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NPD Sales Results For June 2010

H_Prestige said:
Wouldn't all the QA be done on Sony's side? That's how PSone classics are tested before release.

I don't see how selling more software to ps3 owners is a bad thing for anyone.

PSP owners might have something to say.

Stumpokapow said:
Third, September 2007.

He said this year.


sparkle this bitch
levious said:
they should win September I would think, with Reach coming out.
I think it is a bit of a fallacy to relate system sales to a single software title this late in the game. It will definitely give it a bump(Any game can honestly, it all goes down to how big of a bump is seen), but I think it's just going be more natural progression from this point on.


Fafracer forever
and the emulation community doesn't strike me as something full of people interested only in big mainstream hits.
My point was more that there's no emulation community without big mainstream hits.
And besides, PCSX2 was effectively FinalFantasy emulator at start, and IIRC Flipper was largely centered on certain popular Nintendo franchise as well, just to name two.

Nah, I'd say it has more to do with the fact that it's extremely hard to do, at least in Xbox's case.
x86 emulation is mature, well documented and has many implementations across many platforms. And if people could reverse engineer PS2 chipset, doing that for NV20 derivative is hardly a bigger challenge.
PSP falls into same boat, just replace x86 emulation with Mips.
It seems pretty clear that people just don't care enough to bother.
Fafalada said:
My point was more that there's no emulation community without big mainstream hits.
And besides, PCSX2 was effectively FinalFantasy emulator at start, and IIRC Flipper was largely centered on certain popular Nintendo franchise as well, just to name two.

x86 emulation is mature, well documented and has many implementations across many platforms. And if people could reverse engineer PS2 chipset, doing that for NV20 derivative is hardly a bigger challenge.
PSP falls into same boat, just replace x86 emulation with Mips.
It seems pretty clear that people just don't care enough to bother.
aside from the Wii (obviously) what do you see as potential emulation targets this gen? 360 would look like the easier candidate... but do you think the library of 360 only tiles (ie stuff you can't already get the best version of on PC) is going to potentially hamper it?


Fafalada said:
But anyway, XBox lacked standout software that wasn't already on other platforms(sometimes superior versions).

I don't agree with this at all. Plus, if a game was multi-platform, the superior version was almost always on the Xbox.
H_Prestige said:
Ok, fine. They're not "behind the curve". They're just skipping a chance to get ahead of the curve. Better?

Well, the problem is that in the same moment that they allow full PSP emulation in PS3, the sales of PSP hardware (and PSP UMD software) will reach a flat 0. 112k is much more of 0, even if they don't sell too many games.

Will the software sales increase? Not too much. Because there's still a lot of people that has a pirated PSP, that won't buy the game for PS3. Also, being a digital download (and companies seem still too stubborn to put a lower DD price than retail price), I don't think too many people without PSP will pay those prices.

Also, PSP sells a lot in Japan (and you can't give full PSP emulation in US but not in Japan). And it has quite old hardware, probably Sony gains a lot of money with each hardware sold. We consider PSP a failure, and a dead console, but it's the most popular non-nintendo portable ever (not counting iPhone, of course), with something like 60M units, and still selling and giving profits when we though, two years ago, that it was already dead.

PSP emulation in PS3 should be the dumbest Sony decision in a while, even if it's obviously a great advantage for PS3 users.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Vinci said:
I'm really hoping that's not it, which is why I'm asking him.

he probably means a port/remake of an older game in the series outselling a brand new offering would be sad
shintoki said:
I think it is a bit of a fallacy to relate system sales to a single software title this late in the game. It will definitely give it a bump(Any game can honestly, it all goes down to how big of a bump is seen), but I think it's just going be more natural progression from this point on.
MS sold over 100k MW2 bundles last November, pushing the 360 back ahead if the slim PS3.

I think Halo, especially with this being the last one for a while, still can move some systems.


levious said:
he probably means a port/remake of an older game in the series outselling a brand new offering would be sad

Is it confirmed that MGS 3DS is a 1:1 port? And even if it is, why would that be sad? Shouldn't he be happy that the game - one I imagine he considers to be good - is perhaps bringing more people to the series?
Vinci said:
Is it confirmed that MGS 3DS is a 1:1 port? And even if it is, why would that be sad? Shouldn't he be happy that the game - one I imagine he considers to be good - is perhaps bringing more people to the series?
It's pure speculation that its a port/remake based on the fact that the tech demo used MGS3. Its equivalent to thinking FF7 is coming to the PS3 based on an the early FF7 tech demo.


BishopLamont said:
It's pure speculation that its a port/remake based on the fact that the tech demo used MGS3. Its equivalent to thinking FF7 is coming to the PS3 based on an the early FF7 tech demo.

Yeah, then I definitely don't understand the comment.


In the most recent interviews with Kojima, there's little doubt that MGS3D is an enhanced port of MGS3. What isn't clear is what sort of enhancements that it's going to bring to the table besides the improved graphics.
Ridley327 said:
In the most recent interviews with Kojima, there's little doubt that MGS3D is an enhanced port of MGS3. What isn't clear is what sort of enhancements that it's going to bring to the table besides the improved graphics.


The_Technomancer said:
Yeah, but Metroid is landing on Wii, that should be a sizable boost....right guys...?


Kirby has a better chance as a system seller than Metroid: Other M does.


shintoki said:
I think it is a bit of a fallacy to relate system sales to a single software title this late in the game. It will definitely give it a bump(Any game can honestly, it all goes down to how big of a bump is seen), but I think it's just going be more natural progression from this point on.

It's not so much the game releasing as it is the massive marketing push behind the game. When the console is suddenly being advertised everywhere, sales go up.


Stumpokapow said:
Well, sure, which is why less popular platforms like the Saturn took a while to get emulated, but it's odd that there's no truly active projects for either even taking a stab at it.

Not to fully disagree with that, but Saturn also had weird hardware architecture for its time. I remember good stabs at Saturn emulation in 98-01, with the main issue seeming to be nobody had the power to emulate that thing properly yet.

Though iirc Sega basically did the job for them and Sega's emulator got hacked. Clearly understanding the hardware very intimately made a huge difference. It's been quite a long time since I did anything emulator related though so perhaps what I remember doesn't jive with reality.

Sorry for taking this thread further off topic.


I think I'm going to echo Opiate's sentiments over the gap widening between the games that sell gangbusters and those that don't. I can't really say I'm a fan of this trend, in the least. While production values have gone up, I feel like I'm being offered less these days.
FLEABttn said:
I think I'm going to echo Opiate's sentiments over the gap widening between the games that sell gangbusters and those that don't. I can't really say I'm a fan of this trend, in the least. While production values have gone up, I feel like I'm being offered less these days.
Iwata had warned us a long time ago.
Hopefully He doesn't get into the "deal with it" phase that Jobs did.

FLEABttn said:
I think I'm going to echo Opiate's sentiments over the gap widening between the games that sell gangbusters and those that don't. I can't really say I'm a fan of this trend, in the least. While production values have gone up, I feel like I'm being offered less these days.

Hey! I've been saying this for years.


DeaconKnowledge said:
Hey! I've been saying this for years.

I'd seen shifts in gaming that I wasn't a fan of but it never interfered with the kind and quality of the games I wanted and liked. I never thought we'd get to the point we're at now.

It sucks.


The_Technomancer said:
In response to the iPhone 4 reception issue Jobs said something along the lines of "well then don't touch it there dummy"

:lol :lol

That's pretty awesome. It's too bad that's not an exact quote.


Quadrangulum said:
S&P2 was doomed from the start. It appeals to a rather small segment in the first place and even here on NeoGAF, some were under the impression that it was somehow overpriced and thin on content.

I'm really not willing to pay more than $39.99 for these types of games, esp when I can pay $49.99 for something like Metroid Other M or Monster Hunter Tri, i.e. games that likely have more content and play time

As soon as Sin and Punishment hits $39.99 or I can get a copy for that amount, I'll pick it up

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Vinci said:
:lol :lol

That's pretty awesome. It's too bad that's not an exact quote.
The launch of Apple's new iPhone 4 today has been overshadowed with issues surrounding signal loss when the device is held in the user's left hand. Engadget has spoken to Apple themselves about the iPhone 4's reception problems - Apple has essentially admitted it's a problem, but say it isn't related to how the phone was manufactured or the software - but rather how you're holding it.

They got this response from the Apple PR department:

Gripping any mobile phone will result in some attenuation of its antenna performance, with certain places being worse than others depending on the placement of the antennas. This is a fact of life for every wireless phone. If you ever experience this on your iPhone 4, avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band, or simply use one of many available cases.

A user even pinged Steve Jobs' email address and got an odd reply:

"Just avoid holding it that way"


DeaconKnowledge said:
Hopefully He doesn't get into the "deal with it" phase that Jobs did.
Doubtful since Iwata doesn't make mistakes. He does things that the majority might think are mistakes ("A handheld with two screens? Stoopid!"), and just smiles as he waits for the tremendous success to roll in. Did you see his smile when he was showing off the 3DS at E3? It was like he was saying "Go ahead and doubt me, bitches. Because Nintendo is about to break sales records... again."


Top 20 is up!


Someone might want to quote for the next page or something...


DeaconKnowledge said:
PSP owners might have something to say.

Sony has already screwed over PSP owners by making the PS3 a requirement for playing PSP games online

and those few games you can play online with just your PSP often require you to sign up for a seperate user id

such a stupid company
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