and just kept going on with their lives. The movement lost steam for years, then the offended switchd their crosshairs to sexuality and were given a platform thanks to overly sympathetic people who thought "Hey, they only want to take away a little, let's give them that much". Thanks to those dipshits Pandora's Box has been opened and the looneys are fine with annual parades of people wearing BDSM gear and strap-ons in the street while at the same time they want the bouncy boobs removed from an M rated game just incase a kids might happen across it. There would be nothing to "let die down" if you didn't let it flare up in the first place by catering to the career offended. Great job! All the abuse and sexual predatory behavior doesn't stem from some guy minding his own business playing a gatcha game or silly Japanese RPG either btw, it stems from actual degenerates. More often than not the very people clamoring for all this censorship are later unmasked as the predators themselves. You are playing yourself to appease the unappeasable.
buuuuttttt........ can i use the PS4 browser to surf on pornsites?
when the answer is: yes
then they are biggest idiot on the planet... and schizophrenic
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