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The Final Bosman Show


Great that it's a weekly show now.

Only thing I've disagreed/not liked out of all his vids so far is probably the digs he was taking at Knack in his playstation meeting takeways vid. I personally thought it was a great way to have it as the first reveal as it pretty much directly explained all the "tons of particles" stuff that Cerny was talking about, usually in these things it goes "bla bla bla tech can do this but we're not gonna show how it applies to a game."


I hear Bosman checks out this Gaf thread on occasion. Since I'm too lazy to make a GT account and post on his video, I'll say this here. I'm in a fraternity, and I know all about Bioshock (and some niche-ass game). I'm weird though, since not only will I check out IGN, but I'm a full-blown Gaffer.

I always burst into tears during the end. I'm quite happy to hear he is going on a weekly basis.



What episode is this from?


I feel like he's taking fairly obvious subjects, but he's providing such rational explanations and giving a fair take on the whole issue. He's not just sitting there and saying "well, that's wrong."


I didn't think that lamentations at the lack of cheat codes was an obvious subject that a lot of people were talking about. Hopefully with a weekly show he'll be able to get into more of the nitty-gritty as he'll have a lot more air time.


The art looked good on the internet. Looked like shit for a cover.
Might've been that and the combination of that neon green case colour for 360 games. Might look decent on black one. I think the 'falling' one that they released after launch looked cool but who knows if anyone printed it out to display it.
Best show on the shitfest that Gametrailers is nowdays, I love it!

oh right, Wario is over there now! They both have to make that site awesome again
I'd like to watch the most recent episode, but I haven't got very far in Infinite (waiting for patch) and I've avoided all footage of The Last of Us, so I guess I'll have to pass on this one.


Glad it's going weekly. He is moving up in life.

I'd like to watch the most recent episode, but I haven't got very far in Infinite (waiting for patch) and I've avoided all footage of The Last of Us, so I guess I'll have to pass on this one.

He is mainly discussing the box arts and the decisions behind them, he only mentions that Bioshock Infinite has a lot of shooting or something.

Just listen to it.


New Episode

The show is going to start coming on weekly. Awesome.

Well he isn't the first one outside of nEOGAF to attack Bioshock for probably being the wrong genre but he certainly has made the most hard hitting points for why that might be the case.

I definitely think he's on to something by saying Bioshock may have been trying to appeal too much to dudebros influencing its game design. It didn't need to be as violent as it was.

I don't agree that being inherently a shooter does that.

I'd like to watch the most recent episode, but I haven't got very far in Infinite (waiting for patch) and I've avoided all footage of The Last of Us, so I guess I'll have to pass on this one.

Watch it. It's spoiler free to the point you'll still feel like a virgin.


I'd like to watch the most recent episode, but I haven't got very far in Infinite (waiting for patch) and I've avoided all footage of The Last of Us, so I guess I'll have to pass on this one.

im in the same boat, you can watch its spoiler free


1st episode of the show that I 100% disagree with.

1) comparing covers?! seriously?
2) Last of Us isn't even out yet.

I'd like to think there is some other comparison that can be made, but I guess when you are comparing 1 game toanother that isn't released this is the kind of weak story you end up with.

Also, while she may not be on the cover, I've seen so much promotional with her plastered all over it, I don't think it matters much.

Overall, this whole part of the video was incredibly annoying and (I think) rather shallow.

Bioshock as a great game on so many different levels, it's set the bar for me as GOTY 2013, we'll have to see how good last of us is. The bar is set pretty high imo.


I'd like to watch the most recent episode, but I haven't got very far in Infinite (waiting for patch) and I've avoided all footage of The Last of Us, so I guess I'll have to pass on this one.

he doesn't spoil anything
LOL. The fans did blow it on the Bioshock Infinite reversible cover. That made me laugh. Heh.

Looking at the artwork, I can see where they were going with it, but I have to agree.I like the guy's show though, I like his "one man editorial" style view on gaming, and that he looks at some of the lighter issues and doesn't take himself too seriously.

It's not really surprising to hear that women are a 'no-no' on gritty ego drive westren action games, but in Japan, the marketing is almost completely backwards to that...

Typical (American) western box art:


Typical Japanese box arts:


I guess both are still targeting the young male demographics, but in completely different ways...


I'm not really on Twitter much and I completely missed this thread until today. Just did a marathon on all episodes (already seen the PS Meeting ones).

I thought they were great and really enjoyed them! Glad it is going weekly.


1st episode of the show that I 100% disagree with.

1) comparing covers?! seriously?
2) Last of Us isn't even out yet.

I'd like to think there is some other comparison that can be made, but I guess when you are comparing 1 game toanother that isn't released this is the kind of weak story you end up with.

Also, while she may not be on the cover, I've seen so much promotional with her plastered all over it, I don't think it matters much.

Overall, this whole part of the video was incredibly annoying and (I think) rather shallow.

Bioshock as a great game on so many different levels, it's set the bar for me as GOTY 2013, we'll have to see how good last of us is. The bar is set pretty high imo.

The quality of the game is irrelevant. E was discussing game covers. Doesn't matter that tr last of us isn't released, or how good you think bioshock is. It was just about covers, and he raised excellent points.


1st episode of the show that I 100% disagree with.

1) comparing covers?! seriously?
2) Last of Us isn't even out yet.

I'd like to think there is some other comparison that can be made, but I guess when you are comparing 1 game toanother that isn't released this is the kind of weak story you end up with.

Also, while she may not be on the cover, I've seen so much promotional with her plastered all over it, I don't think it matters much.

Overall, this whole part of the video was incredibly annoying and (I think) rather shallow.

Bioshock as a great game on so many different levels, it's set the bar for me as GOTY 2013, we'll have to see how good last of us is. The bar is set pretty high imo.
video had zero to do with quality of the games themselves

personally I think it was pretty dumb to debate a mostly non-issue but it's always nice to see yet another guy speak against focus tested bullshit


The quality of the game is irrelevant. E was discussing game covers. Doesn't matter that tr last of us isn't released, or how good you think bioshock is. It was just about covers, and he raised excellent points.

While you are right, he also went a little bit further and made an intresting speculation regarding game design. He made a possible correlation between the mentality with which the cover art was picked and the game mechanic that the developers focused on in bioshock infinite. I for one completely agree with the theory. Ofcourse will never know how much frat house focus testing influenced game design or was just confined to just the box art, but the insistence on shooting in BI, more so then bioshock (or its shock predecessor) is undeniable.

P.S. I really like the show, I am glad GT is keeping it.
Great that it's a weekly show now.

Only thing I've disagreed/not liked out of all his vids so far is probably the digs he was taking at Knack in his playstation meeting takeways vid. I personally thought it was a great way to have it as the first reveal as it pretty much directly explained all the "tons of particles" stuff that Cerny was talking about, usually in these things it goes "bla bla bla tech can do this but we're not gonna show how it applies to a game."
Also what many people apparently didn't realize is that Knack was used to showcase remote-play with Vita and to demonstrate their streaming features in the UI. Probably was the only game ready at the time and a game like this lends itself pretty well to this type of presentations as well. Since it would be stupid to show game footage without revealing the game itself, it was more then fair enough to open up with it.


you know what's awesome? since he actually reads the comments, people are incredibly respectful in the comments section. it's not a cesspool of shit posts like the regular videos, lol
Was there supposed to be any real debate between Bioshock/Last of Us? I think people perfectly understood IG's reasons for the cover art. It seed weird to spend time talking about it as if the obviously answer wasn't surely "ideally, game covers should properly represent their games."
It's really hard to hate this guy, I want to because he's on Gametrailers but I can't... Eh, maybe tomorrow.

All jokes aside I found that both interesting and informative. He's a clever fellow.


Console Market Analyst
Bosman is Mogwai-level adorable. And he knows it. All those close-ups of the eyes, during which he stumbles upon a profundity (music swells), and the self-amused, tittering punctuation to every point. I don't think I can survive another segment where he adopts a "dark" persona, either. His Mr. Hyde would still bake you cookies.

Congrats on the weekly.


Just finished the most recent one and had to stifle a laugh at work at the ending. That was great.

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