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Just Cause 3 |OT| Procedural Chaos

Finished this last night, cleaned out every settlement and got all the collectables and overall I had a great time with it. There are several improvements and additions that would make it hard for me to go back to Just Cause 2 but there are also many little things that really negatively impacted my enjoyment.

The Good

- Grapple tension is genius and I used it constantly.
- Shooting is improved over JC2.
- Derailing trains looks broken as shit and I love it.
- Destroying bridges and the physics system overall was always great fun to mess around with.
- I found most of the challenges to be a good bit of fun, especially the Wingsuit ones.
- Like JC2 this one has several secrets to find which are all pretty fun and weird.
- Excellent music.
- Once I turned off Extended Leaderboards my friend and I had a good time calling each other out on challenges and feats.

The Bad

- No big airport with giant planes taking off every minute like in JC2.
- General vehicle handling feels worse than in JC2 and a vast majority of the cars you find are really sluggish. The camera while in vehicles is also terrible, why does looking up or down suddenly become super slow as soon as I hop in a car?
- I had a much harder time getting cars to flip and roll down hills in this one which was a bummer.
- The story is boring and not very funny, even unintentionally.
- Placing explosives is ridiculously slow. I really wish that you could just throw them whenever you wanted to.
- I do not care if xXx_69-Sn1p3r-420_xXx beat one of my feats 18 hours ago. There really should be expanded settings for how those are displayed.
- Not very challenging, absolutely zero penalty for death. Hell, if you're out of ammo and have a ton of guys after you you're better off just letting yourself die so the game will refill your ammo.

PC Version Stuff

- Load times were excellent from start to finish and I had it installed on a HDD.
- The game can look really nice at times, even with some settings turned down/off.
- Performance was good on my machine (i5-4690K, GTX 970, 1440p) and only dipped under 30fps in a handful of cases.
- Mouse and keyboard controls are great.
- Mods are starting to pop up, so I'm excited to see what people can add to this game in the future.
- The intro skip mod is god-like.


Hm, I completed mission 6 of 8 of the third act (Watcher on the Wall), but I don't seem to have gotten another one. I've disabled the FOW already, but I don't see a bull icon, grey or yellow, anywhere. Any idea why?

Well, I can go conquer CentCom for the final island. Which is the final red thing on the entire map. One Medici is blue and free, then Di Ravello has my permission to die.


Neo Member
Are there any mods yet (actual mods that alter the game) that enable unbreakable tethers?

I want the squallo or w/e the best boat is called, but it only ever spawns in lakes that are miles from garages/the ocean and even with maxed out tethers and the best choppers it still makes tethers snap. Also tried grappling it to a garage but it took too much damage after like, five minutes so screw that. I'm fine with having to get inventive but only if inventive solutions actually work reliably.

I like the game overall buy holy crap did they make a lot of really bad gamplay design decisions. Like why is accelerate on planes tied to the same button as boost? Also the new stunt position seems worse than it was in JC2.


The only reliable way I found for the Squalo is to drag it on the ground with tethers. But if it falls, it will take a lot of damage, and yet the only way to the ocean is off a cliff. So you need to exploit a quirk of vehicle damage in the game. A vehicle with Rico inside is tougher than one without him.

I ended up with it in the ocean after a 1.3km slide down a cliff, with black smoke coming out of it, but no fire. It's thankfully heavy enough to just plow through trees.


David Tennant as the propaganda minister is fucking brilliant.
Always look forward to his explanation after destroying a base.

On unlocking mods, it seem that ex-volition guys that worked on the game ruined it by copying saint row system (which imo a shitty all around game).

Just finished Jessica Jones. Knew that voice sounded familiar.

Got this game off a Jet.com hiccup for less than its MSRP, and god I'm so glad I did. This game is a blast.


- Placing explosives is ridiculously slow. I really wish that you could just throw them whenever you wanted to.

Yeah, they really should have let you throw them. Don't know why they didn't think of this. It worked great in Red Faction: Guerrilla.

One Medici is blue and free, then Di Ravello has my permission to die.

I see what you did there.


Man, ground vehicles control like ass in this game. Never thought it was possible to get any worse than JC2.

Also, how do you disable those airstrikes? Is it story related?


Neo Member
The only reliable way I found for the Squalo is to drag it on the ground with tethers. But if it falls, it will take a lot of damage, and yet the only way to the ocean is off a cliff. So you need to exploit a quirk of vehicle damage in the game. A vehicle with Rico inside is tougher than one without him.

I ended up with it in the ocean after a 1.3km slide down a cliff, with black smoke coming out of it, but no fire. It's thankfully heavy enough to just plow through trees.
Tried this a handful of times before posting and always burst into flames just before getting to the ocean.

Tried it again after getting home, got to the ocean without it blowing up or catching fire and the game wouldn't let me get in the vehicle. And then the game froze a few attempts later.

Starting to hate this game.


I love when a person I planted an explosive on, rockets into others and kills them. And I hate how long it takes Rico to get up from falling or damage knockdown. What a waste of time...gets hit by a ton of bullets

EDIT: New far flung foe distance of 1.30 KM :D
PC players, have you encountered the following bug?:

1) When I first installed the game, it ran at 60fps with everything maxed out.
2) I liberated a couple of town, but then the game froze. I'm guessing memory leak?
3) After the freeze, I restarted the game but now it was running at 20fps.
4) I tried restarting my machine, deleting my save, deleting my settings, verifying the install, but no luck. Whatever I do, 2/3rds of my GPU power seems to have been lost under the sofa.

OK, I found the issue. The crash mentioned above broke my NVidia driver :O

It wasn't just this game that was affected, the framerate drop was felt across all my games. I reinstalled the NVidia driver and now thing is back to its usual smoothness. But anyway, my hats goes off to Avalanche for managing to create a bug so severe that it affected everything in my library.

Right, time to blow things up again!
I was wondering if anyone can help me get the "Anything You Can Do..." trophy I don't know anyone that plays the game and so far none of the random players have called me out on a feat.

My PSN ID is: flashbandit16
Tried this a handful of times before posting and always burst into flames just before getting to the ocean.

Tried it again after getting home, got to the ocean without it blowing up or catching fire and the game wouldn't let me get in the vehicle. And then the game froze a few attempts later.

Starting to hate this game.

The solution I found to get the boat :

Use the fat chopper Orgm/Ogrm.
Position it as close as you can over the boat, less than 6 meter is ideal
Attach tethers while making sure to distribute the weight : 3 at the back, 3 at the front, the idea is to have the weight equally distributed
Fly very slowly and don't make any sudden spike in altitude or speed
Try to find a lake as close as possible to as town, i found own where the nearest garage is 1.22 km over a hill
If a tether snaps during transport, do the stunt and reattach it immediately
Be patient

It's tricky but it's doable with a chopper


Finally managed to log in after 20mins.......

Anyway, the mission "Tangled up in blue" is giving me issues.

In all the videos of the mission I've watched, they do the
protect the plane
, and
deliver the boat
, then they get the
part of the mission.

I don't, after the
deliver the boat part
, I get
destroy the convoy
, which has a
baverium sheilded tank
, and then a perpetual "attack military" objective, for which there is no location icon, and won't complete.

Anyone else encountered this?


Finally managed to log in after 20mins.......

Anyway, the mission "Tangled up in blue" is giving me issues.

In all the videos of the mission I've watched, they do the
protect the plane
, and
deliver the boat
, then they get the
part of the mission.

I don't, after the
deliver the boat part
, I get
destroy the convoy
, which has a
baverium sheilded tank
, and then a perpetual "attack military" objective, for which there is no location icon, and won't complete.

Anyone else encountered this?
See the red/blue gauge at the top of the screen? It needs to be all blue. Then you win. The objectives are just there to give big boosts, you don't actually fail the mission if you fail those. Just kill DRM and army types until it fills.


See the red/blue gauge at the top of the screen? It needs to be all blue. Then you win. The objectives are just there to give big boosts, you don't actually fail the mission if you fail those. Just kill DRM and army types until it fills.

Right, gotcha, thanks

Wonder what is preventing me from getting enough killing done in the first two objectives, when others seem to get more than enough :-/


Right, gotcha, thanks

Wonder what is preventing me from getting enough killing done in the first two objectives, when others seem to get more than enough :-/
When a rebel dies, it turns more red, when an enemy dies it turns more blue. Maybe your rebels just suck at their job. Steal a helicopter or something and start blowing up enemies.


I liberated the entire map yesterday. It was fun but even with a lot less areas to conquer than in JC2 they still copied and pasted tons of stuff. I get it when it comes to villages or small bases, but making several quarries or several mountain bases with landing strips? C'mon, be more creative.


The only reliable way I found for the Squalo is to drag it on the ground with tethers. But if it falls, it will take a lot of damage, and yet the only way to the ocean is off a cliff. So you need to exploit a quirk of vehicle damage in the game. A vehicle with Rico inside is tougher than one without him.

I ended up with it in the ocean after a 1.3km slide down a cliff, with black smoke coming out of it, but no fire. It's thankfully heavy enough to just plow through trees.

Tried this a handful of times before posting and always burst into flames just before getting to the ocean.

Tried it again after getting home, got to the ocean without it blowing up or catching fire and the game wouldn't let me get in the vehicle. And then the game froze a few attempts later.

Starting to hate this game.

Don't drag the boat to the ocean. Drag it along the road to the garage in Vista Dracon.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Wow... This game is incredibly buggy. Already had a crash to dashboard after 20 mins on XB1, a freeze and had to restart and lose my progress. It's really lots of fun but needs a patch!


Wow... This game is incredibly buggy. Already had a crash to dashboard after 20 mins on XB1, a freeze and had to restart and lose my progress. It's really lots of fun but needs a patch!

Must've been a serious bug. I've read somewhere that the game creates several autosaves in case of a crash during saving. That would be a logical move since the save icon appears on the screen very often.


Unconfirmed Member
Patch news:

We’re pleased to announce that Patch 1.02 will be landing on PC this Friday. It will also be rolling out on consoles this week, pending approvals.

Since launch, we’ve been poring over your reviews and comments to help us prioritise our fixes accordingly. We know many of you have been patiently awaiting today’s patch, and this update is part of a much larger plan to optimize and improve the game. Thanks for your patience here.

In the 1.02 patch (132.1MB), you can expect:

Significantly improved loading times
Optimizations to online stats
General stability fixes
Fixed an issue related to challenges, wherein vehicles sometimes disappeared when starting a challenge
Fixed issues related to screen resizing and closing the game window before the game has fully started up

More here


Patch news:

More here

seems weird that they'd have to address the no sprint/no crouch issues. It should take anyone all of 5 minutes to realize that a key cornerstone to the game is mobility and verticality. If you're in a precarious situation you should grapple/parachute/wingsuit to a better position to take advantage of the situation.

The game is very similar to uncharted in the way that things are really pumping on all cylinders when your constantly moving and making adjustments on the fly.


I am hoping that is under the "General stability fixes" part of the patch notes but I won't hold my breath.

I don't think they've managed to do anything about the frame rate yet. However, the remark about continuing to optimize the game is positive.

Fingers crossed, although it doesn't affect me massively, I would still prefer an experiance closer to a solid 30 fps, I know it's also a bigger issue for others though.
I am hoping that is under the "General stability fixes" part of the patch notes but I won't hold my breath.

Yeah :(. I mean the game is fun and I want to play it but it's problematic when the framerate is all over the place... Hopefully this will have something to boost the framerates and the next patch can do even more work on that front.


Patch news:

More here

This isn’t an oversight; it’s very much intended. Our designer’s intent was to encourage you to use Rico’s unique grapple to move around Medici far quicker than his legs would allow, as well as giving you the ability to traverse vertically.

Rico doesn’t hide. Getting him up in the air is our version of the cover mechanic. Rico is far more deadly in the skies, than pinned behind a container on the ground.

lol, can't believe people asked for those.

What else, a gears of war cover system ? :p


Looking forward to impressions from the patch on PS4. I've had the game installed since release but haven't played it yet, couldn't turn the £29 pre order price down :(.
Nice to see a patch. No revelations there, but it seems like it is a step in the right direction. I doubt the general fixes they speak of do anything for framerate issues people have; these seem like fixes to alleviate slow loads and crashes.


Am I the only one that feels you kinda die a little do quick? Like if a bunch of enemies are shooting at you at once you'll go down very fast.


Am I the only one that feels you kinda die a little do quick? Like if a bunch of enemies are shooting at you at once you'll go down very fast.
I found it just the opposite at least until the last act of the game. You're practically invulnerable short of grenade/rocket direct hits for most of the game.


I found it just the opposite at least until the last act of the game. You're practically invulnerable short of grenade/rocket direct hits for most of the game.

I just find myself dying a lot when attacking bases because theres 10+ guys shooting at me even when parachuting/grappling/gliding away, not to mention the odd tank and chopper.


I completed the main story and I must stay it was really bad. I don't understand why they've put so many protection missions in a game about blowing stuff up. Especially the Watchers on the Wall mission was painful and I had to retry it like three times before I finished it. But I guess it's a progress from JC2... I didn't even finish the main campaign in the previous game. :)

As for the patch, the loading times have been improved, but the framerate isn't significantly better (I'm playing on PS4).
Hello ! I just finish a new video!!! "Dodge Nukes... Or Die Trying!" And the Maxime Tour Challenge with nukes!!!


Nothing much serious, like always! I hope this video is fun to watch. Less joke then normal, because i didnt want to full the screen with text to see all the nnnnnice Nukes explosion!

In resume, i take down the "Nuke base" by flying in Wingsuit! Dodging Nuke... Or trying!

After that, i manage to finish the Maxime Tour Wingsuit challenge with the nuke on ( and it took me like 2-3 gaming day to make it lol )

If someone beat my Score, i will link his video in my video !!!

Hope you like it ! I'm open to feedback good or bad!
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