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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild |OT2| It's 98 All Over Again

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It could just be some weird Nintendo thing where they want everyone to experience the new game the same way at launch, so hero mode doesn't come out until summer.

I have to set myself up for disappointment or else I'll be, well, disappointed.

You could be right, it's a smart approach to take when it comes to DLC.


I agree, 6 months means we might get a much more survival heavy mode relying on food more, not being able to binge eat during fights.

You know, the article is probably 99.9% not true and just clickbate, but it has some neat ideas. I'll link it.

Just for our hopes and dreams, brah.
I vote this because Kass is unquestionably the best character in the game.

Kass is a selfish and irresponsible deadbeat who abandons his family to pursue a worthless education in music theory. His dead music teacher means more to him than his wife and kids. What kind of Bruce Springsteen Hungry Heart bullshit is that.

If Kass was a real person, I'd say "I hate you for leaving me and mom. You cost our family everything. I had to change schools. Mom has to work two jobs and I hardly even see her. When I do, she's drunk off her damn ass cursing your name. I hope you're happy, dad. I'm actually glad you left because now I know I'll ever be like you. I hate you. I swear to God, you will never meet your grandchildren. See you in Hell, you piece of shit."

Pretty messed up you all want to name the OT after Kass after everything he put my--I mean his--family through.


Two options I'd love to see implemented between now and the last DLC:

Multiple save slots (I don't want to juggle auto-saves or change profiles to start anew)

Language options to change the voice acting language while retaining text language.


Just "beat" the game with ~55 shrines and all the memories. I think I'm going to take a break for now. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the story and how dire everything felt in the flashbacks.


I finally found a second fairy entirely by accident. Upgraded my hyrule trousers, hood and tunic to 2* but should I see a bonus somewhere? It's just showing 24 which is 3x the 8 for each item.


I finally found a second fairy entirely by accident. Upgraded my hyrule trousers, hood and tunic to 2* but should I see a bonus somewhere? It's just showing 24 which is 3x the 8 for each item.

Do you mean a set bonus, as the fairies allude to? If so, the Hylian gear doesn't have one. Just defense boosts. Most other sets do, however.


Gerudo Tower
shrine riddle is BRILLIANT. Felt so good when I finally figured it out.
Of all the riddles, I thought that was easiest. It's a reused puzzle from an earlier game. Maybe it is more satisfying for those who haven't seen it before.


Hudson is the best character in the game.

The true hero

Hudson is awesome. Oddly, standing next to him and his
new bride in Tarrey Town
sounds like a weird porno.

Edit: I guess this is as good a place as any to reveal my unreasonable love for vai. #notsorry #yesweird
Of all the riddles, I thought that was easiest. It's a reused puzzle from an earlier game. Maybe it is more satisfying for those who haven't seen it before.
I do remember the
one, but for some reason it didn't come to mind while doing this one. I only made the connection after the fact.
Hudson is the best character in the game.

The true hero

Hudson sucks. He's a corporate protectionist who is only good at one thing: a job he relies on others to even complete. Unbelievable that this oaf gets all the credit for a project Link did. If Hudson was real, I would say "we were supposed to work on this project together and I did the whole thing while you went out every night and tried to bang chicks. You even went out with Rhondson. You know I like her. But while I was here finishing our budget projections, you were taking her out instead. That's cold, man. That's fucked up. I'm not carrying you anymore - I'm telling HR about your work ethic. I don't care if you get fired. I don't care if I get fired either. I just can't work with you anymore, Hudson. College is over. Grow up."

Pretty ridiculous that you like Hudson more than me even though he never even would have finished college if I hadn't written all his papers and mine. That's fine, whatever, he's in the real world now and I'm worrying about myself from now on. Old losers die hard.

I think there's a general missed opportunity with how
100 years of waiting for link couldve impacted Zelda and the Champions. They all seemed to be perfectly fine mentally.

Yeah, I agree. There is a lot they could have played with there.

Another thing I noticed about the story-telling while re-watching the cut scenes was how strange the dialog felt when characters were having "conversations" with Link. I get that a lot of people are attached to the fact that Link doesn't speak, but now that there is voice acting, it just seems so off.

All the cut scenes where a character was giving a monologue, or two characters other than Link were talking were fine. But scenes where other characters speak to Link, and he is just a brick wall, feel pretty terrible. Some that jump to mind are
the one where Zelda yells at Link for following her, Urobosa talks to Link while Zelda is sleeping, or Daruk talks to Link on his Devine Beasts.

I don't know what the solution is, here. I'm not saying Link has to talk (I wouldn't be opposed to it), but something has to change. Maybe Link should just be an observer in all cutscenes that deal with dialogue. IDK.

Just beat Ganon. That's it? Bloody hell what an anticlimax.

I have no feelings for this Zelda. Seeing the spirits just disappear without any dialogue is just meh. The ending credits is just a rehash of everyone's theme.

Yeah man, that's how I'm feeling now as well. The ending was
a big let down from a story perspective.

I slightly disagree about Zelda, though. She grew on me after I saw some of the later memories (Her fighting with the King, her failing to awaken her power at the spring, when she saves link, and when she brings the master sword to the forest.)


guys, today i played for 17 hours straight, then felt sleepy so i just took a shower to freshen up and i just turned on my wii u to play again

is that normal ?


Just beat Ganon. That's it? Bloody hell what an anticlimax.

I have no feelings for this Zelda. Seeing the spirits just disappear without any dialogue is just meh. The ending credits is just a rehash of everyone's theme.
guys, today i played for 17 hours straight, then felt sleepy so i just took a shower to freshen up and i just turned on my wii u to play again

is that normal ?

You're in Hell and there is no escape. You will pay for your sins here. A Korok Seed awaits for all your misdeeds. When you collect all 900 of your transgressions from this plane's foul demons, perhaps your tortured soul will know some rest.


guys, today i played for 17 hours straight, then felt sleepy so i just took a shower to freshen up and i just turned on my wii u to play again

is that normal ?

Par for the course. One day I started in the morning, only took quick breaks to eat, and played way into the night. I had to quit because I was so tired I couldn't play any longer. I would have wanted to, but I was spent.


Yeah, I agree. There is a lot they could have played with there.

Another thing I noticed about the story-telling while re-watching the cut scenes was how strange the dialog felt when characters were having "conversations" with Link. I get that a lot of people are attached to the fact that Link doesn't speak, but now that there is voice acting, it just seems so off.

All the cut scenes where a character was giving a monologue, or two characters other than Link were talking were fine. But scenes where other characters speak to Link, and he is just a brick wall, feel pretty terrible. Some that jump to mind are
the one where Zelda yells at Link for following her, Urobosa talks to Link while Zelda is sleeping, or Daruk talks to Link on his Devine Beasts.

I don't know what the solution is, here. I'm not saying Link has to talk (I wouldn't be opposed to it), but something has to change. Maybe Link should just be an observer in all cutscenes that deal with dialogue. IDK.

Yeah man, that's how I'm feeling now as well. The ending was
a big let down from a story perspective.

I slightly disagree about Zelda, though. She grew on me after I saw some of the later memories (Her fighting with the King, her failing to awaken her power at the spring, when she saves link, and when she brings the master sword to the forest.)

Well, Zelda's diary tries to explain this.
link actually replied to her once. She wrote it down.
Lord knows I spend enough time cooking meals in real life. This seems like a difference of opinion so we will probably just have to agree to disagree, except on your last point that I think we agree on.

The best solution I've found to the drudgery of BotW cooking is to have my children do it. Man, they love it so much, discovering recipes, arguing about who can make the best one, trying to always get full restores, etc.

So, yeah, just have some kids if you don't, should sort it out.


So I went to the Akkala region earlier, and I loved it so much that I didn't want to play anymore because I wanted to keep it for last. Well, I couldn't resist going there again today, and I fell in love all over again. I think it is the autumn feel of the region


Hyrule Castle is such a cool area, definitely my favourite part of the whole game. It feels almost Metroidvania like. I've felt a little disappointed, not so much by a lack of dungeons, but a lack of aesthetic variety that you'd usually see in the dungeons of the Zelda games. The overworld is very varied and discovering the different themes of the areas early on was something I greatly enjoyed, but the Shrines and Divine Beasts all look exactly the same, the puzzle design is exceptional, some of the best puzzles in any Zelda game, extremely creative, but it always takes place in the same place. The only expection to this being those overworld puzzles and challenges that opened Shrines, they're good, but needing to go into a shrines to get your rewards felt a bit pointless.

Anyway, Hyrule Castle, it had an interesting aesthetic of a wrecked castle, a corridor design that could still be explored in a non-linear fashion, it's great.

I'm wondering what they could do for the next big Zelda game, I think another open world set in Hyrule (as the know it) would be far too iterative. I'd want to see them do something way different allover again. Which bring me to Hyrule Castle, because I'd honestly be really happy if they make a Zelda game with the world design similar to the level design of Hyrule Castle. I'm trying to explain this without mentioning any certain other games because I know Zelda fans get annoyed when you compare Zelda to other games lol.

Even though this is one of my favourite open world games, and the open ended systems praise the openness of the game, there are certain somewhat more linearly designed parts like, before Zora's Domain, Death Mountain and Hyrule Castle that also worked really well with the open ended systems, maybe another Zelda game could take a greater look at that, the older games did do this in many ways too, but without the open systems of BotW.

Breath of the Wild, though, brilliant game. My favourite Zelda is still Majora's Mask, but I'd say this is second place now.
The game at its core is really good, but a lot of the presentation (cut scenes, voice acting, music, plot, credits) leaves a lot to be desired. Especially since Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword had great presentation.

Hope they fix it in the next game.
You can also ignore the entire overworld and walk right up to Ganon but I wouldn't say that makes the overworld boring.

This is an important thing to take to heart. In Breath of the Wild, everything is missable or skippable. From every hidden item to every side quest to every scenic view, it can all be skipped.

To get the most out of the game and your time with it, you have to be conscious about taking the long way around. You have to set your sights on a new place and go there for the pleasure of doing so. You can fly across any canyon or climb up any peak, but always taking the path of least resistance and the shortest route from A to B only serves to deprive yourself of the experience.

If you've never been there before, take the long way. Save the shortcuts and Gale spam for treasure hunting.
guys, today i played for 17 hours straight, then felt sleepy so i just took a shower to freshen up and i just turned on my wii u to play again

is that normal ?

You're the reason Nintendo games remind everyone to take a break...

Except for BOTW...

Shit, you are truly the reason...


Neo Member
So I totally understand how the game is a marvel from a mechanics point of view, but it's just not hooking me in yet. I've probably put in about 15 hours and I feel like I could easily just be a random avatar navigating some open world with no real direction to take me in.

Exploring is fine but I still wan't some sort of narrative or emotional thread that pulls me along. Right now I feel like I'm just aimlessly wandering with no real objective.

I say this because a lot of the quests are just "Go find 'X' item and bring it back" and I have no idea where to go to find it. Ironically I know a lot of people are praising this because the game isn't holding the players hand which I can respect but I just feel like I don't know what I should do or where I should be going.

Finally, I've been trying to follow people's advice and just explore and run in any direction to uncover cool things but literally anywhere I go I feel like I don't belong there because I don't have the right equipment (and don't know how to get it) or I'm not strong enough to take on the enemies (I spent 10 min attacking some guy and broke all my weapons and he still had half health -__-)

Not giving up or putting it down since it's the only Switch game I'm playing currently, just hoping it takes an upward swing soon!
I haven't beaten the game yet so I have no idea what the final boss is like, but you guys remember how one of the ideas for Ganon in Ocarina of Time was to have him be a massive beast you climb Shadow of the Colossus-style? With this game's emphasis on climbing, it would be awesome if there was a fight like that. Like a talus but on a much larger scale.
All this running around is making me wish I was running into Pokemon and trainers instead of moblins. Anyone else? I hope they don't just ditch this formula after a single game and use it for something else. A sequel at the very least. We don't get enough on the same generation of Nintendo consoles anymore. 😔
So I totally understand how the game is a marvel from a mechanics point of view, but it's just not hooking me in yet. I've probably put in about 15 hours and I feel like I could easily just be a random avatar navigating some open world with no real direction to take me in.

Exploring is fine but I still wan't some sort of narrative or emotional thread that pulls me along. Right now I feel like I'm just aimlessly wandering with no real objective.

I say this because a lot of the quests are just "Go find 'X' item and bring it back" and I have no idea where to go to find it. Ironically I know a lot of people are praising this because the game isn't holding the players hand which I can respect but I just feel like I don't know what I should do or where I should be going.

Finally, I've been trying to follow people's advice and just explore and run in any direction to uncover cool things but literally anywhere I go I feel like I don't belong there because I don't have the right equipment (and don't know how to get it) or I'm not strong enough to take on the enemies (I spent 10 min attacking some guy and broke all my weapons and he still had half health -__-)

Not giving up or putting it down since it's the only Switch game I'm playing currently, just hoping it takes an upward swing soon!

Could you be more specific about the details? For starter, where did you go? What enemy have you encounter? What quest you was given? We can help you understand the game better if you can mention these things.
Just beat Ganon. That's it? Bloody hell what an anticlimax.

I have no feelings for this Zelda. Seeing the spirits just disappear without any dialogue is just meh. The ending credits is just a rehash of everyone's theme.

That was pretty much how I felt about the ending. Absolutely amazing game but the finale/ending was pretty unsatisfying.
I liked Zelda okay though.

Still think twilight princess has the best story and ending in the series with skyward sword being a close second.
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