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Sony cracks down on sexual content in games.

No I haven’t.
I asked for proof and all I got was people who may be older but still look young.

The whole thing is about avoiding lawsuits right? Why would there be lawsuits?
You first have to prove that the characters in the censored games are actually minors. Just because the characters look young, it doesn't mean they are technically minors.

There's also the issue with different minimum age in every country and the fact that we're talking about drawn characters, not characters modeled in realistic proportions, shading, lighting, textures, etc.


The game did still feature nudity though so I guess that begs the question of what occurred in that scene. (If true)
WHAT? Did I miss a scene here? Detroit did not feature nudity

Even in the sexclub there was no nudity.
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WHAT? Did I miss a scene here? Detroit did not feature nudity

Even in the sexclub there was no nudity.

The women are completely naked in their minds. And they imagine grown women to be underage just so that their fantasies could be met.

That’s why they keep calling every young woman underage and skin exposed = nudity.

sick people.
The movie Titanic had a topless scene of the character Rose who's 17. Are people making a big deal over this?
An older example would be the movies blue lagoon 1 and 2, which seemed to feature nudity of minors but were even broadcast during daylight on mainstream cable channels.

Child porn is not allowed in the US. None of it is child porn. You are off your rocker, mate.
Correct, child porn involves actual abuse, it is actual crimes recorded. But fiction is fiction, and no crime or abuse is necessary to produce it.

Now whether something indirectly causes or doesn't cause an increase in crime, that is another question. But for example a black person walking down a kkk heavy area might increase the likelihood of crime being committed. Someone with jewish attire walking down certain neighborhoods might be subjected to criminal activity. Even now people with pro Trump attire are subject of criminal harassment and theft.

The actions of a few unstable individuals should not be used as basis to restrict noncriminal activity of others such as artists.
RIng! Ring!

Sony: "Hello, this is the censorship department, what do you want?"
Rockstar: "Hey, how's GTA6 approval coming along?"
Sony: "You're good to go. Good luck on a great game, and the marketing partnership and timed exclusive content!"

Sony: "Hi, who is this?"
Capcom: "Hey, how's Devil May Cry approval coming along?"
Sony: "What the fuck Capcom? What' with the ass shot? Doesn't matter if it's MA-18, adults and the scene wasn't graphic intercourse. Get rid of it asstards and resubmit the game pronto!"

Sony: "Hello, censorship bureau here"
Indie dev: "Hey how's our MA-18 niche game approval coming along?
Sony: "What are your expected sales?"
Indie dev: "Not a lot. Maybe 50,000 copies tops"
Sony: "Did you say 50,000? Or 500,000?"
Indie dev: "50,000"
Sony: "White light all T&A and resubmit"

Sony: "Hello, you have reached the censorship bureau. Your call is after hours. Please call us back tomorrow from 8 am to 5 pm. Press 1 to leave a message. If you are calling regarding status of approval and you are from a first party studio, no message needed. All you content is green lit no matter how gory, violent or sex filled"
Sony: "Hello, you have reached the censorship bureau. Your call is after hours. Please call us back tomorrow from 8 am to 5 pm. Press 1 to leave a message. If you are calling regarding status of approval and you are from a first party studio, no message needed. All you content is green lit no matter how gory, violent or sex filled"
You forgot to mention that it's 8 am to 5 pm PST :messenger_tongue:


Super Seducer was a live action game starring adults and was rated M, yet Sony banned the whole game from being allowed on there platform. Explain that if it's only "minor looking" characters?

Wasn’t that game highly controversial?
I believe even Nintendo passed on it.
Wasn’t that game highly controversial?
I believe even Nintendo passed on it.
Looked it up, there never was any plans beyond PS4 and PC, creator said he would like to see the sequel on more platforms and might look into Switch and XBOX after it had released, but he never talked about porting it since.

On the flip side Sony had already approved Super Seducer on PS4, then blocked them releasing it just days before release.
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Where ? If even he was in boxers that is not nudity.

It was controversial because "journalists" made it controversial. It was harmless and never gave some creepy advise. The most you got from it beside laughs for the wrong answers was that you should always respect women.

It was a full frontal scene, I’m at work so can’t search for it.


It was a full frontal scene, I’m at work so can’t search for it.

  • The game includes some sexual material and nudity: a sex club containing pole-dancing androids in revealing outfits; a crime scene describing human-android sex (no sexual activity is depicted); an article titled "Android Sex Officially Better!"; posters depicting women in provocative poses barely covering their nipples and genitals.
  • There are strip clubs which depict semi-nude female androids.
  • There is a crime scene that describes a specific sex act between human androids.
  • There are also posters of nude women in provocative poses barely covering their genitals.


Looked it up, there never was any plans beyond PS4 and PC, creator said he would like to see the sequel on more platforms and would look into Switch and XBOX after it had released, but he never talked about porting it since.

On the flip side Sony had already approved Super Seducer on PS4, then blocked them releasing it just days before release.
It got blocked because "journalists" were harassing Sony and Sony over and over again asking why they would allow such a game on PSN. I was fucking ridiculous how the "press" went for this really harmless game.But In the end I have to thank them. Only because of this I bought it and had a fucking great time because it is fucking funny. And many women also enjoyed the game on various streams

And 2 was even better because he addressed these comments and people. which was hilarious killing Sterling and co with a rocket :p

I mean look just at this. IT is hilarious :p
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There is a political dimension to the control of Sony that is very unfortunate, but impacts this censorship issue. The stone was lifted to a degree and what lies beneath exposed when Sony was hacked. One thing is certain, and that is that Sony is no longer a Japanese company- the price of doing business with the USA, and being allowed to buy significan American assets.

The censorship issue in gaming is being weaponised for commercial advantage in the war between corporate giants. We see this with Steam vs Epic, and here with Sony vs Microsoft. A political *and* corporate mode of warfare, which makes the potential fallout for us exponentially worse.

We are in a New Puritan Age- something far more apparent when looking at Canada, Australia, NZ and the UK. America, with its Constitution, and a long legal history of the Supreme Court protecting the Freedoms so enshrined, is a more complicated situation.

The leaders of the New Puritan Age are all absolute supporters of Saudi Arabia, so facts, logic and decency don't exist on their side- the hypocrisy is by intent. The NPA is a means to an end, not a set of real principles.

The big tech giants, and certainly the big tech gaming giants, are going to bend where political power currently demands society bends. And this is a very very bleak fact. Nations like NZ are a hair's breadth from criminalising all 'violent' video games. Possession of games not approved by the State Censor in NZ and Australia is already a serious criminal offence.

Now bring in the concept that it is 'evil' for males to seek to look at media they find 'sexual arousing'. This insanely dangerous and perverse message has always been a key concept in any puritanical society. Self-flagellation was the common recommendation of the leaders of such societies to males that needed to 'purify' themselves from said acts. We know the terrifying abusive psychology of puritan movements from many previous times in Human History.

The ultimate statement of this doctrine is forcing women to wear black bags that cover their entire bodies- as seen in the Puritan leaders' beloved Saudi Arabia.

Puritans have used the same tricks at every era to trick naive males- a favourite tactic is to say to the male "you'll leer over a young well-built female, but you won't show the same interest in a woman who, for no fault of her own, lacks the same good looks". This triggers a guilt response, and that guilt mechanism converts many naive males. Bad people throughout history have exploited guilt mechanisms ruthlessly, because the tactic works with all too many.

Of course the argument has the same logic as saying you should be ashamed of watching your favourite team play sports because most Humans could never match up to their levels of superb physical development. It is a spurious deceit, but because of the hang-ups too many males have over sex, it is a guilt-trip the truly rotten know they can exploit.

And today we see game devs falling in line. Clevage and non-sexual bare skin (arms, stomach, back, legs) vanish under 'modest' dress (every Saudi wahhabi cleric sees where this is going). The modest dress is sold as the 'new fashion' (like heavy armour) so the New Puritans can say "only a monster would complain about this form of dress. Now the head starts top be covered as well (the ultimate target is the female face, but encroaching Puritan movements start with the hair).

Sony and co have set up a 'principle' by now- and if the 'principle' is accepted, the 'logic' is to take it to its inevitable conclusion. Be honest- if you had never witnessed a nation forcing its women into full body bags, you would say anyone warning about this risk was a "tin foil hat waring paranoid nutter". But the wahhabis exist- and are ruthlessly supported by the West, by Russia and by China. The people that rule you are without morals or principles- they care about just one thing- power.

Today they think the New Puritan Age is the best road to power.

Sony's moves are the classic 'slippery slope'. You cannot be "a little bit pregnant". But the NPA is most associated with certain political leaders and certain parties, so the low level supporters of those leaders and parties think it their duty to support the puritan policies in forums like this one using any possible method. Political partisanship is another trick of social control when people who would normally not be extremist become extremist believing it distiguishes the policies of 'their' 'team' from the policies of the 'team' they do not support.

Thus too many people who consider themselves of the left think they must actively adopt the policies of the puritanical alt-left. Even when these same policies a decade earlier would have been an anathema to them. And a big chunk of the traditional right was already puritanical.

What can gamers do? Not be ashamed of their sexuality or turn-ons. Reject all puritanical doctrines. Make themsleves aware what these doctrines have led to in the past, and the oppression they bring, especially to women, in many nations today. Be proud to declare that what happens in fantasy has nothing to do with reality. Vote with their eyes, vote with their time, vote with their money. Be aware of the hypocrisy and cynicism of their 'leaders'. Be proud of being good moral people with a healthy sexuality. Let no-one 'guilt trip' them.

Sony is wrong, and if we are not careful, going to get a lot wronger.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Remember when people mocked Nintendo for their “protect the kids” stance when it came to online?

This shit is weird.

Silent Duck

For God's sake. Won't you think of the children /s

Why do people keep saying “think of the children”?
Isn’t that what got Jared from Subway in trouble?:pie_thinking:
So I was right that the term "underage" is being expanded to encompass most if not all Japanese stylized art.

Jason Schreier's attacks over Dragon's Crown and calling the Sorceress a "loli" was a premonition of things to come later. Keep in mind this is the new bar for what counts as "underage" according to Schreier and co.

This is apparently an underage child that appeals to pedophiles. I assume this is the sort of thing where you keep on repeating it to yourself until you actually start to believe it. It would make sense why people on the pro censorship side seem to be in a contest to see how many times they can fit "underage" and "pedophile" into a single post. I didn't catch what prize the winner gets though.

Looking around I also came across this screencap of a post made in response to Schreier back then. I think I might try and find the thread itself just to take a trip down memory lane but I wanted to post this here since I think some would be interested in reading this takedown.



The more I read about this the more murky it gets. This leads me to believe that the statements from Sony are vague enough and the censorship imposed on Japanese games so inconsistent that it allows people to take it however they want. You see what you want to see.

If you want to see this as a crackdown on underage art, I don't think there is a way to dissuade you. The more someone challenges you the more you will dig your heels in and the more convinced you will be that a wider and wider range of anime art is underage-looking. See Reset Era for an example of this.

If you want to take this as tackling sexism and objectification then that's what it will look like to you. Women in bikinis become increasingly sinister because you want to see it as such to prove your hunch right. Everything is so vague you can't really disprove it. A Business Insider article came to the conclusion this is about misogynistic content in games and cited Tomb Raider as an example of addressing it.

If you want to see this as a "think of the children" thing then that is possible, too.

If you want to see Sony as being afraid of media/social media backlash then the statements about this policy being hatched in the wake of Me Too will fit the bill.

If you see this as an example of political correctness or "SJW" meddling in games then it certainly can look that way and nothing will disprove that either.

This seems like a good example of how loose our society is with news stories now. It's like news is more opinion than fact. It's reliant on validation from panels of people/forums of posters/social media hot takes. These have eroded away at common understandings of issues and replaced it with tribal factions that barely speak the same language.

One person sees harmless sex appeal, another sees pedophilia. We see what we want to see and get backing from like-minded people. We have partially lost the ability to see things from other people's perspectives.

I'm not sure how to tell who is right and who is on the wrong track. Are multiple options right? None?

How do we have a proper debate about these issues when we can't nail down what the issue is?


It's no coincidence that this is happening when Sony moved headquarters to SF. Some people from the prudish SJW crowd were clearly hired there. They are probably fat third wave feminists with blue hair who are jealous a cartoon is more sexual appealing than them. Ugh at the retarded prudish american culture infecting the entire world with this nonsense.


The Tribe Has Spoken
So I was right that the term "underage" is being expanded to encompass most if not all Japanese stylized art.

Jason Schreier's attacks over Dragon's Crown and calling the Sorceress a "loli" was a premonition of things to come later. Keep in mind this is the new bar for what counts as "underage" according to Schreier and co.

This is apparently an underage child that appeals to pedophiles. I assume this is the sort of thing where you keep on repeating it to yourself until you actually start to believe it. It would make sense why people on the pro censorship side seem to be in a contest to see how many times they can fit "underage" and "pedophile" into a single post. I didn't catch what prize the winner gets though.

Looking around I also came across this screencap of a post made in response to Schreier back then. I think I might try and find the thread itself just to take a trip down memory lane but I wanted to post this here since I think some would be interested in reading this takedown.

Jason Schreier is nothing but an awkward nerd with a soap box. The only people that respect or pay attention to his opinions are similar social outcasts.

The reason people of his ilk REEE so loudly nowadays is because, for the first time in history, because of the internet, they can finally get their voices heard (albeit from their own kind), instead of brushed aside, ridiculed and/or ignored like they should be.

The problem is, they REEE so often that people become blasè about it. Then they have to keep REEEing louder, about evermore ridiculous subjects to continue being heard.

It has become a tragic comedy and one that has a use by date. Normal people. Intelligent people. Sensible people are utterly sick of it and since the circlejerk eats it’s own, the audience is becoming ever smaller.
Nintendo out of all hardware makers seems a-ok with blood and nudity. If anything, they should the ones always most concerned about family fun image. Yet they don't care. And nobody seems to be making a stink.

So if Nintendo isn't getting flak, Sony likely won't either.

All of the SJW issues are aimed at game makers messing with content. I don't remember seeing any criticism aimed at MS, Sony or Nintendo.

Nintendo had long learned their lesson about how not to force 3rd party publishers/developers to censor their games after the infamous fiasco with the SNES version of Mortal Kombat 1.

They're not going to go through that again.
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I'm not sure how to tell who is right and who is on the wrong track. Are multiple options right? None?
What's the problem exactly? One side is so clearly wrong it's hard to fathom how anyone can be confused.
Their hypocrisy and flawed argumentation has been disproved and refuted again and again. Once they realise this they call you a pedophile, misogynist or racist to sidetrack you and garner sympathy and support from people who don't really care and are unwilling to even think about the facts and consequences.

They are so afraid of discussion/confrontation they try their hardest to revoke your right to speak wherever possible (because they are very insecure and fear/know they don't have any logical arguments..)

If nothing works to shut you up, they just start to make stuff up and lie about you (sometimes they also do this from the get go) or pretend you were discussing something else entirely.

Suddenly you have not been defending legal games, but child porn and hardcore pornography.

Suddenly you have not been arguing to keep well known and loved characters the way they have always been, but against all female/POC/Trans/whatever characters ever and not because you love the character they are talking about, but because you absolutly hate all those other people and are the worst person ever...

Suddenly, you have not advocated equality and fairness, but violence against women and minorities.

Suddenly talk about fiction is switched to reality and obviously you are an asshole because how could you do/say/enjoy that?

Suddenly, enjoying games is "elitism" and "gating", even though gamers have always been one of the most inclusive groups, the ones you go to when no one else wants to hang out with you. You don't even need any hardware, just visiting a friend and watching and only occasionally playing yourself is enough. Being included is as easy as asking to hang out and play that new game.
Hilariously, these accusations are coming from the most exclusive and gated community on the globe. North Korea has more freedoms than resetera.

and so on..

Edit: Forgot an important part. Instead of supporting and creating media they like, they embrace fascism and try to stop/destroy/change/censor everything they don't agree with, out of pure spitefulness. They like dressing themselves with roses so people have a hard time reeking the abhorrent stench that is behind what they are saying. Fortunately you only have to really think about it a bit to see through it.
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What's the problem exactly? One side is so clearly wrong it's hard to fathom how anyone can be confused.
Their hypocrisy and flawed argumentation has been disproved and refuted again and again. Once they realise this they call you a pedophile, misogynist or racist to sidetrack you and garner sympathy and support from people who don't really care and are unwilling to even think about the facts and consequences.

They are so afraid of discussion/confrontation they try their hardest to revoke your right to speak wherever possible (because they are very insecure and fear/know they don't have any good arguments..)

If nothing works to shut you up, they just start to make stuff up and lie about you (sometimes they also do this from the get go) or pretend you where discussing something else entirely.

Suddenly you have not been defending legal games, but child porn and hardcore pornography.

Suddenly you have not been arguing to keep well known and loved characters the way they have always been, but against all female/POC/Trans/whatever characters ever and not because you love the character they are talking about, but because you absolutly hate all those other people and are the worst person ever...

Suddenly, you have not advocated equality and fairness, but violence against women and minorities.

Suddenly, enjoying games is "elitism" and "gating", even though gamers have always been one of the most inclusive groups, the ones you go to when no one else wants to hang out with you. Hilariously, these accusations are coming from the most exclusive and gated community on the globe.

Suddenly talk about fiction is switched to reality and obviously you are an asshole because how could you do/say that?

and so on..
I don't disagree. These tactics are employed to obfuscate real debate about games. There definitely are disingenuous people in the debates. Don't make the mistake of thinking that everyone is disingenuous, though.

The issues are so ill-defined that any argument can be used at any time. It's not even moving the goalpost. It's like 5 goalposts thrown out at once; a "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" tactic. You end up debating multiple topics at the same time without knowing which one is up.

I'm not sure Sony is competent enough to have planned this out or if it's a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. It's possible different people at Sony are under different impressions as to why they are banning content. Sony is known for stupid stuff like this that causes them to trip up.


I dont undestatand this controversy. I wonder if its because im too old to care about nude polygonal characters.

All I care about its good games and apparently almost everyone thinks like me.

The old "it doesn't affect me so I don't care" mentality. It's cool until they go after something you care next.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
I know, I’m not saying I agree with it. Just trying to paint the full picture which is missing from the OP.

Being the trusty white knight who always defends Sony no matter the subject, in addition to your profile picturereally makes it hard not to say your comments are biased.


Neo Member
I agree. There is so much in the internet that could ruin young people yet they have free access for most of those.

Trust me, they will probably simply ignore those mild nudity in games.
They are in the region where you say the SJW are. I'm fairly sure it is even in Europe now too or do the SJW live in Europe instead?
Just to reiterate, unless this has changed very recently, I believe the EU version of DMC5 on PS4 retains the lens flare.
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I was under the impression that M/18+ games are made for adults. Adults who can very well chose for themselves what they want to buy.

These "SJW" do not sound feminists/libertarians at all, this is straight up puritan conservatism.

This is where "critique" of videogames was always going.

First it was "well if games are to be taken seriously then they need to be open to criticism" but it never really stopped there because "criticism" was always followed by "advice on how developers can do better".

For me, criticism of games ought to be just taking the game as it is and offering an opinion on what's there or not there.
For some people though their criticism is more like a list of demands that developers should choose to obey.

So now it comes down to Sony basically saying that due to certain criticisms they are willing to ban specific content.

I believe that outright illegal content should be banned and that content which stretches morality can definitely be looked at.

Games like "Super Seducer", mentioned above, are harmless and it's baffling that Sony was twisted into banning it from the platform.

It's interesting that acting on outrage seems very much confined to issues relating to sexuality.


Just to reiterate, unless this has changed very recently, I believe the EU version of DMC5 on PS4 retains the lens flare.

And this is because of SJW at california? Or because capcom didn't get recertification in EU and Australia?
This is where "critique" of videogames was always going.

First it was "well if games are to be taken seriously then they need to be open to criticism" but it never really stopped there because "criticism" was always followed by "advice on how developers can do better".

For me, criticism of games ought to be just taking the game as it is and offering an opinion on what's there or not there.
For some people though their criticism is more like a list of demands that developers should choose to obey.

So now it comes down to Sony basically saying that due to certain criticisms they are willing to ban specific content.

I believe that outright illegal content should be banned and that content which stretches morality can definitely be looked at.

Games like "Super Seducer", mentioned above, are harmless and it's baffling that Sony was twisted into banning it from the platform.

It's interesting that acting on outrage seems very much confined to issues relating to sexuality.
Which platform took super seducer? A curated store is the norm the list of games listed by catcouch were likely never allowed on the other stores anyway. There is a reason no store has come out and said 'we allow tits and ass' on twitter to take a jab because they curate mostly the same or don't want to lose the demographic that buys things like minecraft bundles.
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