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NPD Sales Results for June 2007


Some updated graphs.




NPD needs more Overlord.

I'm curious to see what will happen when Wii actually has games. I'm not sure why anyone at Nintendo would want to mess with a good thing and find out.
I kid, of course, Wii will sell everything shipped regardless


Whoa, Nintendo selling their hardware like pancakes, and no signs of decreasing. They must be doing something right after all, even I bought a DS and I'm 100% PC defense force.:D


hmm, anyone up for ban predictions ?
these numbers arn't too controversial, but still, i say a good 5 accounts will get plugged :D

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
HylianTom said:

Too subtle?

Congrats to Nintendo again. At least next month should be interesting.. :D

Wait, is that Wii cake real?

I want a Wii cake :(
capslock said:
You need to have third parties selling well on your platform only if you need to attract their support to sell more hardware, that doesn't seem to be a problem for Nintendo, they've pretty much proven that they people will buy their systems in droves just based on first party titles. Third parties can either get with the programme or stick to PS3 and 360, I honestly think Nintendo doesn't care that much for their support at this point.
Exactly. Quoting Donny, third parties on Nintendo platforms aren't essential anymore but they are more than welcome so Nintendo can thrive(more third party sales directly trnalsates to higher Nintendo software sales and Nintendo understands this).


Mike Works said:
how do you expect zombie games to come to the wii if you take away the brain games

I laughed too much at this line. I blame my 8 hour stints in Dead Rising.


Holy shit @ RE4 Wii!

Holy shit @ DS!

Holy shit @ Wii!

Holy shit @ GBA!

Nintendo has a monopoly on holy shit. :lol
aztrex said:
This is NeoGAF, dude. We talk sales data that don't even exist. Chad Warden ain't waitin' like no bitch for sales numbers.

Snagged one! Reset the trap!

Doesn't change the fact that they're charging $20 dollars too much for it. If it sells 300,000 copies next month that's great but still no sale for me :p
le.phat said:
hmm, anyone up for ban predictions ?
these numbers arn't too controversial, but still, i say a good 5 accounts will get plugged :D

None. GAF has grown up and accepted their Nintendo overlords.

...Shit, where's Overlord?


moku said:
:lol Really? You expected better. Someone get on the blower to Capcom, No6 expected more.
Yes, I expected a $30 improved version of one of the best games of last-gen to sell more than 150k on a console that had no significant non-minigame releases since the beginning of April.

I also expected Dirt to sell better and for Tenchu to not sell at all, and it looks like Overlord tanked (which I did expect).


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
itsgreen said:
what did GBA do?

113K according to IGN

Who wants to bet on how Nintendo does their PR this week? Luigi? Bowser? Leon Kennedy?


Some LTDs:

Pokemon DP: 2,829,100
Guitar Hero 2 (360): 850,000
Forza 2: 414,000
Mario Party 8: 740,000
Wii Play: 1,413,000


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
No6 said:
Yes, I expected a $30 improved version of one of the best games of last-gen to sell more than 150k on a console that had no significant non-minigame releases since the beginning of April.

I also expected Dirt to sell better and for Tenchu to not sell at all, and it looks like Overlord tanked (which I did expect).

Well, considering that Capcom expected 400K sold WORLDWIDE, I'd say NPD sales exceeded their expectations.
arne said:
yeah but 100k @ $60 > 100k @ $30. # of units shifting ain't everything. not for the publishers that is. although capcom is probably making a killing off of each unit given that this is triple-dipping into the RE4 title.
There's a reason why it's budget titled. Everything is largely pure profit for Capcom now.


Junior Member
Holy Zombie Jesus Nintendo, what have you done! I knew I was missing something when I left for holiday last weekend! Thank goodness for my beloved N95! :lol
AniHawk said:
Some LTDs:

Pokemon DP: 2,829,100
Guitar Hero 2 (360): 850,000
Forza 2: 414,000
Mario Party 8: 740,000
Wii Play: 1,413,000

Holy crap at Mario Party and Wii Play. Great numbers for GH2.

What about Twilight Princess (Gamecube version comprised please) ?


DS doing 562,000 in the U.S. alone in the month of June is God-like any way you look at it. It's being led by Pokemon, of course, but it's good to see NSMB having legs. And the GBA is still selling over 100,000!

Wii managed to sell ~425,000 in N.A. alone in the month of June. o_O Amazing... It manages to sell so much yet is still sold out everywhere. That's twice as much as 360 and four times as much as PS3 is doing. Just imagine what this baby could do without supply constraints.

Oh, and WII SOFTWARE IS SELLING VERY WELL. Seriously, Mario Party 8 in a month and a week or so has already sold well over 700,000 (way over 400,000 in June alone)! Wii Play is getting Brain Age-like legs and sold near 300,000 last month and is second in this year's LTD race! RE4: Wii sold 150,000 and with Japan's sales is going to shatter Capcom's expectations! Pokemon Battle Revolution in a week or two sold that much! Super Paper Mario and Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree also make their presence, too, and Zelda: TP is likely going strong.

Where are the PS3 games? Seriously, this is an epidemic that first hit the PSP and now PS3. So what if your system starts selling when there's NO games at all selling for them?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Anyone in the know, can you share or hint at the sales for The Bigs and Harry Potter for the 3 new gen consoles?


No6 said:
Yes, I expected a $30 improved version of one of the best games of last-gen to sell more than 150k on a console that had no significant non-minigame releases since the beginning of April.

I also expected Dirt to sell better and for Tenchu to not sell at all, and it looks like Overlord tanked (which I did expect).
Well, what did you expect in 10 days for a title in its third outing in what, under 2 years?

You sir, are not from this reality. Those numbers are OUTLANDISH for Resident Evil4. I personaly expected 40, maybe 50k for June, and the limited sales time for this period.

150k in 10days for a game thats has seen 3versions in under two years is exceptional.
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