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Monster Hunter Generations |OT| Generation X

Made a whole bunch of DBs last night, and played around with them even more. I feel like I made the right choice on going with Aerial, because after trying out some of the DB specific arts I left feeling pretty underwhelmed by most of them, so just having Absolute Readiness is fine. I made and maxed out a set of Agnaktor DBs and holy shit those things are crazy! 32 fire damage and 35% affinity plus my Hayabusa/Toka set means stupid DPS.

My biggest problem right now is right at the start of the fight, where the demon gauge hasn't gotten filled up. Mounting is a no-go outside of Demon and Arch-Demon modes, so most of the time I'm resorting to just popping Demon mode on the ground and hoping the monster stays in one place long enough for me to fill the gauge. The real issue though is that little pause in action that you have to do when you turn on Demon mode. I just feel so vulnerable right there just standing still. If you could just attack normally or skip the turning on animation I would feel so much better at the start, but that'd probably be too much of a buff for a weapon that doesn't need it.

Once I'm in Arch-Demon mode then I'm just tearing monsters apart. Jesus Christ it doesn't feel fair sometimes. Getting mounts on larger monsters becomes super easy too, and every time I knock a monster down it just becomes a free full demon gauge. I don't even really bother with Demon mode outside of obviously vulnerable monsters, the stamina cost and set up time is just too much. I'll bring along Mega Dash Juice for some hunts though and see if that changes how I play.

That's an interesting set up having AE and using aerial.I found aerial to be very frustrating against certain monsters (Glavenus and Jho specifically). For arts, Wolf's Maw pairs very well with your set and using elemental DBs, though the quest line to get level 3 is long if you haven't done it yet.


That's an interesting set up having AE and using aerial.I found aerial to be very frustrating against certain monsters (Glavenus and Jho specifically). For arts, Wolf's Maw pairs very well with your set and using elemental DBs, though the quest line to get level 3 is long if you haven't done it yet.

Wolf's Maw was pretty much the only exclusive art I was considering, but it just takes so long to charge. According to Kiranico, Wolf's Maw III takes as long to charge as Limit Breaker III, which I use for CB and I can't stand the charge time of it. It's probably not as bad when you're fighting hyper monsters, but if I'm fighting a hyper monster with a hard to reach sweet spot or some HR elder dragon, I don't want to be effectively art-less for most of the hunt.

That and I love having the free escape and reset that AR gives you. I've carted too many times against things like G.Rathian just because I mistimed getting up and got smacked by a powerful attack that I could've dodged with either AR or AE.
Wolf's Maw was pretty much the only exclusive art I was considering, but it just takes so long to charge. According to Kiranico, Wolf's Maw III takes as long to charge as Limit Breaker III, which I use for CB and I can't stand the charge time of it. It's probably not as bad when you're fighting hyper monsters, but if I'm fighting a hyper monster with a hard to reach sweet spot or some HR elder dragon, I don't want to be effectively art-less for most of the hunt.

That and I love having the free escape and reset that AR gives you. I've carted too many times against things like G.Rathian just because I mistimed getting up and got smacked by a powerful attack that I could've dodged with either AR or AE.

It does take too long against really quick fights. Definitely worth it for Hypers or Elders, but yea I might try your setup for easier fights. The one thing I don't like about aerial is the lack of demon dash. I didn't think I'd mind it, but after going back to adept, I miss it when I try aerial.


Just starting the game now and I gotta ask, have the tutorials gotten worse? I was a CB main in MH4U and I remember the tutorial being far more in depth. Now they just throw me in with a few pointers before fighting the monster.

Not that it's a bad thing, honestly. Now I can just try all the weapons directly while watching Gaijin's tutorials without having to sit through the basics dialogue for every weapon.


It does take too long against really quick fights. Definitely worth it for Hypers or Elders, but yea I might try your setup for easier fights. The one thing I don't like about aerial is the lack of demon dash. I didn't think I'd mind it, but after going back to adept, I miss it when I try aerial.

I'll try Wolf's Maw some more and see if I really miss AR that much. I probably shouldn't be relying on it so much anyway, and I'd love to see how much elemental DPS I could do with double the hits.

Like I said earlier, my biggest disappointment is that Aerial Slam only works with ledges. On paper it's got everything I want. Fast charge time, does mounting damage, looks super cool. If only you could initiate it from a vault.


Just starting the game now and I gotta ask, have the tutorials gotten worse? I was a CB main in MH4U and I remember the tutorial being far more in depth. Now they just throw me in with a few pointers before fighting the monster.

Not that it's a bad thing, honestly. Now I can just try all the weapons directly while watching Gaijin's tutorials without having to sit through the basics dialogue for every weapon.
Yeah, they're simplified.

I did what you did though and just played along while watching Gaijin's videos.


I'm subquest farming Alatreon for some webbing. If anyone wants to join me we can probably break a wing as well as the head for a much better drop chance.


(If I'm on a quest when you join I'll abandon so you won't need to wait.)

Edit: Welp, no one joined in almost 3 hours. Guess I should give my 3DS a rest :p


Haven't played in a bit...

HR8+ Turns: 25-4649-4606-2445
Pass is 1234

edit: Closed the room.

I think I had my best run against Hyper Uragaan today. Got it down in 4:49.


Fuck this white liver quest.

I have a great sword but now it ko's?
Coincidentally, I just finished that quest with a GS as well and ran into the same issue.

I just gave up and chainkilled the buggers using whatever attacks while alternating between area 10 and 3, which gave me the livers within a few minutes.

Apparently the overhead slash deals slight KO damage, which might be enough for the yellow stars (stun, 100% Horn). So either make sure to OHKO them since death takes precedence over stun. Or rely on the sweeping attack using the A button. The Kelbis may fly all over the place, but there should not be any KO damage, resulting in orange "kill" stars (15% liver).

The two goofbirds were a nice surprise though. Why is slapping Yian Kut-Kus around so therapeutic?


Unlocked out of the fry pain
Deviljho is killing me way to fast

Which weapon/arts are you using? The quest becomes a lot easier when you're using more than one invincible hunter art. I used SnS with Round Slash and both evasion arts and Deviljho gave me very few problems.


Aerial GS with lion's maw

That could work if you get a bunch of mounts, but not having an emergency escape is going to be a problem. Jho just does so much damage that I would never try to fight one without a way to get out of trouble. At least Lion's Maw charges fast, but I've found that it really leaves you open at the end, and against Jho that's a huge problem.


Can you guys give me some goals to work towards through early to mid game? Could be anything like a certain armor (or skill) or a weapon to get. I'm not the most experienced hunter and some people did this for me back in MH4U which was really helpful.

I'm planning on using IG for most of the and maybe getting some Charged blades along the way .


Can you guys give me some goals to work towards through early to mid game? Could be anything like a certain armor (or skill) or a weapon to get. I'm not the most experienced hunter and some people did this for me back in MH4U which was really helpful.

I'm planning on using IG for most of the and maybe getting some Charged blades along the way .

Try for a Rathalos S armor, its a gen purpose set and good for most hunts.

And an IG from a Nargacuga.

Elite blade tree for CBs is nice with bludgeoner and they have long green. Tigrex and the Glav CBs are very solid wespons to have.

The second form of Nakarkos weapons have blue sharpness for miles, if you dont want to mess with sharpness.


Can you guys give me some goals to work towards through early to mid game? Could be anything like a certain armor (or skill) or a weapon to get. I'm not the most experienced hunter and some people did this for me back in MH4U which was really helpful.

I'm planning on using IG for most of the and maybe getting some Charged blades along the way .

For low rank, I liked the Rathalos, Ceanataur, and Narga armors. All of them work pretty well with most types of melee weapons. Rathalos is better if you want to do the most damage, while Ceanataur and Narga have more utility skills.


I think i will change to Lance, any tips for easy to make weapons and style?

That could work if you get a bunch of mounts, but not having an emergency escape is going to be a problem. Jho just does so much damage that I would never try to fight one without a way to get out of trouble. At least Lion's Maw charges fast, but I've found that it really leaves you open at the end, and against Jho that's a huge problem.

Yep Lion's openess gave me trouble sometimes, but it is fine online because i have more windows to use
Offline tho there are fights that i almost don't use it.


Try for a Rathalos S armor, its a gen purpose set and good for most hunts.

And an IG from a Nargacuga.

Elite blade tree for CBs is nice with bludgeoner and they have long green. Tigrex and the Glav CBs are very solid wespons to have.

The second form of Nakarkos weapons have blue sharpness for miles, if you dont want to mess with sharpness.

For low rank, I liked the Rathalos, Ceanataur, and Narga armors. All of them work pretty well with most types of melee weapons. Rathalos is better if you want to do the most damage, while Ceanataur and Narga have more utility skills.

Thanks guys, that's just what I needed.


I'm surprised at how easy it was to get the parts for my Hellblade Granat (the consensus best lance in the game). I just need one 7 ticket and one hellblade powder. The group I was with blazed through Hellblade 9 and 10 with zero resistance. I had thought high level deviants were supposed to be comparable to the highest guild quests in 4U, but there was absolutely nothing comparable about the difficulty of the two.

Rawk Hawk

Deviljho gives me the least amount of problems with that quest; it's my Tigrex skills that are lacking. I should try it with the bow and just get it over with.

Man, I got to make a ranged set in Gen. That looks so awesome when it all comes together. One of my favorite MH memories is when a group of gaffers did 140 Garuga in 4U and I went with LBG. Which I think I ended 4U with like 10 ranged weapon hunts in total. It was terrifying, but so satisfying.

Tuffy did you get barrage earring yet? I need Malf, Naja, Khezu and Rathalos still, but I have them all unlocked if anyone needs to run others. Hoping this weekend I'll have some free time to play a little online.


I think i will change to Lance, any tips for easy to make weapons and style?
For styles I think Striker is both the easiest to learn and the overall best, so start with that. For weapons you want good element/status and good long sharpness because Lance hits a lot of times relative to damage output. Going raw is a bit more advanced I think if you want to be effective, but it can be great too.


Man, I got to make a ranged set in Gen. That looks so awesome when it all comes together. One of my favorite MH memories is when a group of gaffers did 140 Garuga in 4U and I went with LBG. Which I think I ended 4U with like 10 ranged weapon hunts in total. It was terrifying, but so satisfying.
I'm sortof the opposite in that I hardly ever do blademaster stuff so I never quite know what to do. I started out with the LBG back in the day and stuck with it for a very long time. Inbuilt shots and the Full House art have really made it a powerhouse this time around.
Tuffy did you get barrage earring yet? I need Malf, Naja, Khezu and Rathalos still, but I have them all unlocked if anyone needs to run others. Hoping this weekend I'll have some free time to play a little online.
I haven't gotten them yet, no. All I've done so far is the arena Brachy which I tackled a few times solo for the Legend Tickets. I'm all for getting them done though and should have some time over the weekend.


I'm sortof the opposite in that I hardly ever do blademaster stuff so I never quite know what to do. I started out with the LBG back in the day and stuck with it for a very long time. Inbuilt shots and the Full House art have really made it a powerhouse this time around.

Every new MH I tell myself "I should start out with ranged this time around and stick with it" but every time I almost always end up using primarily GS or hammer by G-rank. LBG/HBG always seemed like too much maintenance, figuring out which ammo works best and which bowgun can even use said ammo most effectively, not to mention all the farming you have to do to replenish. For Blademaster it's just "lawl ima hit it till it dies but o shit I'm out of whetstones".


Every new MH I tell myself "I should start out with ranged this time around and stick with it" but every time I almost always end up using primarily GS or hammer by G-rank. LBG/HBG always seemed like too much maintenance, figuring out which ammo works best and which bowgun can even use said ammo most effectively, not to mention all the farming you have to do to replenish. For Blademaster it's just "lawl ima hit it till it dies but o shit I'm out of whetstones".
High five!


God, fuck whoever came up with the requirements for crafting the Daora DBs. 8 webbings just to initially craft it?! And them 10 Scale +'s and 10 Claws?! Come on, that's completely unreasonable.

And all of this for a weapon that looks exactly the same as one of the earliest DBs you can get in the game. Why did DBs have to get the short stick when it came to Daora weapons, all of which look cool and consistent for the other weapons. Nope, let's just reuse this model and give it stupid stats so people will end up using it anyway.

Every new MH I tell myself "I should start out with ranged this time around and stick with it" but every time I almost always end up using primarily GS or hammer by G-rank. LBG/HBG always seemed like too much maintenance, figuring out which ammo works best and which bowgun can even use said ammo most effectively, not to mention all the farming you have to do to replenish. For Blademaster it's just "lawl ima hit it till it dies but o shit I'm out of whetstones".

Same here, more or less. I've always wanted to get into using a Bow (I don't want to mess with ammo types), but I always say to myself "Well, I'm probably rusty at dodging attacks so I'll need the extra defense, so I'll stick with Blademaster for the village quests and try out ranged for multiplayer". But by the time I've reached multiplayer I've gotten back in the melee groove and I don't want to switch.

Also this is probably the worst game for someone like me to want to play with a Bow because I don't like the look of the Teostra bow. I should've done it back in 4U when the Seregios bow was all the rage.


I think i will change to Lance, any tips for easy to make weapons and style?
Striker Lance is the way to go this time around. Go with Enraged Guard, Absolute Evasion, and Absolute Readiness. Here's Gaijin Hunter's video on the style:

For equipment, you don't need any specific skills to make the style viable. Lance in MHGen is all about offense. Just go with Attack Up, Blunt, Crit, etc. You can basically reuse any pure offense set you've built for other style, and raw is widely useful.

There are two specific Lance set types that are popular: Blunt sets using the Spiked Javelin and the Hellblade Lance with razor sharp and a mix of crit skills . The latter can be simply numerically better but the best mixed sets are endgame in terms of crafting difficulty, and the former is relatively easy to craft and still gets within 5%-10% of the offense of the best crit sets.

To give an example, here's my blunt set:


Every new MH I tell myself "I should start out with ranged this time around and stick with it" but every time I almost always end up using primarily GS or hammer by G-rank. LBG/HBG always seemed like too much maintenance, figuring out which ammo works best and which bowgun can even use said ammo most effectively, not to mention all the farming you have to do to replenish. For Blademaster it's just "lawl ima hit it till it dies but o shit I'm out of whetstones".
I remember having early success trying out rapid-fire pellet shot against Great Jaggi back in the day. Then I moved onto mazareon's guide and used that heavily until I knew what I was doing. The game gives out a lot of free shots in the supply box in low rank which is often a hint on what to be using. Free flame shots in the box? That must mean the monster is weak to flame, and so on. Those free supply shots are also an easy way to stock up on ammo in the early game when money is scarce. Later in the game I buy them by the hundreds from the shop whenever they're on sale for half price.

I've been hunting things ranged for so long that I just have no instinct for running up to a monster and pummeling it face-to-face. I always wind up getting knocked around by things that are normally harmless from a distance, like tail spins.


I've been getting into a groove of using ranged weapons more in multiplayer (and less lancing because I keep getting tripped/tripping on smaller monsters). For single player it's just not that fun for me compared to melee, for multiplayer I like it.

Rawk Hawk

Is Bone S the best Hunting Horn set or can I do better? Its defense is a bit lower than I'd like for HR.

How far into HR are you? Early on it's okay, but I wouldn't call it the best. I'm using Hayabusa Feather with Silver Rathalos armor now, and it works wonders. I basically get Crit Boost, Crit Eye +3 and Weakness Exploit, and since the face is generally a weak spot, I'm critting near constantly, plus with boost it's 40% boost to damage.

The problem with Bone is KO and Maestro are not actually good skills, at least I don't think.. here is my logic and I may be way wrong:

KO boosts stun damage by I think 10%, but it rarely amounts to anything. For a quick example if an enemy takes 120 stun damage to KO, and the hit you do does 20 stun damage, it will take you 6 hits to get 120, with Knockout King it will take you 6 hits to get over 120 and the skill wasn't helpful. Certainly sometimes it will help, but at most by one less hit, and even then it just doesn't sound that great to me. (I will note on Hammer I still wouldn't use it, but since the Stun damage values are higher, you may be able to get a KO more than one hit early).

Maestro gives you extra song up time, but with the double notes, I end up playing songs long before they are out. Usually there are two songs I keep up, and I just play them back and forth, and because of the double notes I'm actually reupping both timers each time.

Both skills have their benefits, but I truly do think grabbing attack boosting skills will be more beneficial, or even something like Earplugs so you can play songs without being interrupted.


I think i will change to Lance, any tips for easy to make weapons and style?
People overlook everything but Striker because of its OP joust charge finisher motion value, but it's boring to me. Adept is nearly as effective and way, way more fun. Getting your 80 MV broken move is way more fun when you at least have to pass a timing test to do it, plus it looks and sounds badass. With Striker pressing the Special button and then X is pretty boring even if it is easier.

Of course, I always preferred guard lancing over evade lancing. Blocking and countering even things like Rathian nukes head-on and resuming my combo without missing a beat makes me feel like a badass. It's a feeling unique to the lance. Dodging through a monster's counterattacks with evade+ skills doesn't really feel that different from, say, switch axe to me.

The problem with Bone is KO and Maestro are not actually good skills, at least I don't think.. here is my logic and I may be way wrong:

KO boosts stun damage by I think 10%, but it rarely amounts to anything. For a quick example if an enemy takes 120 stun damage to KO, and the hit you do does 20 stun damage, it will take you 6 hits to get 120, with Knockout King it will take you 6 hits to get over 120 and the skill wasn't helpful. Certainly sometimes it will help, but at most by one less hit, and even then it just doesn't sound that great to me. (I will note on Hammer I still would use it, but since the Stun damage values are higher, you may be able to get a KO more than one hit early).
The thing everyone forgets about KO buildup on monsters is it decreases by 5 every 10 seconds generally. So it probably will take you 7 hits to KO the monster in your example depending on how often you get the opportunity to hit the head, whereas with KO King you could have done it in 6. I still don't think it's great or anything, but I see a lot of people considering it basically worthless when it does in fact make a difference.


People overlook everything but Striker because of its OP joust charge finisher motion value, but it's boring to me. Adept is nearly as effective and way, way more fun. Getting your 80 MV broken move is way more fun when you at least have to pass a timing test to do it, plus it looks and sounds badass. With Striker pressing the Special button and then X is pretty boring even if it is easier.

Of course, I always preferred guard lancing over evade lancing. Blocking and countering even things like Rathian nukes head-on and resuming my combo without missing a beat makes me feel like a badass. It's a feeling unique to the lance. Dodging through a monster's counterattacks with evade+ skills doesn't really feel that different from, say, switch axe to me.

The thing everyone forgets about KO buildup on monsters is it decreases by 5 every 10 seconds generally. So it probably will take you 7 hits to KO the monster in your example depending on how often you get the opportunity to hit the head, whereas with KO King you could have done it in 6. I still don't think it's great or anything, but I see a lot of people considering it basically worthless when it does in fact make a difference.
what skill do you recomend with adept?
Hmmm. Thanks for your input. I do think having something with Earplugs/HGE would be good because I often find myself being interrupted by roars in the middle of playing a song, so that could be useful. I'm only at HR7, so maybe I'll just use my Rath S set instead.

Rawk Hawk

Hmmm. Thanks for your input. I do think having something with Earplugs/HGE would be good because I often find myself being interrupted by roars in the middle of playing a song, so that could be useful. I'm only at HR7, so maybe I'll just use my Rath S set instead.

At that point I was using Rath S as well. I mean use the skills you like, that's half the fun, but that's my feelings on those two. Glav S is pretty cool as well, never made it, but if you are looking for a set to make just for something new to look at, that one is pretty good.

The thing everyone forgets about KO buildup on monsters is it decreases by 5 every 10 seconds generally. So it probably will take you 7 hits to KO the monster in your example depending on how often you get the opportunity to hit the head, whereas with KO King you could have done it in 6. I still don't think it's great or anything, but I see a lot of people considering it basically worthless when it does in fact make a difference.

That's very true. I just think back to when I first saw it and thought "ah okay, this means I'll get more KOs" and that's really not accurate. (Side note, most things I think when I first see something are also not very accurate) Especially on HH, theoretically it could lead to an additional KO, I just think that's going to be pretty rare. And to edit my post, about hammer I meant to write wouldn't use it, just tried to edit to quickly it seems and didn't notice until I read it in your post.
Fellow HH users what armors are you going for? I'm farming DK rn, because it gives me HG and Weakness Exploit. KO would have been great too, but Black Diablos/Monoblos aren't in which was my HH stable for a while.
Edith: Well I see.

Edith: Does bombardier still boost blast damage?

Rawk Hawk

Fellow HH users what armors are you going for? I'm farming DK rn, because it gives me HG and Weakness Exploit. KO would have been great too, but Black Diablos/Monoblos aren't in which was my HH stable for a while.
Edith: Well I see.

Edith: Does bombardier still boost blast damage?

DK would work great for HH as well, someday I'll get into make those armors.

Bombardier should still boost blast damage, I haven't tried it myself or anything, but Kiranico still says it does.


what skill do you recomend with adept?
Well Guard+ is pointless once you get good enough to adept block everything. Guard Up pretty much just blocks beams, and I'm already sheathed by the time a monster is far enough to start beaming. Adept blocks don't use any stamina either. You can really go with whatever blademaster skills you like.


Well Guard+ is pointless once you get good enough to adept block everything. Guard Up pretty much just blocks beams, and I'm already sheathed by the time a monster is far enough to start beaming. Adept blocks don't use any stamina either. You can really go with whatever blademaster skills you like.

Lol, i am stupid, i meant arts


Fought Amatsu for the first time. Seems like it would be almost impossible to fight without a good gunner on your team. I was missing aerial vaults left and right (still mounted it 3 times though) and I couldn't get any solid ground combos going unless it was knocked down.

What's the best way for a melee hunter to deal with the big OHKO tornado? I got hit once and was lucky enough to be at full health so I didn't die, but it was really close. I feel like if your going in and it starts that move then you're just boned, unless there's some trick I'm missing.


Fought Amatsu for the first time. Seems like it would be almost impossible to fight without a good gunner on your team. I was missing aerial vaults left and right (still mounted it 3 times though) and I couldn't get any solid ground combos going unless it was knocked down.

What's the best way for a melee hunter to deal with the big OHKO tornado? I got hit once and was lucky enough to be at full health so I didn't die, but it was really close. I feel like if your going in and it starts that move then you're just boned, unless there's some trick I'm missing.
Unless you get on a ballista or were pretty far away when it started charging it, you're gonna get sucked into the center, but that's fine. Just sheathe, start running away from the middle, and as soon as you break free of the suction panic dive.


Another simple option for escaping Amatsu's suction tornado is to just sheathe and farcaster out of it. Though if you can reach a ballista, it seems a single shot from it is enough to knock him down while he's in suction mode.


Man, Absolute Readiness is so game-breaking.

I have been striker lance for my entire time with the game, but I just switched to a different build that uses a deviant lance, one that requires more sharpening than my prior weapon/armor set. Than means near constant use of absolute readiness. I had previously only used it when I needed to get out of attacks that I couldn't counter. Now I make a point of using it as soon as it's charged (which is very frequently), and it's amazing how big of openings it creates all over the place. The monster AI simply doesn't seem to know how to deal with it. I'll just tee away on the head and then jet behind it with AR, knock off a few triple combos to the rear, charge into the head when it inevitably moves away, and then repeat the process. Obviously not every fight plays out exactly like that, but spamming AR really feels like it breaks the game in half. It makes every fight feel like fighting Rajang with the Great Sword, where the AI simply can't keep up with the nimbleness of your animation speed.


Fought Amatsu for the first time. Seems like it would be almost impossible to fight without a good gunner on your team. I was missing aerial vaults left and right (still mounted it 3 times though) and I couldn't get any solid ground combos going unless it was knocked down.

What's the best way for a melee hunter to deal with the big OHKO tornado? I got hit once and was lucky enough to be at full health so I didn't die, but it was really close. I feel like if your going in and it starts that move then you're just boned, unless there's some trick I'm missing.

I've only fought him a few times so I'm no expert but the group I was with just kept attacking when he did his suction thing (I assume that's the move you mean) and he got knocked out of the air every time.

I made the mistake on the first hunt of using dual blades and embarrassed myself whirling around underneath him, barely making contact. Switched to long sword after that and it was a lot more effective.


I finally unlocked Out of the Fry Pan today and happily beat it on my first attempt. I actually don't have an immediate need for the Hayabusa feather, but it's a nice sense of accomplishment to have unlocked it.
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