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What's this P90X workout stuff?


(moved to fitness thread)*

Can't find the official fitness thread, I guess this is close enough.

Man not sure what the deal is but I guess I've plateaued because I've just felt completely whipped out these past two weeks. I think the fact that I haven't slept that well hasn't helped either. Some days I feel like I'm literally going to pass out on my desk. I like to challenge myself but maybe I've gone as far as I can go.

Does anybody every take into consideration their target heart rate? After looking into it I think I might be working too close to my maximum heart rate (at least while I'm running) and it's being detrimental. Maybe I also need more nutrition.

Anyhow, just wondering if any of you ever get into these ruts and how you get out of them.

stuff I do
1)gym stuff (push ups, lunges, planks, free weights ,etc.)
jmdajr said:
Can't find the official fitness thread, I guess this is close enough.

Man not sure what the deal is but I guess I've plateaued because I've just felt completely whipped out these past two weeks. I think the fact that I haven't slept that well hasn't helped either. Some days I feel like I'm literally going to pass out on my desk. I like to challenge myself but maybe I've gone as far as I can go.

Does anybody every take into consideration their target heart rate? After looking into it I think I might be working too close to my maximum heart rate (at least while I'm running) and it's being detrimental. Maybe I also need more nutrition.

Anyhow, just wondering if any of you ever get into these ruts and how you get out of them.

stuff I do
1)gym stuff (push ups, lunges, planks, free weights ,etc.)
Definitely stay healthy! It sounds like you already know where the problems lie:

Sleep is as important, if not moreso, than exercise. Make it a priority to get better sleeping habits. Every 10 days or so, I'll sacrifice a workout in order to stay in bed longer, or even to give my legs or whatever a rest if I feel that I need it. Listening to the body is really important.

Eat enough to match your exercise regiment.


Battersea Power Station said:
Definitely stay healthy! It sounds like you already know where the problems lie:

Sleep is as important, if not moreso, than exercise. Make it a priority to get better sleeping habits. Every 10 days or so, I'll sacrifice a workout in order to stay in bed longer, or even to give my legs or whatever a rest if I feel that I need it. Listening to the body is really important.

Eat enough to match your exercise regiment.

Yeah I'm thinking of taking some time off. This weekend I was still feeling rather tired and I pushed myself instead of taking it easy. But the thought of getting out of shape sometimes makes you do unwise things.
Life has been throwing me curve balls lately so I got knocked out of my routine on my final stretch. I'm going to start the third phase over again to make up for the lost days, hopefully I'll be able to stick with it but the time requirement is making it difficult to do on a regular basis. Either way I'm looking/feeling a lot better then I did a couple of months ago. Strangely I haven't been able to gain any weight even though I've been eating more and drinking a ton of milk/protein shakes.

Maybe I'm doing too much cardio.


jmdajr said:
Yeah I'm thinking of taking some time off. This weekend I was still feeling rather tired and I pushed myself instead of taking it easy. But the thought of getting out of shape sometimes makes you do unwise things.

I can be feeling really bad or be sick, but the sole thought makes me stand up and workout, and starting the workout is a pain sometimes, but when I finish I feel awesome and then refuse to take an aspirin, for example if I have a headache, because it makes me feel as if the exercise would not be useful.

And sometimes when i get home, after a tiresome and long day at work , and just when I decide I won't work out that day, I think about the out of shape thing and then feel guilty and work out :/


Junior Member
If you are sick from an infection, never work out. The increased heart rate can spread the infection to other parts in the body. Least favourable is the heart. Generally, don't work out if you're sick.

Don't make being in shape be a drag.


P90X2 is available for preorder and has 3 different SKU's lol:


P90X2 Base

15 DVDs (14 workouts + How to Bring It Again)
or 4 Blu-ray™ Discs

Fitness Guide
Nutrition Guide
90-day Workout Calendar



(14 workouts + How to Bring It Again)

P90X2 Deluxe
Includes everything in P90X2 Base, plus:

2 bonus P90X2 advanced workouts
1 Foam Roller
1 55cm Premium Stability Ball
2 8-lb. Medicine Balls

(16 workouts)


P90X2 Ultimate
Includes everything in P90X2 Base, plus:

2 bonus P90X2 advanced workouts
1 PRO-GRADE Foam Roller
1 55cm Premium Stability Ball
2 8-lb. Medicine Balls
Tony Horton's PowerStands®

(16 workouts)


It doesn't even look like they've locked down a release date yet, just before Christmas (December 2011). Guess I'm going to be doing another cycle of the original until this is released. Really sucks at all the equipment it looks like you're going to be required to buy now.


All you need to do P90X2 is a couple of dumbbells or resistance bands, a place to do pull-ups, and about an hour a day. Additional equipment that is used optionally in P90X2 but strongly recommended is a foam roller or PRO-GRADE Foam Roller, a PREMIUM stability ball, and two medicine balls. All of the additional equipment is available for pre-order as part of the Deluxe and Ultimate kits. The equipment will also be available to be purchased separately in December after the pre-order period has ended.


Well that is some shit. I already have a foam roller and will probably buy most of the supporting equipment outside beachbody, but that 2 of the workouts are packaged w/ the equipment.


Here's the new workouts:

X2 Core. Works your core using instability. Master this routine for overall improved movement.
Plyocide. Explosive movements combined with mind and coordination drills for super speed/endurance.
X2 Recovery + Mobility. Realign your body with a foam-rolling technique and complete stretching routine.
X2 Total Body. Push your body to use the correct muscles and proper form to handle resistance and instability challenges.
X2 Yoga. Increase your isometric power and range of motion, and build stabilizer muscle strength.
X2 Balance + Power. Push your limits through strength and explosive movements while improving alignment.
Chest + Back + Balance. Achieve superior strength gains over those achieved through traditional weight training by working on unstable platforms.
X2 Shoulders + Arms. Keep your shoulders and arms strong and in balance to help minimize your risk of injury.
Base + Back. Give your two largest muscle groups a super workover with a pull-up and plyo extravaganza.
P.A.P. Lower. Give your lower body a cutting-edge workout with four-round complexes that boost performance.
P.A.P. Upper. Regain your youth with Post-Activation Potentiation training for your upper body.
X2 Ab Ripper. Upgrade your concept of what an ab workout should be with a series of demanding core movements.
V Sculpt (bonus advanced workout). Work your back and biceps with movements done from an athletic stance.
X2 Chest + Shoulders + Triceps (bonus advanced workout). Uses instability to force your pushing muscles to function better than ever.

Lots of workouts from the original are back including the sequels to my most hated workouts - X2 Ab Ripper and Plyocide. Damn, they're not playing around. I hope the new Yoga is only an hour now max. There's also a Blu-Ray preorder that is more expensive.


Gruco said:
Well that is some shit. I already have a foam roller and will probably buy most of the supporting equipment outside beachbody, but that 2 of the workouts are packaged w/ the equipment.
Don't quote me on this, but I think I read somewhere that you'll be able to purchase those two workouts separately down the line.


Junior Member
DOO13ER said:
Just started vanilla P90X, loving it so far. Was kind of surprised by how short the ab workout was but it's a killer.

Haha, yes. So efficient, and yet your stomach is like.. SO SORE the next day. I hate it, but I love it!


So I just wanted to run the numbers here...

Difference between P90X2 standard and deluxe = $120

Two 8 lbs medicine balls on amazon - $50


55 inch stability ball - $22


Perform Better Foam Roller - $25


Imputed price of bonus DVDs - $23.

Seems surprisingly reasonable, actually. I was used to the prices of all the beachbody items being horrible inflated. Obviously the math is different if you already own any of the items. I'm actually surprisingly tempted by the mega-roller in the premium package. That thing looks horrible/lovely.

Also, everyone is using some kind of silly broom handle thing in the preview video, and that isn't in any of these workouts. Hrm.


Neo Member
The P90X2 advanced discs are available for pre-order seperately, now as well. I have a full write-up and links to the 3 different kits, plus the advanced discs.

They run $60 (DVD) / $65 (BLURAY) so the price of the deluxe kits & ultimate kits are pretty good, considering the cost of all the equipment separately.

You can pre-order now and they won't charge your CC until December. I'll coach anyone who pre-orders through my site.

I've got all the pre-view videos and details here: P90X2

Oh, and for those of you who haven't seen it yet... here is my latest video: Insanity Asylum 60 days. Recently featured on the Insanity/Asylum Facebook pages!


Gruco said:
So I just wanted to run the numbers here...

Difference between P90X2 standard and deluxe = $120

Two 8 lbs medicine balls on amazon - $50


55 inch stability ball - $22


Perform Better Foam Roller - $25


Imputed price of bonus DVDs - $23.

Seems surprisingly reasonable, actually. I was used to the prices of all the beachbody items being horrible inflated. Obviously the math is different if you already own any of the items. I'm actually surprisingly tempted by the mega-roller in the premium package. That thing looks horrible/lovely.

Also, everyone is using some kind of silly broom handle thing in the preview video, and that isn't in any of these workouts. Hrm.

Yeah I did the same thing you did and priced all additional equipment individually on Amazon and the higher priced SKUs are not that badly priced with everything taken into consideration.

The only thing I've noticed from watching the preview vids for the new workout is that you need more than 2 medicine balls. I'm also going to have to get a better pullup bar as I don't think I mine can support me on the towel pullups and the new move they're doing when they're hanging upside down.

You can watch them here - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UU0JCWzdmwHLRrhtc0L81yhA&feature=plcp

However, the most important question has not been answered yet. Is Audra coming back or not? That may be a deal breaker for me.


Just started this P90X thing on Thursday and I feel like my arms are going to fall off. They've always been pretty weak but this workout has been killing them. I can't lift my freaking arm high enough to reach my hair.


Neo Member
Ezduo said:
Just started this P90X thing on Thursday and I feel like my arms are going to fall off. They've always been pretty weak but this workout has been killing them. I can't lift my freaking arm high enough to reach my hair.

If you're not already doing it, make sure you stretch them well after any workout. Even if they hurt you shouldn't have limited range of motion.

Tomorrow I'll be in Phase, Week 2 of P90X.
I thought after the first round I'd be coming back at the workout week w/ improved results but these new videos are killing me, especially Chest Shoulders Triceps.


Ezduo said:
Just started this P90X thing on Thursday and I feel like my arms are going to fall off. They've always been pretty weak but this workout has been killing them. I can't lift my freaking arm high enough to reach my hair.

It was the same for me when I first started. I began very fit cardio-wise, but hadn't done resistance work in years. After 3-4 days, my arms were fine and I haven't had any issues since (I'm now in phase 2, week 3 - just about halfway through).


I'm considering starting a new cycle of P90X this coming Monday but now I see that P90X2 is on the horizon. Maybe I should wait for that instead. I wonder how different that is from the original program.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Starting next week. Anyone can find me any cheaper equipment because I'm probably getting these:

Harbinger 340100 Durafoam Exercise Mat

Go-Fit Push Up Bars

Cap Barbell 40 Pound Dumbbell Set

Iron Gym Total Upper Body Workout Bar - Extreme Edition


Finished P90X last Saturday... fucking awesome feeling man. I may post the results if I get enough balls. My guess is I'm around 10% body fat. I'll have to admit, my nutrition was complete ass throughout the middle of phase 2 because I just landed another job and was moving apartments, and subsequently celebratory - so that included some indulgences. My results are not infomercial quality, but still I'm glad I went through it and some of it is noticeable. If you want to hear me yammer more about it and are not severely annoyed by Kentucky accents, go to www.youtube.com/trazcure and listen to the endless yammering.

I decided to sign up as a coach, mainly for the Shakeology discount - I'm determined to get my nutrition in line for round 2. My results would be a hell of a lot better I think if I put as much effort into eating right. I'm taking off this week just to recover from the 90 days and my body is begging for it. But I plan on starting it this coming Monday the 12th. Two questions real fast:

1) is taking off a week a good idea? Should I take more than a week off? I'm talking just super light cardio (walking) and maybe stretching this week. I'm throwing caution to the wind on diet.

2) to be honest I've been unimpressed with Kenpo X. I get in the target aerobic zone for heart rate, but hell I can do that with any aerobic exercise. The blocking sections and everything that involves horse stance puts me on the very low end of my target heart rate zone. I need something more intense. Would replacing it with Interval X Plus be a good idea? Or Kenpo Cardio Plus?

I'm very excited. Planning on starting INSANITY right after this second round, then Asylum, then P90X2.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
First day of Phase 2 today.

Just when I thought I was starting to get good at push-ups, I get this?! Oh you fucker, Tony...

Love the burn. Recovery week sucked. I wanted so badly to keep things moving, although Core Syn was no joke, and double Yoga was rough...but looking forward to getting ripped.
Damn. It's really that tough as people are saying?

I've been thinking about getting into shape so I was thinking about picking up P90X tomorrow. Will I die in the first few hours? and if I do, will it be worth it if I get pass that tough stage?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
SarcasticD said:
Damn. It's really that tough as people are saying?

I've been thinking about getting into shape so I was thinking about picking up P90X tomorrow. Will I die in the first few hours? and if I do, will it be worth it if I get pass that tough stage?
First week is chaos. You will be sore in all kinds of ways and suffering to do basic human movements.

After that you're mostly OK and just need to keep bringing it.

It doesn't appear to ever get easy though. The fitter you are, the harder you work. Doing everything they are doing on the screen isn't the expectation, it's the ultimate goal.

If you're motivated and think you can make the time, it's incredibly worth it.


Neo Member
Bildocube said:
Finished P90X last Saturday... fucking awesome feeling man. I may post the results if I get enough balls. My guess is I'm around 10% body fat. I'll have to admit, my nutrition was complete ass throughout the middle of phase 2 because I just landed another job and was moving apartments, and subsequently celebratory - so that included some indulgences. My results are not infomercial quality, but still I'm glad I went through it and some of it is noticeable. If you want to hear me yammer more about it and are not severely annoyed by Kentucky accents, go to www.youtube.com/trazcure and listen to the endless yammering.

I decided to sign up as a coach, mainly for the Shakeology discount - I'm determined to get my nutrition in line for round 2. My results would be a hell of a lot better I think if I put as much effort into eating right. I'm taking off this week just to recover from the 90 days and my body is begging for it. But I plan on starting it this coming Monday the 12th. Two questions real fast:

1) is taking off a week a good idea? Should I take more than a week off? I'm talking just super light cardio (walking) and maybe stretching this week. I'm throwing caution to the wind on diet.

2) to be honest I've been unimpressed with Kenpo X. I get in the target aerobic zone for heart rate, but hell I can do that with any aerobic exercise. The blocking sections and everything that involves horse stance puts me on the very low end of my target heart rate zone. I need something more intense. Would replacing it with Interval X Plus be a good idea? Or Kenpo Cardio Plus?

I'm very excited. Planning on starting INSANITY right after this second round, then Asylum, then P90X2.

Congrats on finishing and congrats on becoming a coach. Being a p90x coach is fun... for me, I already have my results so now I stay motivated by people other people get awesome results.

To answer your questions: Yes, a week is good. I always take a week off in between rounds. I've done p90x 2x and now 90 days of Asylum/p90X hybrid. 1 week is good, but don't go longer or you'll get lazy and back into old habits.

P90X Plus has some good routines and the Interval X is my favorite so yes, this will be a good one to replace Kenpo X with.

I'm currently doing all Tony Horton 1on1s...volume 3.. these are the precursors to what will be in P90X2 !!

here's more info on the Tony horton 1on1 workouts... you might want to check them out for some additional variety.


Neo Member
O.DOGG said:
I'm considering starting a new cycle of P90X this coming Monday but now I see that P90X2 is on the horizon. Maybe I should wait for that instead. I wonder how different that is from the original program.

You should do p90x or insanity asylum to get READY for P90X2! It ships in December but p90x2 pre-orders are going on right now. So you really have 3-4 months to prepare.

Yes - it's pretty different.. now it uses medicine balls, balance balls and a foam roller, in addition to the weights/bands and pullup bar.

It has 27 different nutrition plans to cover everything from vegan to gluten free, etc.

I did a full write-up on it with all the details and videos here: P90X2


I've never liked going to the gym, but I do enjoy riding bicycle. I would like to start a workout but I still don't want to go to the gym. This sounds like a good program. What should be order?

OG Kush

I'm confused about the dumbell situations here? I don't so much cash to spare, so should I get resistance bands or a set of dumbells of about like 3kgs to 14 kgs


OG Kush said:
I'm confused about the dumbell situations here? I don't so much cash to spare, so should I get resistance bands or a set of dumbells of about like 3kgs to 14 kgs
You can definitely get by just using resistance bands. However, dumbbells will get you better results if you can afford 'em.


90% of the time I find it really awkward trying to do the exercises correctly with resistance bands, and I'm never sure I'm actually working the correct muscles. Finally I got tired of it and just bought those SelectTech dumbbells. Trying them out for the first time tonight.


So I am trying to do a round before P90x2 comes out, and am strongly considering just skipping Kenpo for an extra rest day. I realize there are benefits to doing lower level cardio like that but honestly I just never feel like I get much out of it, and I have a busy enough schedule that the extra hour in my day would be meaningful. I honestly feel like I'd be better off and more committed to the program if I just took the extra time to rest up and then was able to bring it harder to the workouts I get the most out of anyway.



Junior Member
Gruco said:
So I am trying to do a round before P90x2 comes out, and am strongly considering just skipping Kenpo for an extra rest day. I realize there are benefits to doing lower level cardio like that but honestly I just never feel like I get much out of it, and I have a busy enough schedule that the extra hour in my day would be meaningful. I honestly feel like I'd be better off and more committed to the program if I just took the extra time to rest up and then was able to bring it harder to the workouts I get the most out of anyway.


I'd consider doing HIIT twice a week. Throw out Plyo and Kenpo and do HIIT instead. Takes 30 minutes, and is the best cardio training you can do. Do 1 minute of insane speed (sprint so you are about to die), then 1:30 of light jogging, 1 min of insane sprint, etc. 12 times in total. that's 2.5 minutes * 12.

It is amazing cardio training and great to lose weight. But if you feel you make your life-style more sustainable by going 5 days a week, I think you definitely should do it. No point in doing something you'll rebound from.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
OG Kush said:
Is it fine getting just 2 dumbells which u can change the weight one? Something like this:

as in instead of getting a pair of dumbells of each weight, I get one where I can take off weight and add more?
The problem with something like this is that you won't be able to keep up with the routines if you're continuously having to change the weight. Something faster like the PowerBlocks or SelectTechs would be a better solution (but cost a lot more money).

My friend who is also doing P90X uses something similar to what you linked, but he has to pause, adjust, and continue whereas I can keep the pace the program generally expects you to keep by using stand alone dumbbells.


RubxQub said:
The problem with something like this is that you won't be able to keep up with the routines if you're continuously having to change the weight. Something faster like the PowerBlocks or SelectTechs would be a better solution (but cost a lot more money).

My friend who is also doing P90X uses something similar to what you linked, but he has to pause, adjust, and continue whereas I can keep the pace the program generally expects you to keep by using stand alone dumbbells.
I'm thinking of transitioning from bands to weights, what weight dumbbells do you have to keep up and not lose pace with the program?


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Detox said:
I'm thinking of transitioning from bands to weights, what weight dumbbells do you have to keep up and not lose pace with the program?
Depends on where you are strength wise, but most of the routines have you jump around from a very light weight to do straight arm tricep moves to very heavy weights to do things like basic curls and variations of presses.

I need weights from 5-20 available to me at the moment, and I probably need to buy up to 25-30 for the basic curl moves at this point to keep my reps in the 6-8 range.

If you've got 5/10/15/20, that'd be a good base set to see where you are and what else you need unless you're already pretty strong.


Thanks, I assume those weights are in pounds, is the highest Tony goes up to 20 or 25kg and is it 20-25kg per arm or for both?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Detox said:
Thanks, I assume those weights are in pounds, is the highest Tony goes up to 20 or 25kg and is it 20-25kg per arm or for both?
Pounds, yeah.

Tony curls up to 50 pounds compared to by 20-25 pounds, so it really depends on how strong you are. But even when Tony is curling 50's, he is using 8/10/15 on certain exercises as well.

Ideally you'd have weights for everything 5-50 if you wanted to guarantee you're covered, but I think regardless everyone is going to want to have 5-20 as their starter set and add from there unless you already have a lot of base strength, in which case I'd imagine you probably already know about how much you can curl (I keep mentioning curls because those are the moves that it seems like everyone can do the most weight on).


In my second week now. Yoga X is such bullshit. Does anyone ever manage to do everything from the firs two-thirds of this workout?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
sigh. I stalled for over a month at day 63 again and trouble getting motivated. FUCK.

Going to just push on and get to the 90 day mark regardless, then take a whole nother crack at it.

man stopping this program AT ALL is bad if you are poorly motivated.

I have lost about 5 kilo all told though, happy with that so far.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
O.DOGG said:
In my second week now. Yoga X is such bullshit. Does anyone ever manage to do everything from the firs two-thirds of this workout?
The first 50 minutes are the make or break moves, for sure.

When I first started I couldn't even do upward dog without resting on my knees. Now I'm off my knees entirely and high as a kite in that stance.

Things still get really sloppy for me in the final 10 minutes of the moving poses, where you start doing warrior three, half-moon and full moon. My killer legs still can't comfortably hold up all of me for that whole set.

You definitely get much better over time. I can't say that I'm more flexible as a result of it all yet, but regardless it's a pretty hard workout followed by a pretty relaxing stretching part that makes me feel awesome when I'm done.

Stupid Yoga-Belly-7 messing up my relaxation!


Day 60 tomorrow! This really is the best program I've ever tried - I'm never bored with the routines even though I know all of Tony's lines by heart. My only regret is that I never got a body fat measurement at the outset. I'm 5' 10.5" and weighed 153 at the start, looked good in suits and other clothes, but lacked any semblance of muscle - definitely not a "beachbody." Now I'm 141 and really starting to look cut. I never would have discovered this if not for neogaf. Big thanks to the posters in the weight loss thread and their low-carb recommendations too!


My brother just gave me the P90x discs that he bought off of a co-worker but never used. There is no paperwork, just the discs in the black case. I was wondering if you guys could help me with setting a routine.

Should I just go in the order of the discs, or is there a better way?

Any tips on diet: Carb/Cal/Protein intake?

I'd say my fitness level is pretty decent. I run between 18 -22 miles over the course of every Fri/Sat/Sun. I'm 5'11" 170lbs.

Ideally my rest day would be Sunday, as I'd like to run on that day.

For me, the important thing is setting a routine. Any help would be appreciated.
You can find the guides online if you look in the right places. The gist of it is this: high protein low carbs in the first phase, medium protein medium carbs in the second phase, low protein high carbs in the final phase.


Still Alive
Shurs said:
My brother just gave me the P90x discs that he bought off of a co-worker but never used. There is no paperwork, just the discs in the black case. I was wondering if you guys could help me with setting a routine.

Should I just go in the order of the discs, or is there a better way?

Any tips on diet: Carb/Cal/Protein intake?

I'd say my fitness level is pretty decent. I run between 18 -22 miles over the course of every Fri/Sat/Sun. I'm 5'11" 170lbs.

Ideally my rest day would be Sunday, as I'd like to run on that day.

For me, the important thing is setting a routine. Any help would be appreciated.
Yeah this happened to me as well, I bought them in a store here with no papers whatsoever, found them all online though. They are REALLY helpful, not just the nutrition plans.

That said, I have yet to start. Before years end for sure, but life's a bit busy. Can't wait though. :D


Shurs said:
My brother just gave me the P90x discs that he bought off of a co-worker but never used. There is no paperwork, just the discs in the black case. I was wondering if you guys could help me with setting a routine.

Should I just go in the order of the discs, or is there a better way?

Any tips on diet: Carb/Cal/Protein intake?

I'd say my fitness level is pretty decent. I run between 18 -22 miles over the course of every Fri/Sat/Sun. I'm 5'11" 170lbs.

Ideally my rest day would be Sunday, as I'd like to run on that day.

For me, the important thing is setting a routine. Any help would be appreciated.
The correct order for the first phase and last phase (3 weeks each) is - Chest&Back/Plyo/Arms&Shoulders/Yoga/Legs&Back/Kenpo/Rest or Stretch

The middle phase you switch Chest&Back for Chest&Shoulders&Triceps and switch Arms for Back& Biceps. I don't remember the recovery week order.
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